Just once
A Poem by Latrice Young
Just once, let your heart be ever so gently, and peacefully touched by the beauty of mine, Cover your inward self with the finely threaded lace of my love, as it grows more precious with time. Just once, listen to the vibrations of my heart, pulsing out the breath of life, with strong vigor, Sound out the syllables rhythmically; they are transmitting a message, with such humming fervor. Just once, feel the closeness that surrounds, even in Friendship, our two beings, Don't block out my spiritual feelings so rare; touch, experience and feel great things. Just once, select from my menu, and taste the delicate, tender feelings I have for you prepared, They were destined to be slowly savored, while nurturing the soul, and with you, unselfishly shared. Just once, can't you for a change bend your rules, and be lead down the path of your heart's instincts, Allowing yourself to admit, to what your own heart and mind oftend secretly dream and think. Just once, recognize, verify and realize my feelings, as they speak freely of their own volition, They are surrendered, unrestricted, unchained; I have placed no limit, not even a condition.
© 2013 Latrice Young
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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Added on November 4, 2013
Last Updated on November 4, 2013
Latrice YoungPhelan, CA
Hey Everyone, I want to thank you for stopping by. Let's see what can I share with you all about myself..Well I am an introvert by nature, I kinda live in my mind a lot, I do come out of my world at t.. more..