The Road to Melania

The Road to Melania

A Story by ZaneFame

The story of my character, Piratess, and how she came to be.


Crisp Autumn leaves crumbled beneath her feet as she walked through the park, her long white blonde hair blowing in the wind. She was beginning to like this town, and it inhabitants, though she knew she must move again soon. It was never safe to stay in one spot for too long. A nearby swing creaked as it moved with the wind, she whipped around, her snow white skin glowing in the moon light, she was getting jumpy already. She pulled her jacket tighter around her torso, before continuing on her way.

Her destination wasn't far, just on the other side of the park. A small two-room apartment building. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. She'd left the light on and the television, though she never watched it. She locked the door back and fiddled for a minute with a chain as well as a deadbolt. "Luc" she called "I'm home, you can stop hiding now, I've brought you something." At first there was no response, then a pair of green eyes grew visible on top of a nearby wardrobe, followed by a pair of pointed grey ears. Her cat, Lucifer jumped down from his hiding place and rubbed against her leg purring contently. She reached inside of the dark canvas bag that was over her shoulder and pulled out a small fish, tossing it to the waiting cat. "There you go," She said, her voice soft and angelic. The large cat meowed in response and began to tear at the fish. Her apartment was tiny with a bed in one corner and a stove, refrigerator, and table in another. The only other room was the bathroom. It was bare as well, no personal belongings, almost everything she owned was in the bag that was always by her side. The apartment was a rental, though only for a day or two longer, she must be moving again soon.

She went into the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower. Soon the room began to fill up with steam. She hung her bag on the back of the door and reaching inside her coat pocket, pulled out a dagger, which she placed on the edge of the tub, ready if she needed it. She undressed and got into the shower. The hot water felt nice, relaxing after a long day..She let it run over her, almost relaxing her into sleep. The steam clouded her mind...

A thud from the next room shocked her back to her senses. She stepped out of the shower, water still running. Picking up the dagger, she wrapped herself in a robe. She hadn't closed the door all the way and she could just see the outline of someone moving, looking for something. Quickly she stepped back out of view, they obviously thought she was still in the shower.. She watched for a moment as they went through the drawers on her nightstand only to find them empty. Lucifer was watching, once again from his hiding place atop the wardrobe. How did they get in? She wondered, she had locked the door and there was no window, which suited her just fine as she slept during the daytime anyway.

Slowly she opened the door and stepped out into the room, ready to attack. The intruder, a male with slate colored hair, stopped moving and listened for a minute. He stood and his hand moved slowly to his side as he turned around. Before he knew what had happened, she had him pinned against the wall, dagger at his throat. "Who are you and how did you get in here?" She demand, her voice hard and commanding.

He laughed half hearted, "Let me go and I may tell you." His voice was like velvet, warm and inviting.

"Tell me or you die" She pushed the dagger against his neck, the skin threatened to give way under her force.

"My name is Talilath, I promise I won't harm you, now let me go."

"Why should I believe you and why are you here?" She demanded.

"You have every right not to believe me, However I think I can help you."

"Help me with what?"

"I know a place you can go, you can stay and you'll be safe. A place where they can't get to you." She loosened her grip on the stranger and he turned around to face her. His eyes were icy blue, very much like her own, and his hair, though cropped short in the back, fell artfully into his face. His arms were wrapped tightly in bandages and he wore a beige colored tunic and which showed off his slender, muscular build. He was wearing black baggy pants tucked into black buckled combat boots and he was sporting a sword at his side.

"How do you know who I'm running from?" She asked.

He flashed a smile at her and she gasped as he showed two slightly pointed teeth. "I've been watching you."

"Watching me?" She asked.

"Yes, Piratess, watching you, and following you." She was surprised that he knew her name. But the fact that he did was proof that he really had been following her, she wondered briefly what else he knew about her.

"How did you get in?" She glanced at the door, which was shut but all the locks were undone. He didn't answer. "Okay, what do you want from me then? What were you looking for?"

"I am merely here to help you, to save you. I want to take you away from here. I had an idea of what you were, but I wanted to be sure before I came into contact with you."

"And what did you find, besides an empty drawer?"
"You're one of us, or you could be." He moved away from the wall where she had him pinned and stared at her. She was beautiful.

"One of you?" Her hair was dripping wet from her shower, which was still running in the bathroom. "That depends, are you a good guy or a bad guy?"

"I'm the good guy." He flashed his smile again and her heart dropped to her knees. How did he do that? she wondered.

"And you know a place where I can go?"

"Yes, on one condition."

"What's your condition?"

"You have to join me, you have to help me and my clan fight." He said, "Like I said, I've been watching you, I've seen what you can do."

"How long have you been watching me?"

"Long enough to know that you're good, if you've survived on your own for this long, imagine how you'll thrive once you're part of my clan."

"And if I go to this clan of yours..."


"..Zauana, you'll provide me with shelter and protection?"

He nodded, "As well as training from some amazing fighters."

"Where is this Zauana of yours?"


