I loved the theme of it (e.g. stars, cosmos, heavens), there's just a few things I would like to point out:
Your last line has a dangling preposition. In some cases it is ok to end a sentence with a preposition (i.e. “What did you step on?”). But never when it can be omitted, as in your poem :).
Speaking of sentences - you don't have any punctuation. This is just one big run-on sentence. You might have done it on purpose (being artsy and all that), but it does make it slightly confusing to the reader. :)
None of these are really big deals, all in all this poem was well written; you just might want to consider changing those few things.
I can't wait to read more!
Keep writing. :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thank you! :D
To be honest, I didn't have that cosmic theme in mind when I was writing this, I.. read moreThank you! :D
To be honest, I didn't have that cosmic theme in mind when I was writing this, I was actually thinking about street lights and lights from people's homes that start turning on during the sunset. But it's awesome to see how different people get their own personal experience from the same poem, that's why I love literature. :D
Regarding the preposition, yes, you're right, I can see that I've made a mistake, but I think I'll leave it just as it is, changing my own poems always makes me feel weird, like I'm doing something I shouldn't. xD
Regarding the punctuation, I did it on purpose, it's a new "style" of writing that I'm trying out. Sometimes I get confused by it too, but I think that's how it's meant to be. xD
Thank you once again. :)
11 Years Ago
Wow, so I reread it with city lights in mind. I almost like it more. Again, good job!
Ok, lik.. read moreWow, so I reread it with city lights in mind. I almost like it more. Again, good job!
Ok, like I said, no big deal. :D
You're welcome.
I loved the theme of it (e.g. stars, cosmos, heavens), there's just a few things I would like to point out:
Your last line has a dangling preposition. In some cases it is ok to end a sentence with a preposition (i.e. “What did you step on?”). But never when it can be omitted, as in your poem :).
Speaking of sentences - you don't have any punctuation. This is just one big run-on sentence. You might have done it on purpose (being artsy and all that), but it does make it slightly confusing to the reader. :)
None of these are really big deals, all in all this poem was well written; you just might want to consider changing those few things.
I can't wait to read more!
Keep writing. :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thank you! :D
To be honest, I didn't have that cosmic theme in mind when I was writing this, I.. read moreThank you! :D
To be honest, I didn't have that cosmic theme in mind when I was writing this, I was actually thinking about street lights and lights from people's homes that start turning on during the sunset. But it's awesome to see how different people get their own personal experience from the same poem, that's why I love literature. :D
Regarding the preposition, yes, you're right, I can see that I've made a mistake, but I think I'll leave it just as it is, changing my own poems always makes me feel weird, like I'm doing something I shouldn't. xD
Regarding the punctuation, I did it on purpose, it's a new "style" of writing that I'm trying out. Sometimes I get confused by it too, but I think that's how it's meant to be. xD
Thank you once again. :)
11 Years Ago
Wow, so I reread it with city lights in mind. I almost like it more. Again, good job!
Ok, lik.. read moreWow, so I reread it with city lights in mind. I almost like it more. Again, good job!
Ok, like I said, no big deal. :D
You're welcome.
This poem is so strange, effective had luminous that I had to read it many times. I am quite biased by it's cosmic theme, though I found it appealed to the futurist in me and the star lover. To personalize the cosmos as a theme for a poem is brilliant, and you did this truly very well here Tomi. It's as intimate as the dream of heaven...outstanding!
Love it, I have a level 60 tank and level 60 hunter right now.
11 Years Ago
Oh, nice. Well, I haven't play the game because I get bored of MMOs pretty fast, but I love LotR in .. read moreOh, nice. Well, I haven't play the game because I get bored of MMOs pretty fast, but I love LotR in general.