![]() Part 3- Stronger than the stormA Chapter by Aphy!![]() Part 3...Chloe trying to face all the storms in her life one by one!![]() Seven in the morning and the
light of the sun peering through the window wakes me. Stretching and yawing
from a bed that doesn’t belong to me. A voice yells “Good morning darling!”
from the bathroom. And he comes out and kisses me then it all made perfect
sense. I was with the man of my dreams, Benjamin Martin. He held me in his
arms, kissed my forehead and said “Morning Mrs Martin” I looked up and smiled
back at him “Morning Dr Martin.” It had been a week after our wedding and we
were in Dubai on our honeymoon. The kids were with my mom, I mean how perfect
can this get? “Lynette called to say hi again” Ben said. My mom had been
calling since we left to say she missed us and that the kids were fine. I
really missed those little rug rats. Mostly Sade. She’d gone to boarding school
straight after the wedding and my motherly senses were tingling and were on
full alert! Ben could see that I was worried and made it his mission to keep me
happy. That was one of the many reasons why I loved him. “I have an idea. Why
don’t we go bungee jumping?” I suggested. The look on Ben’s face said something
else and I could tell he wasn’t feeling it. “I want to stay in with my new
wife. In bed all day, cuddling and kissing. Newlywed stuff” Ben then kissed
Chloe. All of that might seem a bit happy and fun. Too good to be true but I
wasn’t really as happy as I seemed. I was glad that I had someone who finally
cared about me but I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. I was still a bit
worried that something might happen to Nikki (7) and Beyonce (11) back at home.
Marshall was out of jail! (Freaky right) he’d managed to bribe the judge to let
him go early. I was afraid that this monster was finally unleashed and he was
coming for me and my family again. To take my mind off things I switched on the
telly and to my dismay and surprise, Marshall was on the news… AGAIN! He was
being interviewed by the press about his release. “It's okay babe, he won’t go
anywhere near the kids! I’ll make sure of that!”
Ben said trying to reassure
me and make me feel better but he didn’t know what Marshall was capable of
doing, I did! I was very afraid…for my kids and for me!
I couldn’t shake the feeling
that Marshall was on a revenge streak looking for me. He wanted to kill me for
what I did and it was safe to say that I was scared for my life and for my
kids’ safety. “Why don’t we take a walk? Clear your head?” Ben suggested. He
switched off the TV and snapped me out of the dark thoughts that were lingering
and floating in my head. Before seeing that press release on TV I was all keen
on enjoying the outdoors but know, staying in bed wasn’t such a bad idea after
all. I tried persuading Ben to stay in with me but he was just too cute that
morning and the sun was shining bright that I gave in and said yes. I just
couldn’t resist him (I tried but I simply cannot)
Beautiful day, the sun was
beaming, the birds were singing in the trees and butterflies fluttered in every
corner. It was indeed the perfect day. I had the man of my dreams with me and I
was blessed with this beautiful day. Why would I allow a single human being who
was not worthy of life to ruin all of this for me? Ben and I set up a picnic at
the park that was filled with a lot of kids. This triggered a very weird
Ben- I was thinking, what if we have our own
kids? Chloe- I don’t know. 3 kids and puppies already
sound like a hand full already. Ben- but Sade’s practically a grown woman now.
She doesn’t count as a kid babe Chloe- I know but it’s really stressful right now.
I think we should wait Ben- wait until Marshall hopefully gets arrested
again? Chloe- Hey, that wouldn’t be such a bad idea you
know Ben- You can’t let Marshall control your
life. Just be happy that his out of our
lives already Chloe- Yeah but- Ben- You can’t sit here and tell me you don’t
wanna start a family because of Marshall! Chloe- I do but- Ben- Then what’s the problem? You deserve to be
happy now and I wanna share your happiness, is that wrong? Am I wrong for
loving you? For wanting my own family with you? I tried making Ben feel
better but he was getting aggravated and you could imagine how awkward the car
ride back was like!
“I’m sorry Benny bear. I
just really think we should wait a while before jumping into stuff. Marshall’s
on the loose and I know I should be happy and just move on but I can’t. That
man made me feel useless. Treated me like a piece of s**t for 5 years in front
of his own kids! I’m sorry that I can’t move on, that I still get nightmares
about him whenever I lay my head to go to sleep. If you don’t want me to be
scared then I don’t see why we should carry on if we have different
perspectives on this situation” I was very sad and pissed off that Ben didn’t
understand what I was going through and where I was coming from. I ran straight
to bed and sobbed. I thought he didn’t care that moment but he did! Ben ran
after me immediately to comfort me and said “I didn’t know you were still
afraid. I thought you’d moved on with everything but clearly you’re not. I’m
really sorry Chloe, I really am.” He then held me in his big strong arms and
that very moment I didn’t feel afraid anymore. I knew I had the most amazing guy
in the world. Being afraid and not wanting to move on was standing in the way
of all that happiness.
