

A Story by Pinkipodgirl14

A girl and her quest to find her father. This is not a real story, so it's sort of non-fiction.


Chapter 1

                      I never thought that  I whould want to know my dad. He left me and my mom when I was three years old. Now I'm 16 and still don't know him. I always wondered what it was like to have a dad that would take me to dance class or take me to my soft ball games. But he was never there. My mom never talked about him nor did the rest of my family. I never knew my grandparent or my family on his side. But I have lived without him, so why do I need him.

                     I was alone at home when I heard the phone ring. I went to pick up the phone. My mom had been gone that evening to Bible Study so I was patiently waiting for her at home so we could go get pizza for dinner. I picked up the phone. I heard a gentle voice on the other end. She said " Is this Emma?" I replyed yes this is she."I have some bad news hun", my heart started to race. " Your mom has been in a car acident". I almost droped the phone in shock."Are you still there hun?" Yes,I replyed."Do you have anyone to pick you up to bring you to the hospital?" I don't know I could probly call one of my friends, I replyed."All right hun, I'm Nancy, one of the nurses at the Montville Hospital" Thanks for calling I'll be there as soon as I can, Bye. I hung the phone up and picked up my cell phone and started dialing my Best Friends number. It seemed like the phone rang forever, she finialy picked up."Hi, This is Jenna".Hey Jen, I started to break down in tears."Emma are you ok? Do you need me to do something for you?" I replyed, I need you to take me to the Montville Hospital?, my mom got into a car acident, I don't know what conditons she's in. I just need you to take me to the hospital."I'm alredy in the car I'll bee there soon".Ok bye.



Chapter 2

Ok were almost there Em. My thoughts raced as we got closer to the hospital. I whondered how bad she was?, was our car runed? The most important question that swirled around in my mind was, Will she recover, if so how fast? Ok Em we're here. I slowley got out of the car and started walking to the main doors of the Mantville Hospital. I was so gald Jen was right there for me. I would have been a mess tyring to drive myself to the hospital. I walked up to the front desk and asked for Anna Potter. The nurse at the desk welcomed me and led my to my mom's room. With Jen behind me we slowly walked in together." She hasen't responded much since we've had her in but she should be responsive very soon" the nurse said. Ok well thank you for all that you and all the docters and nureses have done so far, I said in a quiet, small voice. The nurse left and Jen came and gave me the biggest hug ever, I started to cry all over again. We just stood there looking at my mom for awhile. Abought an hour later after several doctes had checked in on my mom and confermed she whould be ok, Jen left and said she would visit tomarow as soon as she could. After the nurses got me a pillow and some blankets so I could stay over night, I got the chair that was in the room. I put it as close to the bed as I could and took my mom's hand and layed my head on the pillow and prayed. Dear God, Thank you for keeping mom safe in the car accident and thank you she's not as hurt any worse then she is. Please help us have a good nights rest and a exilent day tomorow, Amen. After I was done praying I sat there and thought, thats the first time I've realy prayed in a while. My mom was a strong chrisrian and she alwayes believed in the power of prayer. I had strayed from God and I wanted to get closer to Him. Right then I decided I would work my hardest to get mom better and to grow more in God.



Chapter 3

                         The next day I woke up insted of to the soft chirp of summer birds to the sound of hospital monitores in my moms hospital room. A nurse quietly knocked at the door. Come in, I said." Hi I'm Nancy, the nurse you talked on the phone to last night". Oh yes I remember you, thanks for calling me and making sure I got her as quickly as possible."No problem, I thought you might like to know what happened last night and how quickly your mother is going to recover". Yes I think I'm reddy to know what happened."Ok well the news reporters say your mom was stoped at the intersection, as soon as she pulled out to go accros the road a drunk driver ran right the red light and right into the side of you mom's car. She got full impact so we're not sure how long recovey is going to take. She has, as you can she a vary brused head and she also has a fractured rib. Sugery will be in a few hours for the fractured rib. We'll  cange bandeges on her head as soon as she wakes up, she was up earler and was so glad to see you laying next to her and she wanted us to be very quiet to make sure we didn't wake you up". Should I get someone to come and pick me up so I can go and get some clothes and belogings? I asked." I could take you If you wanted me to hun. That way you can get your car if you like while you there, you can drive can't you?" Yes I can drive and that sound like a good idea, I mean if you don't mind driving me."Oh hun I don't mind."Nancy said.

                         We arived at my house and I told Nancy I had a key and that I knew how to get to the hospital so after doing some errands I would return to see my mom. I went inside and gathered up some clothes, the laptop to e-mail some people, and me and my mom's favorite blakent that we made together when I was 5 years old. I went to our home computer just to check the e-mail before I left so I woulden't have to check it when I got back to the hospital. After cheking some e-mail I came acrossed one that was from John. I though for sure it was from the most eligable guy in school. But soon after opening it I knew it wasin't from him.



