Striving to Be

Striving to Be

A Poem by Lynn Higgs

A poem about the walk away from abuse. Many times as people tried to change so theydont end upbeing abuse again , they find others tried to keep them where they are. This poem speaks to those who as


Striving to be

It’s not always easy

 The woop laa of becoming free dies down

People begin to see something different

 All the experts know how I feel

 But none seemed to want to give me the answers

 The answers to stay free

 Not only in the physical

but the mental, emotional freedom

 I strive to be

  Becoming something no one wanted me to be

 Hear not a victim or a survivor

   what was it I walk away from

 Maybe I should have stay

then many would have said I  am a survivor

Surviving the war 

 What good is it to be a survivor still in the war?

 Believing somehow I deserved that

 Not knowing who I am

 Or feeling I don’t deserve a right to be

 Striving to be

 Becoming the one No one wanted me to be

 Carry on searching to change

 Something inside of me

 So I will know I am the same as the good people

 Ones I believed all my life I was not like them

 I never tried to be like them

 Only wanted to be something different something close something deserving

At least a little love, time or patience’s or respect

 Deserving to eel safe

 Not wanting to get hurt

 Knowing somehow knowing this was not y life

 So I seek to change what’s inside

 To let myself Know I deserve to be like the good people

 The ones who are loved, respected, honor and safe

 I strive to be

 Becoming something  no one wanted me to be

  Changing all those lies that I was told

 Moving on  to find the person inside of me

 One who knows  how to love

 Be kind, respectful

 Happy to let this one out

 Only to find some of the experts

 Tell me I am all wrong

 No need for me to change my thoughts

 Don’t I know I am victim blaming

 if I say I need to change

 Yet they say I am not a victim

 Make up your mind please

 Of course they know

 Cause they met others like me


 Or research says this

 But it was not from

 The ones who survived the war

 Many go on

 Find themselves never free

 From the mental or emotional trap

 Create by those who said they were less

  But for me

 I strive to be

 Becoming the something no one wanted me to be

 I wonder as I sit and reflect

 Why is it that some of the good people

refuse to let me become  the person I was meant to be

 How do I threaten their beings with my acceptance of me

 How can I convince them?

 To help the people like me

 Escape the war of the lies we were convince

 You must let us strive to be

 To become the something or someone we always were meant to be

SHowing us the motivation that the goodness we seek

 Is always inside of us

 We can strive to see

 We always was one fo the ones good ones

 Who deserve to be free to love and be loved

 To respect and be respected

 To accept and be accepted. This is who we strive to be

© 2013 Lynn Higgs

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Added on May 11, 2013
Last Updated on May 11, 2013


Lynn Higgs
Lynn Higgs

Suwanee, GA

I am a single mother . I am attending college. I write poetry. more..

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A Poem by Lynn Higgs