We stayed in Dubai for a
month and had the most amazing time ever. Ben made me feel special, clearly
something Marshall failed to do. And he didn’t pressure me into doing things I
didn’t want to do. I moved on, on my own. My mom and I used to always Skype
throughout the whole time I was there. I still had that little uneasy feeling
that Marshall was out for them. I called Sade every morning and night to make
sure that she was fine, just to check up on how she was doing.
One night she said something
that worried me a little (No…A LOT!!)
Chloe- Hi baby, how are you? Sade in tears- mom, Marshall! He’s back and he tried. I saw
him today Chloe- Baby, calm down. Breathe then tell me what’s
troubling you Sade- Marshall was at my school today. He tried
talking to me but I ran away! Chloe in shock- Wait, where are you now? Are you safe?
Should I come get you? Sade- I’m at the school’s infirmary. The teacher
found me passed out under the bleachers. Chloe- What did he do to you? You know what, I’m
coming to get you right now! Sade- No! I’m fine now but I’m worried that he
might come back again for you Chloe- Don’t worry we’ll handle everything. When
are you scheduled to come back? Sade- A month from now, I told my dorm room mother
not to allow him to come here again Chloe- (sigh of relief) Okay, we’ll Skype later
then. I’ll sort everything out okay? Sade- Okay, thanks mom Chloe- I’ll call you tomorrow morning. I love you! Sade- Love you too, bye. I felt very numb after that
call. My baby girl was out there for that monster she calls a dad to attack again
or even do worse to her! I told Ben after that and even though Sade wasn’t his
actual daughter he was very worried. “Okay so what is she okay now?” he asked
walking frantically up and down. I assured him that Sade was fine and that
Marshall wouldn’t be able to go anywhere near her but Ben was still stressed
out. He was ready to punch someone. “Babe its fine, we’ll talk to her tomorrow.
For now, let’s just be glad that she’s okay” I tried to keep him calm. Ben
insisted we call the rest of the family to make sure they were fine, that
Marshall hadn’t paid them a visit as well but he eventually gave in and went to
The following morning Ben
and I went to visit Sade at her boarding school. We spent the afternoon
together like a normal family,
just the 3
of us. Sade was even comfortable enough
to call Ben dad every once in a while which made him very happy but most of all
I was happy that my daughter was safe. We all were! Sade got a call from school
at about 4 in the afternoon and she had to go back. It was really hard saying
goodbye to my little girl. Letting her go back into a world where Marshall was
free to harm and hurt her again. I could tell that Sade wasn’t ready for us to
go home without her either but we all knew and understood she had to leave. Ben
and I stayed in Egypt for the night and things got a little intense! (No
A few thoughts scrambled in
my mind the following morning as my head was down the toilet bowl and confusion
spread thin in my head. Ben was in the doorway with a confused and disgusted
look on his face too. He was just as frazzled as I was. “Are you okay?” Ben
asked 30 minutes later when I finally recovered. I was still a little dizzy and
confused but I managed to tell him that I was fine. After that no one mentioned
that morning, we carried on for weeks without talking about it and I was
actually glad because I was a bit confused. The thought of being pregnant was
very bad timing and I was in a very tight position. Getting Pregnant was the
last thing on my mind at that point.
Over** 2 days after we came back
from Egypt, Ben and I went back home. I really missed my mom and my babies and
Ben was worried about his dogs (Typical male). It was amazing how Nikki and Bee
grew, they were chattering more than they used to before. That was shocking but
cute in a way. My mom shot me the “I heard about Marshall” look and we had a
talk about that upstairs. I was ready to move to another state but my mom
thought otherwise, she had different ideas:
Lynette- Honey, you can’t turn your whole world
around because of that bustard Chloe- But that man is dangerous mom, you heard
what he did to Sade, me and this whole family! Lynette- But you were doing so well baby, don’t let
him ruin that for you Chloe- yeah well I think I might be pregnant so
that’s not the only thing ruining things right now! Lynette- What? why didn’t you tell me! Chloe- I have better things to worry about than a
stupid baby. I might not even be pregnant Lynette- Have you told Ben or Sade? Chloe- No, it’s been 3 weeks but I don’t think he’s
suspecting anything Lynette- So are you planning on keeping it? Chloe- I don’t know, I was- Lynette- WHAT?! are you kidding me Chloe. You can’t
be serious Chloe- I said I don’t know. Maybe I want to protect
my family first before moving on Lynette- Marshall wants you to be sad and depressed.
