![]() EnteredA Chapter by PhoenixProud and Humble It was about time. Of course, feeding and making the donor forget about this particular incident worked for him, but it didn't work forever. He wanted his donors over as soon as possible. He had to find accomodation for them and for him and Mia, of course. It would be a matter of one week until everybody would be over, though, Lucien had already talked to the hotel's manager about rooms. Just because he could easily afford paying for this hotel for a party of eight did not mean he didn't appreciate a discount every now and then. Either was, this one week would pass and for now, he had asked Kiera to come over already. The blond had been his donor for a couple of years now and her company would delight him. That, and her blood. Moreover, she could lend him a hand in picking furniture and getting everything done. He was a man of a particular taste, yet he would leave furnishing their homes to the donors. He didn't have to live there, anyway. It'd be nice to have someone familiar around. Lucien had hired a chauffeur to drive her over and was expecting her in around thirty minutes. It was still early in the day and he expected traffic to be moderate, but slightly busy due to business hours. The more surprised he was when a knock on his hotel door sounded quite a while before he would have expected it. Oh well, perhaps it was not even Kiera. So Lucien got to the door, but kept it close for now. "Yes?", he asked in his deep voice. Better to be safe than sorry. Kiera had been excited for the move that Lucien had planned for all of them. It wasn't that she didn't love London. She greatly enjoyed her home and the memories that it held, both good and bad. In truth she was ready to see a little bit more of the world other than looking at pictures on the internet and what she had read in books. They were not moving far but a move as a move, it meant starting over fresh somewhere. She had been delighted when he called for her earlier than the others. Knowing that he would need a donor as well as help possibly. She couldn't help but be a little bit excited. One she was helping out not only Lucien but the whole family. Secondly it meant that she would get to spend a little bit of alone time with the male vampire. That in itself was more than enough to put a smile on her face. Waiting outside with a small shoulder bag filled with some clothes as well as hygiene stuff as well as her favorite stuffed bear in her bag. The rest of her belongings were already packed for the big move. When the car pulled up for her she skipped down the steps and entered it. Putting in her headphones and listening to music part of the way before she nodded off. When the car came to a complete stop she rubbed her sleepy eyes and smiled when the gentleman opened the car door for her. Smiling she stepped out and glanced up at the hotel and then looked around before hurrying inside. Not even bothering to check the time on her cellphone she waited for the elevator and then rode it up to the floor that Lucien was staying on. Walking down the hallway she tucked a few loose strands of her blonde hair behind her ears and paused at the room number she had been given. Knocking on the door she waited and then heard a familiar voice behind the door. "It is Kiera." She replied with a smile. Feeling a little bit silly for talking to a door but understood his being cautious. He raised his brows in surprise as he truly had figured she'd arrive later. He would have dressed properly and gotten ready for the day in that half hour, yet it seemed like he'd have to do that with Kiera around. Oh well, there was nothing she hadn't seen of him yet - at least physically - and he wouldn't just leave her standing on the hallway. Maybe, her own room wasn't ready yet? Lucien opened the door and smiled, "I was not expecting you before 10," he said, leaning in to give her a kiss on the left and right cheek, putting his hand on her upper arm while doing so. "Please, come in," he said, stepping out of the way. Kiera was looking decent, if casual for the trip. He did ask his donors to take good care of their bodies and looks, as a well-groomed look was important to him. After all, he provided the means for maintaining that level. Still, being well-groomed did not mean cocktail dresses and high heels on all occasions. He closed the door behind her, briefly brushed his hand over the small of her back as he was passing her to at least get an undershirt for now. "I take it the trip has been calm, given that you are here already?" he inquired, pulling a white undershirt over his head. "Would you like to order some breakfast?" "Fair enough," he said. She had departed quite early and she was human, naturally, she had fallen asleep. He didn't mind that she had not given him a heads-up, after all, she was part of the closest thing he had to family. "Please, make yourself at home," Lucien said. Of course, she would get her own hotel-room, but for now she was here and so she might as well lie down or sit down or take a shower, whatever she needed to do. "Just choose something from the menue, darling," Lucien said, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. "You are not nervous about moving, are you?" he asked. Naturally, he had asked all of their donors about moving to Bath, no force had been inflicted upon them. All of them however, had agreed. Lucien prided himself with treating these people well and believed them joining a result of that good care. Perhaps, Kiera had agreed because she had feelings for him, who knew? Being empathetically skilled, he knew. He knew when he made her skin tingle, when she felt vulnerable and when she felt like a thousand butterflies were tingling her stomach from the inside. Lucien tried to respect that as much as possible. He'd treat her well, but he had never made her believe they'd become exclusive one day. She was a grown-up woman, she'd have to figure it out herself. Nodding she placed her bag on an empty chair and then shrugged off her coat. Slipping off her shoes, her red toenails showed bright against her paler complexion but she didn't mind it. Nibbling on her bottom lip she picked up the menu and sat down on the corner of the bed to read through it. Her eyes lifted when asked if she was nervous about moving. Shaking her head she placed the menu on her lap and smiled. "Not at all, excited for it really. I loved London but there is never anything wrong with change." Her words were warm and true as she spoke to him. Looking back through the menu her finger ran down the options that were available. Standing back up she made her way to the phone and dialed in her order to room service. When she was done she placed the menu back where she had left it then sat back down. Her fingers played with the soft material of the sheets before looking back up. "Do you need any breakfast Lucien?" She wasn't sure when the last time he had a decent meal with all his donors being still in London. It was the least she could do while she waited for her food and then before she started to ask him how he liked it here. "It has been the only place you have ever lived, I'd understand if you felt strange about relocating," he said, finally pushing himself off the wall to sit down on the bed, as well, back against its backrest. He would get dressed in a minute, but since she was going to have breakfast first anyway, there was no no need for him to hurry. "There is still a lot to do, but Mia is quite fast in organizing everything with the moving company and the like. As soon as proper housing has been found, everybody will be here in no time. The company of the others will make you feel even better, I'm sure. That and a place of your own, instead of a hotel room.", Lucien explained. He watched her order breakfast, comtemplated for a moment, but chose not to order any human food for now. It wasn't necessary for his well-being anyway, it'd just be indulging himself, if he so pleased. Kiera however, was thinking fast. If you were a donor for a while, you got the hang of it pretty quickly, did you not? He smiled a crooked grin, reached out and brushed a strand hof hair behind her ear. "When have you last eaten, darling?", he needed to know. If she hadn't eaten in hours, taking blood from her - even if it wasn't much - would be a bat idea. After all, an exhausting day lay ahead of them. "Yes it has but it will be nice to make new memories and meet new people." She did feel a little bit odd without the others. In the back of her mind she knew they would be there sooner rather than later. Kiera smiled at Lucien and nodded. Mia already had alot of the stuff ready for when she received the word from him. "It will be nice to have our family whole again as well as having our own rooms once more." Her smile warmed at the thought of getting to decorate again and wondering what the new place would look like. The more she thought of it the more excited she got but it didn't' make her forget her duties either. Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment at the softest brush of his fingers. Meeting his eyes she thought only for a moment of when she had last eaten. "Before I left London I had a bit to eat. Mia had made sure that there was food waiting for me this morning," as well as one of the other donors had made coffee that she enjoyed before leaving. She understood his question but it had been awhile since she fed anyone as they were all rotated so not to loose to much of their blood or strength. Being a bit bold she reached out and lightly touched his arm. "I made sure to take care of myself." "I'll try to provide the same accomodation as in London," he said. A few years back, Lucien had purchased a small apartment-building, that held a flat for each donor. He'd try and find the same. It should be in the close proximity to his and Mia's house, naturally. If all else failed, he'd purchase a piece of land and have a building like this built. Family was a term he rarely used, however. He had had a family once and that term was reserved to describe that situation exclusively. However, he understood that Kiera needed this definition. After all, she had lost her family. Lucien didn't mind her attitude towards the situation, not at all. Mia. Of course. She knew him well and had planned. Of course, he couldn't