Hot August
Hot August but the breeze is a silver chill
Once more you flush the day to bottom bets
Your golden women shine their secrets
into our steady lives, where we eat shrimp
and listen to the river's slow rushing
I see your thoughts rise like helium into the morning
Our love flies in every direction and there is a woman
in a red scarf standing at our door with inquiries
You hide in your chair and rage denials
If you are loud enough they will turn true
A wing of despair flies from my lips
but you are watching the river, a strobe
of honey bees whispering from the pines
I cannot think now of infidelity
It passes through my blood without a smudge
It cripples a dream but I have noted new ones
buying wigs and sporting lipstick on the horizon
Oh August, remember me as a meteor
Let my crash open new ground on another acre
I begrudge forgiveness and gather my clothes
I transform to a comet and disappear
without a sound.