

A Story by Ashes

Love can only be spread if you make joyful sacrifices.


"This isn't very joyful."

Kara watched the puffs of steam coming out every time she breathed, trying to divine if their little prank would go well tonight.

"In this world you can only experience true joy if you sacrifice." She heard her companion sigh at her response, but hy didn't say anything else on the subject.

We should definitely remember to wipe our tracks when we get done, Kara thought absently as she heard their feet crunch against the snow. It wouldn't do anyone any good if the police were able to track them back to their home by following their footprints, not enough people walked in the suburbs to eraser their tracks at any time of the day. She was going to have to ask Liam why they had decided to move up there together when they both hated the suburbs more than the city, which was a feat because they wanted to destroy all the cities of the world. When you can get them to hate you more than the city you must have been doing something wrong...or maybe it was right.

"Liam if someone does something wrong enough to be better than all the other people who did the same thing wrong, would that make them the winner or the loser?" Kara asked, hoping her friend would have the answer, or at least an answer that would make her laugh.

She heard hym sigh behind her "It means everyone is fucked in the end and they'd probably want to bring us down with them because our luck is Just. That. Bad. Where are we heading anyway, you've yet to tell me that?"

Kara bit her bottom lip as she looked around the dimly lit snowy night. There were no cars on the road and there was only the crunching of snow from their feet, but one had to be careful as the gray hollowness of the area echoed things off of the sides of the aluminum sided and wood paneled houses of the upper-class that inhabited them, which allowed for people to hear. Everyone had a connection with someone that needed the status quo to be kept, so it was a good idea to make sure no one could hear.

"It's not to far from here, it's just over the next ridge." Kara pointed to the hill in front of them that was framed by the black-pink-purple sky, and more of the shin-high snow that had her companion cursing.

"Wait! You want to target the.." Liam wasn't able to get the last of hys sentence out before Kara slapped a hand over hys mouth, rather painfully at that if the sharp sound of skin hitting skin was anything to go by.

"Are you an idiot, be quite! People could be listening."

Liam rolled hys eyes and mumbled something that was probably sarcastic from behind the hand that was keeping hym quite. Hy was sure that at 3am on a deserted street, in the middle of nowhere, there were just droves of people listening. Hy fully believed Kara, honest.

The paranoid mischief planner sighed and let her hand drop from her partners mouth.  "Yes, I do.  I brought a can of purple spray paint for you, though!" Kara said as if all her ills could be wiped away with a can of the foul smelling purple substance.

"Alright, but I get to use it." Liam didn't consider the idea that hy may have been a little too easy to convince.

Silence reigned as the two companions traveled through the snow to their destination.   It wasn't hard to find, as it was the only brick building and non-residential building in the neighborhood outside of the few corporate centers that split the large neighborhoods up in to more manageable subdivisions.  It also made it easier to figure out which area was not considered yours and thus safe to target.  Luckily the area the nighttime pranksters had traveled so far to reach was two corporate centers away.

"And here we be!" Kara exclaimed in a whisper and spread her arms out in front of her in a fanciful display.  There was no fun in causing havoc without drama after all.  

The heavy thud of Liams backpack hitting the ground and hys mumbling about "let's just get it done already," were unfortunately not very dramatic at all, actually the word buzz-kill came to Kara's mind when pondering it.  Drama could wait for work though, especially when the colors electric blue and neon green could be applied to the word work.

Kara tossed her can of red spray paint in to the backpack, along with a pair of gloves that looked like they could have been black, if you managed to see which part was the actual fabric and which part was covered in paint (which was much harder than one might think).  Much later that night the gloves where destined for the dumpster behind the auto parts shop on their way back home, at the first corporate center they would pass, but for now Kara was content to stretch her sore muscles and let the gloves rest under the now half-empty cans of spray paint the both of them had used.

"Maybe we should buy in bulk next time.  I'm really going to miss old Lime-y over here.  It was a good old can."

Huffing Liam slung the backpack over hys shoulder, choosing not to remark on hys companions comment.  Kara was known for making odder statements at less opportune times. "Can we go, dawn is going to happen soon.  I rather be home and have the chance to sleep before work.  Not all of us get two days off in a row, you know."

The green-cheeked female - no matter how good the bandana using too much spray paint was bound to leave a trail - had the good graces to look apologetic.  "Eh...right. Do you think they'll like it?" Kara asked as they started to make their way back, without forgetting to brush out the tracks they were making as well as the previous ones.  Paranoia had a basis in reality, after all.

Liam shrugged.  "I think the "food connoisseurs" will like to know where their cheese comes from.  Hopefully some kids will start crying, I love hearing the minds of innocents being shattered in the morning." 

It took all Kara had not to roll her eyes.  "And supposedly I'm the weird one here," she grumbled, though her anger didn't last long; an idea sprang to mind. "Can we move somewhere out of the 'burbs?  Though not Connecticut, I would shoot myself if I had to live in the same state as 50 cents."

This time it was Liam's turn to wonder about hys friends sanity. "I'm not going to ask what brought this up. What do you think of pancakes for breakfast, we have some leftover margarine that needs to be used?" 

"You're my best friend! Have I ever told you that? Hey I think there's a short-cut home is we take the path by the playground!" Maybe Kara was a little too easy to please as well sometimes....most of the time.

© 2009 Ashes

Author's Note

The hy pronouns are a set of gender neutral pronouns. I didn't know what pronouns to use for Liam because I imagined hym as either female bodied lesbian that identified with male pronouns just to fuck with peoples head, or as a completely non-gendered person, so I compromised with the hy pronouns. Also in my head neither of my characters were white, just to throw people for a loop because I like screwing with peoples heads too. ;P

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Okay, you have me. You have no idea how refreshing it is to encounter natural talent amid trenches of crap. Not only do you have creativity, you have a real sense of human nature. I have a new obsession ;)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 19, 2009
Last Updated on December 19, 2009



Denver, CO

I'm genderqueer, a vegan, an activist, pagan, anarchist, wandering tarot reader/herbalist/poet that's settled in Colorado at the moment, a street kid, and both a fighter and a lover. I'm also a littl.. more..

Stain Stain

A Poem by Ashes