have lived without blood at all, so he had taken what he had needed, from strangers. As much as the thrill was inviting, he did prefer his personal donors. Such as the woman sitting in front of him. He grinned. "Of course." Still, one step after the other. After all, room service walking in on a guy drinking a girl's blood would raise questions and the need to enthrall the person. "I will let you have your breakfast first, though. Half an hour of waiting does not make much of a difference." His gaze went to her bag. It was rather small, so he thought. Lucien himself had come with two suitcases full of clothes and items and that only constituted a small part of his wardrobe. Chuckling, he pursed his lips. "Is that all you brought, Kiera?", he asked. Kiera nodded her head and smiled, "That sounds lovely!" she would love to have her own flat. It was always great to see the different styles of everyone and sometimes how they all bounced off each other. It also meant that she could work on getting it just the way she always wanted it to look when she got to see the layout of the new place. "You are correct, it wont make that much of a difference." smiling she slowly let her fingers fall away from his arm and placed them on her lap. She would grab a quick shower later there was no need to now, it would give her time to clean up after he fed anyhow. Her eyes watched as his fell to her bag. Smiling at him she couldn't help but roll her eyes and blush. "Yes..." she paused and shrugged, "I couldn't decide on what to pack so I brought the necessities and I figured while here I would work on adding to my wardrobe." The blush didn't fade from her cheeks and threatened to flow down her neck. She couldn't help herself. She had two changes of clothes an extra pair of shoes, heels and two different dresses in the bag. On top of her straighter, curling iron make up and hygiene stuff. Being female she could still pack way to much in a tiny space. Crossing his arms over her chest, he mustered her and possibly, giving her a wee bit of a hard time. It was all in good fun and just for spite, however. After all, this gave him a perfect opportunity to go shopping a little. He liked shopping a lot and wasn't afraid to admit that. Moreover, if they went shopping together, he'd have a wee bit of an influence in what she'd wear. Not that he had lots of complaints in store about her looks, still he had a manipulative side to him that would never go away entirely. "I was just about to suggest that," Lucien said, his stern face dropping. He put his hand on her leg, squeezed it to give her a little bit of a re-assurance. "Still, we have an appointment to see a house at noon. After that however, we can try and add the one or other item to your wardrobe." That was when a knock on the door sounded. Lucien got up, opened the door and let the guy in. A cart was pushed into the room, Lucien tipped the man and off he went. Inspecting the breakfast that had been served, Lucien crinkled his nose. "This does smell quite nice," he said.
Kiera couldn't help but slightly sit up a bit straighter when he crossed his arms over his chest. Glancing down she still couldn't fully wipe the smile off her face. She didn't regret not lugging a suitcase around, this had been so much easier and convenient , plus shopping. Hearing his words she looked up and beamed him a smile, watching the stern face melt away. "Oh I am so glad!" she would love to have him go shopping with her. He had a good taste for clothing and it also meant that she got to have a second opinion on her clothing. Not that she didn't like what she owned but one could be a little spoiled and she would admit that she was. "Appointment first but that leaves the whole evening for other things." The knock at the door caught both their attentions. She had risen to answer it but Lucien beat her to it. The smell of an omelette and french toast filled the air. Her stomach betrayed her and gave a small growl as she watched Lucien and chuckled. "I am sure it will taste just as well as it smells." Walking over she picked up the tray from the cart and carried it to a small table. Moving back to grab the napkins she sat down and looked at the food. Hoping it tasted as well as it looked and smelled, Kiera added a bit of salt to the eggs and syrup to the french toast and started to eat it. Her green eyes glancing at Lucien as she dabbed her mouth. "Would you care for any?" She asked before taking a sip of her juice.
"No, thanks," he said, watching her assemble the table according to her liking. He would get dressed while she was eating, but if he was going to feed on her anyway, it seemed like a futile mission. Not that Lucien could not properly drink her blood without spilling it all over himself, but it'd be so much more relaxing. So Lucien remained on the bed for now, looking as relaxed as one could possibly look. "How are the others anyway? I did not have much time for extended conversation, so I did not talk to any of them, except for whatsapping here and there," he said. It wasn't like he talked to each of his donors excessively everyday, anyway. They were not his wifes or husbands, for that matter.
