The Date

The Date

A Story by Phil

Boy meets girl. In love they fall. No one knows what the future holds.


July 4, 2015


  Starbucks.  This was a typical location for a meeting such as this.  It’s familiar, it’s populated, this makes it safe.  This particular Starbucks was especially familiar and populated, making it even safer.  It was downtown Toronto on the corner of Yonge and College.  Caleb entered the coffee shop thinking how similar they all are to one another.  Their tiny square footage allows for very few patrons so the building is always full with more constantly trying to squeeze in.  Perhaps there aren’t actually that many people in the room he thought, maybe it just seems that way due to its small space. 

     He spotted someone who resembled her; dark straight hair, petit, pale white skin.  She was sitting in one of the individual chairs they have in the shops.  You know the ones; brown pleather, oversized cushion and arms.  You can usually count on some wear marks where your a*s sits and a couple more on the arm rests.  This poor furniture gets abused everyday by hundreds of strangers, each one of them dropping a few more crumbs from their bran muffins and spilling a little bit more of their low fat chai latte onto it. 

     Upon further inspection he decided it was not her, she just didn’t quite bare the resemblance to the picture he was looking for.  How could he really be certain though?  He’s never seen her in person.  He decided to scan the room before making the very embarrassing act of approaching the wrong girl.  This had to be done in a very stealthy way though because nobody wants to be the guy who’s looking for someone.  I wonder why that is?  Perhaps if you do not find your target the onlookers will assume you’ve been stood up?  The fear of being alone in a public place?  He began his search.  It really was quite simple.  Anyone sitting with another person was eliminated and all the males were out.  This left only two and he had already discounted the first. 

     He approached the two seater table at the side wall, it was the perfect place.  It was that single table between the fake fireplace where the display of the various roasts was set up and the hallway to the washroom.  This allowed for a little bit more privacy than the other seating arrangements.  Caleb approached his mark telling himself to be confident, no need to be nervous.  She looked up when he was two steps away from the table.  Gorgeous, he thought.  Much like her decoy sitting in the dungy coffee stained chair she had dark straight hair, she was petit and she did have pale white skin.  Oh but the real thing had so much more.  Her skin was flawless, porcelain like, her eyes were huge globes that were so dark they resembled the colour of her charcoal black hair.  Her thin lips were soft even to look at; you didn’t have to touch them to find out.  Her nose was slightly large but her almost perfectly symmetrical face was able to disguise it.  Her hands were small with long fingers that seemed disproportionate to her palms but were just as delicate.  “Marie”, he said in his soft spoken voice as she stood from her chair.  “Yes”.  Her voice was almost therapeutic.  It was very feminine with a hint of a childlike undertone.  “Caleb”, he said as he leaned in for the hug he had decided upon as a greeting before even leaving his house. 

October 22, 2015

     Everything was perfect.  Caleb described her as someone who was created specifically for him.  They were inseparable.  They spent as much time as they could together but it was never enough.  Marie told her friends that she had found her prince charming and that he was everything she had been looking for.  They would stay up late at night and read each other poems from used books they had found that day while browsing the city’s various book stores.  They cooked dinner together often, experimenting with different recipes from around the world.  Italian pasta dishes, spring rolls from China, German bratwurst sausage and seafood from Canada’s east coast.  They spoke of their families and laughed at the similarities between their siblings.  Making love had no schedule and was very easily triggered by a sudden peripheral glance that lingered just a second too long or an accidental touch that was felt so much deeper than the skin’s surface.  When these occurrences took place the passion seemed to take on a life of its own.  It was unlike anything either of them had experienced before.  It was almost as if they both held a special ingredient to concoct this type of potion and once those ingredients were tossed into the boiling pot…bliss.  Life quite simply could not be better.

July 4, 2015

     They talked.  They talked for an hour at that Starbucks before talking more while aimlessly roaming the city streets.  This chatter began with the common inquiries; work, hometown, family, perhaps a quick look into the other’s relationship history.  These topics always seem to have to be covered before we feel we can really start to get to know someone.  These are the red flag topics, the ones that if you don’t receive a response that you hoped for you may just ever so slightly recoil.  For Caleb and Marie the responses seemed to be expected by one another.  The questions were asked almost out of habit or courtesy but they were just the lead up to be able to dig deeper.  They both wanted to find out what it was about this person that was drawing them in so intensely. 

     “Shall we walk?” Caleb asked.  “We shall”.  Marie stood from her seat and instinctively locked arms with a man who just an hour ago was a complete stranger and now seemed to be the only person she knew on earth. 

