

A Story by Aphy!

An enchanting story about an average teenage girl who falls inlove with "the popular boy at school". With it's twists and turns this story isn't just typically what you see in a teenage movie.



As I sat there behind the counter he walked in. Not just any old he but “he” as in Austin Brookes. I noticed he was wearing the school baseball jacket which I was TOTALLY in love with. As they all entered my excitement slowly went down to a 2 because he was with his girlfriend. Only the prettiest girl at school, head cheerleader captain Rebecca Howard. “Welcome to Sweets From Heaven, how can I help you?” I put on my fake smile. “Oh my goodies, Sade Newman? You work here?” Rebecca laughed. She used to come here when she was a kid, when we were friends but she insists she doesn’t remember that. I guess once you’re popular you forget all the “little” people. I slowly shifted my attention to Austin, who was busy on his phone. I could sense he wasn’t really into the whole idea of coming here and who could blame him. This place is called “sweets” from heaven yet nothing here smelt like candy or anything sweet. It smelt like drain pipes and air fresheners. I’d tried to spray the place but everything went wrong. My parents were to blame for all of this. They picked out the shittiest place in Manhattan. “I’d like anything that doesn’t smell like garbage” Rebecca teased but no one seemed to care about what she had to say. I went back to the kitchen with a big smile on my face.

My mom was back there making the sweetest looking cupcakes. She was very good at her job and it was starting to rub off on me. “I’m really tired Sade babe, can you take over for me”. Now another thing about my mom was that she was pregnant with baby number 3. See I wasn’t an only child. I had a twin brother Trevor and we weren’t at all by any doubt the same. He was more rock and roll (if that make sense) and I was more calm and chilled. I brought out 5 chocolate cupcakes for everyone sitting there (Rebecca, Austin and his friends Chad, Giddy and Mikey)

Everyone took a bite out of my chocolaty goodies and they all had big smiles on their faces. Well, Rebecca had a face like a slapped dog. Austin really enjoyed them and I could tell because he saw me and gave me the thumbs up and you bet your Halloween socks that Rebecca freaked out. “Babe I thought we hated the cupcake girl. You shouldn’t be talking to people like that, they’ll lose us votes babe”. Ah, “votes”. Everyone needed those to become the new Winter Formal king and queen and so far Austin and Rebecca won them 3 times in a row. I don’t really see a match there, I mean first of all he was a brunette and she was blond (Literally and her hair colour), she was snobbish and annoying and he was so down-to-Earth, kind, sweet and he had those dimples that just made him perfect. Fine I admit it, I have a mega crush on him but I wasn’t gonna lose that little reputation I had, it wasn’t gonna happen. As I watched them leave one by one Austin was at the back. He walked towards me; I was a nervous wreck when he said “I really liked your cupcakes. Could I get 3 more and coffee”? He smiled at me and of cause I melted. Who wouldn’t melt when their crush was standing there smiling. I gave him his order and our hands met! That split second when our hands met was like heaven. Like getting puked on by a unicorn on a rainbow holding flowers and playing beautiful music. He shot another smile, said thank you and left. I was waiting for him to leave before I did a little dance. I was getting into the zone when someone cleared there throat. My back turned I was embarrassed. I turned back around and saw Austin standing there smiling. He looked at me with a face full of tears and said “I was here to pay for my things but judging by those moves, I should be paying for a show…have a nice day”. That time I waited for him to get to his car and drive off before I did my little jig again. I saw that he gave me tip, which also made me jump up and down again. My mom saw my dance and said “Well it looks like someone’s in love”


At school I was the smart kid that everyone thought was dumb because of (yet again) Rebecca Howard. She was so thick she could cut cardboard with her little fake face.

Her friends Candy and Honey were worse. They stuck beside her even when she turned on them. I don’t really get their little “friendship” because from where I’m standing, it looks like their all using each other to be popular but we all know who’s won that war! Lunch time for everyone else at West View High meant gossip hour but for me and my friends, it meant sharing stories about your crushes that you want NO ONE absolutely NO ONE to hear especially Rebecca and her posy. My friend Tania has just told me that she got us all tickets for Taylor Swift’s concert in New York. I started doing that dance again and Austin so happened to walk by and say “Still dancing? Wow you must be really happy” his friends then all laughed. Not that embarrassing laugh you get when you spill something on your top and people think you were breast feeding, a good friendly one. Tania and Becky went crazy. Kept asking me questions so I told them about what had happened. “Whoa, that’s one step further then me and Becky. I guess you’re too cool for us now hey?” “No, I’m never too cool for you geeks”. My friends and I knew we weren’t cool and we embraced that. We didn’t care about being cool.

