

A Chapter by Phoenix

Chapters 16 -20


Chapter 16

The leaves crunched under my feet, the brisk air causing goose bumps to rise on my exposed skin. I heard the faint sound of someone walking behind me, and then a thump before a long, agonized wail. My feet refused to move another step, and with a sigh I turned around to investigate. I really wasn't looking for any trouble on this vacation, but I couldn't ignore the cry any longer. The sound belonged to a two year old little boy, clutching another two year old that looked just like him. My eyes widened and I crouched down to pull the child into my arms.

"Where is your mama?" I asked him as he whimpered quietly in my arms.

His brother didn't seem bothered at all by the fact that his brother had let go of his hand and was hanging on me with a surprising strong grip for a child of only two years old.

"C'mon, let's get you to my cabin," I said as I propped the now silent child on my hip and reached for the other.

I didn't know what I was going to do exactly once I got them to my cabin but I couldn't just let them die out here. When I finally got the other child on my hip he growled at me and I laughed. Who taught this tiny little thing to growl like an animal? He reached for his brother's hand and they clasped hands again as I carried them to my cabin. Once, I got in my cabin I set them on the carpet and grabbed my phone. I decided on calling nine one one and had barely pressed the nine button when the twins shifted into a tiny wolf. The phone fell out of my hand, my jaw going slack, as the creatures played on the ground. I heard the faint sound of my phone beeping when one of them caught it in their mouth and clamped down.

"Hey!" I yelled snapping out of my daze and he dropped the phone immediately.

"Bad little wolf," I swatted his butt and picked up my phone to assess the damage. My phone was in the 'not even going to try to repair' category. As I looked down at the two children that looked like cubs, I gave them a name so I could call them something while I figured out what I was supposed to do with them.

"You," I pointed to the one that hadn't broke my phone.

"You are sweet," I patted his head and he flashed his teeth at me.

I narrowed my eyes and flicked him on the nose to let him know that I didn't like that.

"You are sour," I patted the one that broke my phone and he, like his brother, flashed his teeth at me.

I gave the same punishment to him. Sour stood up on all four of his legs, and growled his body aimed at the door. Sweet followed his brother, but stood a little behind him. I looked at the door, waiting for something to happen but nothing did.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them but got ignored.

I finally stood up myself just as the door burst open and a tall, muscular man stepped in. Fear gripped me, but I stood in front of the children/cubs and balled my fists.

"Grab them," he ordered to a woman beside him and she stepped forward. I bounced on the balls of my feet, ready for a fight.

Adrenaline pumped through my blood as I stepped in front of her, a sneer on my lips.

"If you think that I'm going to let you just take these children, you're wrong." I spat at her and she took a step back in surprise.

"Stupid girl. Now," she paused for dramatic effect.

"Now, I kill you," she cocked her head to one side and pounced.

I braced myself for the blow, but it never came. Right before she landed on my, an arm wound around her waist and jerked her back suddenly.

"Take the cubs. I've got the girl," he showed his teeth at her and I bite back the shock that wanted to take over.

Where I expected flat, human teeth I found sharp canines. The woman took a step to the right to grab the cubs and I flung myself on her, knocking her off her feet. We slammed to the ground, but I didn't have time to make another move to attack her when I was wrenched off my feet. The man lifted me up, so I was eye to eye with him and he snarled. I flinched back, but held his eye contact the entire time. His hand went around my head to the back of my ear, and I felt pressure. My mouth opened to make a remark but nothing came out. Instead, the world faded from my vision and my mind went blank.

I woke on a cold, metal floor. My muscles screamed in protest when I slowly pushed myself off the floor to my feet. I rolled my head back and forth wincing when I heard the loud pop. It was too dark for my human eyes to see anything so with great caution, I used my hands to try to figure out where I was. My hands felt the rigid bars all around me, and panic settled in.

"It's okay, Anna," I told myself and even thought it was only me in this cage, something about hearing my voice out loud calmed my nerves a little.

"Here's what you're going to do. Find a way to get out of here," I told myself and used my hands to do a thorough search of my cage.

"Damn, they have these things pretty sealed up," I whispered in defeat until I heard the rustle of movement in the corner.

"They are used to contain - What do you humans call us?" A deep voice rumbled and my breath came in shallow breaths.

"Werewolves," a hint of amusement entered his voice and I moved as far from him as I cold.

"Of course, they would be pretty sealed up," his voice was closer this time and I closed my eyes, not like it did much for me.

I imagined every shred of panic, anger, and shock and bundled it up in an imaginary ball, shoving it down to the ground.

"Okay," I tested out my voice and gained an ounce of confidence when it didn't tremble.

"What do you want?" I asked and sucked my bottom lip in.

I bite down on it to and gave another push to my imaginary emotion ball.

"What do I want?" He repeated the question and I felt his breath tickle my neck.

I forced myself to stand still, even when his fingers gently traced an imaginary pattern on the back of my neck.

"Get you filthy hands off me," I ground out my teeth and felt his hands still on my neck.

"You're really not in the position to give orders," he growled at the last word but removed his hands nonetheless.

"Thank you," I whispered.

The lights suddenly went on and I had to squeeze my eyes shut. I let my eyes slowly adjust and they roamed around the room until they landed on the man that had attacked me before.

"Where is she?" I asked and in the next second he was standing in front of my cage.

"Who?" He cocked his head to the side and reached his hands inside the cage.

"The girl," I looked him dead in the eye, and his hands froze in the air.

His lips curled up, but they only showed human teeth. We stood their, challenging each other, until I felt a burning in my neck. I gasped as the burning got more intense and averted my eyes. My hands flew to my neck and I blinked back the few tears that threatened to make an appearance.

"What did you do to me?" I asked, feeling the emotions swarm over me in an instant.

Anger ran through my veins, my muscles clenched and unclenched, and my mouth pressed in a tight line.

"I hate you," the words took their time rolling off my tongue, as I put emphasis on every word.

My hands gripped the bars, my knuckles turning white as I held onto them.

"I had to do it. I saved your life," he said in a slow, controlled way.

"What the f**k did you do to me?!" I yelled at him my hands reached out to hit him.

He grabbed my hand easily, and rubbed my fist with his hands.

"I saved your life," was the only explanation he gave me before he dropped my fist and walk out of the room.

Chapter 17

I spent a total of three days in the cramped cage. I know because there was a small window near the top of the left wall. I spent countless hours watching the sun. The girl that had been with the man that kidnapped me, fed me two meals a day. Usually the meals consisted of an apple, orange, and a small water bottle. I received my meal in the most unusual way. She would open the door, throw the food in my cage, and snarl at me before slamming the door shut. I was sure that this tiny cage would the place I took my final breath. On the fourth day, when the sun was beginning to fill the window up and give me a small amount of light, the man that kidnapped me finally entered. Correction, he stormed in, dragging the girl who fed me in by a firm grip to her upper arm.

"Is this the way you treat things that belong to me?" He asked, his nostrils flaring in anger.

"I told you - No, I ordered you to get her out of the cage and into my house where Baxter and Jason would guard her," he roared and slammed his fist into the wall.

The girl whimpered, and rolled on her back to expose her stomach.

"I'm sorry, Alpha." I barely heard the words because she spoke so quietly, but the word 'Alpha' sent a chill down my back.

"Why, Tasha? Why did you disobey me?" He asked, his muscles twitching.

"She didn't," I spoke before the girl, Tasha, could say anything.

"She tried to get me out of the cage. She really did, but I refused to move. I was scared, and this cage was familiar to me. I'm sorry," I stuttered over the word sorry and didn't make eye contact with him.

My eyes remained on the floor as he dismissed Tasha and slowly walked over to me. I heard the click of a lock and the creaky sound of my cage opening.

"Momma," I whispered and sank down to the ground, my legs failing me.

"Momma. I'll be with you soon," my voice broke and tears made a steady stream down my face.

My time was up and I knew it. He stood in my cage, not making another move toward me nor away from me.

"Is that what you think I'm doing?" He asked, his voice quiet, hurt present in his words.

I would not face my death with tears streaming down my face, no, I would face death with dignity. I managed to get on my shaky legs, and raised my eyes to meet his. I didn't say anything as I stared him in the eye, holding my chin up, and my back straight. For the first time, he broke contact, looking at the floor and not willing to meet my gaze. My neck became warm and I felt the warmth slowly spread until it reached my toes. He had his eyes closed, his forehead wrinkled in concentration, and an expression of pain on his face. My muscles began to loosen, and the ache that I usually felt in them disappeared. I rolled my neck and joy spread across my face to find it no longer stiff. He opened his eyes and the warmth flooded out of me quickly. He gasped, his hands rested on his knees for support, and his chest heaved like he had just ran a marathon. A few minutes later and he straightened his back, his hand brushing the beads of sweat from his face.

"What..?" I trailed off, my gaze fixed upon his face.

"I healed you. We, werewolves," he paused to laugh at the term werewolf.

"Have the ability to heal our mat - pack members, but it cases the person that is doing it a great amount of pain and energy," he explained and I felt compelled to touch his face.

"I know it might not count for anything but I wanted to apologize. I'm really sorry, and I swear, I'll make it up to you," he looked at me assessing my reaction.

My eyes widened when he said all that but other than that I kept my face blank.

"I -," I began to speak but snapped my mouth shut.

"That's not what I expected," I finally managed to get out and he nodded his head intently.

"I know, you thought that I was going to - to kill you," he finished the sentence and winced.

"I'm not a bad guy," his fingers did what my hand itched to do to him, they gently stroked my cheek.

"I'm not sure of anything right now," I closed my eyes, feeling as if an invisible wire ran through his fingers and into my skin, connecting us together.

"Come, I want to show you the town," his hand dropped from my cheek and I followed him out of the cage. The town wasn't very big, in fact, it was incredibly tiny. There was a grocery store, a hardware repair store, a small cafe, a dollar store, and a animal feed store but that was it. After we had walked the whole town, he took me to a black SUV parked behind the hardware repair store and opened the passenger door for me. I hesitated and took a step back, trying to put some space between us. All the years I was growing up my mother always told me that if you got in the car with a stranger, you're dead.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I saw the touches of concern written on his face.

"Home," I whimpered, letting a path of pain follow the word.

He didn't say anything and grabbed my arm, pulling me toward him.

"I just want to go home. I want my mom and I want to feel safe again," I held the tears back this time as we stood inches apart.

I felt defeated, with my head hung low, my shoulders hunched and a single tear escaping and running down my cheek. Very slowly, he picked me up and set me in the passenger seat before buckling me up and closing the door. He got in the driver seat quickly, neither one of us saying a word to each other, and began the drive.

"Where are we going?" I finally managed to compose myself and ask.

I really wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer but the silence was starting to eat away at me.

"To my house. That is where you're going to stay until I figure out what to do with you," he said quietly and I nodded my head.

I turned the radio on and flipped through the channels until I found a song I liked. I turned it up and sat back in my seat, closing my eyes and bringing my knees up. I wrapped my arms around them and just sat like that until I felt the car come to a stop. I lifted my head when he got out and unwrapped myself, sliding out of the car. The house was huge. Everything inside of it was gray or black, reminding me more of a prison than a home. He led me through the kitchen, down a hallway and opened a door to a bedroom motioning me to enter. Everything was gray, except the black clothes that hung in the open closet.