She thought about it for a minute or two before agreeing, "Fine, but I need to turn off my shower if you don't mind" He smiled.


She emerged from the bathroom five minutes later fully dressed with her bag and dagger at her side, her hair hanging damp around her face, to find her beautiful stranger posed on the edge of her bed, petting Lucifer. She simply stared at him. Odd. Lucifer hates everyone. She thought to herself.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing" She answered, "We should get some sleep if we're leaving at dusk."

"Yes you're right," He agreed, standing up. He walked across the room and sat down with his back against the now locked door.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"This way I'll know if someone tries to get in." He explained.

"But the door is.. .."

"...locked," He finished, " But that didn't stop me from getting in did it?"

"I suppose," She said, turning off the light, "Goodnight Talilath."

"G'Night Piratess," He said, she could hear him smiling.


The sun was just setting as they prepared to head out for Melania, the first stars becoming visible in the sky. Lucifer scratched impatiently at the door....

"After you, M'lady," Talilath bowed Piratess out the door. "I hope you got enough sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us."

"How far away is Melania?" She asked skeptically.

"Ah, irrelevant. The time will fly by while you're with me." He smiled, leading her' not back towards the park, but rather into the town itself.

"We're going through town?"

"Again, irrelevant." He answered.

In silence they walked, meeting few passersby along the way. In no time they were out of town and headed towards the mountains. Lucifer ran and played and chased bugs, Piratess liked seeing him like this, it was better than sleeping atop an empty wardrobe all day. They walked for hours, hardly saying a word, but Piratess could feel Talilath watching her now and then and she wondered what he was thinking. They continued in this fashion for several days; they stopped to rest during the day, and they traveled at night.

"So, is Melania getting closer?" Piratess asked wondering if they weren't going in circles just to confuse her.

"Yes, it's not far now.... I'm quite surprised... " he drifted off into mumble.

"What?" Piratess asked.

"No one has attacked us. Before I showed up, you were getting attacked every couple of days."

He's right She thought I've not seen anything out of the ordinary lately... "Maybe they gave up, decided I wasn't who they wanted after all" She suggested.

Talilath stopped walking, "Not who they wanted!? Are you kidding?" He said staring at her in disbelief, his dark bangs framing his face beautifully.

"No....?" She cocked her head slightly to the side, unsure of what he wanted her to say.

He stared at her. "Do you know who they are? Why they're after you? Do you even know who you are?"

"Well I think I know who I am." she defended herself, beginning to walk again.

"Who are you then." He demanded.

"I'm Piratess."

"That's it?"

"Yes," she replied knowing now, that he knew more about her than she knew herself.

"Let me ask you, how did you become a Vampire?" She remained silent. "Who turned you into what you are today?" Again, she remained silent. "That's what I thought." he finished as they walked on.

As dawn approached, shelter wasn't hard to find in this rocky environment, small caves and crevasses were everywhere. They were grateful, it gave them a chance to rest without the sunlight barging in. They were lying in silence awaiting sleep when Piratess seemed to get her voice back.

"Tell me what you know," She whispered into the dark.

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

"Everything.. Who am I? How did I get this way? Who made me this way? and why are they after me?" She replied.

Talilath sighed heavily, wondering where to begin. "Tell me, do you know anything at all about yourself, your age, your childhood, your family?"

"No," She replied quietly, "I know nothing."

He reached out in the dark for her hand, and pulled her closer to him. The sudden contact with his body made her shiver; the cave was so cold. She leaned into him, accepting the comfort. He put his arm around her and thought for a minute, wondering where to begin. "I've been following you for several months now, since the night that you were turned. It was raining and I was spying an enemy clan, we had heard that they were working with a great Sorcerer to create an army and over take Melania. They had captured hundreds of people. Their intent, I believe, was to incorporate the sorcerers magic into their victims blood as they were turning, to make them stronger. " He paused to let her speak.

"I was one of their victims? Are they the ones who are chasing me?"

"Yes, but something went wrong. I intervened, and most of their victims got away unharmed, they ran into the night, never to be seen again. I suspect that they hunted them and killed them, so their secret would not be revealed, much like you say they are trying to do to you."

"Do they think that I didn't get turned, that I'm still.... human?" She asked, now petting a purring Lucifer, who had climbed into her lap to hear the story as well.

"That is one theory, though they must know by now, that something has changed in you, you're too strong to be an ordinary seventeen year old. I've thought about it a great many times and I think its possible that they want you to return to them, to fight for evil."

"I won't do it. They must know that."

"I don't think they plan on giving you a choice."

"This magic, did it infect me as well? Is that why they want me"

"I don't think that you were infected." He reply, "You haven't asked me how you got away yet, it's the most intriguing part,"

"Okay," She answered, slightly confused by the change in subject, "Tell me Tali, how did I get away?"

"Your rescuer is sitting in your lap actually."


"Yes, How long have you had Lucifer?"

"I can't remember anything, only what you've told me. So why don't you tell me how long I've had him." She retorted.

