![]() Ch. 2 SnowA Chapter by Hannavas R.![]() tears of joy![]() Renew Ch 2. Snow I awoke from a knock on the door. My blue eyes opened slowly and I reached over to the table we're I'd left my glasses the previous night and put them on my small pale face. I sat up, the knocking on the door stopped and I looked at it as I rose from the couch and walked over to it. I opened the door a jar and light poured into the dim lit house a long with cold air. Then all of a sudden the door was forced open by the woman standing at the door, “Heavens sakes child, you're worrying more about Shawn than I am.” It was Shawn's mother. I looked at her wide eyed. Her hair was long and curly and deep brown just like Shawn's. Her voice was between loud and irritating, but she did have a big heart. My lip started tremble at the thought of Shawn, at seeing his mother, and at the resemblances. Her brown eyes were warm when she saw me about to cry and she reached out and wrapped her arms around my small frame. “You know Kai, I'm so glad my son found such a great husband,” she said smiling down at me. That made me a tad bit happier and the tears that were slow to form just kind of stopped. I took a deep breath and took a step back and looked at her. “Thanks Jess,” I said with a small smile, which seemed to make her day. She then dug through her purse and brought out 2 envelopes. “Go get dressed and I'll let you have these,” she said flaunting her power over me. I reluctantly did as she said and came back in a blue long sleeved shirt, and dark jeans. “Come on,” she said, handing me the coat that had been sitting on a coat rack next to the door. “I don't wanna go out,” I said slowly. “Well if you don't your not getting these.” I sighed and took the coat. Damn lady, always making me do stuff I don't want to do. I put the tan coat over myself and slipped on my shoes and walked out into the settled snow after locking the door. Jess headed towards her car and I followed, “So where are you taking me?” I asked. “You'll know when we get there,” she teased. I stepped reluctantly into the car and shut the door and put on my seat belt. Jess started the car and slightly warm air shot out from the heater. She backed out of the drive way, letting me watch us creep away from the snow covered house, the porch, with a hanging swing gently rocking from the cold breeze, was the only thing not covered in inches of snow. When we got onto the road I looked at her, both of her manicured hands were on the wheel and her eyes were on the road, the car was quiet aside from the blowing heat. I sat there for a bit, waiting for her to give me the mail but when she didn't say anything or make any motions I asked, “Can I read my mail yet?” She glanced at me and giggled a bit, “Not yet, Kai, I want to see your reaction for these letters,” she smiled after she finished. I gulped, “Are they from Shawn?” “What do you think?” she glanced at me again giving me an obvious answer in her eyes. I smiled and turned back to the road, my heart pounding in anticipation. There wasn't much traffic, which was unusual with it being in December even if it was early morning. Though I guess after living most of my life in Gothenburg and then moving down to Helsingborg to be closer Shawn's parents is quiet a change. You see Shawn and his parents moved here, to Sweden, from America before Shawn was even born. Shawn and I met in Gothenburg about 5 years ago at Konserthuset, musical symphonies, and don't get me wrong the music was fantastic but meeting Shawn there made the music pale in comparison. That night when we left we actually went to a bar with a couple other bodies we'd made and well he got so hammered on alcohol that he wound up spending the night with me at my home just a few houses away. It wasn't until a few weeks later that I learned that he was bisexual and that he was into me. Then four years ago he started work in the military and then he got out of it do to a broken leg and arm but was just recently called back in a few months ago to finish his 5 years. I sighed thinking about all of this. Jess then pulled into a the parking lot of an espresso house. She parked the car as I looked at her, at least she knows what I want at 8 in the morning. I got out of the car and followed her in and shortly after ordering Earl Grey tea we sat down at one of the open tables, Jess smiled at me and handed me the two envelopes, I smiled, thrilled. I picked up the first letter, but when I went to tear it I saw that it was already opened, “That was addressed to me and I'm allowing you to read it,” Jess said I smile on her face. “Oh,” I said and pulled the letter out of the envelope. When I looked at it I saw that it was a certificate honoring Shawn in his work and duties. It made me happy. I returned the letter to Jess and then picked up mine. I carefully tore into it, both of us waiting in anticipation. I pulled the letter out and as I read it tears streamed down my face and a smile ten miles wide appeared on my face. Not only was this from Shawn and his beautiful handwriting, but, “It says he's coming home on a 2 week leave for Christmas,” I basically shouted at Jess who couldn't even stop smiling enough to say anything as a waitress handed me my tea and Jess her coffee. I looked up at her and saw that even she was smiling. “That's great news,” she said. © 2013 Hannavas R.Author's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Hannavas R.AboutI am a 16 year old fantasy and romance reader and mostly short story writer, though I also write gay and lesbian, autobiographies, poems, novels, teen and young adult, and strictly adult. I'm silly.. more..Writing