Loneliness is a parasite, eating you from the inside... and those maggots never stop talking, telling you that you are nothing.. all lies... the only things I see in your mouth are words, more words arranged as poetry... pretty nice I would think.... ~~redzone
Yes indeed, the human psyche is not designed to be continually alone and when permanently starved of social interaction, all kind of ugly machinations begin to fill the void!
A fine piece of poetry, the imagery created is darkly atmospheric and metaphorically marvellous, splendid indeed!
I really like this poem. But I can't put my finger on as to why, exactly.. lol. The imagery is vivid, and the sounds work well together, e.g. 'an acidic cell of gluttonous moths'; the whole thing just rolls of your tongue, and leaves you with an intuitive understanding of what it is you're saying. Good work :)
Well, that is just fantastic! For a second I felt like crap, but that's just the feeling being commiunicated here. There's a feeling of guilt here, like maybe someone spoke too soon etc. love it!
I love that you relate parasites to loneliness. I have a wonderful (yet gross) image of leeches and maggots grasping onto a tongue, almost guarding from social interaction.
I feel you on the writers block, but just keep writing, even grocery lists, every day. It helps so much :) But I'm very glad you were able to produce this poem :)