![]() "Heaven In A Nut Shell"A Poem by PoeT4994![]() Random poem I wrote after reading a poetry book by Rob Sturma.![]()
I finally figured out what Heaven is;
in a nut shell. You can find it, when you're thirsty, and have no money, nothing to drink, and just ate a bag of pretzels. You know, that last desperation, when you get up and look in the fridge for the 32ND time. And you see it. COKE!!!! Hidden behind the turkey. Heaven, it's when the girl you think is soooo hot breaks up with you, and that weekend you meet the girl that you'll spend the rest of your life with. Heaven, is the really nice cold right before your back burns off when you use Icy-Hot. It's that last slice of pizza that no one wants for the first time in forever. It's the 2 for 1 deals. You can find Heaven swan diving at the bottom of your little brothers kiddy pool over the summer, when the air conditioning goes out, and you have the family over for lunch. Heaven, it's that president that makes things BETTER for a change. That moment where you notice that that chick across the room actually IS looking at you, dude. Heaven is that friend that calls her over behind your back, so when he calls your name and you turn around, she's right in front of you, and you HAVE to talk to her. And Heaven, Heaven is something like that conversation in the car; "Dude, she is totally freaking amazing!!!" Heaven is lying somewhere in that dorky D&D nerd who actually scored a decent girl. Heaven is making it to the bathroom just in time, right after you had taco bell. At first, it may not seem like it, but Heaven sneaks up on you when you look over and there is no toilet paper. Until you turn around, and it's right behind you. Heaven, for me, is a heat capturing toilet seat in the middle of the night, during winter. Heaven, in a nut shell, is like looking at your mom as she's smiling. -is passing tenth grade with a good amount of credits under your belt. -is finding healthy food that you LIKE to eat. -is the first kiss done right. -is the first time, done right. -is not ever farting in front of the one you love, because I don't know about you, but I think it's really awkward. It is me writing this. Heaven is you finding this. Heaven is something like this making a difference some how. It's definitely YOU making a difference somehow. And every once in a while, like finding the coke in the back of the fridge, Heaven is like rejuvenating your life with something fresh, and exciting. Quenching your dreams. Having enough money to put 15 bucks in the charity box at Publix. Screw that, Heaven is putting 15 bucks in even though you don't have the money. Heaven is the kid who is happy even though his mom is dead, his dad is on drugs, his grandparents don't pay the bills, her mom treats her like crap, and Heaven, believe it or not, is coming to a poetry practice in someone else's clothes, because in Heaven, you come as you are. Even if it's someone else's fuzzy slippers and pj's. Because Heaven knows, it's better than showing up naked. Heaven, can be heard in the giggle of the few people who actually got the pajamas line(inside joke). Heaven is not yelling at me for putting their home life in a poem. (Sorry, but if it makes you feel better, that line means I think you guys are a piece of Heaven:-D) Heaven is an LOL at the right moment. Instead of just saying it when you can't think of anything else. Heaven, it reminds me of the simplest things. Because in life, those small tidbits that we just pass by when we think of what makes us happy, is what makes or breaks a smile. © 2010 PoeT4994 |