I know you, but how chapter 5-6

I know you, but how chapter 5-6

A Chapter by Phoenix

I know you, but how chapter 5-6


Asleep for three days, more dreams, and Siren is starting to think that may be this guy was right.

I hadn't known how long I was asleep for. I figured maybe it was a few hours or a day at the most. There wasn't really anyway for me to tell, though. All I knew was that when I woke up, I didn't feel as bad as I had before. My throat still felt a little sore, but I didn't feel as sick as I had felt when I ran out into the rain. I went and tried to sit up. When I did, I found out that my head felt a little fuzzy. I didn't feel dizzy, though, well, not all that much, so I pulled the covers off me and started to swing my legs over so I could get out of the bed. Before I could finish, though, I felt a hand on my arm and looked up.

Maybe this guy  was right there, beside the bed, stopping me from getting up. I went and laid back down, doubting I'd be able to get up at that point and also not wanting to run into any issues, like making myself feel really dizzy. When I was putting my legs back on the bed and under the covers, I noticed that my ankle was bandaged. I was so glad right then that I hadn't actually got out of bed fully.

I noticed the look on his face, one of concern and also of hoping that I was ok now, as he asked, "How are you feeling?"

I was silent for a short time, as I thought of what to say, before I said, "My head feels a little fuzzy, but I don't feel dizzy. Well, not much. My throat feels a little sore still, but it's not too bad." I paused then said, "How long have I been asleep?"

 He put a hand on my forehead, and brushed some of the hair from my face, as he said, "You have been asleep for three days."

"Three days?" I asked, totally shocked. "I didn't know I was asleep for that long." I remembered running out of the house, and being brought back, but there was other stuff that was a little blurry. Being asleep for as long as she had been kind of made sense, though, especially if I hadn't been feeling well. It was still a bit of a surprise, though.

"Yes," he said. "You were asleep for that long and I sat right beside your bed the whole time, just as you had asked me too."

I was silent for a little while, not sure what to say to that. I hadn't remembered asking him to stay there with me. He'd remembered it, though, so I must've said it. But did I say it because I wanted him to stay there, or because I wasn't thinking right, or something? What else did I say, if anything? I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know. Despite all that, I smiled a little and said, "Thank you." Despite everything that had happened, I was glad someone was there with me.

He seemed a little unsure of what to say, or maybe it was something else. Whatever it was, he was silent for a little while, before he said, "There is no need to thank me for doing something I did out of love. As I said before, I would never leave you."

I felt oddly comforted by that. Before, I was more scared than anything, but that seemed to be going away. I wasn't sure why. There were some things I definitely felt like I needed to find out. I figured maybe he could help me with that. He did think I had memory loss. I was starting to think that may be I did have some kind of memory loss or something, especially with the dreams I had when I'd been asleep for the past three days. It could've been something else too, but I wasn't really sure what.

Without even really realizing it, I said, softly, "You say that you would never leave me, however you have more than once. I was so very upset when you had to leave me."

He looked really surprised when he looked at me, and he didn't say anything for a long time. He then said, with an unsure tone, "Aleena?"

When I heard that I said, "Who else would..." I stopped talking, realizing what I said. I gasped and said, "I don't know what I'm saying. I don't even really know what's going on. I'm so confused." I could feel some tears fall from my eyes.

I looked away from him and could hear him sigh. He didn't say anything, though. I was silent for a while, not really sure what to say if anything. I remembered something from before, about how I'd asked him why he thought I was Aleena and he hadn't answered me. I looked at him and softly said, "Do you have any pictures of me, I mean of Aleena?" I said. "Maybe if I saw some pictures..." I trailed off after that, not really sure what else to say.

Not too long after I said that, he went and called for Cerise and Henry. When they showed up, Nick told them to find as many pictures as they could and bring them there, to the room. After that, Cerise and Henry left the room and Nick and I waited in silence. After a little while, they were back with the pictures. There were a good amount of them. I was handed a bunch of pictures, that Henry told me were from when I first met Nick.

When I looked at the first picture, I gasped. I looked through more of the pictures I'd been handed and felt confused again. The woman in the pictures was wearing a Victorian looking gown, sometimes green, sometimes purple, other times blue, or some other color, and shoes that were definitely from that era. She had the same dark brown hair and green eyes I did. Her hair was done up fancy, though, and had some combs in it. She also looked the same exact age as me, 17.

