Death of a girl

Death of a girl

A Poem by Harlequinn Diamond

Written randomly.


Weep not for what i didnt do,
But what i have achieved,
Cry not for all the unaffection,
But the love i have recieved.

I didnt do so well as i,
Imagined on this world,
And so i must leave you all,
With the memories of a girl.

A girl whos life was taken down,
By a demon-dark and low,
Who pushed the girl to the brink,
Of the farthest she could go.

She fell into a dankened pit,
Of that there is no doubt,
She fell so deep, no matter what,
She couldnt climb back out

This demon did, what demons do,
And laughed so hard and long,
That it covered all the cries for help,
This girls very sad song

Weep not for that you didnt hear,
The torment and the pain,
Laugh and smile at what i loved,
The life that i did gain

The memories you didnt see,
Are ones you neednt know,
Theyre buried deep, beneath your feet,
And will never to you, re show.

I left you with the life i had,
The girl you all held dear,
And rid myself of the person,
That did nothing else but fear

She cut parts of herself out,
That she refused to see,
Had any kind of appearence worth,
The eyes of any beauty.

But in the end the scars,
They refused to heal,
Each one was like a red siren,
A zipper, a bodybag seal.

So to put a finish to the pain,
That just wouldnt die,
I rid you all of the menace,
But also the apple in your eye.

Weep not for that i hurt myself,
Weep not for how long i've cried,
But remember that my soul is free,
It no longer has to hide.

I see you all from heavens skies,
With wings of silky glow,
And smile at the family i once had,
So far now, down below.

You'll walk in the room where i often hid,
To see results of my shame,
The place where i could drown my life,
Of which was a sordid game

You'll know soon enough,
Its better that i died,
I rid you all of a tormented girl,
I committed suicide.

© 2008 Harlequinn Diamond

Author's Note

Harlequinn Diamond
Be kind...;]

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Added on August 13, 2008


Harlequinn Diamond
Harlequinn Diamond

Sheffield, United Kingdom

Dear lord...i havent been on here for a while! haha evidence being...i was still 14:] lol Im now HAPPILY 15, possibly a full blown teenager officially...up with her hormones, down with school... AND O.. more..
