

A Poem by Harlequinn Diamond

Mmm toast ;] Written for a recipe competition. LOL. Thats all i have to say.



The recipe of which,

I make the most,

Has to be,

Ever beautiful toast

You buy the bread,

At a local store,

A toaster if necessary,

And nothing more,

When at home,

Produce the junk,

Toss it near the socket,

With a hard hitting clunk

Plug it in,

[The machine not the toast]

And pop the bread in,

[Now you can boast]

Turn the machine,

Right up to three,

That should get it,

Kinda browny

And when it pops up,

Slip em on a plate,

Butter one side,

Preparing for its fate

Pick up the goal,

And put it in place,

[You’re open mouth],

[The bottom of your face]

And when it enters,

Bite a chunk off,

But…. It tastes sorta funny,

The smell makes you cough,

As you smile with chagrin,

You spit it on your plate,

When you realise that,

The breads outta date…


© 2008 Harlequinn Diamond

Author's Note

Harlequinn Diamond
Its a how-to guide..seriosuly...*shifty eyes*

My Review

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Hahaha! The perfect rhythm and rhyme of this piece makes it a really fun one. You turned something so simple and drab into a great laugh. Great job, needed a good laugh. :) I hope your piece wins in the contest.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 22, 2008
Last Updated on July 24, 2008


Harlequinn Diamond
Harlequinn Diamond

Sheffield, United Kingdom

Dear lord...i havent been on here for a while! haha evidence being...i was still 14:] lol Im now HAPPILY 15, possibly a full blown teenager officially...up with her hormones, down with school... AND O.. more..
