Chapter 3;; Nicholas

Chapter 3;; Nicholas

A Chapter by the~phantoms~flutist

A desperate turn


Chapter 3:



Twenty lonely and short years passed like a bullet just going around my head. They say the slow times pass in a blink of an eye. I testify that fact. Quite frankly, if the slow times are all the time, then it comes by slower than it did before. Time meant little… it wasn’t like I was getting any older, or growing at all. No, I was remaining five-foot-three the remainder of my life, which was alright. I mean, I wasn’t going to grow any much more after sixteen, right? And so what if I live until the end of the world? At least I could manage to see it happen if it ever happens. I kicked my door hard after shutting it into my room and turned to look in the semi-cracked mirror.

I wasn’t changed; not a hair grown, my penetrating golden eyes still intact, my black hair not even a degree darker. I felt as if I was going to rip that hair out of my scalp violently, anger bubbling in my chest like a monster waiting to be let out of a cage. Everything is the same!

My room consisted of four bookshelves, an unneeded bed, a desk, and about six different instruments either on their stands, hanging from the music stand, or in their fine wooded cases. My flute, my most prized possession was next to me on my bed after I played it for about an hour without stopping. Music was something that kept me here... something that did actually change and grew like a real, living person. That’s what kept it beautiful, and I strive for all the beautiful things. But this one… this one is like a fine jewel only select people can wear around and call it their own because only select people actually have music in their heart whether it’s frozen or continuous.

Wax candles were placed in every corner giving my room an evanescent glow so it wasn’t too bright and easy on my eyes. It calmed me down, staring into the flickering flame of the candle, seeing it cast patterns onto my wall. The only gas lamp in my room was the one on my desk next to the ink and quill just so I didn’t spill it all over the fine ebony.

And yet, it took me twenty years to gather enough books that a college professor could only dream of having. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, works by the best authors of this time, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, they were all on my shelves or piled high on the desk. Only my father would do such a thing like this, but he’s dead so I didn’t mind. I wasn’t sad, or angry, or any other feeling toward my father except carelessness. My mother, on the other hand, I felt a great surge of disappointment. I would have taken her into this life with me if it were not for she was already dead. Yet, Victoria was suitable enough.

Loneliness, however, is something that one is not as quick to get over. Normally, the mansion is silent, Alexander usually in his office studying and Victoria is out in the garden. There was something missing no matter how content we would be. I felt as if I had it in my last life, though. Something unreachable…

There was something off when I began to walk down the stairs out of my room. It was the time of week again to go out and hunt as it usually was, and I was about to go inquire Victoria about it because she’d want to know as usual. But it was too silent than it already was before.

“Victoria…? Alexander…?” I called out, suddenly cautious. They would have told me if they were going to leave… “Are you home?” The mansion remained silent. My worry began to overcome me now for this wasn’t the usual. I ran back up the stairs and came near their bedroom door silently. Their voices seeped out of the door, from the cracks, giving me a heavy relief. But the tone of their voices was even worse than not finding them at all.

I’ve never seen them argue before now that I think back on it. At least, as good parents would do for their children, they never fought in front of me. I always thought as both of them closer than anyone could ever be and having such a pure relationship. No, this time it was twisted around. Something different.

“There is no logical reason why we cannot give her a chance.” Alexander’s voice boomed at his partner. Could they mean me? Give a chance at what…? Curiosity slipped through me uninvited and unintended. Perhaps they would tell me what they are brawling over later… maybe not. Maybe now is the only chance to listen in.

“She doesn’t need that just yet. Think of how horrified she would be! She’s still a child, Alexander…” Victoria shot back with perfect stance.

“None of our kind can strive being lonely,” Alexander seemed more reasonable for whomever he was fighting for.

“She seems content with us!” Victoria seemed broken about it, as if this was a life or death situation. My stomach seemed to drop for I knew they were talking about me. I held my breath and steadied my movements as I came closer to their door.

“You must not be looking close enough,” Alexander was incredulous with his answers, his voice becoming stronger with each word to the point that it made me shiver.

“Alexander-” Victoria sobbed, “Alexander, if it does go well between whomever she has, she might never return to us… and… I-I love her so… I’m just not ready to let her go, darling…” I was flabbergasted and it was getting on my nerve in a way not knowing of the other person or vampire they were speaking of. I just didn’t see leaving either of them even if it’s only been twenty years. I don’t think I could possibly let go of the only parents I’ve really known.

