![]() The Ultimate Money-Back GuaranteeA Story by Stanley R. Teater![]() Take a walk down the street and discover a shop unique in all the world. This world, that is.![]() L.
Jameson Whitlock was a very careful man. He always locked his apartment door
but before he would get halfway down the hall he always went back and jiggled
the knob just to make absolutely, positively sure the door was, in fact, locked.
Any time he awoke during the night he checked the alarm, to make certain he had
set it correctly. He never married because he had been unable to find a
woman who wasn’t “frivolous to a fault”. He never ate food he didn’t either prepare
himself or watch being prepared because “you just never know what filth they might
put in it.” He never drove in the rain, walked under a ladder, or went hatless
on a sunny day. One
morning after brushing his teeth for the second time he felt a slight tickle in
his throat and decided he was coming down with a cold. For most people a cold
is simply an occasional annoyance, but not L. Jameson Whitlock. For him a cold
is a crisis, an unwelcome reminder that life is not infinite. A cold, after
all, can be a precursor to pneumonia and that is just a cough away from death. He
checked his medicine cabinet and noted that the bottle of aspirin was half
empty. If the cold lasted more than a week that would never be enough so he
decided to buy some more. At once. Before the cold had had a chance to fully
manifest itself. It
was a lovely autumn day so rather than foolishly waste money on gas Whitlock
wrapped a wool scarf around his neck, lifted up the collar of his coat, tugged
his hat down tightly on his head and set out to walk the mile and a half
between his apartment and the drug store. Walking was the only form of physical
exercise he enjoyed. He doubted the physical as well as emotional benefits of
jogging and lifting weights. The sweat, the pain, the huffing and puffing and
groaning all seemed rather crass and undignified. On the other hand, the simple
act of placing one foot in front of the other felt elegant and purposeful. Whitlock
lived in the downtown area of a large city. When he walked he liked taking his
time and studying the people and places he passed. The city was an
ever-changing tapestry of movement and color and sound. It invigorated him and
gave him a sense of renewal. And safety. Being just one person among thousands
made him feel less of a target for fate, the devil or whatever malevolent
spirit was up there doling out misery and misfortune. At
about the halfway point of his walk as Whitlock was warily crossing a street,
he glanced up and noticed a shop he couldn’t remember having seen before. It
seemed odd that he would never have noticed it. It had a garish red and white
striped awning flapping in the breeze above a heavy wooden door that had
elegant carvings of cherubs surrounded by flower petals. A hand-lettered sign
in the window read, “Ask About Our Ultimate Money-Back Guarantee”. There was no
name on the shop window and no hint at all of what they might sell inside.
Visiting new places was not something Whitlock liked to do so instinctively he
walked past. But then he paused, and turned around. For some reason he was
intrigued. Intrigued enough to make what he would usually call a reckless
decision. He took a deep breath, reached for the knob, turned it, and stepped
inside. An
old fashioned bell tinkled, signaling his arrival. On the wall to the right of
the door was a shelf full of very old magazines. On the left was a table piled
high with used shoes. There was a sign on the table " “Buy one get one free.” On
the walls there were old photographs and crude childlike paintings. There was
nothing he could see that would peak the interest of a buyer. He still couldn’t
understand the purpose of the shop. At
the back of the store was a counter. From behind it an elderly man who couldn’t
have been more than four and a half feet tall was smiling broadly and staring
back at Whitlock. “Good morning, sir,” said the man. “And how are you today?”. “I’m
coming down with a cold.” “That’s
too bad,” said the tiny man. “You should buy some aspirin.” “That’s
why I’m here.” “That’s
very sad because I don’t sell aspirin.” Whitlock
walked up to the counter. “Are old magazines and shoes and cheap pictures all
you sell here? Surely there can’t be much profit in that.” “On
the contrary” said the man. “I sell many things. No aspirin. But many, many very
unique things. Items of fancy and wonder and great beauty. My shop is like no
other in the world. And best of all, sir, absolutely everything I sell comes
with the ultimate money-back guarantee.” Whitlock
studied the face on the other side of the counter. It was pink and round and
trimmed with tufts of white hair that peaked out from behind his ears and then
disappeared, leaving behind a broad expanse of ancient scalp. The smile was
warm and seemed genuine, not a typical shopkeeper’s nice-to-take-your-money
smile. The pure blue eyes almost twinkled in the light. “Tell me about that,”
said Whitlock. “What’s so special about your guarantee?” “It’s
very simple,” said the shopkeeper. “If you aren’t completely happy with any
item you buy, just bring it back. I’ll cheerfully refund twice the amount of
money you paid for it.” He leaned back on his heels and puffed out his chest
proudly. “And then I’ll kill myself.” The wave of skepticism that Whitlock felt
must have shown itself on his face because the man quickly added, “And don’t
you doubt it, sir. I take my guarantee very, very seriously.” “I
see,” said Whitlock, absently tugging at his ear. “I’m impressed. But how can
you make an offer like that on used shoes? How can anyone be completely
satisfied with a shoe that probably stinks with a stranger’s sweat?” “An
interesting point, sir. And if I let people pick out what they buy it could
certainly become a problem. But I don’t trust people to decide what they need.
I decide for them. And I never make mistakes.” “You
decide?” “Of
course. I leave nothing to chance. Not with the ultimate money-back guarantee.
