Oh, I remember this one... A rare rhyming poem from you and it took my breath away rereading it, just as it did the first time. You make me hurt, bestie, but you also fill me with awe at your beauty. I agree with Liquefied Realities there - interesting but twisted, as well as flawlessly approached and rendered to read. Couldn't have said it better myself.
You're an interesting character, to me; and you present yourself thus so.
This piece is beautiful, but now this "demon of a man" is written as your savior, while at the same instance you're urging him on to feed you his pain.
Twisted, is the word that comes to mind. Interesting; but twisted.
This piece I see flawlessly approached and rendered to read. I admire all your work from technical stand-points and being able to depict such raw emotion... but
But you, Angel... conundrum.
Much love,
P.S. Actually, I would of liked the word "suffocate" to be broken up in hyphens, "su-ffo-cate;" seems to take the breath out of the lungs whilst read.
My thoughts, for once, on a marvelous rendering of emotion.
"I am poetry lit on fire"
“The only way to a woman's heart is along the path of torment.”
― Marquis de Sade
" In my valley of tears you are the awakening, my dark .. more..