![]() The TherapistA Story by ~~My life is a Journey without words~~![]() Self explainatory-excerpt from my school assignment for stage play![]() The Therapist Gina walks into the clinic for the first time. She doesn’t understand why she needs to see a therapist because she was raised that black people don’t see a therapist they settle things with a swift kick in the a*s from time to time. Then again, Gina felt a kick in the a*s would hurt for every mistake she made she hasn’t learned from so a therapist seemed a bit more logical. Gina: Good Morning im here to see Ms Smith Receptionist: What time was your appointment? Gina: At 10am, im an hour early (nervously laughs) Receptionist: Its ok most people are nervous the first time, have a seat. There is some coffee by the window and some magazines on the table. You can turn on the T.V if you like. Gina: Thanks *Gina sits down and reads a magazine until the magazine read her she dosed off for a minute only to wake up to hear the sound of her name from the Receptionist* Receptionist: Hello Gina…Ms Smith will see you know Gina: Oh ok thank you sorry for falling asleep all this nervousness made me tired. (laughing at her own humor) Ms Smith: Good Morning Gina how are you today Gina: Im fine just a bit nervous Ms Smith: There is nothing to be nervous about. Im here to help you. Now based on your reasoning for being here this is gonna be simple. Gina: (Flastergasted look) REALLY… Ms Smith: So tell me how the situation started and I need you to be honest about it from beginning to end Gina: She lied to me ok Im done…How much do I owe you? Ms Smith: (laughing) nice try but I need more detail Gina: I happen to be late for the ferry my usual ferry is at 7:45am but I took the 8am ferry to head to work. When the ferry was about to dock I noticed a familiar person from a distance talking to her co-workers and that’s when I called her name and we both hugged each other very tightly. Ms Smith: How did that feeling make you feel? That very moment Gina: I felt happy…as if I haven’t seen my sister in years and I miss her Ms Smith: So what happened after that? Gina: Well we talked and we joked and as we walked outside of the ferry to part our separate ways we hugged again and I gave her a kiss on the cheeks telling her I love you, she replied “Love You too…call me B***h”. (Laughing), I said to her I will, but she ended up texting me very quickly telling me I put a smile on her face. We saw each other on the ferry the next day we had to find one another, (laughing), and after that point we connected again. I started coming to her house she introduced me to her family again. Her siblings the last time I saw them they were small were now teenagers and young adults. Later on the following week, I introduced her to a 15yr old kid that im mentoring with he liked her from the very start. Then I was invited to a family party, spent the night I had a blast, then she lied to me and that’s the end of the story. How much do I owe you? Ms Smith: Continue…… *As the conversation turned into minutes and then hours....Gina started to really open up and she found herself crying and not joking anymore* Gina: I don’t know how to feel anymore. I felt like I was taken for granted. I felt used, I felt like I was part of game that had no winners, I felt as if she seeked revenge but I didn’t hurt her 7yrs ago, the way she hurt me now. But hurt is hurt to sensitive people. Because I didn’t allow myself to feel anything back then and just moved onto the next person never calling her, never paying any attention to her. She held this grudge for years I bet. Why me? Why did I have to be late that day? What if I took that earlier ferry boat? I wouldn’t have had met her and everything would have been different. Ms Smith: Why not you? You were meant to go through this maybe there is something you would learn from this. Ms Smith: The signs were all there from the beginning. She wasn’t over her ex, she needed reassurance in order for her insecurity to be validated. She’s mad at herself because someone stopped loving her before she did. Now she wants someone for the moment that she can control how she feels about that person, since she lost control being with her ex. She showed you a picture of another girl she is talking too on her other phone sign #1. She has pictures of her first girlfriend she’s infatuated with #2. You write nice things about her and she responded “you really have no idea who I really am” #3. After having sex she preaches to you she needs a rebound, and she wants you to be her sister, homie #4. When she’s mad she responds to you with icons, symbols through text doesn’t want to talk about it #5. Hearing what other people say about her immaturity #6. Hearing her say how everyone cheats on her, she never does anything wrong #7. Talks about you behind your back with lies or over exaggerates a story #8. Tells you in a few years you will be together or date seriously like as if you’re just suppose to wait around while she sleeps around-Mind Games #9. And watching where she gets her “overbearing” behavior from yet lies and says her mother said that you were overbearing. #10, tells you that she’s messed up in the head and felt bad sleeping with you “confessing” while you both were at Gina: Ok Ok Ok….Why didn’t I see this? Ms Smith: Because you liked her and didn’t see the flaws she was showing you. She was trying to tell you that she isn’t the person you think she is. She was trying to push you away but you didn’t go away. You still wanted to stay in her life and this made it more uncomfortable for her when it came to dealing with you and your feelings towards her. She needed to make a decision in her head how to do it even at the cost of losing you, so she treated you any kind of way because she knew you became insecure with her and your feelings with her. She saw your weakness in her eyes and used it against you. Meaning the email you sent her about not being happy wanting to end your life, her thinking your some kind of stalker, as if you yourself have mental issues. Simply put, you just didn’t read between the lines. That’s why she lied to you and others. That’s why she didn’t want to speak with you anymore, that is why she simply at that time didn’t feel the need to be your friend or anything else to you. She needed to let you go. Trust me it’s the hardest decision she had to make and sometimes the hardest decisions are usually the best ones, because in the end it worked in your favor. Since you clearly didn’t do anything wrong. What you did was a reflection of how you felt for her, yet she was the wrong person to put this energy into, so you needed to put this energy elsewhere towards someone that will appreciate you as a person. So How is this Man you have been spending almost a year with. Gina: He’s getting on my nerves (Laughing), he’s fine Ms Smith: Good someone’s trash is another person’s treasure. Let her go, she let you go a long time ago, she doesn’t need you in her life, and you never needed her. If you two are meant to be friends again then let time be of the essence. Now that you know who she truly is never be like that just be better person so you wont attract that back into your life. I told you this was simple. This session is over…I will send you a bill in the mail. *A Few weeks later Gina got mail from Ms Smith from the services she received and she was nervous as to how much she owed her but as she opened it there was no check there was an Affirmation that read “When you know better… You Do better”- Oprah Winfrey.* © Dyanna Pappalardo PoetiqueSoul Publishings © 2011 ~~My life is a Journey without words~~
Author's Note
Added on November 10, 2011 Last Updated on November 10, 2011 Author![]() ~~My life is a Journey without words~~Staten Island, NYAboutI'm a ghost writer waiting to be discovered by GOD! My Destiny is to challenge myself in order to be the Woman i was born to be. I had many hardships in life but i always kept my Grandma's words of fa.. more..Writing