     They walked out onto College Street.  The sun was warm and high in the sky.  The smell was a combination of garbage and deep fried food.  The city was bustling as usual.  It was a Saturday and the sidewalks were full of a complete random selection of individuals.  There were business men dressed in black pinstriped suits, young girls in sun dresses, troubled youth with dark makeup and their eyes to the ground, the ancient beggar having what seemed to be a very pleasant conversation with himself, nicely dressed young men carrying paper LCBO bags with the evening’s beverages contained inside.  Who’s to say which of this collection of human beings was normal, I suppose any of them could be depending on your definition.  It wasn’t until they had exited and began to walk that Caleb became happily aware of Marie’s arm locked around his.  It just must have felt that natural he thought.   

     At this time Caleb was still fairly new to the city so he was happy to have Marie lead the way.  “Do you like to read?” she asked.  “Very much”, he replied enthusiastically.   “I know this great book store on Yonge, only a few blocks away.”  They walked with purpose, both completely aware of the other’s physical presence, like how close their hands were as they swung like pendulums at their sides.  They tried to match one another’s strides as they weaved around obstacles and other pedestrians, being careful not to be split down the center for fear of not making it back to each other.  All the while they discussed their new found common interest. 

March 16, 2016

     It was early morning, around six.  They were at Marie’s apartment which was common because Caleb had roommates and his place was on the outskirts of the city.  They had just made love and were lying tangled up so tightly together it was as if they could not get close enough.  Every part of her body was making contact with one part or another of his body.  Morning sex is something they did often, taking turns instigating it but if one didn’t the other would.  They felt a closeness in the morning, as if they were making up for the time they had lost while sleeping. 

     The sun wouldn’t be coming out for another couple of hours.  They would drift in and out of sleep while wrapped up in each other until then.  Marie’s apartment was a small one bedroom downtown, plenty big enough for just her though.  There wasn’t anything special about the space, probably much like most of the apartments in that area at the same cost.  The floors were laminate, the colour on the walls was that neutral off grey that is used often because it’s easy on the eyes and not too bold.  The kitchen was very small and just off of the living room with limited counter space but when you’re cooking for one you don’t need much.  The cabinets seemed to be custom jobs made out of plywood but looked nice and did what they were intended to do.  

     The sky had an orange hew from the sun approaching the horizon to begin its days journey across the sky.  The air looked cold from the window.  There wasn’t much snow on the ground anymore, just a slushy mixture of dirt and salt.  Spring was on its way but March is one of those months that just doesn’t want to give up.

     “I love you”, he said to her almost in a whisper.  They haven’t yet said those words and he wasn’t planning on saying them now, they just spilled out of his mouth.  I think they both felt it months ago but didn’t feel the need to say anything.  They displayed it in other ways I suppose.  The way they kissed and touched each other, their playfulness, how they listened to one another and helped each other with any problems with work or family or life in general.  Caleb was somewhere between sleep and wakefulness and with Marie’s warm body so close to his he could feel her heart beating and with the comfort that was provided by her steading rhythmic breathing the thought came to him and before he could ponder it the words were being said.  He didn’t get nervous or anxious about his slip though.  He was sure he did in fact love her and he was fairly confident that she loved him too.   

     The words floated through the air and landed lightly on her ears.  It was dreamlike and given her sleepy state she actually wondered if perhaps she was dreaming.  She knew she loved him and had been waiting for the right moment to tell him.  This was it, this was the perfect moment.  Caleb could feel her cheek that was resting on his chest raise when her lips curved into a smile.  “I love you too”, she said as clearly and affectionately as possible.   


July 4, 2015


   The pair entered the two storey brick building that was the temporary home to thousands of books awaiting a new owner.  As they entered they were hit with that musty paper smell that books emit as if it were exhaled after a breath of oxygen.  Caleb loved that smell.  He loved books, and not just the story that they held but the actually physicality of the object itself.  The weight of the combined pages in his grasp felt comfortable, it put him at ease.  Sometimes he would lay the book beside him when he was finished reading at night rather than placing it on the nightstand.  Like a child’s blanky or Teddy it gave him a sense of security, as if he were accompanied by the characters themselves.

     They roamed the aisles pointing out stories they have read and authors they enjoyed.  When they stumbled upon a book they had in common they discussed its characters, themes and messages all the while continuing to walk along the creaky floor boards of the old hardwood floors.  They mentioned some of their favorite authors and stories and were mutually delighted to discover many were the same. 