"This is your room. I have to go to a pack meeting in about ten minutes so I'll just leave you alone," he was about to close the door when I grabbed his arm.

"What is your name?" I asked him and his lips curled up in a small smile.

"Jason," his fingers stroked my neck gently before he stopped.

"I'm Anna," I looked at him and then he disappeared down the hall.

I heard the front door shut and knew that I was here alone. I took advantage of that and explored the house. I found what I assumed what Jason's room, and didn't bother to stop myself from going through all of his stuff. I found an old, torn map of where we were and smiled. I could use it to help escape from this hell hole. It was stuffed under the couch in the living room so I figured that nobody was missing it. I put it on the bottom of my underwear draw and grabbed a pair of black panties that looked like they fit me and a sports bra that looked a little too big for me. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After I was dressed in the clean undergarments I pulled a big, green t-shirt from Jason's room and pulled it on over my head. It stopped half way down my thigh, reminding me of how small I really was. I pulled out a small radio I had found in the back of the closet in my room and put it in the kitchen.

The sound of music comforted me as I made a sandwich and ate slowly. As darkness fell over the house, fear crept in as well. I locked the front door and was about to go to my room when I heard the distant sound of a wolf howl. At that moment, I was hoping Jason would come back. Despite the fact that he had kidnapped me, I felt safer with him than with anybody else in this town. I switched off the radio and made a mad dash down the dark hallway to Jason's room. I didn't want to go to mine. I made myself comfortable on his bed, which was green and not black and found myself quickly fading away. It didn't take long for me to succumb to sleep.

Chapter 18

The door opened and I jolted awake, scrambling in a sitting position. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and saw Jason standing in the doorway, the only form of clothing he had on was a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice heavy with sleep.

"This is my room," he shrugged and I fell back on the pillow.

I closed my eyes, and heard the sound of him moving around the room and tried to convince myself that I really needed to get up and go to my room. I pushed myself up on my arms, when he flopped down beside me and sighed. I was about to put my legs over the side of the bed when his arm came around my small waist.

"Why are you in my room?" he asked when I was my back hit his chest.

"I'll just leave," I said in an awkward manner and slipped out of his embrace.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, I was practically running out of his room. The hallway was dark, and I had to feel my way along it with my hands. Finally, when I was in my room, I shut the door a little to hard and fell on my bed. It wasn't as comfortable as Jason's bed but it was way better that stupid cage. I quickly fell asleep, ignoring the nagging feeling that someone was wrong. Sun filtered through my curtain waking me in and I groaned, rolling over on my side.

"You can't take her. She's the alpha's!" A voice hissed outside my door and I sat up slowly.

"The alpha isn't thinking clearly about her. He let her just have run of his place, she could leave any moment she wished," a female said, not bothering much to keep her voice down.

I recognized her voice immediately, it was Tasha. The door opened slowly and Tasha's eyes widened when she realized I was awake.

"Take her, Nick," she said and I did the only thing I could.

I screamed. I was hoping that Jason was still home. Tasha's hand clamped down on my mouth and the door slammed open so hard that it broke and fell to the ground. Jason stood in the doorway, his lips curling up to snarl at Tasha.

"Thank God you're here, Alpha. Nick was trying to take her," Tasha sounded sincere and Jason jumped.

He landed on Nick in an instant in his wolf form and Nick cowered. Tasha's hand was off my mouth and I finally found my voice.

"No! It wasn't Nick. It was Tasha," I yelled so he could hear me as his mouth bite down on Nick's neck.

I scrambled off the bed and tried to push Jason off Nick.

"It wasn't Nick. Are you listening? It was Tasha," I said right in his ear and he froze.

He let Nick up and I saw the trickle of blood that ran down his neck and on his shirt. He shifted back to a human and looked at me. I ignored him and moved to Nick.

"Are you okay?" I asked and crouched down next to him.

"Yeah, though I'll be sore for a while," he croaked out and his lips turned up in a smile.

"Go," Jason's commanded and I helped Nick stand up.

"Not you, Anna," he said softly when I walked behind Nick.

I stopped and felt him walk toward me, but I never bothered to turn around. His hand caressed the back of my neck, and moved around to gently touch my collarbone. I tilted my head to the side when his fingers gently traced my cheek, and slid down to touch a sensitive spot on my neck. I gasped and moved away from him, my hand flying to my neck. I turned around and found him staring at me with a weird expression.

"Did she hurt you?" He asked and stepped toward me again to touch the same spot on my neck.

I shook my head no, unable to form words when his lips gently touched my neck. I moaned when he applied more pressure and then reality crashed down on me and I shoved him away.

"Stop it," my voice was kind of breathless and he smiled but he didn't say anything.

"I'm having a pack meeting about Tasha. I want you there," his hand slid down my cheek before he turned and left me alone in my room. The meeting was held in Jason's living room later that night. I grabbed a bag of chips from the kitchen and settled down on the floor because the couch was crammed with people. I didn't know any of them but I did see Nick and he smiled at me. I ate my chips, my back settled against the wall when Jason entered the room. He was dressed in a white shirt and jeans.

"This meeting is about Tasha," he said and everybody looked around at each other.

Tasha sank low in her seat on the couch as eyes turned to look at her.

"She attempted to kidnap Anna," his voice rang out in the living room and I heard the anger in his words.

At that moment I wanted to get out of there. This was all my fault.

"She also directly disobeyed orders from me when I told her to get Anna out of the cage and into my house," he continued as the whole room was deadly silent.

"Tasha, I want the pack to hear your story. You have the floor," he said and she stood up and turned to everybody.

She didn't make eye contact with me, and if she did I bet she would be glaring. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them, trying my best to make myself smaller.

"The alpha is not thinking clearly about Anna. She could at any point decide to leave and tell anybody about what she saw. If she did that...," she trailed off shaking her head and the room broke out in whispers.

I shut my eyes, squeezing them tightly together trying my best to ignore the eyes on me.

"Everybody calm down," Jason's order shut the whole room up.

"Anna, your turn," he said and I looked up at him.

I stood up on my shaky legs and took a deep breath in to calm myself before beginning my side of the story.

"Tasha and Nick did try to take me but Tasha is right. I could leave at any moment and her," I paused to take another deep breath.

"She was doing it to try to protect all of you guys so I understand why she did it. If it counts for anything I forgive her and don't want her to be punished," I finished my little speech and sat down.

I wanted to leave. I wanted to run away from these people.

"Does anybody have any questions?" Jason asked, making everybody turn their attention from Tasha and me.

Nobody's hand went up so Jason proceeded, wrapping up his meeting.

"Tasha will be put in the cage for three days. No food and no water will be allowed. If anybody gives her food and water they will be put in the same punishment," he finished talking and shooed everybody out of the house.

I stayed right where I was as he locked the door and walked towards me.

"Please," I whispered when he sat down next to me.

"Don't put her in the cage," I looked up at him, and found his face inches from mine.

"I have to. She needs to know that what she did was wrong and as an alpha I can't let her get away with trying to take my ma-," he cut off before he finished the last word and I slowly leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I don't want to think right now. I just want to..be," I felt all my energy fading from me the instant his hand wrapped around mine and he tugged me toward him.

"Rest. You're tired," he murmured against my forehead.

"I can't. My mind just won't turn off," I smiled at how silly that sounded and he stood up.

"I know what you need," he picked me up and I struggled to get out of grasp.

"I can walk," I told him and he seemed reluctant to let me down but he did.

As soon as my feet touched the ground he grabbed my hand and tugged me to his room.

"What...?" I trailed off as he opened the door and turned towards me.

"I'm going to make you think of nothing but me," his eyes light up with amusement and I tried to take a step back to leave.

"Oh, no you don't," he grabbed me right before I was out of his room and gently pulled me in.

Fear gripped my muscles and he picked me up and laid me down on the bed.

"Shirt off," he commanded and I bite my lip to keep from protesting.

"Don't do this," I whimpered knowing that if I fought him it would only be worse.

Maybe if I pulled out the tears he might feel bad and not rape me. Maybe. I heard his audible sigh and felt him tug at the hem of my shirt. Tears leaked out as the shirt was pulled to my shoulders and my bra was unclipped. I dug my teeth in my cheek to keep myself from sobbing.

"Hey," he wiped away the tears that ran down my cheek off and turned me over.

"What's wrong?" He asked and got off me to pull me in his embrace.

"Aren't you going to r-rape me?" I asked him searching his face.

"What? No! I was going to give you a back massage. I would never hurt you," he stiffened and I relaxed letting my body lean into him.

I felt foolish for believing that he was actually going to rape me but at that moment I didn't care. It's hard to explain my sudden change in mood but I found myself feeling safe in his arms.

Chapter 18


When I was six I had a friend named Natsume. Every summer I used to play with him whenever I visited my grandparents on the farm. One summer though, he disappeared and I haven't seen him ever since. He didn't even say goodbye.

The only I have left is an old silver key necklace that had a sapphire in the middle. That's the only thing he for left me.

"I can't believe he asked me out." Alice gushed to my other friend Tamara.
"You lucky thing," Tamara winked while I continued to eat my sandwich. I wasn't paying attention to the conversation until Tamara nudged me.
"What?" I asked her as I placed my sandwich down onto my lap.
"Do you fancy someone?" Alice asked me and I rolled my eyes.
"Of course not, I don't have time for love." I told her and took a bite out of my sandwich.

"So you've never had a crush on someone in your entire life?" She pressed and I sighed. Of course Alice wouldn't drop it.
"I did once, when I was six." I said quietly and the both of them leaned in curiously.
"His name was Natsume; he used to live next door to my grandparents. Every summer I would stay with them and play with him in the fields." I told them as I looked down at my sandwich.
"What happened?" Tamara asked.

"I don't know, one summer he didn't come. It was as if he disappeared into thin air, like he never existed," I said.
"He didn't even say goodbye?" Alice asked outraged and I nodded. Unconsciously I touch the key necklace that hung around my neck and they noticed.
"Did he leave you that?" Tamara asked and I nodded.
"On my window along with a note." I whispered and the air around us fell silent for a bit.
"But you know what?" I asked smiling at them.

"In a way, he was my first love." I smiled fondly at the memories of him. The bell went and I checked my timetable and saw I had a free period.
"I'm going to go study at the library." I told them and they nodded.
"Have fun," Tamara said and I walked away from them. On my way to the library I passed the school garden I noticed someone in there. I stopped and saw a guy with jet black hair and crimson red eyes sitting down. A tear went down his face and my heart started beating fast.
Before I knew what I was doing, I walked over to him and placed his face in my hands.

"Don't cry, smile." I told him and wiped away his tears. His eyes widened and I realized the situation I was in.
"Sorry, I don't know what came over me." I said and quickly stood back. I couldn't look at him in the eye so instead I looked down at my shoes. My heart was beating a little faster now.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump
Ba-thump, Ba-thump
I didn't realize he was close until he lifted my chin up with his hand. I stopped breathing as I stared into his eyes as his searched mine.
"You're alive," he whispered in relief and I frowned.