“Violet wouldn’t do that. She thinks of both of us highly, don’t you see? Besides, love, I feel for her just as much as you do, and if I didn’t, she wouldn’t be here with us.” He soothed, and I sensed the fight was over. I recoiled from the door, springing lightly to my feet and cautiously stepped away wandering if it was a bad thing to be listening in. I really didn’t want to be considered rude for intruding, either.

Without and warning, their door finally opened and out stepped Alexander with the same splendor he always had when winning something. He looked down to me with hard eyes.

“You heard that, didn’t you?” He asked with an edge to his voice that once more made my shudder. I nodded slowly, ashamed. Instantly, he pulled me near, and put my head onto his chest.

“I’m sorry to be listening in. I didn’t hear you anywhere and I became worried so I found you in there-“I mumbled, though it was useless

“You have no need to apologize, darling, it’s quite alright.” He soothed, patting my hair down. “How would you like a treat, hmm?”

“What would that be?” This was odd…

“You’ll have to find out in, oh, a day or so, alright?” He asked, patting my head. I looked skeptically up to him, with a stern expression.

“What are you getting at, Alexander?” I asked coldly. A bleak smile grew on his face into my hair, and he just laughed lightly.

“You’ll find out soon, I told you. Patience is a virtue.”

Patience most definitely is not a virtue. So children, never listen to parents when that damn saying comes around. I’ve been waiting too long for something different to roll around and now I’ve just been told to wait. How wrong is that?

I couldn’t help but start to guess at what this “treat” may be. Human blood... I sighed, thinking of that lowly subject, what it must taste like. Alexander told me that once you start drinking that elixir, it is extremely hard to stop until the heart does. He told me many are skilled to stop in a way to create a vampire, but there usually isn’t enough blood to even go through with the process for the heart must resume beating. Perhaps I was going to be able to try it. Of course, I’ve already had my chance. I could have turned around and killed the bleeding man in the slums in London. Or maybe I could have found a few other humans and bit into their necks and split them as easy as a toothpick. But I knew otherwise for I wasn’t going to take a life. And I most definitely wasn’t going to take one now. Maybe it wasn’t my choice.

For one thing, Victoria and Alexander knew I was lonely, that I wasn’t fulfilling any life I had. They were just discussing that, were they not? Could it be someone else to take care of that large problem? My eyes widened, dropping my book onto the ground. But—the only way I could possibly get to know anyone without myself being a threat to their very lives would be if they’re a vampire… meaning Victoria or Alexander would kill in order for me not be alone… The idea was probably the single most selfish thing I could think of! That wouldn’t be fair!

“Violet, are you alright?” Victoria asked, knocking lightly on my door.

“Yes, I’m quite fine!” I lied easily, falling back onto the band, my eyes still wide. Why would they do that? It was insane! I can’t tell them I’ve figured out… it might not be so. It could be another vampire already made and all… I kept telling myself that, at least. It kept my mind off of it.

The next normal, straightforward day, was just what I had feared if not fantasized over for the last twenty years as well. I stayed in my room, hardly able to even move. I was horrified of my nature as if it was my shadow and everything seemed to make me jump if not go into hysterics.

“Violet!” Alexander boomed, hearing the door crash open suddenly, and I shuddered. Even his voice made me jump. He seemed exasperated, “Violet, can you come down here?” He asked.

Immediately I bounced out of my chair and ran down the stairs, but stopped in my tracks when the scent hit me like a back hand being slapped across my face. Then, came the burning for it was evidently fresh blood that is already revealed.

“Oh, my God,” My own voice seethed out through my teeth. There, on the couch, lay a boy, and on his chest was gushing blood from a singular flesh wound. My eyes were peeled onto it idly and then harshly toward Victoria who was cringing against Alexander who seemed firm and with a strange expression.

“Why is he here?” I managed to spit out through my clenched teeth. Alexander looked at me with a strange, stressed look, and somehow was able to breathe in the impenetrable stench of blood.

“I saved him for you, Violet.” He replied.

“For what, a meal?” I spat at Alexander and Victoria clenched her hand around his arm even tighter. My hands were tied behind my back as if I was arrested from taking the boy and sucking him dry. My throat burned like a hot summer day in the desert, my veins were being pulled, and my eyes began to cause me a horrible headache. Something like feeling the death that was already inside you, just waiting to eat you alive.

“Violet, you must learn control and ignore it. This is how I will teach you.” As he said that, the boy groaned another time. Still with my hand encasing my nose, I shook my head in protest.

“Do it for yourself, Violet. Change him, and you won’t be lonely anymore. It’s either that, or he dies of this natural cause,” Alexander pleaded with me. But I still couldn’t see damning someone else to this life of hell.

“No!” I spat out again, exasperated.