“Please, a reminder that the tolls are now officially open for anyone who’d like to vote for their favourite Winter formal king and queen! A reminder that I’ll be running around topless this afternoon after soccer practise!” The announcements were done by Austin. He always knew how to make people laugh i.e. ME. Rebecca and the other thick bricks walked past me while I was smiling and said “That announcement was for pretty girls Sade. Sorry” she laughed then the other 2 airheads joined in. Now the difference between me and Becky was “Listen thick heads, I suggest you get moving before I crack your skulls open” that she was all mouth when it came to Rebecca whilst I just kept it all in my head. In my head the score was 1 for me but outside I was losing by a thousand. The bricks left and we all laughed. “I can’t believe you said that Becks” I was very proud of her for standing up for me. “Well someone had to deflate their plastic faces” Becky said. Another thing that connected Rebecca to her thick heads was that they all had fake noses! It was a rumour that surfaced after Rebecca broke her nose during cheerleading practise.

During soccer practise me and Becky stayed and watched. I was waiting for Austin to take his shirt off and I needed some back up just in case Rebecca came. That and my mom told me to hitch a ride with my brother because she was busy. I was more than happy to stay behind but I wasn’t going to tell Becky that. “I’ll ask Trevor to give you a ride home”. When I said that, Becky stayed because she kinda had a crush on my brother but she didn’t want to tell him. See, he was friends with Austin and Austin was Rebecca’s boyfriend, Rebecca had power at this school (Picking up what I’m putting down?) we sat for what seemed to be 30 minutes and I got a gun show from Austin (Melts). Becky was with Trevor in the bathroom (Which doesn’t seem freaky AT ALL) so that left me defenceless for Rebecca’s attack. Austin was doing his usual laps around the football field, he caught me catching a glimpse of him and waved (Hell yeah I waved back). Austin came over and I was freaking out, “Hey, are those the cupcakes you made?” I nodded. He opened his mouth indicating I should put one in his mouth. I got very nervous but I did. Another smile grew on his angelic face then he said “Now, if you keep those coming I might give you a little show of my own”. I was screaming inside as he left and I wanted to do my little jig but I managed to compose myself but that didn’t mean I couldn’t smile at him till he left.


“I saw you with Austin today”. My brother was very creepy when it came to me liking Austin. He was super protective and he didn’t want me to get hurt. That softer side was what I preferred than the new “rebel” Trevor. “He seemed to like my cupcakes Trev, it’s not like I wanna marry the guy.” But I did want to marry him (in my head we were Mr and Mrs Brookes. But yet again he was right, I had to let go.

My mom had me in Trevor’s room because my room was being prepared for the baby. At first it was a nightmare because Trevor snored like a chainsaw but then I warmed up to him because he let me sneak out at night to go to parties with Becky and Tania (See, I’m not a complete nerd/geek).

He also let me chat with Austin on his computer (as himself NOT me). It was weird because I wanted to ask about girly things but I had to act like a dude so we didn’t really talk about other things. “There’s a big party around the corner, do you wanna come?” Trevor got my brain out of Austin land then I told him I couldn’t go because me, Becky and Tania were going out at night (And yes, mom knew). I had to work at the shop today because I was saving up for a new car and I also wanted to see if Austin was gonna come around (But I didn’t tell mom the second reason because she’d kill me and feed me to the dogs if she found out I liked a boy) I had to change into something more comfortable but my idea of “comfortable” was totally different. I had my hair in a messy bun and I wore my sweat pants and Trevor’s school jacket (The baseball jacket Austin had) and I must say I looked really cute.

My dad was working with us today so I had to be on my best behaviour in order to convince him that I needed a raise. Our apartment was above the cupcake shop. I started my shift at 5 and had to finish an hour later because I “had to do my homework”. Just as I went down I saw Austin and Rebecca. I’m guessing they were on a date but why here? Rebecca said it herself that this place smelt bad but what was she doing her? Was Austin here to tell her to hit the road because he had found another (ME)? Well clearly not because he leaned in for a kiss and that totally ruined me. I felt sad and miserable. Suddenly the thought of going to a party with Trevor wasn’t such a bad idea considering that my heart was now on the floor. “dad please take their table, please. Please. Please.” But my dad went straight to the table….NEXT TO THEIRS. He signalled that I had to take Austin’s table but I was dreading it. I went up to them and asked the usual line and Rebecca went straight at it:


Rebecca- There isn’t anything here to get rid of a scheming b***h who wants to steal my man!

