We know.

We know.

A Poem by PoeT4994

We are the darkest night,

when we crawl with wings broken from flight.

I dream of you.

I dream of you.


I can see your face.

Plastering the wall.

I must admit, I know no hate.

We are the darkest night.

We know we know too much and we know we know we know too.

We know we know too little about the person inside,

but the person inside,

we know we know we don’t know who.

I can’t figure out the dark of your eyes and I know I know you you can’t.

Can you?

Tell me…

Tell me all the reasons the treason troubled my thought bubble proccess of progress prompt in a prom dress trying to look pretty…

We all feel s****y sometimes.

We all feel too heavy for minds with width the size of dimes we feel we hold no weight when we have to wait for the waiters to serve the disease.

The disease we dine on.

The disease we dine on when the doctors diagnose us with having known no chipping shoulders to cry on.

We are the darkest night we will ever know.

And I know you know you know that I know how to tell you,

but I never will.

I will never open the shutters for the breeze.

The broken shutters you need broken so that you can be broke in in the knees.

You buckle too much.

You have yet to realize you are not a belt and you don’t need to be around a man’s waist to be doing something.

You don’t need to be around a man’s waist to not be a waste and you don’t need to follow fad f**s to say you have taste,

because as long as this world still holds flavor for you,

no matter how much you know you know I know the night is inside,

you will wake up and reheat the day in the morning of mourning.

And in the dawn of the storming the rain will not rain your veins and I know your blood will do more than keep pace, it’ll keep peace.

So come anarchist day,

bring sun bring sons, bring daughters bring rays.

Come vengful night,

bring evil bring love, bring life but we will not fright.

We know we know each other,

and we know you know we know we are the darkest night.

We know we know you know us,

for we hold a new day in the sky of our eyes.

© 2011 PoeT4994

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Added on August 2, 2011
Last Updated on August 2, 2011