Do you want him to be happy? Chloe- No Lynette- Then don’t give him the satisfaction; don’t
let him ruin your life like that. Chloe- I won’t, I’ll try Lynette- Don’t try, do it! It’ll all work out in the
end baby, trust me As hard as it was to believe
my mom, she was right. I wasn’t going to live in fear. I wasn’t going to let
fear rule my life and I most certainly was not going to let Marshall deprive me
or my family of happiness again!
I’m starting to believe
people when they say Monday’s are blue. Besides the fact it was raining
outside, there was a major storm in my heart, mind and soul. Mad that I was
terrified for my life that I was turning away from the one person who actually
cared about me…over stupid s**t. Marshall was doing more damage even with his
absence. I needed to do something about this…but what? That same morning I got
a phone call from my lawyers and they wanted me to meet up with Marshall so we
could talk.
Now, part of me was scared
out for her mind but the new brave side wanted me to face my demons, well demon
since there’s one of him.
So I agreed to meet him. My
mom and Ben thought it was a bad idea. But I was ready to turn a new leaf and
move on with my life (Isn’t that what they wanted me to do in the first place?).
I didn’t tell Sade because I knew she’d also be against all of it.
As I entered I saw Marshall
sitting in the corner booth sipping coffee and all of a sudden my stomach
dropped. I wasn’t that brave after all. I was actually afraid of looking him in
the eye after what he did, all the things he did and said were all coming back
to me now. Slowly unravelling and creeping out. I was a complete coward. I
tried turning away and running but a voice inside my head told me to stay… so I
did. I slowly walked towards him. Marshall looked different now, much older and
very stern. I guess jail adds a few years to a person hey. His hair was
overgrown and he had a little beard growing but other than that he still looked
liked the old Marshall that I knew. He turned and saw me and I could tell he
could see the difference in me too. Was he there to apologize so we could move
on or was he just there for threats and other bullshit, either way I was ready
for anything. If I had the guts and courage to face him today then I had the
guts to have a decent normal conversation with him. He greeted me and didn’t
even open the chair for me (RUDE!) then it all unravelled…all the flashbacks
played in my head and I was actually nervous as f**k to hear what he had to
say. I was afraid to talk to him:
Chloe- Hi Marshall- Hey, I need
you to do something for me Chloe- Okay? Marshall whispers-
Pack your things Chloe- What? Marshall- you didn’t
actually think I called you here to apologize now did? Chloe- Well I- Marshall- Pack your
s**t and meet me at our old place in an hour Chloe are you deaf or something Chloe- No! Marshall- No? So you
think you’re tough now hey Chloe? You can’t say no to me Chloe- No Marshall,
I’m tired of this sick twisted game you’re playing Marshall- What? B***h
I’ll beat you up in front of all these people Chloe- It’s getting
annoying, old and boring. What do you want from me? Marshall- You better
be kidding Chloe or I will- Chloe- What? Hit me?
Go ahead; I’ve had period pains that hit harder than you do. I dare you!
Marshall got up and lifted his hand but the police arrived
just in time. I got up with a big smile on my face and said “See, I’m through
playing your punching dummy. Have fun in jail… this time I’ll make sure you
stay there for good” I came in to that coffee shop on a mission. A few hours
before, I got a restraining order on Marshall and told the police he was there
to harm me. They waited outside for my signal (I called from under
the table…clever right?) then it all went down. I was so glad that Marshall was
going back to jail but what bothered me the most was that he was still the same
jerk he was. Nothing had changed at all. He was still that crazy jerk
he was and I was glad that he was going back to jail. This time hopefully for
good. I’ll make sure of it. I drove home with a big
smile on my face to tell my family the good news but clearly they weren’t in a
good mood, none of them wanted to share in my happiness.