What do you mean? I wanted to ask but the words just didn't form in my mouth. I could taste his breath on my tongue and his scent filled my nose. He smelt like roses, mint and something else I couldn't pinpoint. Everything was muddled up in my mind as I got lost in his eyes. Without warning, he crushed his lips against mine and my eyes widened. I was about to protest but I ended up giving in and kissed him back. My fingers went through his smooth hair and his hands went onto my waist. He pulled me closer to him as we continued to kiss. My head was spinning and I craved more of his soft lips. My heart was beating so hard I thought it would explode.

Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump
Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump
Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump
We both came up for air and my face became redder than a tomato. The guy stood back at looked at me seriously.

"Stay away from me." He said coldly and walked off. I stood there in a daze and tried to recollect myself. My whole body was buzzing and I felt really lightheaded. A million thoughts were running through my head and then something dawned on me.
Did he just tell me to stay away? I thought and then frowned. What guy kisses you and then tells you to leave him alone?
A jerk I thought bitterly and touched my key to calm me down.

"Forget about him Sora," I told myself and took a deep breath. I walked off towards the library and sat at a desk and grabbed my books out. I started to study but halfway through I lost concentration. Every time I tried to do algebra I kept imagining him kissing me again. I gave up as the bell went and I headed off to my next class: Human Studies. Human Studies was by far my favorite subject. Not just because Mr. Henderson was super-hot but because he's the kind of teacher you learn to respect. I walked into the classroom and sat at the back desk and waited for Mr. Henderson to come. He arrived three minutes later and you'll never guess who walked behind him.

The guy from earlier.
You know it's funny, you'd think you'd know the name of a guy who just randomly kisses you. With that in mind I kept thinking maybe he was one of those types who kisses anyone who is near him.
"Everyone, this is our new student and my nephew Natsu." Mr. Henderson introduced and immediately all the girls fixed themselves up and stared at him. The guys of course didn't really give a s**t and just ignored him. I blushed at the sight of him and my heart just wouldn't stay still.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump

I quickly looked away and silently told myself off.
"There's a spare seat next to Jessica." Mr. Henderson said pointing to the seat in front of me. Natsu walked over and sat in the seat but not before looking at me.
"Ok," Mr. Henderson said clapping his hand together and smiling at us.
"We'll revise what we learned last lesson and then we'll be friends forever." He said cheerfully. I didn't pay attention; I was too busy studying the back of Natsu's head. How his hair seemed to shine in the light, before I knew it I was practically drooling. I recollected myself as Mr. Henderson turned to the class.
"Ok those who sit on the right side of the desk move one seat backwards." He ordered and Natsu walked over and sat next to me. Again like before my heart seemed out of control.

Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump
"Ok, the person who is sitting next to you is going to be your partner for the next project called: Getting To Know You!" Mr. Henderson announced.
"Great," I heard Natsu mutter under his breath and felt hurt. He could make out with me just fine but couldn't work on a simple project?
"I want you to learn everything about your partner, there likes and dislikes, there fears and such," Mr. Henderson explained.

"At the end of the term I want you to come up with a creative way and show it to the class on what you learned," he added and everyone turned to their partner and started talking. Natsu didn't even look at me and I just got pissed off. I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled on it. I felt Natsu look over my shoulder and read it.
"Has mood swings and an attitude problem," he read and then chuckled. He grabbed the sheet of paper off me and wrote on it. He handed it back to me and I looked at it.
"Needs to calm down," I read and then my eyes widened.

Ba-thump, Ba-thump
I noticed Mr. Henderson watching us and I touched the key to help calm myself down. The bell went for the end of class and I practically ran out of there. I waited at the gate for Alice and the two of us walked home together. We ended up chilling in my room and chatting about some things.
"Is this Natsume?" She asked pulling out a photo a guy with sandy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.
"Yep that's him alright" I confirmed and she squealed.
"Oh he is just cute! No wonder you fell in love with him," she exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. I was typing on my laptop since I decided to do diary entries for my Human Studies project.

"Hey what's this?" Alice asked and I looked over and saw her holding the note.
"That's the note that came with the key," I told her and she read it.
"Aww that's so cute," she cooed and I smiled and took the note from her. Time flew by and Alice went home. I sat in my room and looked at the note for what felt like the five-hundredth time.

By the time you get this I'll be long gone. You maybe sad but this is the best thing for you and the only way to protect you. The key I've left you is something special to me, and deserves to be with something that is also special to me. I hope that you will keep it close to your heart and me along with it.

I smiled and placed the note back into my drawer. I looked back at my laptop and tried to write some more but ended up blank.
"Stupid Natsu," I muttered as my mobile went off.
"Hello?" I said into the speaker.
"So I hear you're partners with Mr. Henderson's nephew." Tamara said and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah and what a pain in the a*s that is," I told her and she snorted.
"Yeah it's horrible to be close to a hot guy, I feel your pain," she said sarcastically.

"Well he wouldn't even talk to me so how can I do any type of presentation?" I asked her.
"Dunno but you need to think of something," she said.
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," I told her.
"I have to go but you better think of something," she said before hanging up. I sighed and grabbed my mini Piplup plushie. I hugged it close to me and closed my eyes. Without meaning to I fell asleep. Sora Russell is a girl with a confused past. Her best friend disappeared when she was six and the only thing left was a note and a key. Ten years later a new guy by the name of Natsu arrives and somehow draws Sora to him. But Natsu has a dark past and a shadowy future. Will Sora be able to help him? And just what is his connection to her past? I was in a black room that only had one window. I noticed I was wearing some kind of dark purple loli dress with thigh-high matching socks. My hair dark brown was out and I couldn't help but want to puke. I heard some footsteps and I looked up.
"Who's there?" I asked and stepped forward.
"Show yourself," I ordered. It was at least a minute before green eyes glowed in the dark. I jumped back as the green eyes came closer and past the window. It revealed Natsu.
"Natsu? What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded and Natsu's eyes widened and then he chuckled.

"As you can see I am not this Natsu for my eyes are green." He said and I saw that his eyes were emerald green and not crimson red.
"Oh my mistake," I said feeling like the biggest idiot in the world.
"It is alright," he said and I sighed and placed my hand on the side of my head.
"Geez that idiot must be stressing so much that I dreamt a look-a-like," I muttered.
"May I ask what is your name?" He asked and I looked at him.
"Sorry, my name is Sora." I told him and he bowed.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Romeo," he said and I raised my eyebrows.

"Hmm nice name," I commented and he smiled.
"Why thank you," he said and I smiled.
"No biggie," I said and looked around the room.
"What is this place?" I asked.
"One of the rooms in the Dream World," he answered and I nodded.
"It's a really depressing place, why is there only one window?" I asked walking over to it. There was nothing outside, just whiteness.
"Because this is a room that will reveal all," he informed me and I frowned.
"That just sounds stupid," I said and he chuckled.
"Right now it does, but I promise you it will become useful in the future," he said and suddenly I felt like I was getting sucked in by something.

"What's going on?" I shouted as I saw Romeo was perfectly fine.
"You are waking up," was the last thing he said before I opened my eyes.
I gasped and sat up. I saw I back into my room and it was morning.
"Morning already?" I asked and saw what time it was on my alarm clock.
"S**t I'm going to be late!" I shouted and ran around the room getting ready. I ended up in a simple white top that read 'No.1 Expert on Being Annoying' and some jeans with white rabens. My hair was in a simple ponytail and I ran downstairs.
"Why didn't you guys wake me up?" I asked as I grabbed my bag and snatched the piece of toast from my dad's hand.
"Hey," he complained and I put it in my mouth.
"Love you, bye!" I shouted as I ran out of the house and towards school.
God if you exist then please let me make it to school on time I begged in my mind as I sprinted towards the school.

Ten Minutes Later....
"It is not that hard to wake up on time," Mr. Kinshu concluded his lecture. I sighed tiredly and muttered something under my breath.
"What did you say?" He asked and I glared at him.
"Nothing," I told him and he nodded.
"Now get to class," he said walking away. I poked my tongue out at him and then yawned.
"Stupid teacher," I muttered and walked off to English. When I got there I saw Alice had saved me a seat next to her and I smiled.
"Wow that was pretty rough, I could hear his lecture from all the way here," she commented when I sat down and I nodded.
"I tuned him out around school disciplinary." I told her and she smiled and shook her head.
"You're usually on time, what happened?" She asked and I sighed.
"Let's just say a certain jerk look-a-like invaded my dreams," I said and she frowned but said nothing. I ignored the teacher and started day dreaming about chocolate mud cake.

"Now I'm hungry," I complained to Alice walking out of the class.
"That's what you get for day dreaming about food," she scolded.
"But it was mud cake," I whined and she laughed.
"You're so cute," she said hugging me.
"Yeah, yeah everyone says that," I muttered and she giggled. Alice looked up and I saw what she was looking at. Natsu stood in the middle of the class rush staring at me.
"Is he looking over here?" Alice whispered to me and I shrugged my shoulders.
"If he is that's just a little creepy," I told her and I thought I saw a small smile on Natsu's face before he disappeared.

"Man I can't believe he's your partner," Alice said as we walked to PE.
"You and me both," I agreed as we entered the change rooms. Tamara was already there and we got dressed into the shirt and shorts.
"Is my Sora ok?" Tamara asked and I nodded.
"He was so mean! Giving me a lecture," I whined and she hugged me and patted my head.
"It's ok, it's ok Tammy is here," she soothed and we burst out laughing.
"Ladies hurry up!" Miss. Hashman barked and we all left the change room and started playing volleyball in the hall. Now I have nothing against volleyball (only that it's stupid) but when you have Brittany McCormick then it just becomes the worst sport in history. She doesn't suck at volleyball, she just has a killer hit.
And I'm usually the target.

"Oops sorry Sora." Brittany smirked and Tamara had to hold me back as I glared at her.
"She's not worth it," Tamara whispered in my ear and it took all my willpower not to turn around and punch that smirk off her face.
"Just try to get it over the net," I said through my teeth and turned back around. The ball was launched over the net and Alice hit it back.
"I've got it!" I shouted and jumped into the air and was about to hit it but Brittany pushed me out-of-the-way and hit the ball back. I landed on my a*s and looked up at her. She had a victory smirk on her face and I got so pissed off.
"What the hell was that?" I demanded and she twirled her blonde hair.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said innocently and I growled.
"You shouldn't blame others without proof," she said and I got up and punched her in the face. The sudden impact made her fall back a bit and I saw her nose was bleeding.

"You b***h!" She screamed and I smiled.
"You did this!" She shouted, pointing at me and I smiled innocently.
"You shouldn't blame others without proof," I said in her exact tone and then saw the look on Miss. Hashman's face.
"Yeah I know. Go to the principal," I muttered walking past her and out of the hall. As I walked towards the principal's office I ran into Mr. Henderson.
"Ah Sora it's nice to see you here," he smiled and I smiled back.
"Same here," I said and he saw the orange note in my hand.
"Brittany?" He guessed and I nodded.
"But in my defense she started it," I told him and he laughed.
"You'll never change," he said patting my shoulder and walking away. I stood there and watched him leave as a sudden thought popped into my mind.