I was speechless for a long time, before I said, "This is impossible. How could she look like me, well me look like her? I'm starting to really think, though, that may be I am Aleena. There's all these dreams I've had, and I feel like I've been in this place before." She paused then said, "I just don't understand how, though. It's way past the Victorian era. There's no way this could be a picture of me, yet..."   More memories surface, and (Aleena) shows up even more. What happened to Siren (Aleena)? Read to find out.   More Memories Surface

There was silence for a while, for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes at the most. No one seemed to know what to say, at all. During the silence, I went and looked through even more pictures. As I did, more memories went through my mind. I remembered Nick asking me to marry him, as well as all the preparation for the wedding. I remembered being a bit scared when he'd told me that he was a Dhampire, but eventually accepting it and wanting to be with him no matter what. I also remembered asking him, begging him to turn me into a Dhampire so that we could be together forever. I also remember him refusing, telling me that he didn't want to ruin my life.

As the memories came to me, I could feel a few tears fall from my eyes. They were tears of happiness, rather than sadness. Instead of making me feel more confused and scared, seeing the pictures and having the memories made me feel very happy. It made me wish I had never been away from Nick. Yes, there was still a little fear and confusion there, but it was mostly happiness.

I wiped my tears away and smiled as I looked at Nick, reached out and put my hand over his, and said, "Nick, my darling, I do not know how it is possible that I am here, talking to you. However, I am very happy that we are together again. I feel as if I have been away from you for a very long time, perhaps even for centuries."

Nick went and put my hand in his, then said, after a bit of hesitation, "(Aleena) Siren, I am unsure, as well, as to how you have come back to me after all this time. You have been away from me for more than a century."

My smile left my face when I heard what he said. I was silent for a while, before I looked at Cerise and Henry and said, "Is this true?" It wasn't that I didn't believe Nick, there wasn't ever a time where I didn't believe him. I might have gotten a bit upset with him when he had to leave me for a while, but I never thought he was lying. I had asked, because I was shocked. I couldn't believe that Nick had said what he did, that we had been separated for over a century! I had thought that it had been a shorter time, perhaps 10 years, even though it had felt longer. Whenever Nick and I weren't in the same place, it always felt much longer than it was.

Cerise and Henry were silent for a while, before Henry said, "Yes, Miss Aleena, it is true." He paused then said, "There was quite a bit of unhappiness when you were no longer here, in this house."

I took a breath or two, before I said, to Nick, squeezing his hand a bit, "I did not want to leave. I wanted to stay here and marry you. I love you, Nick. From the moment we met, I felt that we should be together. I was told, however, that..." I trailed off, really not sure what to say or how to say it.

Nick ran his free hand over my cheek, as he said, trying not to sound too harsh, "Tell me what happened. Tell me who took you away from me and who made you forget me."

I was silent for a little while, as if trying to find the words to say to him. After a while, I softly said, "I was deceived. I still cannot believe I let it happen, but I did." I paused then said, "Do you remember introducing me to your mother, Father, and one of your brothers and sisters, about a month and a half before we were to be married?"

"Yes," Nick said, sounding a bit happy that I remembered that, but also sounding a bit worried too. "I remember that. Why do you ask?"

I softly sighed, then said, the memory there and the words coming without much problem, "Not everyone in your family wanted us to be married. I realize that your parents were a bit reluctant at first, but they eventually came to accept the idea and actually want me to be part of your family. Your sister, however did not approve of us marrying. It was something that I realized much too late."

I sat up a bit, and after my pillow was moved behind me, I said, "Nick, I would get very lonely when you would leave me for a great deal of time; sometimes for several months at a time. I would attempt to entertain myself by playing the piano or violin, learning new music that I had been wanting to play, or reading. I would also occasionally host a tea party. Even though I attempted to distract myself from the fact that you were not with me, I still thought of you."

I paused then said, "I was so very glad when you had told me that you would not leave me again. I was also very glad when you told me that you were a prince, but that you did not want me to marry you entirely for that reason."

"I was not even sure if I wanted to continue to be a prince," Nick said. "It is why I had not told you about the castle, or my royal life until later in our relationship. I did not want you to marry me for something that may or may not still be there."

