On White Top

On White Top

A Poem by Phibby Venable



There is a school of strange lessons on White Top Mountain
but on the first day they are patient and give chubby crayons
and coarse paper, and everyone draws a block house
with square windows
Thank you, they say, now go home
On the second day a peacock teaches class, it stands
in silent dignity and spreads its fan just once for effect
and all the students take notes and ponder
On the third day there is falling off at roll call and the teacher
reviews day one and two
He says, what did you see? and the students hesitate,
some saw a house with square windows and some saw people
mirrored in the windows and a peacock, a boring bird
that opened its tail just one, but some saw the bird transform
to God, and heaven glisten blue and green as feathers
Have you learned a hard lesson, the teacher said, but
many felt they had learned nothing and left, believing
the tax payer's money was wasted on White Top and
there was nothing to see
They found good jobs and made good money
while the others acknowedged life and dared living

© 2008 Phibby Venable

Author's Note

Phibby Venable
i would like to dedicate this to W.k.

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This is different, but an enjoyable read.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 5, 2008


Phibby Venable
Phibby Venable

abingdon, VA

http://youtu.be/25XE-BHGvWI http://youtu.be/B2klgDKMUq0 I live in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. Although my passion is poetry, I recently published a novel called, Women of the Round Tabl.. more..