How can Mr. Henderson be Natsu's uncle? He's nice and friendly while Natsu is quiet and rude I thought and then blushed.
But he's a good kisser I thought and blushed. I shook my head to clear my mind and walked into the office. I handed the note to the lady behind the desk and she nodded.
"Wait right there," she said in a bored tone and I sat on a seat. I crossed my arms over my chest and got comfortable.
"What are you doing here?" A voice said and I looked up and saw Natsu standing there watching me.

"Chilling, why don't you join me?" I asked and he studied me for a bit before sitting down. The air around us was awkward as I had a million questions going through my head. I sneaked a peak at Natsu from the corner of my eye and saw he was calm. His eyes seemed sad for some reason and I wanted to know why.
"Sora Russell," a voice called and I sighed. I got up and as I walked towards the principal's room I hoped Natsu would call out to me but he never did.
"What was it this time?" Principal Lamount asked tiredly as I sat down. He had a brown paper McDonald's bag and I assumed he went out earlier.
"I just punched Brittany McCormick in the face," I answered casually and Principal Lamount sighed.

"You know one day people are going to hit you back," he pointed out and offered some fries. I took a couple and chewed on them, savoring the salty taste.
"Yes I know," I said.
"And you know it's against the rules to impose violence," he added and I nodded.
"But she started it" I whined and he gave me a look.
"Yes but you should've been the bigger person and walked away," he scolded and I nodded.
"Ok now go back to class," he said and I nodded. I got up and headed back into the change rooms and saw Tamara and Alice were back along with the rest of the class.
"So what did you get?" Alice asked and I grinned.
"Nothing, just a mini lecture," I told them and they smiled in relief.
"You should see Brittany," Alice smirked and I raised an eyebrow.
"I think I can imagine," I told her and we laughed.

Chapter 19

I looked through my bag and noticed I was missing something.
"I left my textbook in English," I told them and they nodded.
"See you then," Tamara said and I nodded and ran back into the school. As I ran I could smell something weird in the air and frowned. I ignored it and continued to run towards English class. I ran in and saw something that made my stomach turn.

Natsu and another girl together on the table.

I gasped and covered my mouth as I watched blood trickle down her neck and Natsu looked up and saw me there. My eyes widened and I wanted to run but my feet stood there. Natsu looked up at me and his red eyes were glowing in the afternoon light. He smirked and licked his lips casually and went back to drinking the random girl's blood. As if his stare broke some kind of spell, my feet suddenly moved on their own and in the opposite direction of them. I ran home as hard as I could. My heart was pounding hard in my chest but I continued to run. When I reached my house I ran upstairs and went straight into my room. I slammed the door hard and leaned against it and covered my mouth.

Natsu was drinking her blood I thought as a shiver went down my spine. I suddenly became so sick I went into the bathroom and gulped down huge amounts of water. I turned off the tap and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My brown eyes were wide as and my hair was all messy. I sighed and had a shower and tried to forget about it. When I got out I could barely stand the thought of eating food as the image of Natsu drinking blood made me sick. Instead I lay on my bed and tried to get the image out of my mind. It's as if the note in my draw called out to me because the next thing I knew I was clutching it as I fell asleep. ora finds out the truth about Natsu. But will she be able to accept it? I ended up back in that depressing room and I noticed Romeo staring out of the window. He looked over and saw I was back and smiled warmly at me.
"Welcome back," he greeted and I smiled back.
"Thanks," I said and sighed. I noticed I was wearing the same thing again but this time it was light blue instead of dark purple.
"Why is it always this outfit?" I sighed and I noticed Romeo watching me with curious eyes.
"I think it makes you look nice," he commented and for some reason I blushed. Is that even possible? I suddenly remembered the scene from earlier and looked out of the window.

"You said this window reveals all right?" I asked and he nodded.
"Could it show me something I saw earlier? Just so I know I'm not going crazy," I said and he raised an eyebrow but didn't question.
"Place your hand on the glass and think about it in your mind," he instructed and I placed my hand over the cold glass and closed my eyes. The image of Natsu smirking at me and licking his lips flashed through my mind and I opened my eyes. I gasped in surprise as the image of what happened before I got there appeared on the window.
"Are you sure no one will come?" The girl asked seductively as she placed her hand on Natsu's arm. A pain of jealously went through me but I forced myself to continue to watch.

"Would I ever lie to you?" He asked and she giggled and shook her head. Natsu placed her on the table and the two started making out. I blushed at the site and Romeo looked amused by it. Natsu licked her neck and the girl smiled in excitement. I watched closely as two small fangs became big and they dug into the girl's neck. The girl screamed at first and then sighed and smiled. I covered my mouth with my hands and stood back. The image disappeared and Romeo watched carefully at my reaction.
"I was right," I whispered and I saw something flash in Romeo's eyes but it was quickly gone.

"There is no way they could exist." I said as my eyes widened.
I woke up and saw it was close to midnight. I really didn't want to go back to sleep. I grabbed a jacket and some track pants and went for a walk to clear my head.
Natsu is a vampire. A real vampire! I thought and then wondered something.
I wonder if he sparkles in the sunlight I thought and then shook my head.
"Don't get side tracked Sora," I told myself and I ended up at the lake. I stared at the moon's reflection and sat down on my knees.
"Who knew Stephanie Myer was right," I muttered under my breath and I heard something move in the dark. I stood up and looked around, my heart beating against my chest. The sound of footsteps came closer and closer and my heart pounded faster.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump

In the corner of my eye I saw a stick and quickly grabbed it. I waited, for another sound. Behind me the sound of a twig snapped and I swung around and smashed the stick against something. It snapped into a million pieces and stood there with his eyes glowing was Natsu. He didn't seem amused by the fact that I smashed a stick against his face. I stopped breathing and it felt like my heart jumped into my mouth.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump

"Get away from me," I said coldly and he tried to touch me.
"You really need to calm down," he told me reaching to touch my hair but I slapped his hand away.
"And you really need to get away from me," I ordered and took a step back.
"Careful, if you take another step you'll-" I never got to hear the end of that sentence because as soon as I took another step I fell into the lake. The cold water surrounded me and I tried to swim but my clothes dragged me down. I was holding my breath as long as I could but I soon gave up. A hand dragged me out of the water and I coughed and tried to get the air back into my lungs. I noticed Natsu's clothes were soaked and I cursed myself.

"Told you," he smirked and I glared at him. I got up and walked away but there was a ring of fire stopping me. I turned and saw Natsu leaning against a tree, casually watching me.
"Put the fire out or else you'll burn the forest," I commanded and he smirked.
"It's not going to burn anything," he reassured me but I still glared at him.
"Don't care, put it out anyway," I told him but he shook his head.
"If I do that you won't listen to me," he said.
"Why should listen to you?" I demanded.
"So I can explain everything," he said and I snorted.
"Oh yeah, cause you drinking a girl's blood with fangs and controlling fire doesn't already explain everything!" I said sarcastically and he raised an eyebrow.
"So you know what I am?" He asked and I nodded.

"You are a crazy man who randomly sets stuff on fire and makes out with the first girl you see," I said and for some reason he started laughing.
"What's so funny?" I demanded and he looked at me with a grin on his face.
"That's the first time I've heard someone say that," he said wiping away a tear from his eye. I growled with impatience and walked through the fire. Thank god it didn't burn me but it did make me smell like I've been smoking.
"Sora stop," I heard Natsu shout but I ignored him and kept walking like a good girl. Before I knew it Natsu was standing in front of me and I stepped back.
"Please will you just listen to me?" He begged.

Don't do it! Just walk back home! My head was telling me but my heart urged me to at least hear him out.
"Fine but if it's insane then I'm leaving," I told him and he nodded.
"I'm a vampire," he said simply and I looked at him as if he were the biggest idiot in the world.
"Yeah I caught that with the whole drinking blood thing moron!" I said sarcastically.
"Yes but I'm not the bitten type vampire," he continued and I raised an eyebrow.
"I was born a vampire," he said and I blinked as the information processed through my mind. Natsu started to tell me everything about him and I stood there and listened.

"So let me get this straight," I said after he finished.
"You are, what they call in 'your world' a pure blood vampire," I said and he nodded.
"Only pure bloods have special powers," he added and I sighed and touched my head.
"You do realize what this means," I said and he frowned.
"I'll have to bullshit my Human Studies project," I groaned and his eyes widened and then he burst out laughing.
"Don't laugh! This is a serious matter!" I shouted punching him in the back.
"Here I am telling you I'm a vampire and you're worried about having to lie on a project?" He asked between laughs and I growled at him and walked away. He grabbed my wrist and smiled warmly at me. My heart started beating faster as his touch sent electric shocks throughout my whole body.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump

"You are so weird," he told me and I glared at him.
"You're the weird one," I said snatching my wrist back and walking away.
"Sora wait!" Natsu called and I turned around and looked at him.
"What now vampire boy?" I asked and he smiled.
"You won't tell anyone right?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.
"And end up in the mad house with a bunch of crazy ladies? I don't think so," I told him and walked back home. Sora learns more about Natsu's 'way of life'. "Tamara gimme a piggieback." I whined and held my arms up.
"You have two feet use them," she said and I pouted.
"But I'm tired," I complained and she shook her head.
"What were you doing last night? Dreaming about a hot guy?" She asked.
Yes I thought but I wasn't going to tell her that.
"No I couldn't sleep at all," I told her and she shook her head and gave Alice her bag.
"Yay!" I cheered and jumped onto her back and wrapped my arms around her neck.
"Giddy up," I said and she turned her head slightly.

"Tell me to giddy up and I'll tell you to giddy off my back." She warned and I fell silent and buried my face in her back. It was lunchtime and I was exhausted from last night.
"We're here," Alice sang and Tamara dropped me and we sat down and ate. I was eating a hamburger and I sighed in delight.
"This is so good!" I exclaimed and ate some more. Soon it was all gone and I became depressed. Alice saw my look and smiled and threw me a packet of chicken chips.
"I love you," I announced and she laughed as I dug in. I was full and rubbed my stomach in delight.

"I wonder where you put all of that," Tamara mused and I shrugged my shoulders.
"No idea but all I know is my stomach is satisfied," I said and they laughed.
"Hey Alice do you want to hang out?" Bryan asked and I didn't even notice him coming. Damn I must be really tired.
"Sure," she blushed and they left the school. Tamara's phone started ringing and she answered it.
"Hey babe," she said and got up and walked away. I was left there alone and tired as everyone else was having fun. Tamara came back and gave me an apologetic look.
"Sorry I have to go," she said and I nodded. She walked away and I sighed tiredly and fell asleep.

