I Saw You Take the Money Out of My Coat
I was supposed to be sleeping.
It wasn't a pretty picture,
the furtive way your hands moved,
the tension in your shoulders,
but then I saw your shoulders,
so narrow & tired.
I believe I watched in slow motion.
I did not cry out in confrontation.
I could not dredge up an outrage.
It was like the last fifty dollars I
lost once, in a department store.
I remember thinking that it was Christmas,
and maybe I was just a delivery person,
used by an angel,a donation to the poor,
until that money became
something that wasn't even mine.
As for this, your indiscretion,
I love you, more than the thievery,
more than the ten dollars,
which is really not what you
have stolen,
I want to say it is not even stolen!
In my head,
I am giving it to you.