Reign Knee Daze (Rainy days)

Reign Knee Daze (Rainy days)

A Poem by PloughBoy

A poem... just for the hell of it.


Reign Knee Daze
(Rainy Days)


Come here, my boy, just have a seat,

I'll show you something really sweet.

A trip you can't pass up, for sure,

so rich with pain and death's allure.”

Trying hard to ignore his taunts,

I soon succumbed to morbid wants,

which left me sitting by his side"

C'mon, young man, let's take a ride...”

Reluctantly, I took his hand "

and spread below, throughout the land "

a sadness as I'd never seen,

such horrors most perverse " obscene!

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We soared with ease above the ground"

Oh no, dear boy, do not look down!

Unless I have directed you,

just look at things I've asked you to.

See there, amongst the willow trees;

young Mary Fallon, ill at ease?

With her, your best friend, Barry Pryde...

It took some work to get his hide!

And there, upon the churchyard lawn,

your faithless pastor"such a pawn.

He spews his sermons Sunday morn,

then hurries home to look at porn.

Old Mrs. Bailey, what a jewel!

She teaches all her kids at school

that prayer is best left well at home.

It warms my cockles to the bone.”

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I looked in horrid disbelief,

he sought out pain without relief.

The sorrow, hatred, hopeless grief "

this cunning, stunning sad motif.

“But what, pray tell, has this to do

with anything twixt me and you?

I wish no harm on anyone.

Please leave me be, I'd say we're done.”

Oh, is that so?” he bared his fangs,

soon overcome by rueful pangs,

all evil that I'd ever spoken

dangled there like tainted tokens.

You see, my boy, there is no way

to escape the wicked words you say.

They all return to haunt your life,

to slice and dice you like a knife.

You must promise but one thing,

to never worship that “other” king.

Just pledge your trust to me instead,

I'll make you rich before you're dead.”

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I looked around, immersed in pain,

when suddenly, cool calming rain

fell fast from clouds so dark and vast,

I finally felt relief at last.

I turned my face up towards the skies,

as teardrops mingled in my eyes

with pregnant raindrops, filled with souls,

that filled the gaps, patched all my holes.

My spirit's broken, tattered seams

had long ago forsaken dreams

which gave me hope, once long ago;

and all of this he seemed to know.

Remember that I came to you,

I'll be around, you know it's true.

Should you decide to change your mind"

embrace me once, I think you'll find...

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...such sorrow's commonplace today

you feel that God whisks it away?

I'm sorry, lad, but you're mistaken

you'll soon see all of it's forsaken.”

“No, it's not!” I cried with force,

“as long as hope remains a source

for tortured souls to rally 'round,

and life springs forth from barren ground.

For, one day soon, your reign will end,

and to the depths of hell He'll send

you and your horrid daze of death,

where, there, you'll draw your dying breath.”

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You fool, I've offered everything...

riches, women " the joys they bring.

Yet, you deny yourself these pleasures,

and toss away such splendid treasures.”

With that, he vanished in a plume

of viscous smoke and sweet perfume.

So nectarous that it stole my breath.

I caught the scents of hate and death.

Sometimes sensing he's still near,

to lurk and prey upon my fear,

if that should happen, without fail,

God sends His rain, a soothing veil. ~

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© 2014 PloughBoy

Author's Note

Inspired by a dream I had Saturday night. I think the doctors need to think about changing my medications, heh-heh...

As always, fellow fiends, thanks a bunch for reading, and...Pleasant Screams!

My Review

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excellent poem and some dream too, the choices we face tween the devil and God its a fight to the end for us all, it was a neat conclusion when the rain proved to be your saviour, remarkable work :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much, Richard, I'm very pleased that you enjoyed reading this. I've had some very odd drea.. read more
What a narrative, I have been a follower of your work for a while and the way you contruct scene and weave through the story is quite a thing to behold. As I commented before I find your darkness inviting and at the same time plesently light, pardon the contraction in terms there but I fail at conveying the feeling as if there is a child's mind at work in ingenuity and charisma. As I also have commented before i also sense that you always want to being the presence of the unknown or nameless yet again is aas if it had an inherent allure of goodness. When in fact the more you dig in the subterreanean of your depths the more you realize that it may not be so inviting. Length a challenge for those with predesposition for the succint. But otherwise I have to thank you yet again for a great enchantment.


Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for your excellent and very insightful review, Rene. You're right, of course. While I do try .. read more
This was a great poem, the choices of man, between one or the other, and an introduction to the temptations and seduction brought on; this made me think of C.S. Lewis the ‘Screw tape letters ‘ where a senior devil speaks to a junior devil about tempting and manipulating man, very intriguing. One line tripped me up, “He spews his sermons Sunday morn,” I like the line, but as for flow, it caused me to halt and hesitate; otherwise, great read.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks very much, Jack, and I'm happy you enjoyed reading the poem for the most part. Your comments .. read more
A wonderful and rather intriguing and interesting story. Certainly one which offers inspiration to those of christian faith. I loved the imagery you painted with your words and the somewhat random yet disturbing gifs were an excellent way to help build up and amplify the ambiance of the entire story.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much, Alec, and I'm very happy you enjoyed reading the poem. Your comments are sincerely a.. read more

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4 Reviews
Added on November 19, 2014
Last Updated on November 19, 2014
Tags: Hell, reign, Satan, Devil, redemption, deals, temptation, salvation.



Smalltown USA, OH

Plough Boy is a father of five. Plough Boy's main interests center around writing prose, however he does attempt to write poetry from time to time. He is a veteran of the Marine Corps, serving .. more..

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A Poem by PloughBoy

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