I like this piece!
Your word choice really embodies the destruction you are trying to convey and the sense of rebirth. "Ardent" suggests that the world is all too happy to be put into destruction, or it doesn't care. Whether it be an outside force or an inside force, it is reduced to ashes for a new start, where the "bleeding skies" are "clouded"... the aftermath, the one thing left after the burning.
Excellent job!
and the skies bleed in the haiku, your words express a somber, dire
existence to the meaning, and leaves the reader with a powerful
impression of loss, this is good work, you have talent, keep it up ^_^
It captures a feeling, perhaps due to the short nature of the haiku. What you have working for here (especially in the first and last line) is starting off with a stressed syllable. (AR-dent, BLEE-ding) It raises the urgency of it. I would, however, recommend using counterpoint -- a haiku has three lines, it would be nice if all three lines were different -- at this point, perhaps, shift the second line into something else (it is a bit cliche as well)