     “I wish you could stay.”  Marie said with the demeanor of one who has a sunken heart. She said this regarding something Caleb had brought up on the way to the book store.  He had mentioned that unfortunately he had to return home that evening to retrieve some items he had left at his parents’ house about three hours east.  “Not to worry though,” he assured her, “I’ll only be gone a couple days.”  She couldn’t believe how much she already missed him.  He wasn’t even gone yet and they hardly knew each other but she didn’t want to leave his side.  “Well come back as soon as possible.”  She said, realizing that perhaps she sounded a little clingy.  “Or just whenever you finish packing up.”  She added, to tone down her original demand.  “Well I’m not going right this minute.”  Caleb said, detecting the worry in her voice.  He could tell Marie liked him but was trying not to let himself get too caught up.  He had been fooled in the past and wanted to avoid another situation in which he was the loser.  This was different though, she seemed so sincere.  Her over eagerness didn’t bother or scare him because he was the same way.  He actually very much enjoyed this change of pace and her way of not holding back and not being afraid to show how she really felt.  If you like something or someone you should go for it and forget all the games.  “Maybe we could go for something to eat before I leave?”  He said.  The smile that rose up from her face almost took his legs out from under him.  Her perfectly white teeth gleamed in the fluorescent light that shone down from the ceiling.  He had to fight the urge to take her face in his hands and kiss her perfectly beautiful mouth. It was too soon he told himself, but was it?  “I know the perfect place.” Marie replied, with heartwarming enthusiasm. The moment had passed but he was sure it was only the first of many.

June 24, 2016      

     “Do you realize that in a week and a half it will be our first year anniversary?”  Marie said with the excitement that implied she had been waiting for this moment since the day they met.  “I sure do.”  Caleb replied.  And make no mistake, he really did.  Caleb was very much a hopeless romantic and a first year anniversary was not something he took lightly.  Marie’s favorite movie was Dirty Dancing, the 1987 romantic drama starring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey.  Caleb had arranged to use a friend’s waterfront property on a small lake east of the city.  There, he would have a white sheet draped flatly over a tree limb on which to project the feature presentation from the bed of his truck.  He and Marie would sit in the improvised couch he would build out of pillows and blankets while they snacked on special cheeses and homemade fresh bread with a bottle of merlot.  Perhaps after they watched the film they would make love under the stars right there in the bed of the truck.  And maybe after that they would remain there and even sleep out in the fresh air coming off the lake.  Now he was getting ahead of himself but he couldn’t wait for his surprise, it made him nauseous with the excitement he felt when he thought about it.  Marie would love it too, he just knew it.  She was a sucker for these types of romantic gestures and it wasn’t so much the overall presentation as it was the smaller details of the larger act.  The fact that he was showing her favorite movie, her love of the tapas type eating style, the primitive sheet over a tree limb; these were the details that would make her fall in love with him a little bit more, even though she found it hard to believe she could.   

      So it has been nearly a year and things couldn’t be better.  Caleb was spending more of his nights at Marie’s apartment and he presumed it wouldn’t be long until he was there permanently or perhaps they would find somewhere new together.  Either way things were going just as they both had hoped.  Neither one of them could believe they were able to meet another person with whom they shared so much. 

July 4, 2015

     They hit the streets once again after their rummage through the old books was complete.  The sun was well on its way through its westerly decent, the air was becoming cooler as the summer evening approached and their stomachs were growling with hunger and the anticipation of food.  They began heading in the direction of the small Italian restaurant that Marie had heard about through a friend who had said they served the best thin crust pizza.  Caleb and Marie had decided that they would share a pizza to find out for themselves.

     They walked and talked.  They chatted about the towns they grew up in and the schools they attended.  They were both from relatively small towns and had moved to the city for work.  Caleb came from a very small community about three hours east of the city.  Marie was from a slightly larger place further north and not as far east.  There were so many villages and towns across Ontario, each of them offering their own unique touch to the province.

     When they arrived at the little Italian place there was a wooden sign hanging from chains above the door with a carved plate of spaghetti and meatballs on it.  Caleb pulled the door open.  “After you,” he offered.  “Why thank you sir.”  Marie said with a cute closed mouth smile.  They walked into little Italy.  There was Italian music playing, the décor was Italian, even the servers were from the home country.  They each ordered a glass of the house white wine.  It had a nice light flavouring, hinted lightly with fruitfulness. 