Austin- Play nice Becca Bear!

Rebecca- I’m not playing with anyone here, Sade please leave us alone. He doesn’t like you!

Me- I didn’t say anything though

Rebecca- I saw your little stunt during soccer practice. Did you think I couldn’t see you?

Me- he asked for it. Tell her Austin!

And it was that very moment when I took my brothers advice. Austin just sat there and said nothing. He didn’t even say anything, instead he sided with Rebecca. “I’m sorry Sade but I don’t like you. You called me to give me your nasty cupcakes; I didn’t want to be mean because your Trevor’s sister and he's my best mate. If you thought I liked you then I’m sorry but I don’t” my heart was beyond broken, it was shattered. I just stood there and watched them being happy. Rebecca dismissed me with her cute manicured fingers. When my shift was over I didn’t wanna talk to anyone, I just went straight to bed and awaited the humiliation that was boiling for me the following day at school.


“There she is everyone, Sade Hamilton…the boyfriend stealer!” Rebecca the next day at school was doing exactly what I thought she’d do. She had a mega phone and had a crowd of people around her. As I walked closer everyone started laughing. “Can I go hit?” Becky asked during lunch. I could feel everyone staring at me. Pointing and laughing. Oh the ridicule and torture. At this point I wish I was anywhere but here. Tania and Becky tried to comfort me but I was in no mood, I cried for what seemed to be an hour. Trevor even offered to beat her up but I said no. Rebecca was going on about how Austin and she were the best couple at school and that everyone should vote for them. “Here have a button Sade; maybe voting for me might make you feel better” “Oh no that won’t be necessary. Sade is also running for Winter formal queen. Looks like you have a bit of competition.” Becky took getting back at Rebecca to a whole other level.

Trust me Sade this is perfect. By proving to everyone who’s afraid of Rebecca, you’ll be popular. Even get a cute dude, better than Austin.”




Tania tried to convince me but I told them I’d think about it. We were trying out for the girls soccer team because apparently you had to do at least one sport in order to sign up for Winter formal queen.       


“I guess cheerleading counts as a sport” and with that said we all just laughed and forgot that today was the worst day ever but it was about to get better. Trevor and Austin were topless and they were coming towards us. I didn’t know they were picking out who had to play for the team. My heart was pounding hard. Was he going to apologize about yesterday and declare his love to me? Or did he only come here because he was forced to be here? So many things scrambling my mind at this point. Becky on the other hand was in dreamland. She was drooling over Trevor’s abs but I’d seen them tons of times and I wasn’t really that impressed (My brother walks around the house topless)

I have to say, I found my other hidden talent (besides baking) I was really good at soccer and even my brother was impressed too. I didn’t know what Austin thought because he spent all practice arguing with Rebecca. Trevor picked the team and of cause I was in and that made Rebecca really mad:


Rebecca- Really? So now you want him to notice you by trying out for the team. That’s so pathetic!

Me- Do you really wanna know what’s pathetic? You are!

Rebecca- Let’s see, I have the boyfriend you want, I’m pretty, smart and popular. How am I pathetic?

Me- You think everything revolves around you. Your nothing but a stuck up air head with a fake nose!

Becky- Yeah, take your other thick bricks and hit the road Rebecca!!

Me- Oh and by the way, I’m running for Winter formal queen.

Rebecca- Good luck, you’ll need it because I’ll win

Me- I’m not sure about that, you don’t know if people are ACTUALLY voting for you. Oh, and thanks!!

I didn’t know what I’d just done but I felt the adrenalin rush and I loved it. I wish I could’ve taken a video of Rebecca because I’m seriously sure that I won’t remember this tomorrow.

