Mental abuse is completely damaging, and if the one wasn't aware of him/her self enough to try and get out of from it, and if it continued, it will ruin this being, sometimes the effects of child abusing appear when the one is all grown up, and even when he/she thinks they've move on, the process to clear the mind from these kinds of situation s, needs a lot of awareness and training, and sure a lot of patience.
So little words, yet this gives me shivers down my spine. The image was a gay touch as well. Very thought provoking, so much feeling. Thank you for sharing your beautiful soul
Short but exactly to the point, and very very true. The chinese water torture is nothing once or twice but... and it comes in lots of varities!
Good (writing),
Not having had an abusive childhood I think prepared me for the people who would come later that would try to tear me down. I really understood and knew my worth when my child was born (age 24), and instinctively knew these people were insecure and afraid which is why they "project". I fully understand how lucky I was, and I know that children are taught that adults "know better", and somehow must be right. This is so sad to me. What you learn as a child can stay with you forever. I still have certain beliefs that stem directly from my mother (religion, codes of behavior). When someone you trust and respect tells you that you are worthy of love and respect - BELIEVE THEM. Extend that trust and respect to everything they tell you.
Mental abuse is completely damaging, and if the one wasn't aware of him/her self enough to try and get out of from it, and if it continued, it will ruin this being, sometimes the effects of child abusing appear when the one is all grown up, and even when he/she thinks they've move on, the process to clear the mind from these kinds of situation s, needs a lot of awareness and training, and sure a lot of patience.
I am caught in a time spiral of confusion; that period we all experience between birth and death.
Somewhere inside hides a poet, writer, lyricist and/or whatever, laying dormant and suppressed by s.. more..