Chapter 4

I worked my way back to the hospital in my red mustang I had gotten for my 16th birthday. When got there I went to the front desk and checked in. Nancy was at the front desk."Hi Emma, come to check on your mom?" Ya, thought I better give her some copany." Well they are going to be preping her for surgery in abought a half and hour". Thanks for letting my know. I walked to the elevator and rode up to the 4th floor. In the elevator I prayed a silent prayer. Dear God, please help mom to feel ok and please help the doctors and nurses, just guide the through surgery. In your name, Amen. As I finshed my prayer the elevator doors opened. I walked down the hallway passing room after room. I got to the door of my mom's room. I quietly walked in just incase she was sleeping. She difinatly was not asleep but wide awake. She gave me a big smile as soon as she saw me. Hey sweety! Hey mom, how are you? Besides my head throbing and my rib cousing slight pain, I'm fine. Thats good. They are going to be preping you for surgery in abought 20 minuets. Thanks for letting my know Em. I was so glad to see you sleeping next to me this mouring. I thought you might like me staying overnight. Mom, do you know who John is? You mean the one at school? No another John. I don't recall.......... oh I do know of one other John. Why do you ask Em? I got this weared e-male from a weired guy John that said he was my father."Excuse me for interupting but I have to prep your mom for surgury now." a blond haired nurse said. Em we'll talk later abought this. I wasn't very happy abought the nurse that interupted, I wanted to hear what mom would say abought this persone that e-mailed me that I don't know. It also might be another one of thouse "Kelly tricks". Kelly is my arch enemy, since 1st grade after she came in first place for something I should  have gotten first place for. I prayed one more time in my head before mom went into sergery. Dear God, Please help mom's sergery go well and help the docters and nurses. Guide them, so there will be no problems. Amen.

                         A few hours passes as I sat and read a book in my mom's hospital room. I decided to go take a walk around the hospital and mabe take a walk to the restrant next to the hospital. I walked around looking at all the diffrent people and nurses. I was walking in the lobby and I saw Nancy at the front desk. No one was there so I walked over to the dest to talk to her. "Hey hun, how are you, hows your mom?" My moms good thanks for asking. "Hey now that I think abought it I don't know your name" Oh ya, its Emma but everyone calls me Em. "Em, would you like to go out to dinner with me?" I would love to but I think I better stick around untill my mom gets out of surgery. "Would you like me to get some thing for you to eat?" No thanks I'm gana call my friend and see if she's coming to see us, she'll probably bring some pizza or something. "Alright, I'll see you later then" Bye.  I walked back upstared and started dialing Jen's number. Hey this is Jenna. Hey Jen, It's Em. Hey Em how are you? Good, thanks Jen. Can you bring some pizza or something? Sure Em I'll be there in a while.

                      Hey Em!! Hi Jen. I brought us some pizza! So do you know when your mom will be out of surgery? "Scuse me sorry to inturupt, but your mom got out of surgery abought half and hour ago and she's starting to come to". Thanks for letting us know. I said as the nurse left the room. So your mom should be comming back soon! We should ask the docter or the nurse if she can have pizza with us. Thats a good idea, I'll ask the next nurse that comes in. Soon my mom was wheeled back into the hospital room, still asleep. Um scuse me ma'am, I said timidly to the nures.The blond haired woman turned around, and to my suprize it was one of my friends moms. "Hey Emma, how are you?" Good thanks Mrs. Tresten. "I thought your mom looked formiller I just coulden't recognize her with the big bandege and especially becouse it started swelling." Mrs. Tresten said. Ya It looks pritty bad, Oh I had a question for you. Is it ok if my mom has some pizza if she's up to it. "If she's up to it, be my guest, but she probly won't have much of an appatite untill morning" Ok thanks Mrs. Tresten. I said. She quietly left the room. Ok well we can save your mom a peice or two if she wants one later or tommorow. Sounds like a good idea, but right now I'm hungry. Jen and I ate and talked untill my mom finnaly woke up. Emma, Jenna, is that you guys? Hey mom! Hi Ms. Potter. Oh Jen, call me Anna, Ms. Potter makes me feel old. We all laughed and talked for awhile untill Jen decided to go. Well Em, Anna, I better get home before it's to late. Ok bye Jen, me and my mom both said at the same time. Jen was gone and  mom said she wanted to go to sleep.So decided to get the lap top and look at that suspicious e-mail I had gotten earleier. This is the e-mail that I got:

                Dear Emma,

            You probbly don't know who I am. My name us John and I am your father. Just to give you proof that this isn't a joke or something, I was born on April 13, 1967. I was mairred to your mom ( Anna Potter born Febuary 23, 1968). She's canged her last name back to Potter and didn't keep my last name even though we're not legally devorced. We've just been separated for 13 years. Look I'm sorry I walked out when you were so young. Now your 16 its hard to believe. I  want to see you please!! I would love to see your mother as well. PLEASE just............

Thats where the e-mail ended, no I love you or enything. Almost like something happend.




                        Chapter 5

I woke up the next morning sitting in the chair with the laptop still on. I looked at the screen and the same e-mail was still up there. I looked over at my mom and saw that she was still sleeping so I hit "REPLY" at the top of the screen. I slowly started writing:

                 Dear John,

               I realy don't know if this is a joke or not. To find out if this is realy a joke or not aswer 3 questions. 1) What is Anna's middle name? 2) Where was I born, If you remember what time? 3) Where is my birth mark?

If you anwer all these correctly I might e-mail you back.


Hey Em, what are you doing up so early? Oh I was just replying an e-mail thats all. Oh all right. How do you feel mom? Oh I feel ok thaks for asking. There was a soft knock at the door. I looked and there was, Jen.

Hey Jen your here early. Ya, I thought I would come over before school. Here I have to show you some thing. I showed her the e-mail I got from John. Wow Em what are you going to do? I wrote him back, let me see if he wrote back. I got the lap top and looked to see if John had wrote me back. There it was an responce e-mail from mine.

                Dear Emma,

               Ok heres the ansews: 1) Elizabeth 2) Chicago (I don't remember what time) 3)On the back of your neck. Is this enough information? Hopefully you belive me now.      


So he realy is my father. I need to talk to my mom about this.

© 2008 Pinkipodgirl14

Author's Note

I'm hopefully going to be adding on to this so don't think the storys over yet!

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Very well writen.
Keep up the good work and feel free to send me a request.

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1 Review
Added on February 27, 2008
Last Updated on May 29, 2008