Chapter 20

"Ok, am I always going to end up here every time I fall asleep?" I asked as Romeo stood there.
"I wouldn't have a clue," he said and then thought of something.
"Why don't you like my company?" He asked and I quickly shook my head.
"Of course I do, I'd just rather dream of other things," I said.
"Like what?" He asked and I had to think.
"I dunno, unicorns and rainbows," I said and he chuckled. I looked down and saw I was wearing jeans and a shirt.
"Oh thank god, normal clothes," I said in relief.
"Sora wake up," Natsu's voice rang throughout the room and I groaned. I opened my eyes and saw Natsu's face was close to mine.

"Personal space!" I shouted and pushed him away.
"Calm down," he said and I sighed.
"Don't do that," I said and he raised an eyebrow.
"What? You afraid I'm going to suck your blood?" He asked and I gave him a look.
"Well you did kiss me randomly," I reminded and he looked away.
Why did you bring that up? Stupid! I thought and it became awkward.
"I should go," I said standing up and started to walk away. Natsu grabbed my hand and I looked down at him.
"D-Don't go," he whispered and I frowned. I sat on my knees and watched him curiously.
"I-I didn't mean to kiss you," he said finally and my eyes widened.

"Um ok," I said slowly and he looked up at me. I saw his eyes were glowing a bit and my heart started pounding in my chest.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump
"Natsu are you ok?" I asked and he nodded but I knew he was lying. I bit my finger and some blood came out. Natsu immediately looked at the blood trickling down my finger and looked at me.
"Drink it," I said and he hesitated before grabbing it and sucking the blood from it. I felt a small discomfort but told myself to ignore it. When Natsu was done I saw the cut on my finger was gone and he looked away.
"Thanks," he muttered and I nodded.

"I have to go," he said rudely and got up and left. My mouth fell open and It really pissed me off.
He drank my blood and now he's back to being a jerk? I thought bitterly and got up myself and walked to class. I had Human Studies and for once I didn't want to go. I walked in and saw Natsu wasn't there and sighed. I sat down at my desk and doodled in my book. Mr. Henderson came over, looking concerned, and I looked up.
"Wow you're a ray of sunshine at the moment," Mr. Henderson commented and I gave him a small smile.
"Can I swap partners with someone?" I asked and Mr. Henderson raised an eyebrow.

"But I thought you and Natsu were like this?" He asked twisting two fingers together.
"We were never like that," I muttered and Mr. Henderson sighed.
"No partner swapping," he said and walked away while I groaned. A sudden thought went through my mind and I looked at Mr. Henderson carefully.
If Natsu is a vampire and Mr. Henderson is his uncle, then maybe he's a vampire too, I thought. I kept an eye on Mr. Henderson's mouth to try to see any fangs, but I didn't see anything.
Maybe you were drugged yesterday and Natsu was lying to you a small voice in my head said and I had to agree. The Natsu bit I mean.

Or maybe this is a dream a louder voice said and I wished it was true. The bell went and school was over. As I was walking out of the school gate I saw Natsu across the street watching me and I frowned. He made a head motion towards him and I looked around before running after him.
"Natsu slow down," I called, as I tried to keep up.
"No you speed up," he said increasing his pace. I growled and ran towards him and ended up running into him as he stopped.
"Don't stop in front of people!" I exclaimed and saw we were back at the lake.

"Ok why are we here?" I asked stepping away from him and looking at the ducks that were swimming. Natsu didn't say anything and I looked at him.
"What's wrong?" I asked poking him in the arm.
"Will you stop poking me?" Natsu asked glaring at me. I looked up at him and held my hands up.
"Geez, sorry I didn't know you were so fragile," I said sarcastically and went onto my knees. One of the ducklings swam over to me and I giggled as I patted its head.

"Look if you're just going to ignore me then I'm leaving," I said standing up and walking away. I felt Natsu grab my hand and suddenly his lips were against mine. My eyes closed and I kissed him back. It was just as passionate as before and I placed my hands on his chest and gently pushed him away.
"Can you not do that," I said and he looked at me and I saw a hint of sadness and regret in his eyes.
"I'm sorry," he whispered in pain and disappeared. I stood there totally confused and I sighed.
"Boys are so complicated," I told the duckling and it looked at me before swimming back over to its mother. I yawned tiredly and ended up walking back home. As soon as I got home I didn't even bother getting dress, because as soon I got into my room I collapsed and fell asleep on my bed. Note: Mr. Henderson in my mind is the kind of guy who can act like a teenager but can be serious and scary when he wants to.

Today was Saturday and I was home typing up a whole bunch of lies for my Human Studies project.
It's not like I can say he's a vampire I thought miserably and my phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I said into the speaker.
"Hey Alice and I are going Ice Skating tonight you in?" Tamara asked and I smiled.
"Sure." I said.
"Oh and we're bringing our guys." She added and I sighed.
"I knew there was a catch." I muttered.
"Sorry." She apologized and I laid on my bed and hugged my Piplup plushie.
"It won't be so bad." She reassured and I rolled my eyes.
"Please, while you and Alice are all lovey-dovey with your boyfriends I'll be the fifth wheel." I pointed out.

"Can you just come? You look like you need to relax." She said and I sighed.
"Fine, but you have to buy me a hot chocolate." I told her.
"Deal, see you at six." She said before hanging up. I looked at the clock on my bed and it read twelve.
"I have four hours to kill." I muttered and ended up going for a walk. For some unknown reason I walked to the lake and saw I wasn't alone.
"What is this our meeting place?" I asked when I saw Natsu watching the water.
"You shouldn't be here." He said coldly and I ignored him. I've gotten used to his sudden attitude changes.

"Yeah, well I end up in a lot of places I'm not supposed to be." I informed him and he didn't say anything. I started touching my key and Natsu noticed it.
"Do you always wear that?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"Not that it's any of your business but yes I do. It was a gift from a childhood friend of mine." I told him and he nodded.
"Where are they now?" He asked and I looked down.
"He moved." I said quietly. Silence fell upon us and the only sounds were from the birds in the trees and the sound of the water.

"Oh by the way, you're afraid of spiders and boats." I informed him and he raised an eyebrow and had a smile on his face.
"Why boats?" He asked.
"Because you watched Titanic when you were younger and you've been afraid of boats sinking ever since." I told him and he sighed.
"That makes me sound like a baby." He said and I grinned.
"That's because you are." I said and he shook his head and smiled.
"Hey, it's not my fault I have to lie." I said and saw something in the corner of my eye. A man with slightly pale skin and blonde hair and brown eyes was standing behind us. Natsu went closer to me and looked at me.

"My Lord." The man said bowing to Natsu.
"I've told you not to bow Rheon." Natsu sighed and Rheon nodded and got back up.
"I thought you would like to know he has started to make his move." Rheon informed Natsu and I noticed Natsu's face became like stone.
"Do you know when he will strike?" Natsu asked and Rheon shook his head. I heard Natsu silently growl and nodded.
"You can go, keep me posted if anything new happens." Natsu said and Rheon nodded and disappeared. I looked at Natsu and he relaxed a bit and then looked at me. I could've sworn I saw a trace of fear run through his eyes but it was quickly gone before I could be sure.

"Ok, what was that all about?" I asked and he shook his head and patted my head.
"Nothing for humans to know." He said and I glared at him.
"Wait he addressed you as 'my Lord.'" I remembered and Natsu nodded.
"If you remember, I told you how since pureblood vampires are so rare we are regarded highly." He informed me and I looked towards the lake again.
"Random question, you don't sparkle in the sunlight right?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"Where the hell did you get that from?" He asked.
"A book." I told him and he shook his head.
"You humans don't know anything about our kind." He said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"Ok then explain why you're not screaming in pain or catching on fire." I said.
"Pureblood vampires are the only ones who can go out in the sunlight, it doesn't hurt us but it does weaken our powers. You notice why I'm sometimes tired at school?" He asked and I nodded.

"Now that I think about it." I said thoughtfully.
"But we're stronger at night, because that's we call 'Hunting Hour.'" He said and I shivered.
"Ok gross." I said and he laughed.
"So bitten vampires can't go out in the sun?" I asked and he nodded.
"Well it depends on who bit them. If a bitten vampire made them yeah they can't go out in the day but if a pureblood did then they'll just get a massive headache and will have to spend most of the day in the dark to regain their strength." He answered and I frowned.
"Wait so why are purebloods allowed in the daylight?" I asked.

"Because we were humans when we were young. Purebloods don't fully get their vampire powers until they've either reached a certain age or maturity. It differs for each pureblood." He explained and I nodded and looked at him curiously.
"How old were you when you became a vampire?" I asked and his face became hard as stone.

"Not that it's any of your business but I was seven turning eight." He said and I nodded. I checked my phone for the time and saw I only had forty-five minutes until six and I sighed.

"I have to go." I muttered and walked away. Natsu didn't say anything and I took as it a sign and kept walking. When I got back I grabbed a pair of light blue jeans and a gray shirt with a picture of Elmo on it. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on a little makeup. I grabbed a white jacket and ran downstairs as Alice pulled up.

"Hey." I greeted and sat in the back as we drove off. We arrived at the Ice Rink and I saw Bryan and Oliver were waiting. They greeted the girls very warmly and I had to look away since it became too much for me.

"Ok, can you guys stop playing tonsil hockey so we can go skate?" I asked and they all became embarrassed. We walked in and paid for our tickets and got our skates. I was still getting mine on when the others were busy skating and holding hands. When I finally got my skates on I went onto the ice and skated by myself. I had my hands in my pockets and just skated around in a circle. I saw the others having fun and a pain of jealously went through me.

I wish I had something like that I thought painfully and then shrugged it off. I heard Alice laugh from the other side of the rink and wasn't watching where I was going. I ended up running into someone and falling flat on my a*s.

"Ouch." I winced.
"Need a hand?" A voice asked and I looked up and saw Natsu wearing a dark blue jacket and a red shirt underneath with some black jeans. He had his hand out to me and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and I smiled gratefully at him.

"Thanks." I said and he nodded. He pointed his head forward and I understood what he meant. Soon the two of us were skating together and chatting.
"I didn't think vampires would be ones to hang out in a cold place." I commented and he looked at me.

"Read it in a book." I added and he shook his head and muttered something.
"Not that you've noticed but purebloods are warm-blooded while bitten aren't." He said giving me his hand. I took and felt warmth underneath my fingertips.
"It's warm." I whispered and Natsu grabbed my hand.
"Come on, I'll hold your hand since you probably suck at this." He said and I glared at him.
"Excuse me but I was doing just fine before you came." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"You ran into me." He reminded and I started skating faster. I heard Natsu laugh and I looked to my left and saw he was skating as well. I looked forward and tried to skate faster. I heard Natsu grunt and he was in front. I glared at the back of his head and put my head down and focused. I saw something black in the corner of my eye and I turned my head and saw Romeo smirking. My eyes widened and I stopped breathing as I stared in horror. I didn't pay attention and suddenly I was flung over the railing and landed on my back.

"Ouch." I winced as the pain shot through my whole body.
"Sora!" I heard Natsu shout and saw his head over the railing. He looked at me worriedly and scared as his eyes searched my body for any injuries.
"Are you hurt?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.
"My a*s hurts does that count?" I asked and he jumped over the railing and helped me sit up.