“I’ll force you if I must!” Victoria all but screeched, seeming tired herself. I had to back off… never before have I seen Victoria so out of control… but human blood triggers the animal that is repeatedly caged inside, and so the frenzy begins. The shame is that it wasn’t exactly the real Victoria speaking to me, it was the vampire Victoria. And yet, questionably enough, my monster is slowly clawing its way out…

Looking back over to the boy, whose heart is now slowing at an exponential rate, I sighed. He was handsome, the blood literally singing to me, seductively beckoning me to come closer and be its lover. An accidental gasp of air shot through my lungs, and I found myself already next to the black-haired boy, breathing it in, looking at him as if he was filet minon professionally served on my dish. I could sense the burning stare of Victoria and Alexander coming onto my back, as I all but licked the blood off of his damaged chest.

If the boy had enough strength, he would probably be trying to fight me off, but of course, that wasn’t humanly possible.

There was no choice for me now, though, I couldn’t fight the monster, and it was too strong. Yet, I couldn’t entirely immerse myself in it. He was groaning even worse now, causing the heart to speed up just a tad. I bent over him, eying his neck idly, the line of the vein neatly sketched out on his neck, just waiting for me to dig in with my teeth. I kissed it, lovingly, my lips pursed, and I could feel my teeth becoming more like razors, all of them. Something like a little more than twenty large needles breaking into your skin, although it’s not visible enough that a human could witness the change once fretted off. The gentle kiss turned into a bite and it was as if a surge of electricity shot through my veins, more so than ever.

The blood came into my mouth sweeter than life itself, even more immaculate then seeing things as if with a third eye, and better than the speed and velocity of running through a forest, worried of nothing, the wind blowing in my hair. I could actually feel a heartbeat under my lips, and I could savor it without turning back and sucking him dry so that this sensation is no more. I could stop at will, and succeed in the purpose of this wonderfully. Or, I could increase the life in me, teaching me the dark ways of life instead of actually living it. And I chose the success.

I felt something grab my arms harshly, pulling me away even if my teeth were still dug into the neck. It grabbed me and threw me away onto the other side of the room, landing with a large crash onto the wood.

“Remember yourself, Violet, remember who you are.” A female voice implied. I hissed back at the source of the voice, baring my teeth at it. I tried to run back to the blood, my vision nothing but a blur. It held my hands behind my back as I resumed fighting it off by kicking and hissing as my vision became restored from seeing nothing but the beating heart, the veins, but now, back to the world. Once Victoria let go of my hands I fell onto the floor, worn out from the brawl, breathing heavily, my mouth still smeared with the thick, red, and delicious liquid. I cleaned it with my hand and then licked the hand, getting the last taste of the cold stuff.

I sat up, taking roll-call of the room, seeing if I hurt anyone else, but they were good enough to stare at me as if I was a science experiment. Backing away, my brows knit tensely together, I seemed to let out a forsaken moan.

“How could you…?” I asked, sobbing dryly.

“You see what you have learned, Violet? You didn’t want to do it, yet, you stopped yourself, and I applaud you.” Alexander smiled triumphantly at his wife who grimaced back, and gave a fake smile. I remained with the same frown plastered on my face, about to run him over again.

“Must it be at this cost?” I hissed acidly back at them.

“He was about to die, love.” Alexander rebelled, seeing his wife’s concerned expression because of my irritable discomfort. A long, stretched-out moan escaped the lips of the boy who was lying on the sofa. The venom that acts as blood for me was now in his veins, and he could now start feeling the effects of it. As it now travels through his veins, it will soon travel to his heart and then, finally, stop it forever. And eternally, he would be a vampire just like Victoria, Alexander, I, and the other entire percentage of the world who carries this burden with them wherever we go.

“So was I. And yet, here I am wishing for my life back. Not everyone is sculpted out for this life, Alexander. Who are we to judge who shall live and who shall die?” I argued, gathering my skirts which were all in an inappropriate measure. I dragged myself over to the screaming boy. He didn’t look much older than me, if not my own physical age. His black hair distraught and his chest moving up and down faster each second. The clothes he wore weren’t enough to even be considered clothes. I knelt down over him without his noticing in fear he might scream louder, brushing back his hair, feeling his excessively warm skin soon turn cold.

“I am so sorry…” I whispered in his ear, looking over the crescent scar on his neck that had been left from my teeth. It was becoming healed because of the venom. Comparing my small, pale hand to his larger, more masculine body that was tan from the sun and burnt in some places, I felt a little over-excited. Soon, he’ll be stronger than I. My creation, my venom, my love. The tie would bend us closer to one another as one did a parent. And he would rely on me just as I relied on Victoria. I smiled to myself, trying hard not to reveal my teeth.