“I’m proud of you Sade, you stood up to Rebecca.” Tania and Becky gave me a hug. I was also proud of myself. All this anger was building up and I guess I exploded. Trevor offered to give me and my friends a ride home but we had to wait in his car while he got dressed. We were sitting there when Austin came over; I didn’t notice that his car was next to Trevor’s (Their taking this “best friend” thing a bit too far). Austin stood there and stared at us but I had absolutely nothing to say to him after what he did. “He probably wants to tell you that he likes you” Becky thought. I hated thinking like that because every time I thought we were going great, something always happened to prove otherwise.  I must say that dude changes his mood more than a girl changes her knickers.


I went over my plan to become winter formal queen at night when I came back home. I was actually excited and I couldn’t wait to teach Rebecca and whip that smug look off her stupid plastic face. Trevor suggested I attend every single party so people could get to know me but I wasn’t ready because me and alcohol aren’t good friends (Lets just say I stopped drinking) “I need cash to buy new clothes, do you think mom and dad will agree to that?” “Well, I don’t know, maybe you should take some of your car money since dad already offered to buy you a car” suggested Trevor. My dad’s taste in cars was very bitter and I wanted to pick my own car out but Trevor did have a point. My dad wanted to buy me a car for my birthday which is (GASP!!) in 2 days time! I was so wrapped up in my own world that I totally forgot! (Like come on though, who forgets their own birthday?)


                     ***Winter formal scheme***

-Convince the other air heads that Rebecca is bad news

-Make cupcakes for votes

-Change look (just a little)

-Get a boyfriend

-Remind Rebecca of her past

-Hook Trevor up with Becky (Unless they’re already together)

-Talk to Chad about Tania



I was proud of myself. I’d actually devised a plan to make my life amazing and I included my friends in it. Everything fell into plan…well it would if Rebecca shut her yap.

 I went downstairs to talk to my parents and who did I see? Rebecca Howard! I was starting to think she liked the bad smell because she kept coming back for more. I couldn’t help but smile which made me look like a Looney in front of the customers. I asked my mom if I could have a birthday party and of cause she said yes (I mean no one could resist these pretty eyes). My dad also gave in and said he was going to give me a wage AND he even hinted what he kind of car he was getting for my birthday. Everything was falling in to place. Surprisingly Rebecca didn’t have anything to say to me, to be quite honest I didn’t have anything to say to her either because I was still recovering from what I’d said earlier. I went to the mall to get a few outfits and I got my friends a few things too because I was feeling generous (That and I needed them to help me with my list so I needed something to give before I could receive)



“So, what do you guys think?” I asked for my friends input on my new look. I had on a pair of black shorts and a black t-shirt. I asked my mom for some of her jewellery so I had a gold necklace and earrings (The earrings were mine…who shares earrings!) I was now standing with my friends in front of the school waiting for what they had to say and they loved it! Becky thought it was cute and.


Tania said black was good because my skin was pale. Now was time to show them the list (Dramatic music!!) we sat on the bleachers and went over my plan. Tania said “I like the cupcake idea and I kinda had a crush on Chad since fifth grade”. That shocked Becky and I because we thought we knew EVERYTHING there is to know about Tania but anyway, no judging needed…he was TOTALLY cute (Almost like Austin). Becky confessed that she was dating Trevor and that when she followed him to the bathroom he asked her out. I was glad that my friends and I were evolving and hopefully for the good. “Well you guys I actually bought you something at the mall yesterday” I pulled out the charm bracelets and handed them over. Each one had a different charm for everything we did together “Like Becky’s, we met in first grade when I accidently spilled paint on you. I put a pair of shorts there see. And I put a hotdog on Tania’s because we met at a hotdog eating contest.” They loved it. I was so glad they loved it.

So during soccer practise I spoke to Chad:


Me- I was wondering if you’d like to go on a double date with me, Tania and Mikey.

Chad- Tania, the cute one with black hair?

Me- so you think she’s cute? Do you like her?

Chad- well, yeah I kinda do but she won’t even give me the time or day

Me- don’t worry, you just bring yourself and Mikey this Saturday at my party

Chad- it’s your birthday? Well, we’ll definitely come

Operation “get Tania and Chad together” was in full swing. Now if you were wondering what’s going on with Mikey…he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. So 2 steps have been achieved so far. I had to tell Becky and Tania the great news. I saw them sitting with Trevor and Mikey. He walked up to me and kissed me. Tania and Becky were excited “I wish I was coming with you guys but me and Trev here are going to see a movie” Becky said. She was sitting on his lap when Austin came over. My heart was pounding hard.

