Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

A Story by The_impure_goddess

The theif Midnight goes to steal the most vauble diamond in the world, not expecting to get a little something more out of the deal.



Peering through the glass case, I set my sights on the target. My eyes shimmering with the idea of taking it there and now, but I would have to wait. There it was glowing in all it's glory the Blood Rose Diamond, the most rare and exotic diamond of them all and mine for the taking. Kneeling down next to the case I start to rummage through my bag of tricks, searching for the interment to help me in this little project. Finding the object that was needed I begin to cut a perfect circle into the class, being very careful in not tripping the alarm. Once finished I carefully pop the piece of glass out and place it on the ground. I reach into my bag again, pulling out the item I need to switch with the diamond. A small drop of sweat trails down my face, as I get ready to make the move, then in one swift movement all was finished. The diamond was in my hand, safe and sound. Quickly placing everything back into my pack I begin to take my leave,
        “Well that was easier then I thought,” I voice out loud, getting closer to the window.
        “Well, well. What do we have here?”
Spinning around I realized that I wasn’t alone, nor have I ever been. He had been there the whole time, watching me as I stole the diamond. I watched as the figure stepped out from the darkness, confusion clearly evident on my face.
        "I'm sorry, have we met before?" I asked, I must have sounded like an idiot because he laughed.
         "I'm afraid not. My name is Aaron, detective Aaron." I couldn't help but laugh at how he said his name. It made him seem like he was the new James Bond or something.
         "Really," I said, trying to stop my laughter, "But your so.... young"
         "Actually, I'm twenty. So I'm not that young." He said defensively. Her looked around the museum as if he didn't have anything else to do.
         "So what is this...your third robbery?"
          "Sixth. But who's counting." I replied, placing my hands on my hips.
He takes a careful step towards me, making me take a step back. Watching him from the corner of my eye I can tell that there is something about this man. Something that made him stand out from all the others I've encountered. Well one, he was young and not bad looking if I do say so myself, and two he seemed way to confident for his own good. That was always the problem with the younger ones, always to sure of themselves. I watched him, neither one of us moving from our spots. What's up with this guy?
         "What's the matter detective Aaron? Don't tell me your bored of me already." I pouted playfully.
 A laugh erupts from his throat, shallow and soft. His eyes meet mine before he replies," Of course I'm not bored of you Midnight. I wouldn't have taken this cause if I thought you were going to bore me."
My pout fades, a frown taking its place as he continues to talk, "To tell you the truth, I'm kind of a fan of yours."
         "Oh yes. I mean you've gotten every other detective to give up you. No witness, no fingerprints, no evidence. It drives them crazy."
          “ I try.” I reply coolly,” But what about you? How do I know your not going to stop like the others?"
He gives a small chuckle, his eyes dancing with excitement. "I live for the chase."
I watched him, not believing what was coming out of his mouth. No man or women has ever talked to her like this before. He looked at me, his deep blue meeting forest green.
          “ But I think it's time for you to give up this life and come with me.”
I laughed, did he honestly think I was going to make this easy for him.
       “And if I don't want to?”
      “Then I guess I'll have no choice but to make you. Won't I?”
He takes another step towards me and I take another step back. Fixing the bag on my shoulder I begin to walk over the window once again, looking over my shoulder to see his reaction, which I find to be quite relaxed. 
      “How old are you any way?” He asks.
Turning around to face him I can't help but wonder what the heck is going on in that big head of his.     
        “I'm sorry, what did you just ask me?”
        “I asked you how old you are.”
        “I know you asked me that, but I why would you ask such a stupid question?” I ask him, folding my arms across my chest.
He smiles, “Because that way I can shorten my list of people to suspect. I can already tell that your female,” His smile getting bigger, “And you have green eyes.”
It was my turn to smile now, “Well it looks like someone has been doing his homework. But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you how old I am, didn't your mom ever tell you it's not polite to ask a women her age,”
           “Really, because I don't see a women.” He replied, his midnight blue eyes scanning me up and down.
          “You know...I would love to play this little cat and mouse game with you, but I have another engagement to attend to.”