“Alexander, what had happened to him?” I questioned on a lighter note.

“A homeless man just happened upon his gun and threatened to shoot him for his money whilst I was on a stroll through the town. Unfortunately, I did not make it in time to save him from the shooting, and it hit right in his chest near his heart. I knew he could have his heart beating for just a little while longer and soon I could save him from never dying. And I thought of you.” He explained, uncertain of what else to say.

“He’ll hate me after this,” I sighed.

“Not if he doesn’t know you’re the one who bit him, Violet. It’s possible to start clean, you know.” Alexander added.

“He hears us right now.” I chided, crossing my arms.

“He’s unconscious.” Victoria said, looking over to him, his face distorted from the pain, but his eyes were the only peaceful things.

“Why don’t you catch a rabbit for him? He would appreciate that to begin with.” Victoria asked, looking over to me now.

“He’ll want more.” I pouted, exasperated.

“But you will be the fountain of youth in his eyes.” He chided after another one of the boy’s cries, now begging for me to kill him. I glared at Alexander, thinking it through thoroughly. I wouldn’t be lonely again, for one. He’d be my child, begging for me to teach him life. Although this was wrong in many ways, the selfish brat in me demanded him for myself.

“What if things go wrong?” I pondered aloud.

“He’ll forget it. You don’t remember the basics of a newborn vampire, daughter. We are naturally easily distracted. With the senses of all of the predators alive, and the endless longing for blood, it’s impossible to pay attention to the trivial bonds that were shared in life. Which is why most of your memory is gone. You’ve told me you don’t know the name of the vampire who changed you. And you do not need to know just yet, but you’ll remember in time.” He explained like a professor giving a lecture on the mythical creatures.

I looked from Alexander to the boy on the couch, my brows knit closely together, not able to even think anymore.

“I don’t even know his name.” I sighed as my last point to make.

“His name is Nicholas,” Victoria answered, “The banker’s son, and one of the most powerful households in London.”

“Won’t they send out searches?”

“We are going to move soon anyway. People are already becoming suspicious of age. You can’t pass for anything over twenty-five, and Victoria and I have been through too many generations for humans to not notice.”

“But… I love it here. This is my home, just as it has always been…” I sighed, squinting my eyes into the sunlight that dimly shown through the velvet curtains to the large city that was alive down below.

“We will come back soon. Just until the generations die off, and we’re keeping the mansion.” Victoria remembered. “We’ll go global, just as your father did. Perhaps into the new world and join up with another coven to go there.” She seemed enlightened at the thought, after shutting the door to the living room, the boy’s cries still coming through the walls, terrifying me to no end.

“I don’t know if I can stand this much longer,” I sighed, trying to block my ears, except with the fault of my acute hearing, even with my hand attempting to block it, I could still hear it loud and clear.

“Then do as I said.” Alexander shooed me away, but my feet couldn’t move. “Go!” He demanded impatiently. I ran out of the house in a split second, out to the thick forest, attempting to encase myself in the beauty of the sun, but failed miserably. The sun wasn’t exactly my favorite thing. As I found out later on in time, sunglasses came in definite use.

The animals were running from me as I ran. Their little feet running over twigs, snapping them, were making themselves more known to me. A deer was clear to me, and I thought it a perfect catch. Grabbing its neck before it could even think about running, digging my teeth through its neck to tranquilize it until it could be of use for Nicholas. Nicholas. What a fine name. Violet and Nicholas… they sounded amazing right next to each other like that. They suited each other.

I picked up the deer cradling its limp body in my arms and I began walking back. The screams were lessoning, becoming less violent. He must be unconscious again. The blood might be cold when he wakes up. I sighed, looking down to the deer, feeling its temperature go down. I dug my teeth back into where I bit down before, and began to feed just until the heart stopped beating.

“Sorry little one…” I sighed throwing the carcass under a bush. A tree off in the distance had fallen, making a nice seat for me for now. I laid my body across it, just under some shade so I didn’t have to harm my tender eyes from the sun. I just had to stop time for a while, laying here. I wondered what it was going to be like to sleep again. Would it be peaceful or filled with nightmares of just what I’ve become? Would I even dream at all just to get away from the horrors of today? I shut my eyes, holding them down, and already began to feel restless. The only image I could see was Nicholas’ face grimacing in pain after I bit him. I opened my eyes back up immediately, giving up quickly. What have I done…?

