I know you,but how? final chapter

I know you,but how? final chapter

A Chapter by Phoenix

I know you,but how? final chapter


In the cell for a while, what will happen when Nick and Amiel go to talk to Siren?

It was dark in the cell, but I could easily see around. Not that there was much there in the cell, just a couple of windows in the medium-sized holding room. It didn't really matter much to me what was in there or not in there, with me, though, because all I wanted was to get out of there and get blood. I fought against the chains that were holding me, trying to get free, for a long time. Eventually, though, I tired myself out and stopped trying to get free.

I didn't like it, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get free from my chains, without being let out. I also doubted I'd be getting any blood any time soon, which didn't make me all that happy. I also wasn't happy that I was put in the cell in the first place. I couldn't believe that Nick did that to me. I didn't want to see him right then, that was for sure. Never mind that he was trying to help me and not let me do something I'd regret. I wasn't even thinking about that. It didn't even cross my mind.

I wasn't sure how long I was going to be left there. Would it be for a day, a few days, longer than that? I didn't know, but I knew all I could do to pass the time was to watch the sun show up and leave from outside the windows in the cell. So, it's what I did. I went and looked out the window and watched the sunlight that was there, as well as the bit of the outside I could see, then I watched as the sunlight left.

I watched that happen twice, before I heard the door to the cell being unlocked. I didn't know who it was at first, because I didn't look over. I wasn't feeling as blood thirsty or as angry with Nick, but there was still some of those there. I did feel a bit weak, though, from not having blood for a while. It wasn't a feeling I liked at all. I wanted that to go away, for me to be able to feed so I could get my strength back.

I heard footsteps come into the cell, and walk towards me. When the footsteps were about 7 steps away from me, I looked over to see who was there. When I looked, I saw that Nick and Amiel were there. and I wasn't really sure how to react. Part of me was glad to see Nick, but another part of me was still a little angry with him. I didn't say anything to either Nick or Amiel, just watched them both. I didn't know what to say. Eventually, though, I softly said, "What are you going to do to me now, Nick? Isn't it enough that you locked me away? I thought you loved me."

Nick looked hurt when I said that and said, "I do love you, Siren. It is why I could not let you feed from that human. You would have regretted it."

"If you love me, then why did you chain me up?" I asked. "I would not have taken much from him. You could have let me bite him."

Nick moved a bit closer to me, then said, "No, I could not have. If you fed from him, you would have taken too much."

He paused then said, "Chaining you up was a difficult thing for me. You were letting the bloodlust speak for you, though. I did not"

I cut him off before he could say anything else, and said, my voice rising as much as it could at that point, "I don't care what you didn't want! I didn't want to be locked away! How dare you!"

Nick looked even more hurt at that point, and went and moved away from me. He stayed in the cell for a little bit, then started to walk away. Amiel saw that and ran over to Nick, stopping him and talking to him. After their conversation, which I didn't really pay much attention to, Amiel walked over to me and stood right in front of me.

He was silent for a short time, as he looked me up and down, then said, with a bit of bitterness, "You are no better than Rain. You both are willing to do anything to get what you want."

I was silent for a little while, as I thought about what he was saying, before I said, "I am nothing like Rain!"

"Prove it, to Nick and I." Amiel said, a little calmer than before but not much. "Prove that you are not a blood thirsty, power hungry monster. Prove to Nick that you still love him and that you still want to be with him."

When I heard what he said, I was silent for a while as the words sank in. Eventually, I said, calmer than I had been before, looking over at Nick, feeling a few blood tears run down my cheeks, "I am sorry, Nick. I still love you and want to marry you. I do not know how to control my thirst yet, though. I thought you didn't love me anymore."

I paused then said, "I was angry with you, and I wanted blood. It was all I could think about."

Amiel sighed then said, "This is why you were told to stay away from humans for a while. I see, though, that you need to learn how to control your thirst."

I nodded my head, and looked away from both Amiel and Nick. I could feel more blood tears falling, which wasn't good because I hadn't had blood in a while and there would be nothing to replenish it with. At one point, I looked up and noticed Nick was still far away from me.

"Nick, please."

"This is why I did not want to turn you into a Dhampir," Nick said. "I had, had a hope that this would not happen to you and that you would be able to handle this. I was wrong."

I watched as Nick walked over to me, then when he was over where I was, he said to me, after he wiped away some of my tears, "I still love you, Siren. What you said hurt me, but I know it was your bloodlust and not you that was talking. I also know that this is going to happen more if you are not taught how to control yourself."

"When will you teach me how to do that?" I asked, my voice sad.

"As soon as possible," Nick said.

"It would probably be best to teach her in here, Nick," Amiel said.

Nick looked at Amiel and said, "Yes, I agree. We do not a repeat of what happened."

When I heard what was said, I said, "No. You're going to keep me in here?"

I went and yanked on my chains a bit, as I said, "Please let me go. I won't try and hurt anyone else."

Nick sighed and said, "You may not want to hurt anyone, or mean to, but you will try again. You cannot leave this room yet."

I was silent for a little while, before I said, softly, "Will you at least unchain me? I am too weak to do much harm."

Nick didn't say anything, just nodded and said to Amiel, "Go ahead and unchain her. I am going to go and find her some blood."

As Amiel went and unchained me, Nick said, as he was leaving the cell, "I will be back soon."

I nodded when I heard what Nick said, and watched as he left. Pretty soon, I was unchained and being held up by Amiel. I was really glad for that, because I couldn't really stand on my own right then. It was like that the whole time Nick was gone. After not too long, though, Nick was back with a couple of wine glasses of blood.

Not too long after he was back, the wine glasses were brought over to me and I was able to start to get some blood in me. Nick and Amiel both helped me, holding the wine glass for me and making sure I didn't drink too fast as well as make sure I didn't fall over. Once I was feeling a bit better, all the blood having been drunk and long since stopped crying, Nick said, "We should start your additional training now."

I wasn't really sure what to say. Eventually I said, "Do you really think right now is the best time to do that?"

"Yes, I do," Nick said.

Amiel looked at me and said, still holding onto me in case I'd fall over without his support, and said, "Siren, I do not know how you will react to this, but there is no way that you and Nick will be able to be married at the castle. There are more humans there than here and you will need to be able to control yourself around them."

I was silent for a little while, before I said, "I understand. I want to be married at the castle. I also do not want there to be any chance of me hurting any humans, at all."

I looked at Amiel and said, "I think I'll be ok to stand on my own, Amiel."

When I said that, Amiel slowly let me go but was right there in case I started to fall over. I was absolutely fine, though, and didn't topple over at all. Once I was standing on my own, I said, "I'm ready to start my additional training." Not too long after I said that was when Nick and Amiel both went and started teaching me how to control my thirst.

© 2013 Phoenix

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems, what do you think of the dialogue

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Added on April 9, 2013
Last Updated on April 9, 2013
Tags: Fantasy Vampire



Ottawa, ON, Canada

May redo Entered the Glare In Glass will be taking out a few other books since they are not doing so well on reviews. Till I know for sure there will be more readers to read them. But always going to .. more..

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