 He begins to advance towards me once again making me take my own steps back as well, and it was then I knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to corner me. That way I wouldn't have a way to escape, oh boy was he in for a surprise. My mind worked fast as it devised a way to escape the situation, but it wasn't fast enough. In a matter of minuets my back hit the wall, giving him the opportunity to pin both my hands to my sides.
            "I suggest you let me go, or your going to wish you had."
            " I didn't think you where that type of girl." He said, his breath blowing feather light kisses against my face. I didn't notice how close we had been until now, our faces inches apart.
             "You don't know anything about me." I snapped, god this guys was getting on my nerves.
            "Trust me sweet heart, I know more about then you think."
            "What am I? Your hobby?" I ask, struggling to get away.
            "Wouldn't you like to know."
I was about to snap back at him, but I need to use my energy for figuring out how to get out of this mess. I quickly evaluated my situation, I was up against a wall, both my hands pined to my side making it harder to reach for anything in my bag, and he was so close that he was almost pressed against me. Thinking hard I knew there was only one thing left to do, so deciding quick I went in for the kill. I crushed my mouth against his, in attempt at a kiss, that way he would be distracted. The surprising thing was he kissed me back, tenderly and passionately. All to quickly I was lost in his touch, his tongue brushing against my lower lip begging me to let him in and I did. Reality hit me hard when my back hit against the wall again, this was not the way to handle things. My arms were completely free and wrap around his neck, his hands on each side of my face against the wall holding him up. Thinking quickly I did the only thing I could, kneeing him where it hurt the most.
        I watched as he doubled over in pain, catching my breath I smiled. No took advantage of Midnight. Using quick reflexes I dashed to the window, I had just put in one foot out when a soft click caught my attention.
       “S**t...” I mutter under my breath.
Are you sure you want to do that?” I ask.
        “Either you come with me or I have no choice but to shoot,”
Bringing my foot back inside I slowly make my way towards him, a smile on my face.
          “You know there is one other alternative,”
         “Oh and what would that be?” He asks, his eyes narrowing, trying to figure out what I'm up to.
        “This,” And with quick reflexes I kick the gun out of his hand and pin him to the floor, him struggling underneath me.
        “Get...off...me!” he yells, trying with all his might to escape from me.
        “Oh, but I wanted to give you something to remember me by.” with that I hold his head to the side to stop him from moving and bring my lips down on his cheek leaving a big rosy lipstick print. Then quickly getting off of him I run to the window, throwing myself out it, lucky that I was on the fifth floor and the help of my feline flexibility I always land on my feet. But before I could make it to the ground a metal hook scraped against my right arm, making a huge cut. I hissed in pain as I landed on the ground with a light thud. Looking up I see him watching me, his eyes wide with disbelief. Smiling I take off into the night.
 "Isabella, hurry up! Our guest is going to be here any minute."
       "I'm coming!" I yelled back, doing a quick spin in front of the mirror. Making sure nothing   was out of place.
Hearing the doorbell I race down the stairs at lighting speed, excited to meet my sister's new boyfriend.
         "He's here. Do I look okay?" She asks, playing with her hair and glancing in the mirror to see if she was okay.
          "You're fine. Now, will you please answer the door. The man might already be a popsicle."
She opens the door to reveal a young a man standing at the door, a big batch of roses in his hands and I could have swore I stopped breathing.
            "Hi. Sorry I'm late, I had to take care of something at work."
            "It's fine. Here I want to you to meet my sister Isabella. Isabella this is-"
            "Aaron." I interjected, receiving a stare from both my sister and her boyfriend, "I've heard so much about you." Sticking out my hand, I waited for him to take it. He eagerly took my hand and shook it, his eyes never leaving mine.
              "I'm sorry, do I know you from somewhere?" He asks.
S**t. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, so I played innocent.
               "No. No Sir, I don't believe we're met before." I replied, placing a fake smile on.
               "Well, if this is over how about we go eat."
Both of us nodded, neither one of us taking our eyes of the other. Silently we made our way to the dinning room, me talking my place across my sister's boyfriend. My sister made her leave to bring out the food, leaving Aaron and me by ourselves.
                 "So, Isabella..."
                  "Bella, " I corrected, taking a sip of my water.
                  "Bella. So tell me a little about yourself, your sister never really mentioned you."
I couldn't help but smile; I knew my sister would never mention to her friends that she looked after her seventeen year old sister.
