The siren pierces the air
Like a bullet ripping through flesh
Aiming to reach its destination
Deterred by nothing
With not a single vest of protection
The present danger…
My eyes lay upon the wreckage
In utter disbelief
My heart is wrenched with despair
Reliving the tragic moments of unforeseen death
Forever yet not so long ago
A brisk chill dances up my spine
Reminding me of the importance of this
Common yet precious gift we take for granted
With every waking moment
Sweet life
Wasted away in recklessness
Sometimes given bravely in the historical landmarks of time
Like an obscure piece of art
The mangled mess of metal glimmers under the reflection of the sun
Meshing with the fumes of fire, flesh and tears
As the fire dances upon the traces of gasoline
Across the hard, black surface of yellow striped streets.
Falling seconds short of survival
I have lost you.