"Sora what happened?" Tamara asked running over with Alice trailing behind.
"I tried to do gymnastics on ice." I lied and threw in a fake laugh just to cover it up. Tamara looked at me as if I were crazy and Alice shook her head. I stood up and looked over to where Romeo was before. My eyes widened as I saw he disappeared into thin air.

Oh you have got to be kidding me I thought as Natsu led me over to the seats and sat me down. I was getting my skates off but Natsu took over instead.
"You I can take off my own skates." I told him but he ignored this and got one-off. He started working on the other one and I sighed and sat back.

When I go to sleep tonight I am going to have a LONG talk Romeo I thought and Natsu got the last skate off. I grabbed my shoes and placed them on and ran to the railing.

"Guys I'm gonna head home!" I shouted and Tamara and Alice skated over.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Alice asked concerned.
No I thought but nodded and smiled.
"Super, I'm just tired." I told her and they nodded.

"See you on Monday." Tamara said and I nodded and walked out. Natsu was waiting for me in the parking lot and I walked past him despite my heart beating fast.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump
"Where are you going?" He asked and I didn't even turn around.
"Home." I answered and kept walking.

"I'll give you a ride." He offered appearing in front of me.
"No, thank you, I can walk." I said and walked around him and kept going.
"But it's night." He pointed out.
"I gathered that genius." I told him and he grabbed my hand. I turned and looked at him.

"Can you stop treating me like I'm a defenseless girl?" I asked and he frowned.
"You are one though." He said and I got so pissed off.
"Stop trying to be the hero." I said and his eyes stared through mine.
"I never wanted to be one in the first place." He said coldly and I turned on my heel and kept walking.

"Stupid Natsu." I muttered angrily as I walked down the street. The cold air brushed up against my face. For some reason tears fell down my face and I wiped them away angrily. I heard some noises from behind and I turned around and saw nothing. I turned to keep walking but there was a man with blonde hair and glowing blue eyes standing there. I quickly stepped back as my heart started beating faster.

Ba-thump, Ba-thump.
"M-May I help you?" I asked and he grinned and flashed me his teeth.
"I just need your little neck for a second." He said coming towards me but I ran. I kept running as fast as I could, through trees and branches. I ended up at the lake and I turned and saw him standing a couple of feet ahead. He grabbed my jacket and I quickly took it off. He ripped it in frustration and growled at me. I fell onto my a*s and touched my key.

Someone, anyone save me! I begged in my mind as I waited for my death.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump.
Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump, Ba-thump.
"Death really likes to take his time." I muttered and opened my eyes. Natsu stood in front of me and I saw him glaring at the man in pure hatred and fury. My eyes widened and I became a little frightened at this new side to him. The man snarled in fury and tried to attack Natsu but he was surrounded by flames. The man howled in pain as the flames consumed him until only ashes were left. Natsu turned towards me and saw how frightened I was and his face became soft.

"This is why I offered you a ride home." He said gently and tried to touch me but I flinched. Natsu took his hand back and then sighed and got up.
"I'll wait for you in the car." He said and started to walk away but something came over me. I got up and ran over to him and hugged his back.
"D-Don't go." I whispered as he froze at my touch. We stayed like that for a bit and then he turned around and hugged me tightly.

"I will never leave you alone again." He whispered and hugged me tighter. I buried my face in his chest as tears came down my face. It was at least five minutes until I calmed down and I shivered as a breeze went past.

"What happened to your jacket?" Natsu asked and I pointed to the white pile and he sighed.

"Here." He said placing his jacket on my head and I took it and put it on. Natsu led me to his red Toyota Yarris and I sat in the front. He started the car and I had to tell him where to go. We pulled up at my house and I started to get out of the car but Natsu grabbed my arm.

"You need to be careful." He warned and I nodded.
"No more walking at night for me." I said giving back his jacket but he shook his head.
"Keep it." He told me and I was shocked but I nodded. I got out of the car and watched him drive off. I sighed tiredly and went inside and collapsed on my bed. Soon exhaustion took over me and I fell asleep. I was back into the room and this time I was back in that stupid Loli dress but this time it was baby pink. I sighed and tried to focus on finding Romeo and asking why he showed up.

"Romeo." I called and there was no answer. I walked forward and looked out the window. It was the same as ever, just white and boring.
"Romeo." I called and again there was no answer. The room was empty and quiet, like there was no life at all. I crossed my arms over my chest and blew a piece of hair out of my face.

"This isn't funny." I said and I saw a pair of green eyes appear and Romeo walked forward.
"Where have you been?" I asked him and he gave me an apologetic smile.
"I had some things to take care of." He told me and I raised an eyebrow at looked at him suspiciously.

"You weren't at and Ice Rink were you?" I asked curiously and he frowned.
"What's an Ice Rink?" He asked and I sighed.
"Sorry I thought I saw you watching me while I was skating." I informed him and he nodded.
"Must've been your imagination." He said and I had to agree.
"I hope a lot of things are just my imagination." I muttered as an image of Natsu went through my mind.

"Are you thinking about him?" Romeo suddenly asked and my eyes widened.
"W-What are you talking about?" I asked looking away while Romeo chuckled.
"You can't hide anything from me." He said amused and I rolled my eyes.
"There is just a certain jerk who I will not name, that is pissing me off." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well would you like to tell me? My ears are your diary." He offered and I did. I told him all about Natsu and he listened. I felt better when I finished and I knew I was waking up.
"Bye." I said before I opened my eyes.

I looked over at my clock and saw it was eight in the morning. I groaned and buried my face in my pillow. I took a peek at my draw and I reached over and opened it. Natsume's note laid there and I grabbed it and read it again.

"Where are you?" I whispered to the note. I heard a door close and seconds later a car pulling out of the driveway.
"Well mom's gone." I said and went downstairs and ate cereal. I lazed around of the couch and watched some TV. My phone started ringing and I grabbed it and answered it.
"Hello?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Meet me at the park in five minutes." A voice said and then hung up. I stared at the phone in confusion and then went upstairs. I grabbed a white singlet and some light blue denim shorts and put a light purple hoodie on. I ran downstairs and grabbed my black sneakers and did my hair in a ponytail. I left the house and dialed Alice's number.

"Ok why am I meeting you at the park?" I asked her as soon as she picked up.
"What are you talking about?" She asked and I frowned.
"You just called me and told me to meet you at the park." I told her.
"I never called you, I was just talking to Tamara before you rang." She informed me and my blood went cold. Alice picked up on my silence and became worried.
"Sora don't go, it might be some stalker." She said and I nodded.

"Ok I'll head home." I told her and hung up. I turned to leave but for some reason I was turning back around and walking to the park. It's like an invisible rope was tied around me and was dragging me to it. My feet were moving on their own and soon I arrived at the park. I stood there waiting for someone but no one was here. I watched the water from the fountain pour out and I was able to move on my own. I started to walk backwards but ran into something.

"Watch where you're going?" A familiar voice said and I turned around and saw Natsu standing there looking a little grumpy.
"Of course I'd be you." I groaned stepping away and placing my head in my hand.
"What are you talking about?" He asked in a bored tone and I glared at him.
"You called me and told me to meet you here." I told him and he frowned.
"Um no I didn't, I don't even have a phone." He informed me.
"Then who the hell did?" I muttered and looked away. Natsu stood beside me and flipped a coin.

"I remember doing this when I was younger." He said throwing the coin into the fountain.
"What'd you wish for?" I asked curiously.
"Can't say or else it won't come true." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"I should've known you'd never tell." I said and he chuckled.
"Well then since you didn't call me I'm going back home." I said walking away. Natsu grabbed my hand and I looked at him.
"How about instead we hang out?" He suggested and I looked at him as if he were crazy.
"I need to do my Human Studies project." He added and I sighed and nodded. We ended up sitting under a tree and talked for a bit. I told him my likes and dislikes and he told me his.

"You hate cold blood?" I laughed and he shrugged his shoulders.
"It tastes gross when it's cold." He told and I shook my head and smiled.
"Hey, I've been wondering." I said suddenly and he looked at me.
"Is Mr. Henderson a vampire too? Since he's your uncle and all." I asked and he looked away.

"He's not my uncle." He said quietly and my eyes widened.
Now that I think about it, they're nothing alike I thought.
"He is one as well but a bitten one." He answered and I nodded. It became silent between us as I gathered up the courage to ask my next question.

"So how did you two meet?" I asked sneaking a peek at him from the corner of my eye. The sadness that was once in his eyes lit up a bit and he smiled warmly.
"I never knew my parents so I ended up living with this couple who raised me. One day he came and told them who I was and what I would become. I decided to go with him and learn to control my new self. When I was fourteen I tried to visit them again but -" He suddenly broke off.

"But?" I asked wanting him to continue. He looked down and the sadness crept back in.
"I-I couldn't control my powers and ended up hurting them." He said quietly and I felt bad for him. I hugged him tightly while he froze to the spot.
"I'm sorry for asking." I whispered and he recovered and hugged me back. We stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's warmth and comfort. I pulled back and saw Natsu was crying, like the first time I saw him.

"Don't cry." I said wiping away his tears. Natsu smiled and I smiled back and got up.
"I'm heading home." I told him and he nodded.
"Be safe." He said and I walked home. While I was walking home I kept getting that feeling like someone was watching me. It didn't stop until I went inside and I locked all the doors just in case. I ended up watching TV and halfway through a movie I fell asleep. "So you and Natsu were getting pretty close on Saturday," Tamara winked and I ignored her and got my PE shirt on.
"Yeah and I also got close with the floor," I said bitterly and then sighed.
"It's going to be Valentine's Day in next week," Alice sang and I rolled my eyes.
"Great just what I needed," I said sarcastically.
"Don't worry, we'll still give you chocolate," Tamara reassured and my mood suddenly brightened.
"Are you going to give some to Natsu?" Tamara asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Tamara we're barely friends," I informed her as we ran ten laps around the oval. I was in front of Alice and Tamara by two whole laps and as I was on my last one, it got me thinking. What exactly were Natsu and I?

I've let him drink a little bit of my blood.... does that make us Blood Buddies? I thought as I sat down and took a breather while everyone else was still running. That can't be it; we've kissed twice now so friends with benefits? I asked myself and then shook my head.

Now that's stupid.... blood friends with benefits? I thought and then sighed.
"I really need to stop thinking about it," I told myself.
"Stop thinking about what?" Natsu asked appearing beside me. I'd gotten so used to him popping out of nowhere that it no longer scares me.
"What is our relationship?" I asked him and he thought about it.
"I dunno, friends maybe?" He asked and I sighed.

"Of course you wouldn't know," I muttered and then thought of something.
"Do you eat chocolate?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.
"Um yeah why?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No reason," I answered and he looked at me suspiciously and then walked away.