He was wearing a pink vest that revealed his chest and I couldn’t help but feel really hot when I saw him. He came towards me and smiled. That dimple though, had me going Cray Cray! He asked to speak to me alone which made my heart pound even more. We went to the back of the bleachers then he said “I heard it’s your birthday tomorrow so I bought you something” he took out a note and a box. I asked why he did it but he didn’t answer. At the back of my mind I thought it was a trap but then it slipped away. He was looking so cute and it would’ve been really rude not to take it. I decided to open it on the day…like on my birthday because I didn’t wanna jump the gun.

It’s my birthday! Can’t wait to see what today has in store for me. So mom and I decided to make the cupcakes for my campaign and I even made flyers (Just to rub it in Rebecca’s face) but I couldn’t help feel really awful because her boyfriend gave me a gift (Which I didn’t open) and she didn’t have any idea. One of my steps is to make Rebecca remember our friendship, maybe if I be the better person and tell her then we’ll move past it.

At school Trevor, Becky, Tania, Chad and Mikey had tons of balloons and they were singing “happy birthday”. I felt really special. “I have a lot of things planned out for your special day” Mikey was being romantic again which was super cute (Cuter then Austin). The awkward part was that Chad and Mikey were Austin’s friends so it was very weird for everyone else.



As usual Rebecca was in the corner with her friends talking about us. I decided to go up to her and talk. She refused to talk alone so I had to say what I had to say in front of her and her posy.


Me- So like listen, Austin gave me this yesterday and I thought I should tell you about it

Rebecca- oh my goodies Sade, are you really that stupid?

Me- What?

Rebecca- I wrote that letter, I thought a stalker like you knew his handwriting. Agh!

Me- Then what’s in the box?

Rebecca- She’s so cute when she plays dumb (To Candy)

Rebecca took the box and inside was a recording of her telling me she basically despises me. She talks about how Austin loves her and not me and if I’m correct; his voice is also chiming in at the back. I was heartbroken and sad. “Happy birthday loser” as I walked away I could hear her mocking me. Well, that’s what you get for being nice. I ran to the bathroom and started to cry. Everything was toppling over and I didn’t know what to do. 10 minutes later I picked myself up and walked up to her again but this time I did all the speaking “Listen here Rebecca, you can mess with your hair, your nails and your face…yeah everybody news about your Botox and that fake nose of yours. But you can’t mess with me or my emotions. Just because you have Austin’s balls in your hands doesn’t mean you run this school. Some relationship” I walked away and felt very happy. But what was much unexpected was that everyone clapped their hands. I had told Rebecca all the things they were afraid of saying for a long time…that or they were clapping away flies (But I think it’s the first reason)

Afterward I told Austin to stop being a creep and leave me alone. After that I had an amazing birthday.




I got all my cupcakes out and gave them away. Trevor and Mikey got all the fliers up and you bet your money Rebecca was pissed. She threatened to tell the principle but he said there was nothing wrong. She freaked out! And I was kinda happy (Evil laugh). Mikey and I went on a romantic birthday date to the movies then we got food, it was a dream!


It’s party time!! So my friends and I prepared for the best birthday party ever. They’d forgotten that me and Trevor were twins and made banners that said “SADE’S BIRTHDAY BASH”. To be honest though, I also sort of forgot that he was my twin brother but I wasn’t gonna tell him that. He got me a new t-shirt and I bought him some weird awful smelling cologne that he absolutely loved (It was bad)

People were RSVPing for mine (and Trevor’s) party like crazy. I was on my phone all the time I actually became anti-social (ME! Anti-social) my dad called me downstairs for a surprise “I understand that you’ve been asking for a car so I think this will make you happy.” As he took his hands off my eyes I was very shocked. My dad had totally out done himself. The car was a black convertible with pink enterer and it was automatic! I hugged and thanked my dad over and over again until he couldn’t stand it so I stopped. In return for allowing me to throw the party my parents asked me and Trevor to work the afternoon shift but Trevor had “stuff” to do with Becky (Suspicious). I changed my wardrobe completely but I still wore my sweat pants and wore my hair down. The afternoon shift’s were very busy, busier than before and it was mostly kids from my school (they liked my cupcakes). Austin was sitting with his friends and Rebecca of cause.