I smiled a little, then said, "Yes, I know. I, myself, was thrilled about the fact that I would become a princess if I married you. At the same time, though, if you had decided not to stay a prince, and live as a normal Dhampire, I would have been just as happy."

I frowned a bit when I continued on with my story. "I was a bit nervous meeting your family, but was glad that they accepted me. When you would travel to your castle, to deal with whatever issues you needed to, Rain would sometimes show up. Your brother, Jack, had visited with me once or twice, but it was mostly your sister that would come here. She would keep me company, and would make it seem like she was attempting to help me prepare for the wedding. At one point, though, she had asked me if I were entirely sure that I wanted to marry you and that you would not always be around me. She at one point has also said that us marrying was a bad thing and that you were not really in love with me."

I looked at Nick and noticed that he looked angry, and a bit betrayed, which I could understand. I felt him let go of my hand, and saw him stand up. I noticed him start to pace the room, before he said, "Rain is a bit manipulative and has always gotten what she wanted. I had thought that perhaps she would not want to disrupt our happiness, but I was very wrong."

"There is more to the story," I said to him. "About three weeks before we were to be married, as you were making your own preparations for the wedding, a gentleman caller came here. I did not know who he was or how he knew that I was here. I had told him, on more than on occasion, that I was not interested in him and that I was already spoken for. He did not take no for an answer and attempted to make me fall in love with him. He was charming and part of me enjoyed his attention, however, I did not fall in love with him."

I paused then said, "A few days before we were to be married, I had been out walking in the garden when he showed up again. Rain was there with him. There was a bit of an argument, one in which Rain told me that I was not going to marry you and I told her that I wanted to marry you and nothing would change that. Before I realized what was happening, though, I was being taken away from my home."

Nick stopped pacing, which he had been doing for a good amount of time, and said, looking directly at me, "What is his name, Aleena? Does Rain know who he is?"

I nodded my head and said, softly, "Yes, she does. His name is Lucian and they are in love. Perhaps I should say that they were in love, because I am not sure if they still are. Either way, he and Rain had both abducted me and taken me far away from here. I do not remember what happened after that."

I watched Nick, not sure what he was thinking of what I'd said to him. He seemed really angry, but also somewhat relieved. I didn't say anything to him, not sure what to say. I just lay where I was and waited for him to say something. Eventually he said, "It seems that I need to have a talk with Rain, about what she did. How dare she take you from me?"

He paused then said, "Even though I am very angry about what you have told me, I am also relieved to know what happened to you. I am also relieved to have you here, with me. I am not sure how you will react to this, but I need to send for Rain."

I looked down and said, after a little while, "Must you? I would much rather not see her."

I could hear Nick walking over to me, and I looked up when I felt him grab my hand. "I am not about to allow her to get away with what she did," he said. "She may be spoiled, but she cannot manipulate every situation to her advantage."

He paused then said, his voice softening a little, "If it would make you feel better, however, I can send for my parents and brother as well."

I smiled a little then said, "Yes. I would feel much better if you would do that. I am sure there will be many questions, but we can answer them together."

"Yes, of course," Nick said. He was silent for a little while, before he looked over at Cerise and Henry and said to them, "Bring the pictures out of this room and put them back where you found them. When Miss (Aleena) Siren is well enough, she will tell you exactly where she wants the pictures to be. Once the pictures have been put away, and I have written my letters, I will need them to be delivered."

With that said, Nick kissed me again, and said, "I will not be far away from you. If you need anything, call for me, Cerise or Henry. For now, though, you need to rest."

I didn't say anything to Nick, just nodded and reluctantly let go of his hand. Cerise went and helped me lay down in bed. I then watched as the pictures were picked up from off the bed and taken out of the room. I also watched as everyone left, Nick being the last to leave. Once everyone left, a good amount of tears left my eyes, from all the different emotions I was feeling and had been feeling. After crying for a while, I felt my eyes close and myself fall asleep.

© 2013 Phoenix

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems, what do you think of the dialogue

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Added on April 9, 2013
Last Updated on April 9, 2013
Tags: Fantasy Vampire



Ottawa, ON, Canada

May redo Entered the Glare In Glass will be taking out a few other books since they are not doing so well on reviews. Till I know for sure there will be more readers to read them. But always going to .. more..

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