     As they sat waiting for the pizza to be served they couldn’t help but think of their day, their first date coming to an end.  They small talked avoiding the subject.  Neither one of them wanting to bring it up for fear of the other feeling like it wasn’t as big of a deal, however, they were both fairly certain they were on the same page.  Caleb thought that perhaps planning their next date may help with the conclusion of this one.  He also wanted her to know that he definitely had a desire to see her again. “So, when I’m back we can go to the movies or dinner.”  He said this more like he already knew it was going to happen than a question.  “Yeah, or maybe both.” She said with raised eyebrows and a crooked grin. 

     The pizza was placed on the table.  They had decided on one that seemed to have a little bit of everything.  It was hot with melted cheese slightly browned, spicy sausage, green peppers, onions, mushrooms and a light drizzle of the restaurant’s house made bread dipping oil that had an assortment of herbs and spices soaking in it.  As they ate they talked about food and how they both enjoyed cooking.  Sometimes it can be awkward eating in front of a member of the opposite sex when there is a presence of intimate attraction involved but that washed away within the first few bites. When the plates were cleared they finished the rest of their second glass of wine and asked for the bill.  It was getting late and Caleb had a long drive ahead.  When the bill came Marie reached for her purse and though Caleb had every intention of paying for the meal he thought it was a wonderful gesture on her part. 

     The walk back to Marie’s apartment was quiet with neither one of them speaking hardly a word.  They listened to the noise of the streets and to the short segments of the conversations of people passing by.  About half way there Caleb worked up the nerve to take hold of her delicate soft hand.  As their fingers locked Marie squeezed slightly as though to give a sign of approval. 

     “I’ll see you soon.” He said as they stood outside of her apartment.  “Hope so.”  She kept it short and sweet.  They stared at each other.  It was the perfect opportunity for a kiss and this time it wasn’t too soon and he was not going to let the moment pass by.  He lowered himself slightly to bring his face closer to her level and she raised herself onto her toes to meet him halfway.  The kiss was more affectionate than sensual.  Physical attraction was an obvious presence and certain senses couldn’t help but be aroused, however, the kiss seemed to go deeper, almost as if they had kissed before. 

     It was the perfect ending to the evening Caleb thought as he merged onto the highway.  It was late enough to avoid heavy traffic and he was satisfied with the time it would take him to get home.  The sun had set and the sky was clear.  He always enjoyed driving at night.  For reasons he couldn’t explain he seemed to not get as drowsy while driving in the early evening as he did during the daytime hours.  He noticed an illuminated construction sign on the right side of the road.  “Help save lives”, it said on one interval and “wear your seatbelt” on the next.  He glanced down only as a reaction that the sign provoked; he knew he had buckled up.  He drove as if in a hypnotic trance.  He was going through the actions of operating a vehicle; signalling, checking his mirrors and blind spot, and then proceeding to pass slower traffic, all the while though he was replaying the entire date from beginning to end in his head.  He was combing through each detail, every word that was spoken and analysing every movement, every gesture.  He was just arriving at dinner in his mind’s eye when he saw the flood of luminous red brake lights.  They began up as far as he could see and then surged towards him like a two lane wave.  Before he could pull himself away from walking with Marie he was seconds away from a collision.  He had to make a decision and his choices were limited.  One, crash into the vehicle in front of him and possible kill its passengers and or himself; two, veer right and endanger only himself.  To his right there was guardrail barricading a steep embankment.  It was too dark to see beyond the rail so this deadly drop was not revealed to Caleb.  Had he have known of the situation the darkness blinded him from his decision likely would have remained the same.  Caleb was not the type to put anyone else in danger due to his mistakes.  There was a loud screech when he locked up his brakes and cranked the wheel.  His truck turned sharp and crashed through the rail as though it was made of paper mache.  The vertical decline swallowed the truck and didn’t allow for any deceleration as it began to roll down violently. 

     Caleb returned to his thoughts in which had put him into the position he was now in.  He thought of Marie.  Beautiful dark featured smooth skinned Marie.  He did not see his life’s past unravel before him as many say is the case when faced with imminent death.  Rather, he only thought of his future with Marie and everything that could have been.       



© 2015 Phil

My Review

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This was not how I expected it to end. Very well written, takes a minute to figure out what's going on with the dates etc, but very good none the less.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks Chloe. You're the first to read it!! I appreciate the feedback.

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1 Review
Added on August 3, 2015
Last Updated on August 4, 2015



Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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