At his reply she continued back to eating, enjoying the taste of her food. Taking another big gulp of her juice she finished off the french toast first and then the eggs. Pausing to answer his question she gave a small shrug of her shoulders. "They all seem to be doing well. Everyone seems really excited about moving here and everyone is keeping busy and helping Mia. We all were making sure to get things to her liking knowing that she had the best plan to get us moved easily. It is another reason why I brought so little, the rest was packed up since I was the first to leave." Mia had helped her as well as a few of the others. Finishing up her omelette she downed the rest of her juice and wiped her mouth clean. Placing the tray back on the cart, Kiera covered it up and then moved it closer to the door. Turning her attention back to Lucien she walked back to the bed and sat down sitting on her one leg and letting the other hang freely. "Thank you for the meal, it was delicious." she replied. Her attention fully on him now she wanted him to feed. He had waited patiently enough for her. "Now for your turn to eat something"
Mia had a temper. And sometimes, she couldn't contain said temper. Lucien thought himself above the human race, as did Mia. Still, he was perfectly able to pay them respect when it was due. And donors definitely deserved that respect. more than once had he undoubtedly let Mia know that he would not tolerate overly rude behaviour and she had more or less listened. He bet that the young vampire had to struggle more than once trying to be good. Otherwise, a discussion would be happening. Moreover, moving the donors as well would be a benefit to his assistant, too. Lucien could easily imagine how Mia was delegating tasks to the others. However, when it came to his and her private business, delegating was not an option. Still, at the end of the day he was quite happy things were going smoothly. Kiera was done with breakfast quickly, she must have been quite hungry. The healthier and better fed she was, the better for him. So now, feeding would not weaken her as much as it would have prior to her meal. She looked awefully cute sitting on the edge of the bed like this and he was eyeing her like the predator he was. Leaning his head back against the wall, he crooked his finger, not moving an inch. "Come here," he said in a quiet voice. Watching him closely, her head tilted a little to the side when he leaned back against the wall. He seemed so relaxed and comfortable as she just sat there. Wanting to be more bold but didn't move until he motioned for her and told her to come to him. Her heart skipped a beat as she slid onto the bed. This was far from her fist time letting him feed but she had the same reaction almost every time. Slowly she made her way to him with a smile. Raising up to her knees she gently turned ever so slightly, resting her hands on his shoulders for balance, then sat down on his lap. Her fingers lightly danced over the soft material of his shirt as she slid them down his arms. Enjoying the feel of his skin she let herself relax. Breaking her gaze from his she dropped her hands from his arms and tilted her neck for him. Allowing the vein to show the steady pulse and flow of blood for him. Her breathing was quickened as she waited for him to move, anticipating what she knew was coming. If he couldn't sense her feelings, he would've heard her heart skip a beat. She was a sweet girl, very young in a way and somehow, he felt flattered that he provoked her to feel so innocently smitten with him. Perhaps, that adolescence, that young look in her eyes was what had made him choose her. Kiera climbed his lap slowly, almost as if she was scared that he'd push her away. He wouldn't not now. When she tilted her head, he snarled. Lucien could almost see the blood rushing through her veines. He stomach growled a little. He was not in a situation where he desperately needed to feed, but he was hungry and knowing what was coming for him made him kind of unsettled and impatient. Altered circumstances and he'd take it slowly. However, something within him snapped. Perhaps it was that innocence on her and knowing how easily he could stain, break and destroy it. It gave him power. He was in charge of himself. Worse things had happened when he had snapped. For now, it just made him growl and not take this slowly. Within less than a second and accorded by a guttural noise coming out the depth of his throat, Lucien had grabbed her by the hips, flipped her around and pushed harshly into the mattress, while his fangs pierced her skin quickly, releasing the crimson sweetness that he was so familiar with. Kiera had but a second to gasp at the growl and Lucien's strong hands had gripped her hips firmly and flipped her over so now that he was pressed firmly on top of her. Her leg on leg wrapped around his upper thigh while the other around his calf. Everything happened so quickly even the pierce of his fangs sinking into her soft skin. If she could have arched under his weight and strength she would have. Letting out a gasp and then a whimper her fingers curled into his strong arms as she didn't fight him feeding. Instead she let her eyes close and enjoyed the feeling of him feeding. The slight bite of his fangs mixed with a bit of ecstasy all in the same. It was an odd feeling but she enjoyed it so or she wouldn't have been a donor this long. Feelings for the vampire that pressed her into his bed or not. She was going to enjoy this bit of closeness that she had with him. A moment where she could touch him without her brain going all crazy on her. That was exactly what she did during that time.