Alice and Tamara came over and tried to catch their breaths.
"So, what were you and Natsu talking about?" Tamara asked when she regained her composure.
"We were just defining what our relationship was," I told them and they looked at me.
"Well what is it?" Alice asked.
"We're friends," I told them and Tamara nodded while Alice frowned.
"That's all?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"Um yeah why?" I asked her.
"It seems like something more," she said and I looked away.
"Get back to work ladies!" Hashman barked and we all ran around the field another ten times. By the end of PE, I was left tired and confused. What did Alice mean by something more? I groaned as a headache started forming in my head and I ended up in a bad mood by the time I got to Human Studies. Natsu was sitting in his seat and I sat down and laid my head on my book.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Natsu commented and I growled.
"I am not in the mood for your sarcasm," I grumbled and he chuckled.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked and I opened one eye and looked at him.
"As you can tell I have a massive headache and I'd appreciate it if you'd shut up." I told him and he chuckled again and left me there to sleep. When I woke up, next I saw Natsu carrying me and I yawned.

"Finally you're up," he said and dropped me onto the ground. My a*s collided with the concrete and I glared at him.
"Thanks a*****e," I said and stood up.
"Hey, I took the time out of the kindness in my heart to carry you," he said and I glared at him.
"Yeah dropping a girl onto the ground is really kind," I said sarcastically.
"Not my fault, you're heavier than you look," he said and I punched him in the back of the head.

"Hey what was that for?" He shouted and I walked ahead of him as my anger became bigger.
"Sora!" He called but I ignored him. He ran up and stood in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.
"Sora, I'm sorry," he apologized and he seriously meant it but I was still pissed off.
"That doesn't make me feel any better," I muttered and looked away. Natsu placed a finger along my chin and I slowly looked at him. His crimson red eyes were studying my jaw line for some reason and it made my heartbeat fast.

Ba-thump, Ba-thump.
Natsu realized what he was doing and took his finger away but something came over me. I pressed my lips against his and he was shocked.

"Sora don't," he started to say but ended up kissing me back. I traced my tongue along his small fangs and his entered my mouth. A small growl came from Natsu as we continued to kiss. My body felt like it was on fire and my heart was beating so fast I was sure it'd explode. Natsu pulled back and I was breathing hard as I stared into his eyes. Passion and desire were swimming in them and I wanted more of me.

Then reality kicked in.
"D-Don't do that again," he whispered looking down and placing his hand onto my shoulders. Disappointment washed through me and I knew Natsu was struggling to control himself.
"Natsu -" I started to say but he cut me off with a deadly glare.
"You don't understand how much I want you right now," he said through his teeth and I became shocked and scared.

"Leave now," he ordered and despite what my heart said, I did. I ran home and locked myself in my room. My heart was beating uncontrollably and I decided to have a shower. I wasn't really into the shower as I kept replaying the scene in my head over and over again.

"Why did I do that?" I asked myself and buried my face in my hands as I sat in the shower. The water went down my back and I placed my chin on top of my knees and sighed. My body was still buzzing from the kiss and I remembered the feeling of his fangs along my tongue. I started blushing uncontrollably and my heart started beating fast again.

I heard a noise coming from inside my room and I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around and went to investigate. I walked in and found Natsu looking around.
"What are you doing here!" I yelled at him. No one was home so I didn't have to worry about my parents seeing a boy in my room.

"I came to apologize, I was a jerk, I admit but you're just not good for me," he walked over to me and stroked a piece of hair that had come loose from my pony tail, to behind my ear.
"So you said before," I sighed pulling away from his hand that had stayed on my cheek.
"Wait, you haven't heard it all!" He exclaimed, walking back over to me and putting his hands on my shoulder. "I don't care, I don't want to fight anymore and I want to ask you something."
"Be my girlfriend?" He murmured into my ear, his warm breath tickling my face.

I kissed him, and he kissed me back. It wasn't like any kiss we had before. His lips pressed harder on mine and our tongues met in a fiery passion. He walked me over to my bed and we sat down, his arms trailing over my face, my arms and my back while mine pulled his hair and scratched his neck. We pulled back but as I bit his lip, a ruby-red drop of blood forming on the middle of his bottom lip. I couldn't help but stare at it.

"Drink it," he said. I leant over and licked the drop of his lip and as it hit my tongue a shiver went down my spine. My head had a blissful buzz and I felt happy.
"What was that?" I asked.
"Pure vampire blood is like a drug." I nodded and looked into his crimson eyes.
"So," he whispered, "I take that as a yes?" I laughed and gave him a small playful punch and fell into his arms.
"Sora I'm home," my mom called and my eyes flew open and I realized I was still in the shower.
"God d****t" I cursed myself and turned off the shower with my face bright red. I can't believe I imagined Natsu and myself doing that!

"F**k my life," I muttered as I got into a white singlet and some light blue pajama pants. I walked downstairs and saw mom serving some Chinese food and smiled when I came down.
"How was school sweetie?" She asked and I groaned and placed my head on the bench as I sat down on the chair.

"Not good?" She guessed by my reaction and I nodded.
"Mom why are boys so complicated?" I asked and she laughed.
"Oh Sora, you've got your eye on someone haven't you?" She asked.

Two people actually I thought.
"Not really, my partner in Human Studies," I told her and she raised an eyebrow.
"Sora, I'm so proud of you," she said hugging me tightly and I gasped.
"C-Can't breathe!" I managed to say and then she pulled away and kissed my forehead.
"Ever since Natsume disappeared you've been bent on never finding love," she said proudly and I ate my dinner quietly while she chatted along happily.

"Your father will be coming home next week for Valentine's Day," mom informed me and I raised an eyebrow.
"Is this a hint for me to be out of the house on that day?" I asked and she blushed and shook her head.
"No of course not! But if you have plans with the girls..." she stopped and I sighed.
"Fine," I muttered and cleaned my plate and went back up to my room. I dialed Tamara's number on my phone and she picked up.
"My mom is kicking me out of the house on Valentine's Day, so what do you want to do?" I asked and it suddenly became awkward. I picked up on Tamara's silence and groaned.
"You're going on a double date with Alice aren't you?" I asked.

"Sorry," she apologized and hung up. I buried my face in my pillow as I grew frustrated. I hugged my pillow close to me as I stared out the window.
"Natsume why couldn't you be here when I needed you?" I whispered and then Natsu's face came in my mind. I blushed and then buried my face deeper into my pillow.
"Why did I think about him?" I asked myself but for some reason I was secretly glad I did. It's Valetine's Day and things start to heat up! Will Cupid's love arrow finally hit Sora and Natsu?

I really didn't want to go to school today. Not because Natsu has been giving me the cold shoulder since that day which made me anxious. Oh no, it was because it was Valentine's Day and everywhere I looked couples were all lovey-dovey. You did not know how incredibly single I felt. I was standing at my locker while Tamara and Alice were making out with their boyfriends.

"Guys I'm pregnant," I said fed up with them ignoring me. This got their attention straight away.
"Wait what?" Tamara asked shocked while Alice grinned.
"Name it after me!" She demanded and I rolled my eyes.
"Geez calm down, I'm still a virgin," I muttered.
"Don't scare me like that," Tamara said in a disapproving manner and I muttered something under my breath.

"Oh here's your chocolate," Alice said handing one each to us and I smiled at her.
"Thanks Alice," I said and she smiled.

The bell went for first period and I headed off to English with Alice. Well more like dragged her there since she was so busy kissing Bryan again. The rest of the day went like that, the girls too busy with their boyfriends to talk to me, so I ended up ditching them around lunch and hanging by the tree. I was alone thankfully and ate my chicken sandwich in peace. I heard some footsteps walking closer to me and I looked up and saw Natsu in deep thought. He didn't realize I was there until I kicked him in the shin. He blinked and saw me sitting there staring at him and recollected himself and turned to walk away.

"So that's it?" I asked and he turned.
"What are you talking about?" He asked and I glared at him.
"You know what I'm talking about," I said angrily standing up.
"Sora who know why I can't get close," he said simply and my anger rose by every word.
"That didn't stop you for kissing me three times already!" I practically shouted and he sighed.
"Sora I'm not good for you," he said and I knew where this was leading.
"Don't bullshit me! You don't kiss a girl three times, make her feel sorry for you and then dump her on the side like some two-dollar w***e!" I shouted. Natsu looked hurt by my words and I felt tears come down my face.

"I already lost someone dear to me, I don't want to lose another," I told him and his eyes widened. Before he could say anything I ran past him and out of the school. I didn't care about detention or the consequences for leaving school, I just needed to get away and calm down. I ended up at the lake again and I broke down. I hugged my knees to my chest as sob after sob broke through. My throat was sore from all the crying and I wiped away my tears when I calmed down. I had a couple of sips from my bottle in my bag and stared out into the lake. I touched the key and Natsume's laughter went through my mind.

"Sora," Natsu's voice said and a shot of pain went through my heart but I didn't turn around.
"Go away," I ordered but of course he didn't listen.
"Sora hear me out," he begged but I didn't want to hear anymore.
"Natsu I don't want to listen to you make excuses. I'm tired, it's Valentine's Day and I just want to be left alone," I said and he grabbed my wrist and lifted me up.
"Let me go!" I shouted but he didn't listen.

"I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed over and over again and he kissed me. I kissed him back but then bit his lip. He stared at me in shock while I glared at him. He licked the blood from his lip and I looked away.
"Sora look at me," Natsu said and despite myself I did. I saw his eyes were mixed with happiness, fear, passion and confusion.

"Sora you do not know how much I want you," he paused as he searched for a better word.
"No I crave you," he said looking at me in the eyes and my heart started beating faster.
"But I'm struggling to control myself from attacking you right here and now. It doesn't help when you kiss me," he said and I blushed. Usually normal people would be scared by that fact but I apparently wasn't normal.

"I'm fine if you do," I said quietly and he looked at me in shock.
"As long as its you then I don't mind." I said and I guess instinct took over because the next thing I knew we were on the grass making out. His tongue was in a dance with mine and our lips moved in sync. He kissed my forehead, my eyes, nose, my mouth and down to my neck. My heart was beating fast.

Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump.
My breath was getting faster and faster and my back arched to meet his kisses on my neck. He kissed my neck slowly and sweetly, slowly moving his lips. He ran his tongue along my neck and kissed again but this time his teeth grazed it. He pulled back and looked into my eyes, asking for permission.

"Are you sure?" He asked me nervously but I could hear the desire and want thick in his voice.
"I trust you," I told him and he smiled.

He kissed me and then down my neck, little kisses in a trail to the center. He kissed me then sunk his teeth in; I gasped in pain at first but then moaned in pleasure, falling into a beautiful bliss. I dug my fingers into his back as he continued to drink my blood. My head was fuzzy from the ecstasy of the bite and I felt my heartbeat even faster. Even though I'm a virgin, I bet this was way better than sex. I felt Natsu draw out and lick up the last of the blood that escaped. My head was still fuzzy from the loss of blood and the last bits of pleasure disappeared.

"You ok?" He asked and I answered by licking up the bits of blood on his chin.
"Fantastic," I murmured and lost balance for a second. Natsu caught me and sighed as I rested my head on his chest.
"I guess, I took more than I thought," he said and I hummed a reply. I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them, I was in a slightly dark room and on a really comfy bed. I yawned and sat up and rubbed my tired eyes. I noticed that the place where Natsu bit me was clean and there was no mark.

