Shinka No Tamashii: Chapter 2 - Training

Shinka No Tamashii: Chapter 2 - Training

A Story by Phantomhead

    "Chie! Ya need to help him fast!" Mike exclaimed as he ran into the house. "Set him on the couch" she replied, rather nonchalantly. After Mike did so, she kicked him in the crotch.
"I got it back online right before you broke it!"
"I'm sorry I didn't kno-"
"THAT COSTED $16,000!"
"I-I'm sorry!"
"Did I tell you to break it?"
"Let this be a lesson to you"
"Yes master"
Jake, barely conscious gave out a soft chuckle at the fact that Mike was being bossed around by an 8 year old. Chie walked into the room and said, "Just for that laugh, you get no anesthesia". She stuck the stitching needle right into his wound.
      After 20 minutes 36 seconds and 97 milliseconds according to Chie, counting like it was a record she had to beat, Jake was all stitched up. "Ugh, so... what the hell's going?" Jack asked drowsily. "Stuff" she bluntly replied. 
"No seriously, what's been going on?"
"Alright alright I'll tell you, geez, no need to get your panties in a bunch."
The mere stupidity of that statement immediately reminded him of why he hates kids. "Well it all started a long time ago in a galaxy far far away" Chie started.
      "Somewhere near Japan there is a gigantic mountain island, bigger than Everest"
"Okay no really stop making up stories" Jake interjected.
"But it's true, it's just hidden with magic"
"Magic, really? Do you really thin-"
"I have a proven IQ of 256 and I built that robot, shut the heck up. Anyways back in the 1600's an entire clan of people known as the Tsurugi clan were exiled there. They were completely isolated from even this dimension, that is until June of 1928. Your great great grandfather Eita Tsurugi had figured out how to harness the energy used to trap them for 300 years. He sealed certain energies in crystals-Mike has fire, I have mind, and there is also water, grass, earth, air, strength, magic, and light. He began a school to train in a combination of martial arts, and swordfighting. The swords were used to release the crystals energy."
      "Although, on November 13th 1936, at the very last day of his students' training, tragedy struck. His best student Orochi Sato, had slaughtered everyone, save for my ancestor and Mike's. I was told by my father before he died, to train Mike. However, before now, we had no idea you even existed, until I sensed your crystal yesterday." 
"So, what does mine do then?" Jake asked.
"I don't know, in fact, unless we can find the sword that goes with it, we'll have no clue what it does."
"So, the question is, why are we even here?"
"Because Sato is still alive and needs to find all the crystals"
Chie got up and opened the door, 
"Tommorow's Saturday, so you'll have time, come here around noon" 
He left the house and walked home. 

"N-No! Please stop! AGHHHH!" a woman in her home was lying on the floor, dead. A man was searching through her cabinets. The woman was an extensive gemstone collector, with over 9,000 precious gems and jewels. The man in question was nearly panicking at what he had done showing clear remorse. He stuffed everything he could into a burlap sack and attempted to leave but was stopped by a soft voice. "Do you really think you should be doing that?" the other man asked. He was sitting in the windowsill with the full moon appearing as though it were right behind him. Arms crossed, the silhouette again spoke "You know what you did was wrong" The robber pointed his gun at the silhouette "And who the hell do you think you are?!" 
"My name is Kurai Suna"
"Well then Suna, pretend like this never happened or I'll blow your damn brains out!"
"There's no need to be hasty about this, it's just that there's a high possibility that you have something I need"
"Well y'aint getting it a*****e!"
"Hmm, if that's the way you want it then fine." 
      Suna stood from the windowsill and walked towards the robber. The robber shot twice but to no avail. Before his eyes, the bullets broke apart into sand and dropped down to the floor. The robber stepped backwards in awe and horror. Suna raised his sword and pointed it directly at the robber's face, he kept backing up and Suna kept moving towards him until he was cornered near the lamp. The light revealed a pale skinned, muscular Japanese man with blonde dyed hair and glowing red eyes. He was wearing a black mask over his mouth and nose, leather bands wrapped around his forearms and shins. He was shirtless, but there was a leather sarashi around his waist and he wore the usual black pants in a training gi, tucked into the bands of course. 
With a menacing glare, he looked directly into the robber's eyes and spoke "If you have tears, prepare to shed them now" as he thrusted the sword into the robber's face. He grabbed the burlap sack, and lept out the window. He ran across the sky scrapers of Tokyo's skyline swiftly as though the rooftops were but a solid road with the moon glowing behind him constantly.
Around twenty minutes later he reached an abandoned building and snuck inside. 
"Glad to see you're back Suna" said a gravelly voiced shadow. 
"Why wouldn't I be?" Suna replied. 
"Heyyy, what'dya got in the sack?" asked a woman. 
"Hopefully what we are looking for" he opened the sack and dug through the jewels until he found a green one, octahedral in shape with four spikes jutting from the center of the faces edges. 
"Bingo!" exclaimed the woman "I don't have one yet!" 
"Sure" the man replied. "You do love plants don't you?"
The three had attained the grass crystal, they only had 4 left to go.

