Genuinely Passionate
A word, a deed,
A caring heart seeking beyond.
Moving at will
To accomplish a treasured
For a seed in the soul is
And bares much fruit.
Bursting forth, it’s felt in the
Genuinely passionate… one’s truth.
A calling, an unyielding love,
Taking one to greater heights.
A hope ready to soar
Into the expanse of the skies.
A loyal tug,
Persistent and unending.
A truth of one’s own.
Genuinely passionate… unrelenting.
How greatly Christ pursues us,
Desiring hearts as His own.
Gathering His beloved in His
Guiding us all Home.
Called to be His,
His grace, sufficient.
Let us be like our Lord…and of our Lord…
Genuinely passionate.
Melinda McQueen Rodgers
August 12, 2019