coconut grove
if you want to see Coconut Grove
in a song burst of beaches
it may be necessary to sing
at top volume in a stilted hut
from a hammock porch
where a dozen nearby dolphins
scratch their backs from memory
& a sailboat of supernatural air
dazzles an unearthly sun burn
& all the shoes you ever owned
dry rot while your clothes blow
into a white wind where they blend
& a fish is served by a flowery
woman as a man drinks enough
to know he has not danced
naked in the sand where the
jelly fish are glistening in a
balloon of soft savagery & the stars
are all they should be at night
& it is too hot from a pig dig &
becoming habitual to be happy
in a sing song that streaks
the hair blond & the sand
& the sand
does nothing at all and it does it
all day.