"Our top story, another case of brutal vigilantism has occurred, this is the seventh case this week. Eyewitnesses report a tall, black haired, green eyed man, possibly of Italian descent. One witness overheard the name 'Jack Lightning'. Although he has only made a name for himself recently, it could be possible that he was tied to a vigilante group that existed in the early 90's."
      Jake was sitting on the couch watching the news report, his passed out mother, Gale, lay beside him. She had dark copper hair and freckles all across her nose and cheeks. She still had a bottle of whiskey in her hand, he took it before it fell and placed it in the fridge. Even though it was just simply putting a bottle in a fridge, Jake felt good about it. He rarely did anything to help her out, although she rarely did the same either. Despite the fact that after Jake's father, she never got a boyfriend, the two never really connected. Sometimes Jake wondered what exactly kept her alive all these years. She was depressed, and alcoholic, she had no boyfriend, and she clearly didn't care about Jake. He constantly thought about wether or not he was a burden to her, but he knew he never really cared about her either. Their relationship at best was friends. 
      It was 11:00pm already so he turned off the TV, draped a blanket over his mother, and went to bed himself.

"Friggin mosquitos" Jake muttered to himself as he walked through the forest. It took him about an hour to get through the forest, there were no considerable landmarks, and the map was not only difficult to read, but also completely wrong, it was written by Mike of course. It was very foggy despite it being noon already. He knocked on the door of the pagoda but nobody answered. He opened the door anyways and walked into the living room, where Mike and Chie were playing Mortal Kombat. 
"Hey guys" Jake said while yawning.
"Heyo" Chie said as she finished off Mike. She notified them that she was gonna get something.
"Crazy stuff, am I right Mike?"
"Yeah, but you'll get used to everything later on. Speaking of crazy, on Thursday in trig there was this sofa..."
"Cool story bro"
      Chie returned with a pair of clothes, it was a sky blue training gi with black silk around the edges of the short sleeves and the neck, under it was a plain yellow t-shirt. In addition, there were weighted yellow wristbands and a weighted sarashi that was a yellow belt    and a black belt above it. "This is your training uniform, you have 1.5 minutes to put it on" Chie said, pointing to the bathroom across the hall. "I'll be waiting  outside in the small opening out back" she walked out the back door and Jake got changed. "...and that's why he wasn't ever allowed to use the meat hook... Jake? Chie? Where'd you guys go?" Mike asked.
      The air outside was very brisk and surprisingly, there was still dew on the grass. "That was 1.893 minutes, not bad." Chie noted as Jake walked out to the clearing. She tossed a wakizashi to Jake and pointed at a sandbag with her own sword. "They key to survival in a fight is momentum, you use the momentum from your last attack to flow into another, and you use your opponent's momentum against them" she said. Chie rushed towards the sandbag and diagonally slashed it upwards and to the left. She spun around as she did and kicked the sandbag behind her so as to get away from it. She swiftly turned back around and launched the sword at the sand bag. "Now, the most important thing was that I never stopped moving, even a millisecond of staying in one static position can get you killed" 
"Very impressive" Jake said, somewhat awestruck.
"Hardly, because there was one major flaw that I made"
"There was?"
"Tell me what it was"
"...You let go of the sword?" 
"Correct, never let go of your sword, not only could it be stolen, but you have no control over it" 
      She picked up the sword and held the hilt closest as possible to the blade "Another essential is control, don't think of the sword as a weapon, but instead, an extension of your own body." She dragged out another sandbag and said "Now comes the fun part, I get to watch you fail miserably!" 
      Just as predicted, Jake ran towards the sandbag, attempting to do the same as Chie, but falling face first when he spun around after the slash. "This is gonna be absolute hell" he muttered to himself.

© 2013 Phantomhead

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Added on July 4, 2013
Last Updated on July 4, 2013



Rodman, NY

I am just a crazy metalhead otaku that loves to write and...god I'm awful at bios. more..
