We each have our own table of contents. Our "foreword" is made up of innocent infancy. Our final chapters are wrapping our story up. Sometimes we need proofreading and editing to salvage an action packed chapter or two. But let's hope the author is satisfied with the final print. I enjoyed the read, my friend. Well done!
The end is inevitable,
It’s a debt every man and everything owes nature.
It’s simply a circle of life…everything eventually runs it’s course.
The beauty of it all is history…
History continues through what we wrote on every chapter of our lives
Wether good or bad.
We will leave timeless footprints
That prove that we were here.
We each have our own table of contents. Our "foreword" is made up of innocent infancy. Our final chapters are wrapping our story up. Sometimes we need proofreading and editing to salvage an action packed chapter or two. But let's hope the author is satisfied with the final print. I enjoyed the read, my friend. Well done!
hi phil, oh wow!! i love your wordsmanship, very articulate. i loved this poem.
having just finished writing my own memoirs I can relate to this.
cheerio carola
That's what book are about, reflections on one's life, be it positive or negative; some chapters reflect sad pieces and others more happy pieces of your life...it's conflicting all the time, because we keep changing our way and thoughts about life. Even though there are mixed notions, the final conclusion is your individualism.
We all have our own book of life. For some the volume may be slim. For others, packed full. For us poets, ours will record our writings and thoughts as we tread our journey through life. A ragbag of our experiences, some good, some not so good. Thank you Phil for the gift of your poetry. Happy new year my friend.
The idea of cursor...of penmanship....of actually writing on parchment...like Dickinson wrote her poems, all 1775 of them.
And yes, we write our way closer to the end with each word we put down on the paper.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Happy New Year my friend - thank you for your review (my first this year) - :-)
3 Years Ago
Your ink will never fade.
Happy New Year, Phill.
I am caught in a time spiral of confusion; that period we all experience between birth and death.
Somewhere inside hides a poet, writer, lyricist and/or whatever, laying dormant and suppressed by s.. more..