Stepping into a world of the unknown
is like walking bling folded
you never exactly know whats there.
Challenges will be strung upon you.
though with faith in yourself anything can
be done. My life is like that, one moment
im on a path that is bright and familiar
next thing i know im walking on a path
i don't know of and not sure of.
But even tho this path is unknown
it doesnt mean its bad. I feel its leading
me to something that will end up being
great. Taking something unknown will be
difficult but i know that if i believe in myself
i will be able to pursue what ever lies in my way
To get to something you want takes
courage, desire, and time. The life i am going
after will have its ups and downs. I will have
to deal with the upsets of death. And i will
have the wonders of helping the hurt, and broken,
and bringing life into this world.