The minute I walked in Ben
asked me to talk to him in our bedroom while my mom was playing Monopoly with
Nikki and Bee. It seemed really important because Ben wasn’t really in a
“Cheerful” mood. I was suddenly nervous:
Ben- Chloe, do you want to start a family with
me? Chloe- of course I do, Benny where’s this coming
from? Ben- I heard you and Lynette last night. How
could you say things like that Chloe? Chloe- I was confused and afraid. I didn’t know
what to do! Ben- Chloe, if you don’t want this STUPID baby then
get rid of it. I’ll also leave! Chloe- Babe don’t say that! We don’t need a baby to make our marriage work Ben- Don’t you get it Chloe? Is it not that clear
to you? Chloe- What? Ben- I love you. I not only want to be a great
father to your kids, I want kids with you. I want us to celebrate OUR kids’
first step or first word. I want something with YOU, not share you and
Marshall’s special gifts or pick up where he left off. Is all of this really
unclear to you? Are you that blind? Ben was really emotional
after that and was too. Not only was I being unfair and insensitive, I was
depriving him of my love. His own family with me! I didn’t think it was a big
deal, I only thought he just wanted a big family or something. Ben was a great
guy and I really loved him very much so I wasn’t prepared or even planning on
letting him go. That moment between us was very special and magical! I held him
very tightly, squeezed him so hard that I could hear his heart beating on my
throat (That’s how short I was to him). There was no need for all this drama
and commotion because I had one of the greatest guys in the world. Ben then
kissed me and told me he loved me. I was actually glad and relieved that he was
finally okay, that WE were finally okay.
So the following morning Ben
and I went shopping for goodies for Sade’s welcome home party, she’d stay for
the whole of spring break! While shopping, I bought 4 pregnancy test’s (You can
never be too sure nowadays hey) and I was keeping it a surprise from everyone
because I wanted to make sure. So when Ben and I came back home, I quickly ran
to the bathroom and Ben followed me. My mom didn’t mind us running around like
teenagers and she was glad to see me happy again in fact in some occasions
she’s chase us around the house (I know, I have a crazy family and an even
crazier mom!). Ben was being very aggressive and playful. He wanted to know
what I was up to so eventually I told him and he was actually fine with it.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner, I was actually
suspicious? Remember that morning you were throwing up?” Ben told me. He
actually remembered and he was suspicious since then…wow! So we waited for half
an hour for the results to come and I was very nervous. If it came out negative
then Ben would be shattered and very sad but if it came out positive then we’d
have something to celebrate other than Sade’s arrival.
“Ready?” Ben asked thirty
minutes later. I looked down and saw that mine had negatives. To be honest, I
wasn’t really ready to start a family and I was still in a bad space. Ben on
the other hand had a completely shocked/happy/excited look on his face. His
test’s both came back positive, which made him really excited! He held me in
his arms and whispered those dreaded 4 words softly in my ear… “We’re having a
Hours later we were sitting
at a doctor’s office with my mom and Ben. Nikki and Bee were with a relative
(Ben’s brother volunteered to look after them). I was actually anxious and
nervous because I didn’t know what to expect. The doctor turned around with a
smile and I knew what she was about to say “Congratulations Mr and Mrs Martin. You’re
going to be parents” I felt like dropping to the floor. My heart had stopped
beating for 2 seconds. How could I be pregnant? So soon. As if I couldn’t
handle anymore big news, the doctor said I was 6 months pregnant! (What’s next…
Sade’s also pregnant, or my mom even. No, let’s just make it my whole entire
What? I had just found out
that I was pregnant, how can I be 6 months already? My mom and Ben were having
a big celebration in the corner in their own happy bubble while I was busy
stressing out! My head was all over the place, I didn’t know what to do or how
to react so I did what any damsel in distress would do…Panic.
I spent most of my days in bed, I only ate
once or twice a week and I looked dreadful and horrible. Ben tried cheering me
up but I wasn’t in the mood, I just wanted the nightmare to stop!
I wasn’t ready for all of
this. It was just too soon! I felt like my whole life was shattering right in
front of my eyes and all I could do was sit and watch while my mom and Ben
**Sade’s Arrival** I was at the airport waiting
for Sad’s arrival. In my mind I was planning different ways of telling her that
I was pregnant again. How do you tell your 16 year old that you’re pregnant
with a 4th child? I was very stressed out and the anxiety was slowly building
up. I saw Sade run towards me and as she came she looked very different from
the last time I’d seen her (Which was a few months ago) but still, it was
overwhelming to see her all grown-up and different. I saw her run towards me
with a lot of suitcases and even up-close she looked different. She was much
taller and her hair was shorter now. She actually looked like an independent
and mature young lady. I couldn’t help but feel a little sad and teary (Good
tears). My little girl was growing up in front of me. Sade ran towards me and
gave me the biggest, warmest hug ever. She was also crying, our little teary
reunion bought more attention toward us then we wanted. On our way home she was
telling me stories about school and that she had a new boyfriend. Now, to some
parents that might seem a little wrong and inappropriate but I was glad that my
daughter and I shared everything together. And I was happy she was comfortable
enough to tell me about her personal life (especially her love life)
At home Sade got the biggest shock of her life. The whole family welcomed her home with a loud cheer and I could tell she was genuinely happy and delighted to see everyone. They all gave her a welcome home hug and the festivities began. We all had a great time laughing and talking like a normal crazy family. I pulled Sade to a corner so we could talk, that’s when I told her that I was pregnant.