“Hi guys may I take your order?” Mikey winked at me and I couldn’t help but blush and get butterflies in my stomach! Chad kept asking for Tania and Giddy was eating all the sugar I gave him. So it was safe to say that I was now a hit!

People liked and respected me now, and all it took was to tell Rebecca her s**t. When I came back from the kitchen I saw that Mikey was talking to everyone about me but I don’t know what. He then counted to 3 and everyone sang “happy birthday”. I felt so special until I saw that Austin was sitting alone, without Rebecca. I thanked everyone and offered free cupcakes for the hour (Which almost made my mom and the cooking staff blow a fuse).

Afterwards Mikey, Chad and Austin helped me clean up. Me and Austin had an actual conversation without his girlfriend on our a*s’s


Chad- What you said the other day really bugged me. I wanted to talk to you about it

Me- Well the truth hurts sometimes…but go on

Chad- Well, I broke up with Rebecca because of what you said. She filled my head with s**t and I’m sorry.

Me- No need to apologize and I’m also sorry for saying all those things. And she was right, I did like you. I was just afraid because I was a nobody and you guys were the popular kids.

Chad- yeah I know, I liked you too. Wait…so you don’t like me still?

Me- because I’m with Mikey now. You had your shot and you played with my emotions

Chad- I’m sorry. I actually bought you something for your party. It’s not a trap this time.

So like, Austin gave me a necklace with a heart on and said that it was for me. He told me that he still had feelings for me then he left. Leaving me to pick up the pieces. I couldn’t believe he waited that long to ask me out and it was too late. Sometimes you need to put your foot down and say no. I can’t believe he expected me to go to him after all the stuff he put me through. I was so glad that the party was going to clear my head. Dancing always cleared my head (If you haven’t noticed.)


So it was the winter formal and I was excited.


And what the hack, even if I don’t win at least now I proved to myself that I can stand up for myself and I actually found inner and outer beauty.(Who am I kidding, winning would be amazing right now. A cherry on top). Since my best friends and I had almost similar style, we had the same short dresses but in different colours to match with our partners. Then it was time, the head master went on stage to stop the music and said “If you don’t win tonight, always know that you’re a winner in your hearts. The results are:”


Sade Newman- 1666

Rebecca Howard- 1665

Becky and Candy- 1567

“Well I think we all know who our new queen is. Well done Ms Sade Newman. Come get your crown”. Everyone clapped and cheered for me. Rebecca stormed out but her brick’s didn’t follow after her. Instead they gave me the thumbs up. Maybe they also got a few things out of their chests. It was then time to crown the Winter formal king. The principle revealed that there was a tie for winter formal king which made me very nervous because I had to dance with the king (It was a weird tradition):


Mikey and Austin- 1665

Trevor- 1657

Chad- 1634

I felt like screaming that very moment! So I had to dance with my boyfriend and my almost boyfriend. Some night! While I was dancing with Mikey, he made me feel special and he made me laugh just to put me at ease because I was a horrible dancer (I could move not dance okay!) but while I was dancing with Austin, it felt like I was floating on air. He looked deep into my eyes and could peer at my soul. I felt very weak and vulnerable. What was he trying to say?


Did he sincerely like me? And if he did why did I not stop him from kissing me. He grabbed my chin and said “consider this a birthday present” then it happened. He kissed me! My lips were against his! We were tongue fighting! We were locking lips. We were (well you get the picture). He pulled away and smiled. That cute dimple of his was just too irresistible. So irresistible that I grabbed him back and kissed him, and you could imagine Mikey. He walked out and left me there. When I finally caught up to him he turned around and said:


Mikey- I’m looking for Rebecca, have you seen her?

Me- I don’t know, why are you looking for her?

Mikey- Austin planned that kiss! I’m not angry. I’m just glad that you finally found happiness. I got my chance to be with you but clearly Austin stole your heart. It’s not that I didn’t love you or anything; I guess the best man won.

Me- I won’t make you stay if you don’t want to. Go to Rebecca

I realized something about myself that moment, I could change people. Mikey didn’t want to compete with Austin all along and there was absolutely no reason for me to be angry or upset just like Rebecca couldn’t be upset over our feelings (Me and Austin). Maybe landing with Austin in the end was an eye opener. I finally felt happy to around him, not just happy but over the moon. I kissed Mikey on the cheek good night and good bye.