"I do believe that Lucifer is a very lucky cat, and you're lucky as well. No one was expecting me to come barging in the way I did, they had no idea I was even there. When they discovered me chaos broke out and I yelled for those who hadn't been infected to run. You had already been infected by then, but you ran as well, it hadn't had time to sink in yet I suppose, because without the sorcerers magic the process takes a lot longer."

"What does that have to...."

"Someone noticed that you were running, " He cut her off, "They told the Sorcerer to use his magic on you so you'd stop, fall into a deep sleep like the rest of the infected. But when he cast his magic Lucifer jumped up onto your shoulder, causing himself to be hit instead of you." He finished, Piratess stared Lucifer for a moment.

"Your saying that this cat," she cradled the grey ball of fur in her arms,"Is magical?"

"To a point, yes, he hasn't shown any sort of powers yet, its possible that it only made him stronger, but he was most certainly hit."

"So how did that help me escape?"

"Well the magic didn't hit you, you still ran, taking Lucifer with you. I believe that he gave you the strength to run so far. I also believe that he is connected with you, a bond like no other. When you're in need you can channel his magic, subconsciously. That's why you're strong, that's why they want you.. and Lucifer, to work for them."

"But they haven't attacked in over a week. What do you think they're waiting for?"

"I'm not sure, maybe their trying to lure us into a false since of security, get us to let our guard down, or maybe.. "

"Or maybe," Called a deep voice from the entrance of the cave. Talilath jumped up and stepped in front of Piratess in one quick movement, Lucifer jumped to the floor and hissed loudly "we were just waiting to catch you off guard. Attack when you're least expecting it."

"Barbus!" Talilath pulled out his sword, ready to strike, "What do you want from us?"

"I want nothing from you, Talilath, you're a worthless excuse for a vampire. I want her." He nodded toward Piratess, who was waiting Dagger in hand, Lucifer at her feet, ready to attack full force if she had to.

"I'll never go with you." She spat.

"Oh?" Barbus reached for his sword and Talilath attacked.

Barbus seemed to be alone but couldn't seem to gain the upper hand on Talilath, who matched him move for move. All the while, Piratess was trying to keep Lucifer safely out of the way, dagger ready in case the fight turned to her. Talilath snarled and slashed at Barbus with as much force as he could muster. Barbus stepped quickly out of the way before crashing down on Talilath with a blow of his own. Talilath groaned as the sharp edge of Barbus' sword caught him on his left shoulder. Furious at Barbus' attack on Tali, Piratess ran to help, she kicked Barbus swiftly in the back knocking him forward straight into Talilath's sword. Barbus screamed in agony and Talilath jumped out of the way as he landed face first on the rocky ground. Kicking him over Tali put his foot on his chest, "Piratess stays with me." He said, staring down at him and pulling out his sword with more force than was necessary. Before he could do anything else Piratess was on top of Barbus, stabbing every inch of him she could reach with her dagger. Barbus struggled beneath her. Tali didn't make a move to stop her, it was her battle after all. Lucifer walked over sat down next to her, watching as if it was an everyday thing. Having him that close seemed to drive Piratess more, she kept going until finally Barbus stopped trying to move. After a few minutes of this Barbus was unrecognizable and Tali pulled her off of him. Her hair was tangled from flailing about, she had several scratches on her arms from Barbus trying to get loose. Tears were running down her cheeks, she was so mad. Tali pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. Once she had calmed down a bit they drug Barbus farther into the cave and left him there. He was so torn up he couldn't talk. Small moans barely escaped the place they knew his lips to be.

"You did excellent, Piratess" Talilath remarked as they left the cave and continued on their way without rest. It was about midday, the sun was high in the sky. "But we need to get to Melania before any of his clan mates show up."

"Is that the kind of people you and your clan fight everyday?" she asked, adjusting her bag on her shoulder, Lucifer trailing happily along next to them.

"Yes it is." He said proudly, "and they're good at what they do."

"How close is Melania now?"

"Its not far. We'll be there by nightfall I believe." He replied.

"Good," she smiled taking his hand, "I can't wait"

"You can't?" He asked, amazed.

"No I can't, I think it sounds wonderful." She answered. Talilath, so over whelmed with joy by what he just heard, dropped her hand and kissed her, full on the mouth. She hesitated for a second, then returned his kiss gladly.

After a moment, Tali realized what he had done and his eyes grew large. "Oh my...I do apologize. That was rather inappropriate." He dropped his gaze and turned to continue on their path.

"It's quite alright." Piratess replied, taking his hand once again. "I seem to have that effect on people." They both chuckled, and continued on the road to Melania...




Melania is © 2004-08 Crimson Productions L.L.C.

© 2009 ZaneFame

Author's Note

Obviously this is the back story for my character.

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Added on February 20, 2009



I'm not a very confident person, but when I write it allows me to be someone different. I would love to improve my writing. Like any writer, you might meet, I would tell you that I want to publish a b.. more..

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