"I see you're up," Natsu said and I saw him standing at the doorway watching me.
"Yeah um where are we?" I asked.
"My house," he answered and I nodded. I started to walk towards him but lost my balance for a second. Natsu caught me in his arms and held me close. My heart started beating fast in my chest and I looked up.
"You're still as uncoordinated as ever," he sighed and I pouted.

"I am not!" I protested and tried to sound fierce but it doesn't help when your stomach growls at the same time. Natsu started laughing and I looked away in embarrassment.
"Come on, Anthony has cooked," Natsu told me and lead me downstairs into a dining room that looked normal. On the brown table was packed with food and I drooled at the site of it.
"Ah Sora, you're up!" Mr Henderson said cheerfully and I saw him in a pink fluffy apron and burst out laughing.
"You do realize, how unmanly you look right now?" Natsu sighed while I laughed even harder. I wiped away the tears and sat down with Natsu and Mr Henderson. I started eating straight away and it took three whole plates to fill me.

"You can really eat a lot," Natsu said surprised and I smiled.
"That's delicious," I sighed happily and Mr Henderson smiled.
"By the way regarding your Human Studies proje- don't pull those faces!" He complained when Natsu and I groaned.
"Look I was just going to say that you'll pass no matter what you come up with," Mr Henderson said to me and then looked at Natsu.
"You'll have to do it properly," he said and Natsu's mouth fell open.
"No fair!" He complained and I laughed.
"Hey, what are you laughing at?" Natsu asked and lifted me over his shoulder while I laughed even more.
"Put me down," I said in between giggles and he ran outside and dropped me onto the ground and kissed me. Natsu pulled back and moved a piece of hair from my eyes and smiled warmly at me then turned serious. He stood up and looked away, leaving me there confused.
"I should take you home," he said walking away and I frowned.

"Natsu wait up!" I called getting up and running over to him. I grabbed a hold of his arm and smiled but he didn't look my way.
"Bye Mr Henderson," I said as we walked past him. Mr Henderson smiled but I knew he could tell something was wrong. The ride home was quiet and you could feel the tension in the air. When Natsu pulled up on my driveway, I sat there expecting him to say something. He didn't though, he just kept looking forward.

"Um good night," I said nervously looking at him. He just nodded and didn't even looked at me. My anger suddenly rose and I glared at him. I got out of the car and made sure, I slammed it hard before walking into the front door. I closed the door behind me and waited for the car to leave. When the sound of the engines disappeared into the distance, I went up to my room and hugged Piplup. Tears fell down my face and I wiped them away angrily.

"What happened?" I asked myself as I placed my head on my pillow and fell asleep. My not so sweet Valentine's Day came to an end. Interesting things happen to Sora that will change her life forever....


"He sounds like a real jerk," Romeo commented after I told him what happened. I nodded and wiped away the last few tears and he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest while he soothed me.
"Don't worry about him, if he treats you like that then he's not worth it," Romeo said and I nodded and smiled.

"Thanks Romeo, you always know how to make me feel better," I said and he kissed my forehead.
"Of course, I am the prince who will protect your feelings," he whispered in my ear and I blushed. Romeo and I talked for a bit more and I noticed how sexy he kinda looked. What am I doing? He's a guy from my dreams! I felt myself wake up and quickly said goodbye to him before opening my eyes.

The sun was shining brightly in my window and I groaned and sat up. I had half an hour to get ready before school started and I really didn't feel like going. I went downstairs and saw a note on the counter.

Your father and I have left for our trip to the coast. There is food in the fridge.
Love Mom

"Looks like I can stay home then," I murmured and grabbed some toast. I ended up camping on the couch and watching some cartoons. I guess, I fell asleep because the next thing I knew I woke up with Natsu staring at me.
"What the hell!" I shouted pushing him away and standing up.
"You don't look sick," he commented and I looked away.
"What do you want?" I asked him and he sighed.

"I was worried since you didn't come to school," he told me and I looked at him surprised. Maybe he wasn't a jerk after all.
"But you're just lazing around the house," he added and I frowned. I spoke too soon.
"Look if you're here to insult me then just go," I told him and he just stood there.
"Sora what's wrong with you?" He asked I looked at him as if he just said the dumbest thing in the world and I started to get pissed off.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" I shouted at him.
"What are you talking about?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Oh please, don't tell me forgot how much of an a*s you were last night," I said and he frowned.
"You know what? Forget it, I should never have come," Natsu said walking to the door but me being me I always had to have the last word.
"I wish I never met you!" I called after him and he froze to the spot and then walked out.

I knew I had hurt him but I felt glad, he should realize that he can't control me anymore. I ended up being angry the whole day and it didn't help when Tamara and Alice called to yell at me. Later that night I was on my bed typing on my laptop when the biggest headache ever hit me. I groaned and clutched my head as the pain shot through. I stumbled into the bathroom and took some painkillers and collapsed on the floor.

Natsu's Side

I was still fuming when I reached the house.
"Natsu dinner will -," Anthony said but I walked past him and slammed the door in my room. That stupid idiot! I couldn't believe her! I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. A sudden urge came from my draw and I opened it and pulled out the purple velvet satchel. Inside was one of my most trusted treasures that I kept with me when I was young. A silver old style lock that had a silver chain around it. It felt cold under my fingers and I gripped it tightly in my hand.

"I never thought she would be alive," I whispered for the fifth time since moving here and a familiar presence appeared in the room. I looked up and saw Rheon bowing to me and I nodded at him.
"Rheon," I said and he nodded and stood up.

"My lord, I have more news to report," he said looking at me.
"It seems that he is targeting someone close to you," he informed me and my immediate thoughts were Sora. I swallowed and lick my lips.
"Anthony?" I asked and he shook his head.
"We believe it might be someone else," he said and I knew he was talking about Sora. Fear struck me but I managed to remain calm.

"Thank you Rheon, keep me updated," I said and he nodded and disappeared. I ran out of the house and towards Sora's as fast as I could. When I got there, no one was home as usual and I knocked on the door. When no one came my fear became bigger. I ran through the house calling her name.
"Sora!" I shouted and ran into her room. I saw her collapsed on the floor and not moving. I ran to her and held her close while trying to find a pulse.

"Sora open your eyes," I whispered and did CPR. When that didn't work I started to panic. My heart was beating faster and faster as the fear of losing her again, ran through my mind. The lock in my hand became warmer and I stared at it. I grabbed her key and placed it through the lock and it unlocked. Blue light poured out and went into Sora's body and soon she was breathing again. When the light disappeared and everything went back to normal, I placed Sora onto the bed and kissed her forehead gently. I moved a strand of hair from her face and gently kissed her lips.
"I'm sorry for everything," I whispered before disappearing out the window and into the night. I woke up in my bed the next morning. I groaned and sat up and saw my headache was gone. That's a good sign I guess. I went to school since Alice begged and Tamara threatened and I saw them with their boyfriends at the gates. I became jealous of their perfect relationships and how uncomplicated it was for them. I walked past them and ended up chilling in the library. I noticed Natsu looking at me and I looked away and ignored him. I couldn't deal with him right now.

I can't deal with anything now I realized. My life has gotten so complicated that I wished I disappeared. I stayed in the library all day; I couldn't be bothered to go to my classes. Instead I slept in one of the far corners where no one goes. I talked with Romeo heaps and laughed with him. When I woke up I took note of my red face and left for home. Mom and dad were back but they ignored me and were all lovey-dovey on the couch. That was fine by me, I had nothing else better to do than chill in my room. When it was night, I tried to go to sleep but to no avail. I'd toss and turn and ended up getting frustrated.

I shouldn't have slept all day, I thought bitterly and sighed. I grabbed a hoodie and some track pants and went walking. I didn't have a particular destination in mind, but I knew I had to get out of the house for a while. I was walking down the street when I heard some noises in a nearby alley. I froze in my tracks and peered into the darkness. When I didn't see anything or hear anything I kept walking. Later on, I felt like I was being followed, so I walked to the lake and quickly ducked behind a tree. I waited and held my breath as I heard the footsteps closing in. When the footsteps stopped I froze, dared not to make a sound. Soon the footsteps faded into the distance and I came out of my hiding spot and was about to walk home when something grabbed a chunk full of my hair. The pain shot up and I winced and saw a guy with orange hair and gray eyes grinning at me. Of course it had to be redhead that stalked me.

"Now aren't you a pretty one," he commented and I tried my best to not puke.
"Since I'm pretty then why don't you let me go," I tried my best to sound calm but it came out like someone was stabbing a mouse repeatedly with a fork. The redhead just flashed a grin and I saw his fangs. A redheaded vampire. Great.

"I've been lonely lately, why don't you keep me company?" He asked but it came out more like a command.
"Sorry but I have places to be," I told him and struggled against his hold but he pinned me down onto the ground. He held my wrists above my head and licked my neck. I shivered in disgust as his tongue moved further down my body and stopped at my thighs.

"Nice legs," he purred as he inspected them. I noticed his hold on my leg loosened a bit and I grinned.
"Really? Why don't you get a better look," I suggested and my foot made contact with his penis and the result wasn't pretty. He groaned at the pain and clutched it, releasing my wrists. I took this chance and punched him in the face before trying to run. He grabbed my ankle and forced me onto the ground and practically ripped my pants, my underwear along with them. He forced my legs open and struggled to get his jeans off. My heart was pounding hard against my chest as I realized he was going to rape me. I was going to lose my virginity to this b*****d. That was so not going to happen.

"Natsu!" I screamed out and the guy placed his hand on my mouth. I thought Natsu was going to be here, that he was going to save me. But he never came.

Tears fell down my face and I silently prayed in my mind for someone to help. If there was a god, I would kiss his feet because the next thing I knew the guy was flung back and collided with a tree which caused it to fall. I looked around for the source and saw nothing. I quickly stood up as the guy snarled in my direction. He charged at me and for some reason I dodged him gracefully stared at him hard. The blue sapphire on my key necklace started glowing and I felt something warm take over. When the light stopped I realized I wasn't in control of my body. Someone else was and whoever they were, they could really put up a fight. The redhead charged again and again at me but each time I dodged with ease and this got him frustrated.

"Stay still," he snarled and my body grinned.
"What's wrong? Don't like it when a human can beat a vampire?" I asked and he snarled and I took that as an answer. I ripped the key of my necklace and it turned into a silver sword and at the handle had two white angel wings with yellow and white ribbons falling.

"Be gone to the depths of hell where you came from!" I shouted as I ran at him in inhuman speed and cut him at his vital points. Blood came out like a hose and he collapsed onto the ground and turned into a pile of ash. My hair blew in the breeze and the sword became the key again, I placed it back onto the chain. The same blue light flashed and I was back into control of my own body but I realized something major. I could sense someone else in my mind.

© 2013 Phoenix

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems, what do you think so far keep going?

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Added on March 28, 2013
Last Updated on March 28, 2013
Tags: Fantasy Vampire



Ottawa, ON, Canada

May redo Entered the Glare In Glass will be taking out a few other books since they are not doing so well on reviews. Till I know for sure there will be more readers to read them. But always going to .. more..

Full Moon Full Moon

A Poem by Phoenix