Death & Small Pieces
I cannot swallow the largeness of your leaving
The stiffness of your lips concealing a low rumbled laughter
that tightens & cannot pass your teeth.
My throat cannot open large enough for you to fill me,
so I tender you into a large prairie behind my eyes.
Now you are privy to my secrets & to the wild flowers
I scatter for you to sleep upon.
Stars open in my eyes & you may see our daughter.
She is your duplicate & armed with honor & compassion.
She weaves an ivory future & if you look through me closely,
you may watch her climb her life in ranger boots & curly hair.
Are you listening to the way I honey your description
in a slow sweetness to everyone ,that lost you in pieces.
I restore their memory and they walk away, each believing
their reality of you.
If sometimes from your prairie, you see me in a desert,
my face stricken in the slam of a too real moment,
pass me a soft violet, that I saw you slip through.
The one bright with sun, the one dipped in blue.