So Austin and I went to the same college after high school. Mikey ended up dating Candy (One of the plastics) and Rebecca dated my brother Trevor but he got back with Becky. Chad and Tania got engaged (SUPER RANDOM) and my mom got twins again and named them Damien and Chloe (I think she was cursed because dad was a twin, she was a twin and she got twins….. SHE’S CURSED)



Austin and I are still going strong and I think being Mrs Brookes is in the cards (wink, wik)

The End

© 2015 Aphy!

My Review

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Featured Review

Did I read this right (Oh my goodies, Sade Newman?) or is it a typo and you meant "Oh my goodness, Sade Newman?" also this reads as a statement not a question unless you were to do it like this (Oh my goodness Sade Newman, you work here?)
I have a suggestion that I tell everyone who will listen, you need to hear your work read out lout to you. Have someone read your work to you so you can hear everything as written. To often we leave something out or put in a time to many, but overlook them because we read our own work more with our mind than our eyes. If you don't have someone to read to you then use a text to voice program, that is what I do. You can catch most of the silly little mistakes we all make, from typo's to awkward worded sentences. It is one of the best writing tools a writer can have, I have been listening to my work as a proof read for over three decades.
As for your story, it has a cuteness to it that a younger reader would enjoy, but the bad thing about writing for younger readers is that things like proper grammar and punctuation is critical for publishers. You seem to be a true story teller and have a talent for it, never stop writing and keep developing your talents :~)

Posted 9 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much...and in my mind the "Oh my goodies, Sade Newman?" part made sense but I guess it'.. read more


I agree with the others and their reviews... I'm sure you are noticing tour do's and don'ts... as your writing continues you will become a more experienced writer and soon after and author so stay dedicated and keep up the good work.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

I glad you are a appreciative individual... remember the reviewers get reviewed too... nobody's perf.. read more

9 Years Ago

I'm glad you are a appreciative individual... remember the reviewers get reviewed too... nobody's pe.. read more

9 Years Ago

Thanx! And I know, we're all here to work and mold each other
what intrigues me about stories, especially those of young women, is their desire to
describe the universe, the transcriptase of it, all while sacrificing the placements of the planets.
What I mean is that every detail is not important to the story. But the beginning of this
story is so delicate and self-reflective it was hard to not feel for the speaker.
And that takes talent my friend. How to connect the reader with the speaker
however tortured the speaker might seem.

The only suggestion I have is to watch your grammar. But grammar will come with writing
practice. So build your confidence by writing and developing the story. But whatever you do,
don't stop practicing. Read as much as you can bare and write as much as you can....dana

Posted 9 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much. Grammar really is one of my weaknesses but I'll carry on writing (And reading) .. read more
Did I read this right (Oh my goodies, Sade Newman?) or is it a typo and you meant "Oh my goodness, Sade Newman?" also this reads as a statement not a question unless you were to do it like this (Oh my goodness Sade Newman, you work here?)
I have a suggestion that I tell everyone who will listen, you need to hear your work read out lout to you. Have someone read your work to you so you can hear everything as written. To often we leave something out or put in a time to many, but overlook them because we read our own work more with our mind than our eyes. If you don't have someone to read to you then use a text to voice program, that is what I do. You can catch most of the silly little mistakes we all make, from typo's to awkward worded sentences. It is one of the best writing tools a writer can have, I have been listening to my work as a proof read for over three decades.
As for your story, it has a cuteness to it that a younger reader would enjoy, but the bad thing about writing for younger readers is that things like proper grammar and punctuation is critical for publishers. You seem to be a true story teller and have a talent for it, never stop writing and keep developing your talents :~)

Posted 9 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much...and in my mind the "Oh my goodies, Sade Newman?" part made sense but I guess it'.. read more
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At first I thought this was another part of the story I read yesterday because of the name Sade! She ended up getting that hot guy at the end, and you clearly resolved everything at the end, which I liked so AGAIN everything's a win-win situation. When you were describing her car I think you meant pink interior and also 'flyers' and 'principal'. Sade's a good main character and the cuuuupcakes I want one..

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Lol *hides* I make silly errors! And that second part of that story is out (The one you were reading.. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on August 30, 2015
Last Updated on November 6, 2015



Pietermaritzburg, KZN, South Africa

I'm Aphiwe Bhengu from South Africa. I really enjoy writing and reading. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Anime and Manga! I'm a very optimistic person and I believe in individuality because the worlds too crazy alr.. more..

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