Would you like me to pick something out for you?” The shopkeeper rubbed his
chin thoughtfully and studied Whitlock’s face. “Hmmm. You know what?” He
slapped his hands together and rubbed them excitedly. “I do believe I have just
the thing for you. Would you like to see it?” Without waiting for an answer he
disappeared through a door behind the counter. In less than thirty seconds he
came back carrying a package wrapped in brown paper. “Take a look,” said the
man as he put the package down on the counter. “No charge for looking.” Whitlock
picked up the package. The paper was tattered and very dirty. There were stamps
up in the corner. The post office had cancelled the stamps on August 22nd, 1946.
When Whitlock glanced at the delivery address his hands began to tremble and a
prickly sensation shot up the back of his neck. The addressee was L. Jameson
Whitlock and the address was his own. He dropped the package back on the
counter. “This is a very peculiar joke,” he said angrily. “Clever. But peculiar.” The
shopkeeper frowned. “Joke?” “This
package is addressed to me. And it was mailed in 1946. I wasn’t even born until
1957. And I have only lived at this address for five years. This must be a
practical joke of some kind.” “I
assure you, sir,” said the shopkeeper, “this is no joke. I’m not clever enough
to make jokes. All I did was select the item that I thought was ideal for you.
Would you like to buy it?” Whitlock
stared down at the package. This must be
a dream, he thought. It makes absolutely no sense. He ran his
finger across the address on the package. It was badly faded and the brown
paper was covered with a layer of dust. This
simply cannot be. He looked back at the shopkeeper. “How much?” “One
dollar.” “One
dollar?” “All
right,” said the shopkeeper, “I can tell you’re a shrewd bargainer. I’ll let
you have it for seventy-five cents.” He shook a withered index finger in Whitlock’s
face. “But not a penny less.” Whitlock
pulled three quarters out of his pocket and handed them to the shopkeeper.
“Thank you,” said the shopkeeper. “It’s a pleasure doing business with you.” “I’d
like to open it here,” said Whitlock. “Right now.” “Of
course. Be my guest. I would love to see what it is myself.” Whitlock
tore off the wrapping paper and revealed a cardboard box that was sealed with
cracked and yellowed tape. The shopkeeper handed him a pair of scissors. Whitlock sliced open the top of the box.
Inside was a wooden box that had been decorated with very intricate carvings of
animals. They were animals no zoo on earth had ever seen. They were nightmarish
animals with long teeth, sharp claws and menacing eyes. On the front of the box
was a brass plate with a keyhole. Mr. Whitlock licked his lips nervously.
“There is no key,” he said. “Sometimes,”
said the shopkeeper, “just wishing something open is enough to do the trick.”
Suddenly the top of the box sprang open. Startled, Whitlock dropped the box
back on the counter. He took a step back and stared down at it. A long moment
passed. “Aren’t you going to look inside?” asked the shopkeeper. “Remember my
ultimate money-back guarantee. If you don’t like it I owe you a dollar and a
half.” He smiled. “And my life.” Whitlock
stepped forward and looked down into the box. What he saw took him back to his
boyhood, a time of comfort and warmth and hopeful tomorrows. It was a very old
rubber ball. It was white with blue stars. He picked it up and turned it over
in his hands. The initials LJW had been scraped into it. With a rusty nail, he
remembered. “Do
you like it?” the shopkeeper asked. “Such
a harmless thing. In such a scary box,” said Whitlock. “Yes,”
said the old man, nodding. “A bit like life.” Whitlock
turned the ball over and over in his hands. “I lost this many years ago,” he
said. “I couldn’t have been more than five or six. I remember crying about it.
I was sure it was gone forever.” “And
now you’ve found it,” said the tiny old shopkeeper. “So you’re a satisfied
customer? I can keep my money? And my life?” Whitlock
nodded. “I’m
so happy that you’re happy. Because this would have been a very inconvenient
day to die.” “But
how? How could you get it? How could a ball be mailed to me before I ever owned
it?” “If
I had the answer to questions like that I would be much more than a humble
shopkeeper.” He lifted his hands, palms up toward the sky. “Sometimes,” he
said, “it’s best not to question. Just accept.” Whitlock
nodded silently and walked slowly to the door. He opened it, paused, and turned
back to the shopkeeper. “I may come back,” he said. “Of
course. If you can find me again. My little shop is a bit out of the way.” Whitlock
walked out of the shop and into the cacophony of the city. The afternoon sun
was warm. He turned the ball over and over in his hands and then bounced it on
the pavement. He caught it, bounced it, and caught it again, just like he had
done so very many times so very many years before. He felt flushed with an
emotion that he had experienced very rarely in life. Happiness. Simple, sweet,
childlike, almost giddy. He smiled and turned back toward the shop. The red and
white striped awning and the wooden door had vanished. The sign in the window
now read “A-Plus One Hour Cleaners”. Whitlock opened the now-glass door and
walked in. There was no tinkle announcing his arrival. There were no old
shoes or magazines, or pictures on the walls. The sound of steam presses filled
the shop. A middle aged woman stood behind the counter, sweat beading on her
forehead. “Can I help you?” she asked cheerlessly. “You here to pick up?” “No,”
said Whitlock. “I think I have everything I need.” He waved at the woman who
stood there stooped, weighted down with work and the world. “Good day,” he
said, then turned and left. He forgot about the aspirin and walked home,
whistling, almost skipping as he went, drawing stares he didn’t notice. © 2016 Stanley R. Teater All rights reserved © 2016 Stanley R. TeaterReviews
3 Reviews Added on September 1, 2016 Last Updated on September 7, 2016 Author![]() Stanley R. TeaterCedar Park, TXAboutWriting fiction has always been a dream. After 36 years working in television station marketing and advertising I grew tired of writing 30-second commercials and promos. I retired and I now write fict.. more..Writing
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