Journal of Japan

Journal of Japan

A Story by Pinkipodgirl14

My Journal on our trip to Japan Summer of 08


Day one
You could call it a day I guss I spend 11 or more hrs. on the plane, I don't know if its saterday or friday.  It took 2 hrs. by car to get to my brothers house. These last to days have mushed together. We left Michigan on Friday. We got here and it's saterday..... night!!! So we have chuch tomorrow and I'll get to see some of my old freinds. So let me fill you in on our flight. Ya we got on the flight ok. Got to the airport had something to eat ( if anyone was wondering we ate a Chilles ). Then me and mom went shooping in the airport, basically browsed. We were going to get my brother a Red Wings shirt ( they won the Stanly Cup......YAY!!!!) but then we didn't so we went back to where my dad was sitting and they alreddy started boarding so we went and got in line. And sat on the plane for 45 min. Then we took of and I was happy, after we got to the right altitude I got my ipod out and my DS and I did those things for a while. They brought prezles and a drink so then I was even more happy. Then I listened and played more. Then came the everyones favorite part of a plane ride.  Airplane food YAY............................It is the grossesd looking food EVER. It comes on a nice tray with a drink. We had Chicken, wired brown gravy mush on top of it and rice and veges underneth it. I picked the shredded carots of my salad and ate the chicken without the wired brown mush gravy stuff on it. And the best part, the highlight of my airplare ride, DELICIOUS cookies, no joke they were so good. Then I did some more stuff and had fun talking to myself.  I tryed to sleep, that dosn't work on airplanes for me. Well its 8:22 am your time so its 9:22 pm our time, I better get some GOOD sleep and contunue this at like 2 am this time because it will be 1 pm your time and I'll be wide awake. So intill whatever insane time I wake up, good night or morning to you. BYEEE!!!

Day 2?
Me again, its not as early as I thought it was going to be. Its 3:34 pm your time so that means its 4:34 am our time. The time is easer than I thought to figure out, it one hr. ahed American time but, if its PM in America its AM here. I just turned Crystal Myers on so It feals like my room at home, only thers no posters, I sleep on a furone (for those of you who don't know its like a matras, but its more comfertable) on the floor. Anyway there is a BIG closet so thats nice. Um ya theres a dresser. I moved all my cloths in alreddy so I'm all set. Thats basicly the room I'm staying in at the SEND Center for 2 weeks. Then we're going to the mission houses for thae last 2 1/2 weeks (a.k.a the Shasta). We have a nice little appartment, I like it. Well as I said last night. Today is church @ like 9 some thing and its only 4:43 so I have plenty of time to get reddy. Um I'm going to see what my parents are doing because lights are coming in through my bedroom door and I'm kinda hunry. So, Ya I'll be back later BYEEE!!!

Hiya again!!!  Um its 8 am here. We'll be leving for the train station soon. We have to leve the train station at like 8:30. I'm soo excited because hopefully some of my friends will be at Church. Some/most of the people from Motsucawa Place (a.k.a the apartment building I used to live in) go to the church we go to so it will be good seeing those people. My nephews celibrating his birthday today so after church we're going over to my brother's house to have a little party for him. AHHHHHH the min. seem to be going be realy slow its only 8:05. I wish I could get on the internet right now because right now I'm typing this in the notepad on the computer and then I'll transfer it to writers cafe as soon as we get an intenet connection. It's humid here, like realy humid. Well its only 8:07 and I hace nothing to write about. Ok well I guss I'll type more when we get back later tonight / afternoon whenever. See ya   BYEEE!!!


Hiya, Last Entry of the day. Not much to say but, we got home at like 4 or 5 ish. Me and my mom went groshry shoping and ya. Oh also Highlight of the day: Train ride, AMAZING I've always loved riding on the train and I think I could get to my brothers house from here by myself if I wanted to. Ok well I realy tired right now and can barly stay awake. So See ya and I'll post more tomorrow. Good morning to you guys!!! BYEEE!!!


Day 3

Hi everyone almost 6 am here and we are all awake. After I wrote my last entry I went to bed that was at like IDK like before 8pm here I think. I was so Tired. I thought I would wake up and do something before changing into my pjs. so I stayed in my Jeans and T and had my light on a layed down to take a nap. Well I woke up and said I would get up later. I woke up again and said I'd wake up later. I woke up again, it was like 3 or 4 am. My light was off and I was still in my Jeans and T. My mom had come in at 1am seeing my light was still on she saw me zonked out and see turned off my light for me. Thank you mom!!! Well my Agenda for today is to go to my brothers house with mom and take care of their youngest son while he and his wife go to work and their older son goes to school. So thats where I'll be most of today. But, I'm taking the laptop with us so when I have a free moment I'll probly be on. Ok well I guss I'll talk late. See ya, BYEEE!!!


Day 6

Sorry for not updating these last few days. We've been sorta busy lately. I can't beleve we've almose been here a whole week. Well to fill you in on the last few days there hasn't been much going on just going over to my brother's house. Yesterday I saw two maybe three of my friends from school. It was sooooo good to see them. Today I'm going to see my best friend that have here. Hopefully we'll be able to go shoping, it's kinda rainey.

Day ?

I don't know what day it is but its been about a week so 8 or 9 days. There hasn't been much going on but it has been fun. Me and my mom went and saw a iris garden which was butiful of course I took lots of pictures. Tomorrow is my mom's birthday and I still havn't bought her anything yet. We are going to the Aquarioum tomorrow and we will be going to Tokyo Disney next week. I saw one of my very good friends and I stayed overnight at her house. Shes coiming to my house next week YAY. Thats prity much whats going on here. See ya,  BYEEE!!!

p.s. the image that I set for this Journal is a shrine we saw that was by the iris garden.

© 2008 Pinkipodgirl14

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Sounds intresting, but you can still turn it a true story.

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2 Reviews
Added on June 8, 2008
Last Updated on June 17, 2008