You touched a chord with this one, and then I read Kahlil Gibran, that clinched it for me. I've been reading him since I was a kid. My favorite was always, 'Speak to me of Children' of course as a rebellious teen, I used to repeat it whenever possible and it would infuriate my parents. 'Your children are not your children,
they are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. They come through you but are not you and though they are with you, they do not belong you to. Wow, I think I still remembered it, if that's right. Anyway, back to sadness, very profound and you nailed it! Thanks for reminding me how much I love Kahlil, I need to visit him again soon. Lovely read.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
....and the soul is stirred to remembrance...thank you Frieda and you're welcome...:)
12 Years Ago
My pleasure, I always love a read that stirs any emotion in me.
Great way to utilize the quote inspired. I've not only been reading Kahil Jibran for years, but this speaks volumes to me and tugs at my heartstrings. This is poignant indeed, and I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Thank you kindly, hope you enjoy my writing...Night.
I trust I do!
For the shallow they might look "too" simple, but if you look deep and utilize y.. read moreI trust I do!
For the shallow they might look "too" simple, but if you look deep and utilize your experienced muse you'll see the solidness behind those elegant words, i imagine you as a sensitive and calm guy - reflection from your poems
My opinion!
Of course I don't know of Kahill G. .. don't read much ..
But your words touch places of this heart ..
The heart silently weeps
When love ceases to be ..
I think we sometimes have a choice, to be happy or to let the dark creep in , and take over ....
Nice piece Night,
As it is interesting Sadness
Is coupled to love...
I wonder sometimes, could it have be otherwise...?
If there exists sadness without love,
Or that specific emphatic feeling
Is just not turn off? if you know what I mean :)
What then? could their be sadness too?
Or will it become psychiatric?
A very good piece.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago's really not that complicated my friend..." once bitten, twice " Thank u kindly...:.. read's really not that complicated my friend..." once bitten, twice " Thank u kindly...:)
12 Years Ago
Hmmm, I need a de-complication then ;-) lol, thanks for being you. Much to learn lol :D
Well so are you! I will come here more often.... I'm just back after a time of more than a month, an.. read moreWell so are you! I will come here more often.... I'm just back after a time of more than a month, and I have a lot to catch up with, I hope everyone is forgiving me, I try as soon as I can lol :D great to have you around new friend.
12 Years Ago
...thank you, I look forward to our friendship...:)
But the saddest place to me, and that will ever be...
Is the sadness inside
the sadness in me.
i love this write, i've read all of Gibran's works, in arabic and in english and let me just tell you that he is absolutly devine with every thing he wrote, and painted, i love him, i love him, i love him, and i love this poem for the beautiful sadness that drips from it
"Consider the Storm"
“And once the storm is over you won’t remember
how you made it through, how you managed to survive.
You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is.. more..