“Mom that’s great, I’m so happy for you guys!
I can’t wait to be a big sister again!” she said excitedly. I was actually glad
she was happy for me, which made me realise how much of a blessing this child
really was. I didn’t need to be angry, sad or even afraid anymore because my
whole family was more than happy for me having a baby. And Marshall was behind
bars…which was a bonus!
**New Addition…** After 3 months of pain, cramps and contractions here I
was in this hospital scared out of my head. I was about to be a mom again, reality had hit me like a
ton of bricks and I finally realised that I wasn’t ready! Ben was also a
nervous wreck. He was very stressed out but he didn’t want me to know that
instead he kept telling ME to keep calm. My mom was also there
guiding me and helping me through what seemed to a long time of labour. Sade
was with Nikki and Bee because they were too young to enter the labour ward
(That and I didn’t want them to witness the very disgusting miracle of child
birth). Minutes seemed like hours and I had stayed what seemed to be an
eternity. The doctor came in to give me an epidural and I was out like a light!
2 Hours Later!! After 2 hours I awoke and
saw all the happy faces around me. I had in my hands a beautiful 5 pound 3
ounce little baby boy. His eyes were blue and he had dirty blond hair. I
couldn’t help but look at him and also smile. This little human being in my
arms was looking up at me, as if to tell me things would be okay. Like he was
the ultimate key to my long search for happiness. I looked up at Ben who was
now crying, happiness filled his emotional face. He asked to hold the baby and
just cried even more.
My mom was now outside and
Sade was with us. She also looked really happy to see the new addition to our
crazy mixed up family. Ben looked at the baby and said “Now, what name do you
want little boy?” he asked the baby boy in his arms. Sade and I bounced a few
names around but they just didn’t seem right for that precious little boy. Ben
looked at him and said “Mathew Blue Martin.” Blue because that was basically
everyone’s favourite colour (except for me) and Mathew was Ben’s father’s name.
I liked the name, it had meaning. “Little Bluey, I love it” Sade said. She held
her little brother in her arms and I had flashbacks of when she first held Bee
and Nikki when they were born, I couldn’t help but get emotional too. How
quickly time flies when you’re stressed out but I was happy that all my stress
and worry all came to this very special moment. That this little bundle of joy
was now going to be the reason for my happiness and a constant reminder of how
life is not all bad!
My mom came in with Nikki
and Bee since they were now allowed to see the baby and I could tell by the looks
on their faces they were very excited to see their new baby brother. Nikki kept
asking if she could hold him but the doctor didn’t want them to hold the baby
without the weird blue hospital suits (Something about germs and other doctor
stuff.) After the visit my mom drove home with the kids and I stayed with Ben
and Bluey:
Ben- I never really asked how you were doing; I
was so wrapped up in little Blue’s arrival Chloe- I’m okay, I’m glad Blue’s here. I’m glad
you’re also here with me Ben- Well where else would I be? I’d never leave
you guys. I love you. Chloe-I love you too and I’m glad you stuck around
to deal with all my bullshitting Ben- Yeah well that’s one of the reasons why I
love you Chloe Martin Chloe- I love you very much Benjamin Martin Ben told me he loved me too but I already knew that. We passionately kissed and it was good.
Not only was I happy with
this amazing guy but I had a beautiful baby boy now an additional member of my
mixed up family. All of this was worth it because no matter what, I loved these
guys. They were the only thing keeping me alive and I wouldn’t trade them in
for anything in the world.
Chloe, Ben and their mixed
up family lived their lives to the fullest enjoying each day like it was their
© 2015 Aphy!Author's Note
2 Reviews Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 5, 2015Last Updated on October 29, 2015 Tags: #Superwoman #Love #Fights Author![]() Aphy!Pietermaritzburg, KZN, South AfricaAboutI'm Aphiwe Bhengu from South Africa. I really enjoy writing and reading. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Anime and Manga! I'm a very optimistic person and I believe in individuality because the worlds too crazy alr.. more..Writing