This time, it did not last long and he was not particularly gentle. He tried not to make this more painful than it should be, but it was a quick process. Lucien did not take much this time anyway, just a few gulps, satisfying the basic thirst he had. He exhaled when he pulled his fangs out, briefly licked over the two tiny wounds on her neck. Lucien dropped his head for just a second and then, climbed off her. He brushed his fingertips over her cheek briefly, got out of bed and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Lucien emerged a second and a brief wash later, his face carrying more color than before. He looked more...alive. "We have an hour until we need to leave, do you want to check whether your room is ready now?", he asked, brushing a towel through his face.
Just as quickly as he had started he was done, A small tremor ran down her spine when he released his fangs from her skin. Sighing as he licked the tender wounds on her neck she loosened up her legs and let her hands fall away from his arms. Kiera wanted nothing more than to just lay there for a few more moments with him there but she wasn't going to attempt not when the had a schedule for the day. She leaned into the slight touch of his finger and watched him as he walked away. Hearing the bathroom door click shut she closed her eyes once more. Letting out a soft huff of air and pulling her hair out of its bun. Her fingers gently caressed her neck before she pushed herself into a sitting position as he exited the bathroom. "Sure," she replied, pushing herself to the edge of the bed she slowly stood up. Twisting her hair over her shoulder to cover the bite she went to retrieve her bag and her coat. Slipping on her shoes she looked up at him and smiled. "Would you like for me to come here when I cleaned up or should I wait for your knock?" Lucien opened his closet and briefly scanned the clothes neatly aligned in there. Turning his head, he looked at her. "You may return, if you wish. How are you feeling?", he asked. Perhaps, she liked to lie down for a couple of minutes. Feeding might always have different consequences and no one was helped if she fainted in the middle of the day. Most likely, Kiera wanted to freshen up anyway, after all, she had spent a couple of hours in a car, sleeping. Lucien pulled a shirt out of his closet and pulled it over his shoulders, patiently buttoning it up.
Kiera's eyes followed Lucien to the closet as she was sitting there regaining her strength. He hadn't taken much blood so she wasn't that drained at all. She gave him a small nod and a smile. "I am feeling alright Lucien, I am just going to freshen up quickly and I will be back over." With her stuff in her arms she paused and watched him button up his shirt before slipping out of the room quietly. She hurried and grabbed her key from the front desk and made her way into her room. It wasn't far from Lucien's which meant it gave her a few more minutes extra to get ready. She quickly stripped out of her clothing, Piling her hair up on top of her head once more she didn't want to have to dry it when it was still clean. She quickly freshened up and cleaned off the little bit of blood that had trickled from the wound on her neck. Keeping an eye on the clock she dumped out all the contents in her bag and quickly got dressed as well as hanging u the few clothes she brought and putting the others in the dresser. Leaving the scarf on the bed she did her make up knowing that Lucien would look amazing as always. Her curling iron was plugged in and heating up as she finished her make up and then did her hair. Allowing it to fall in soft curls down her back. Smiling as she wrapped the scarf around her neck and fluffed out her hair she grabbed the room key and purse and made her way back to to Lucien's Room giving another light knock. "It is Kiera." The color had returned to her face as well as a slight natural blush. The shower had done wonders for her.
After having gotten dressed and going through a couple of phone calls, Lucien was good to go. And just in time, Kiera knocked on the door. He was not someone who did not mind people being late, quite on the contrary. The young woman had been quick and when she opened the door, he smiled. Kiera did not only look lovely, she smelled quite nice. Of course, he was perfectly able to smell her blood underneath layers of detergent, body wash, shampoo and perfume, but he liked how it mingled. "You look lovely, darling, are you good to go?", he asked, making his way back into his room to gather his coat and cellphone.
"Thank you Lucien, Yes I am ready." She replied with a smile, walking into the room slightly but still standing there holding the door open slightly. Light eyes followed his movements as he gathered his coat and cellphone. She wasn't sure exactly where they were going other than it was to look at a home. Her one hand lingered on the door while the other lightly rested on the straps of her bag. One thing that she couldn't mask was her excitement. She was excited about exploring a new place as well as possibly finding a new home. Soon they would all be together again. It was more than most people could ask for. © 2013 PhoenixAuthor's Note
Added on April 9, 2013 Last Updated on April 9, 2013 Author![]() PhoenixOttawa, ON, CanadaAboutMay redo Entered the Glare In Glass will be taking out a few other books since they are not doing so well on reviews. Till I know for sure there will be more readers to read them. But always going to .. more..Writing