                 "Well...I'm a junior in high school, I'm on the volleyball team, the swim team, Orchestra, and the debate team." I said, grinning.
I watched as a laugh erupted from his throat, god it was beautiful. Wait. Get your head in the game girl.
                "It sounds like you're a very busy girl."
My sister reentered the room with the dinner and placed it on the table, everyone took some food and began to eat surrounding us an uneasy silence. Soon it was my sister’s turn to start up the conversation.
                "So, what was it that kept you away for so long." She asked.
He chewed his food and swallowed before answering her, "Well, to tell you the truth I had a run it with the thief Midnight."
My sister let out a gasp of horror and I could help but roll my eyes. I knew she was only pretending, she really wasn't that interested or even knew who Midnight was.
                  "Did you catch her?" She asked, leaning in to him from across the table.
                   "Well...no. She got away before I could get her."
                   "What a shame."
I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, but quickly turned it into a cough to hid the fact I was laughing. Just as my sister was about to see if I was okay, forgetting that she was holding her glass with red wine in it, dumping it on my sky blue dress. Making me shoot up like a bullet.
        "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Bella," My sister apologized, though I could have sworn I saw a smile.
I tried to fix the mess on my dress the best as I could but nothing was going to work.
             "Bella, what happened to your arm?" She asked, pointing to the huge cut in my right arm. Looking down I found could see that the cut was still bleeding, cursing to myself for not taking care of it earlier.
Crap. I hurried to think up a good excuse, luckily I was a master an excuses.
                  "Oh this. I got it caught on one of the lockers at volleyball practice." I said quickly, trying not to sound to eager to get off the subject.
                    "Well, we need to get it cleaned up right away."
Grabbing my good arm she dragged me out into the living room, Aaron right behind us, his eyes focus on my bloody arm. Once we got to the living room she pushed me onto the couch, disappearing into the bathroom and coming back with the first aid kit.
                  "Here Aaron, do you think you can help her clean that up while I go get a washcloth."
Aaron nodded as she disappeared into the kitchen. Turning to face me I could see there was something behind his deep blue eyes. Opening the first aid kit he began his work on the cut, hissing when he placed the disinfected on my arm.
                         "So how did you really get this?" He asked, not bothering to look up at me.
                         "What do you mean? I told you how I got it." I said, trying my beast to play innocent.
It was this time that he looked up at me, deep blue meeting forest green. My heart thumped loudly against my ribcage, so loud that I though Aaron could actually her it.
                         "You really think I'm going to believe that?"
                         "If the shoe fits." I replied, sarcasm clearly evident in my voice.
Giving me a disbelieving look, he quickly went back to cleaning my cut. No words were exchanged between us as we sat there in the living room. I watched as he worked on my arm, his hands so warm and gentle. Then out of nowhere the image of us kissing flashed across my mind, I could have sworn that heat in my cheeks began rise. Luckily, he wasn't paying any attention to me.
               "Alright, finished." He said after he finished wrapping my arm up, "It should be good as new in a few weeks." He gave a small smile and I couldn't help but smile back, man I must be out of my mind.
                "No problem. Just next time, don't get your arm caught on a locker."
He was about to leave when he stopped in the middle of the living room. Turning, he looked at me straight in the eyes, a smile on his face liked he had figure out a big secret.
                "You know what's kind of interesting?" He asked, talking a few steps toward me.
My breath hitched in my throat, my body felt like it was rooted to the spot I was standing, unable to move.
                "What?" I asked, sounding like I had just had the wind knocked out of me.
I don't know how it happened. But somehow we had come closer together, our faces only inches apart. I could smell sweet scent of strawberries that floated around him. My mind began to shut down, the warning signals in my head disappearing, and my sense of judgment clearly out the window. He gently brought his hand to caress my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. What was happening to me? I've never felt like this before, these feelings totally new to me. This wasn't right. I shouldn't be falling for the enemy. But I was, and what made it worse he was my sister's boyfriend. As I was about to smack his hand way, he caught it. My eyes went wide and it was like the museum all over again.