I got back about two hours later with another limp deer in my hands just waiting to die. My guilt had to be consumed by the thirst I had for the blood I was boldly giving to someone else. The deer was placed on the ground in the backyard on a tree stump. The screaming had stopped for now. Either the change had been made or he’s sleeping once more.

When I stepped into the house, I heard his actual voice for the first time. Not screaming, or grimacing, or anything bad, but it was normal. And it was beautiful. I fell in love with it just like that.

“Hello Nicholas.” I said softly, moving toward him slowly, just to see his reaction.

“Violet, don’t scare him now,” Alexander warned.

“Why would I scare him?” I asked, giving him a stern glare, and he only looked past me to Nicholas’ expression.

“Don’t be frightened.” I whispered carefully.

“What is wrong with me?” He cried brokenly, looking at himself in the small mirror, mainly into his own eyes which were a bright crimson.

“Nothing is wrong with you, it’s all changed. We saved you from dying and now you are one of us.” I explained carefully, not to mention any specifics.

“And what am I, exactly?” He asked, as if frightened by his own shadow already.

“We are the living dead, the most powerful of beings. We live eternally and we feed off of life itself. It’s what you are now, as well,“ I explained softly.

“So am I in heaven, or is this hell? Can you not be more specific?” He encouraged impatiently.

“Don’t be frightened, child,” Alexander started, “You are still here on earth, except you are no longer human as you’ve probably already guessed. I saved you from being killed at the point of a gun. You are a vampire now.” He explained better than I could have the courage to.

“Why didn’t you just let me die?” He accused, disgusted. We didn’t have an answer for that. He remembered something with me included, for he was staring at me with a grimace. I turned to look at Alexander who was behind me. He looked back down to me with a trivial look to his features as if he expected me to say something.

“This life is much better than being a human,” I tried, yet he didn’t seem convinced. “You must be thirsty, though.” I immediately moved onto another subject.

“Is that what it is, then? My throat hurts like it’s burning up.” He considered, instantly distracted with something else. I smiled smugly and lead him to the backyard, the sun already gone out of the sky.

“I caught you something,” I smiled brightly, as I gathered the deer into my arms again, and set it down before him. “Watch me first, and then you can try.” I leaned down to the animal, and bit into its neck once more, only taking a little blood before handing it over to Nicholas. “Drink,” I whispered he looked back in disgust. “You don’t want to go thirsty, do you?” I asked, and he shook his head. He bent over it, staring at my bite mark idly, seeing the blood gush out of it. He was hesitant but I made his head go further down toward the neck. He tenderly bit into it, sucking dry faster and faster until the heart stopped for good.

When he finished, he rose up and stared at me, his eyes alight with lust and his eyes were already beginning to darken.

“More!” He demanded anxiously. I shook my head and laughed for his face looked as if he just was finished eating red berries, covered in red. I wiped it with my finger, and licked the blood off of that. He seemed entirely astounded about everything I was doing. Success was the word that consistently repeated in my head.

“Follow your senses and find another animal. Try to be cleaner, dear. Your shirt is already stained enough.” I sounded like Victoria now… which is what comes from living with a motherly vampire for the last twenty years. He instantly ran off into the woods, already finding some other animal.

“I’m proud, dear.” Victoria said somehow already behind me. “You did it without fear of harming anything, I congratulate you.” She said, pressing my head onto her chest and smiled. I wrapped my arms around her as well.

“Now, it’s only a matter of time.” I whispered.

“He’ll love you no matter what. I don’t see anyone not loving you for you are such a charming girl. Attracting him would be easy.” She confided sweetly.

“I wouldn’t be so sure… I am, after all, a vampire.”

“And so is he.” She nodded.

“Do you really think so? Such a rebellion he is, though. Did you see the way he looked at me when mentioning about his own death? He must remember something.”

“He doesn’t,” She replied, sighing, seeming slightly annoyed.

“How would you know?” I questioned.

“Because… I’m your mother,” She started, lifting her chin up, a smile playing at her lips, “and I know these things.”

I immediately wrapped my arms tighter around her waist. “A mother that every little girl would absolutely die to have.”

“Your words are too true.” She shrugged, “I think they would have to exactly die to necessarily have me as a mother.” I giggled at the dark humor as Nicholas came back, his mouth smothered in the red stuff. “Now it’s your turn,” whispered Victoria, patting my back, “teach him our life.”

© 2009 the~phantoms~flutist

Author's Note

I want opinions... just on how the plot rolls out, if it's too quick or whatnot

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Added on March 29, 2009



.:About Moi:. I am a flutist/musician, and an aspiring writer. I'm dedicated to both of those things with a passion, and I take them both to heart and soul. My favorite thing in the w.. more..
