Chapter 1: ProspectA Chapter by StephieOur first glimpse of life in Restoration England through Will's new journal.Part 1: Winter "We know what we are, but know not what we may be." ~ William Shakespeare December 27 December, Yeare Of Our Lord Sixteen Hundred and Sixty-Five Towne of Farnham, Region of Surrey, in England Half-Eight in the Evening Well-met! I am William Garnett, and have chosen this Dairye to be a new home for my thoughts to nestle and growe. T'was a gift from my Uncle Amadeus, my Godfather. Thus far, the holidays have been successfull. Along with this I was given an Almanac of Astrology for the coming yeare,
and a book called "Utopia" which means "Paradise". I have already read
the first thirty pages; I adore it. Thomas More had so many use-full
ideas and my uncle tells me there are people who wish to use his ideas
in supporting the Restoration of the King's Right after the change from
the Puritan restrictives which ended only a few years ago. Plays are being performed again (with women's roles being played by women!), Sports are once again plaied, parties are being held with a jubilant return of singing, dancing, and music. Alcohol is being sold and drank, new ideas are plentifull, and I hear there is much new fashion in London. I believe the King is doing quite well, in fact. Yet this is paradox'd with the ills of our time: the Plague has run rampant and I find it a miracle from God that we haven't contracted it in our small town of Farnham. We are roughly forty miles Southe-West of London. I've heard the further one goes into the great city, the larger and larger are the number of those in-fected. I mention this since the family of my friend since childhood, Augustus, lost his littlest sister, Susan Grace. She was just 5, and died three weeks ago. But from this sadness, his family hopes to
find light and new beginnings. This week, Augustus and his other sister
Mary-Beth are coming to live here! We've known each other for many years. Augustus's father was working for my father and Uncle, as my family is Merchants by trade. He was unloading their goodes on the docks of the river Thames; making their mark on my grandparent's business. We lived close by, tho in different sections of town, and all of us children would play together as our parents worked. Later on, after we made more money, my mother (then pregnant,) suggested we move to the country. They've visited us a few times since the move, when I was almost 9. And now their parents shall remain in London to earn money and leave the two here to protect them. I pity them often; they had no means for a doctor. It took a long time for them to get the Certifycat of Healthe for Mary and Augustus to legally leave the city and travel through townes. My family and I wish to help them. Besides, I think living with Augustus shall be fun! We last met 3 yeares ago, when we were twelve, and I wonder how he looks and talks and acts now; if he's changed as much as I have. I find my life dull because despite having been very well-educated, I am apparently given all this knowledge to spend my days bored on a farm, doing the exact same thing as my parents. I live with them and my two sisters, Elizabeth, who is six, and my Lily-Pad; Lillian who's now thirteen. We farm for our own food, as we already have our Merchant business. Lily has a talented mind for business and numbers, yet my parents find her taking any part in the Accounting of their Trades as "improper" since she's a girl; despite the potential benefit. They must improve their practiceses; wealthy people want new things, yet many fear getting the Plague by goodes from or travell in London. I, on the other hand, am told day and night how well I'd do. However, I long to write. Of course they said "no" to our wishes. Speaking of girls and my parents' denial of our wishes, it seems they have recently spoken with a family they oftene do business with about their daughter who is a few months older than I. They have been talking for a few weeks, and would like us to meet some time soon. I have a sneaking suspicion that they would like their daughter and I to court. I believe this endeavor shall fail since I am not one for romance. I've never seen a girl who was intriguing in that way. Perhaps I am too young or shy for Romance. Either way, I am not happy about my parents deciding such things. However, I see no harm in at least trying to keep my mind open. Perhaps they have chosen well and this girl will be that one who finally catches my eye. Yet Romance isn't the main focus of my life. My focus is my writing and learning. Perhaps
my Uncle Amadeus will change my life into what I really want. Much
unlike my parents, he encourages my writing and also supports Lily in
her pursuits. As for his own interests, he loves science. In fact, he
recently joined a groupe called: "The Royal Society of London for
Improving Natural Knowledge" or simply "The Royal Society." My mother
disapproves and my father (his brother and business partner,) has no
opinion on this matter. He studies Astrology, Astronomy and Alchemy
mostly. He also studies animals, plants, and even humans! In spare time he is a match-maker. He lost his wife, Emily, years ago and has never re-married nor taken off his wedding ring even once. He says his noble endeavor of match-making is to bring true love to others as he cannot bring back his own. He does not make matches by wealth or status; he chooses carefully, and genuinely respects the wishes of both involved. He changes others' lives for the better. I want my life to change for the better, and I am anticipative for this next yeare of Sixteen Hundred and Sixty Six, which is my own Sixteenth yeare!! I am to be off, as it is only yet the third day of Christmas, with laughter, delicious pound-cake, and a gulp or two of rum when no-one is looking. I drink rarely, and my mother only does so medicinally, but rum tastes sweet and kepes one warm. I am in a festive mood, for Augustus and his sister may come as soon as to-morrow! Fare thee well until later! ~ William Garnett The author sat back, satisfied with his work. And he was looking forward to the very next day. © 2015 StephieAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorStephieRochester, NYAboutI'm Stephie. I recently moved to Rochester NY with my husband and our two fuzzy cats, Lily and Addy! Working on a historical fiction same-sex romance, and my husband is writing a sci-fi novel as well!.. more..Writing