      He brought me into his arms, crashing his lips against mine. He took one of his hands and grabbed on of mine, hooking both my arms around his neck. He placed his arms back around my waste. God, everything was happening too fast, I couldn't catch my breath.
              "I can't breath." I tried to say as Aaron continued to kiss me senseless.
              "Then don't."
The kiss became more passionate, his tongue silently asking permission and I gave it to him. My back hit the wall, but I couldn't care less I was too lost in his touch. It wasn't until he began to sigh my name when I realized what we were doing was wrong. I pushed him away, catching my breath in the process. It was just then, that my oh so loving sister came walking in. A wet towel in her hands and huge smile on her face.
                "Okay, so I finally found a towel. Sorry it took so lon-"
She stopped, looking back and forth between us. Me shooting daggers at Aaron, my face flushed red, Aaron didn't look so good either. His nice white dress shirt that he had been wearing only moments ago was now deformed, his hair a mess, and his lips swollen.
              "Is everything okay?" My sister asked. God, she could be so stupid.
              "It just peachy!" I said, snatching the towel from her hand and marching back up the stairs.
       Yeah, everything just great. Your boyfriend kissed me and I liked it, you seem too oblivious to what is going on, and I'm falling for my enemy. Stupid teenage hormones.
     I slammed the door to my room and threw the towel on the chair in the corner. Throwing myself on to my queen size bed I screamed into the pillow. This couldn't be happening to me, not after all my hard work. A soft knock could be heard on the door.
               "Go Away!" I yelled.
Of course I should have known that who ever was out there wasn't going to leave me alone. The door swung open and Aaron stepped into my personal space. Why couldn't anyone just leave me alone?
                "Listen. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened down stairs."
                "Well, apology not accepted. I mean...what the hell happened down there?" I demand, I would be damned if I wasn't going to get any answers.
                "It's just.... I don't know.... you reminded me of someone I knew."
                "Oh, so you think it's okay to go sneaking around with your girlfriends sister?" I snapped.
He took a seat on my bed, bring his hands threw his dark hair in frustration.
                "It's...complicated." He whispered.
Placing my hand under his chin I brought his head up to look in my eyes. I could see the fire in his eyes, the fire and passion for only one person...Midnight. Not Isabella Anderson, the geeky little highschooler with the hot sister. But Midnight, the strong, independent women, with a in your face attitude. He was confusing day with night, love and lust, and there was no way he was in love with me. So why did it hurt so much? Was it because there was finally one thing in this world I couldn't have.
Sighing I replied, "I understand. Apology accepted."
He smiled one of my favorite smiles and I thought my heart would combust, "I just wanted to make sure we're cool." He said.
            "Yeah...we're cool."
Quickly placing a kiss on the top of my head he jumped off the bed and walks towards the door, but before he left he looked over his shoulder at me.
              "You going to be alright?'
'What do you think?' "Yeah I'll be fine." 
Turning on his heel he left, closing the door behind him. A huge smile on his face, he turned his head towards the door, only one thing being whispered into the night.
                  "I can't wait for our next encounter...Midnight."
Descending down the flight of stairs he see Isabella's sister waiting, a smile on her face. But there is more to the smile, she was hiding something.
         "Is she okay?" She asks, her voice is sweet but there's an edge to it.
         "Yeah. She fine. Anyway, thanks for inviting me for dinner. It was very...interesting."
         "Anytime. Come back when ever you want." She replies, leaning in as she says it. He gives a small chuckle, he knows what she wants but he isn't going to give it to her. He kisses her on the cheek and he can she her eyes darkening for only a moment before a forced smile is in its place. Opening the door, he lets himself out. The night air hitting his face, he looks up to see that Isabella peering out her window and then quickly retreating, probably hoping he didn't see her.
      Alex closes the door behind Aaron and then peers up the stairs, her eyes finding her sisters door. Glaring at it for only a moment, a smile graces her lips. Her eyes turning a darker shade.
          "Very well little sis. If this is the way you want to play the game, then let it be. But lets make it clear that I don't intend to lose."

© 2008 The_impure_goddess

Author's Note

I'm thinking of making this into a bigger story, tell me what you think. Please ignore any grammar poblems you find. ~The Impure Goddess.~

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Sorry I didn't log on in a bit my computer died on me again
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i Like i t!!!!!!!1

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Added on June 6, 2008
