

A Story by OCT

A story of young love and tragedy



"Two shots of vodka, two beers, and make it snappy!" Brant demanded of the waitress. He turned to his friend Kyle and patted him on the shoulder,
"Does this place get much busier?" He asked, scanning his eyes around the semi filled dance floor.
"Yeah mate. You wait!" Kyle shot back, with a look of excitement. Having been served, they walked around the dance floor and sat at a table off to the side,
"Thanks mate, I needed this." Brant looked at Kyle and showed some relief. The mere fact that he'd been working sixty hour weeks, and now having been made redundant, had sent him on what had felt like a near suicidal spiral. A night out and some fun was a gift from heaven.
"The nights just started mate!" Kyle replied awkwardly, unsure of what to say. "Carly and Kacey should be here soon." He followed up, knowing Brant had been single as long as himself.
"Cool!" Brant nodded in approval. He picked up his shot and drank it, shaking the effects off like a dog would water. He had a swig of his beer and then stood up, pointing the dance floor out to Kyle. Brant walked over with a strut and joined the few dancing, making way onto the floor as though entering through an oversized birth canal. Immediately he was as if in the middle of a routine, performing a jig he used whenever in such a setting. Stepping out of character for moment, Brant looked back over at Kyle, who was holding his beer, smiling and shaking his head, along with several others watching on tables nearby. Brant disregarded them with a wave of the hand and turned back to the dance floor, deciding to merge his performance in with the other dancers. The night was young but one of the girls dancing caught his eye immediately. She waved him in but then pushed him back, waved him in and pushed him back, then pirouetted around shaking her butt from side to side, and revealed a dance of her very own, before turning aside to her friends laughing and leaving him mesmerised mid dance. Brant continued dancing among the people, but could have been a man tangoing alone in the desert. With the end of the song he went back to the table, where several others had arrived.

After mingling with the others for a short time Brant was sat talking one on one with Carly. The two of them had been close for some time and everyone only assumed they hadn't hooked up because they got along well enough to be brother and sister.
"How's the week been?" Carly asked, knowing he hadn't been handling the loss of job well.
"Slow." Brant replied, "It’s different being home for meal times." He chuckled
"What do you plan to do now?"
"I'm not sure really, I should be able to find another job, it's just I hate that I put so much time and energy into my work at Gibson's, only to leave there with nothing but a small payout. It's very unsatisfying." He was always candid with Carly, "And now I've got to start again." He thought aloud, before glancing around the nightclub.
"I sympathise with you. I'm sure you'll find another position." Carly tried to lend her support.
"I'm going to the bar. Do you want another drink?" Brant asked her, pointing at her half-filled lemon drink. He asked Kyle the same before walking past the increasingly filling dance floor.
As he stood waiting for the waitress, Brant looked around the club, observing the many people that had arrived. He noticed several attractive women, though he then spotted the cheeky girl that had been on the dance floor. She was talking with friends and looked very attractive. She had black wavy hair and wore a tight fitting red dress. The waitress arrived to take his order, shocking him back to attention. After ordering the same, Brant looked back to the woman he was so intrigued with, however as if with women's intuition, she had shifted her position and were looking in his direction. She smiled in recognition and immediately he returned the gesture. He felt like a deer caught in headlights, unsure whether to wave or to go and introduce himself. Suddenly his drinks arrived at the bar, so he picked them up and returned to his table, feeling as though he’d left a child behind.


A couple hours passed and the group chatted and drank, each sitting around the table in separate conversations. Brant was talking with Carly and Jason and just began noticing how drunk he felt,
"This place is packed! I haven't been to a nightclub in years." He pointed out, unsure of where he was going with it,
"It always is." Jason replied, a regular on the club scene.
"Do you want to get up and dance?" Carly invited the others.
"Sure. Yeah alright." Brant accepted, while Jason gave a dismissive wave of the hand.
"We're getting up for a dance!" Brant motioned to the rest of the group. He grabbed Carly by the hand and led the way onto the dance floor. As they squeezed into a free place on the floor, they began in their own styles but started dancing in rhythm. The music was pop mixed over techno, the whole crowd recognising each song and dancing feverishly. Carly turned her back and moved nearer and nearer to Brant, he watched her intently before putting his arm around her waist. After dancing close for a short time, Brant looked up and spotted the red dress now familiar to him. As though caught in a wrongdoing by his parents, he sprung away and quickly created some distance between himself and Carly. Carly danced on unnoticeably. Just then the song gave way to another and Brant watched as Carly spun around and turned to face him. She had a big smile on her face and threw her hand on his shoulder, before leaning back with laughter. Although they had been extremely personal, the moment was played down by the familiarised friends. As the next song kicked in, Carly began dancing again but Brant cast his eyes off to the woman in red. He decided to keep dancing, this time he kept to his own style though as he plotted to approach the other side of the dance floor. He tapped Carly on the shoulder and pointed off to another direction, she simply nodded back. As Brant danced and moved, he tried to be as subtle as possible in nearing the girl he fancied, not wanting to frighten her off. He stood now directly across from her and thought it would be only a matter of time to be able to make eye contact from here. As she danced sexily along with what appeared to be two friends, Brant attempted to slot in along with the crowd as he waited for an opportunity to make contact. Suddenly she looked across at him and then turned away, scarcely acknowledging his presence. He continued to dance and moved slightly closer, thinking the effort might be make or break. When she fully caught sight of him, Brant waved with one hand and made a more direct move toward her. As he watched her face, she appeared to weigh up a decision and then gave a slight smile, as though in approval of his advancement. He felt as though he'd been fishing and may have taken the catch of the day. He waved and smiled toward her friends, who watched over him and judged him as though they were disapproving parents. When the song finished he reached out his hand to the girl in red, leaning in and calling out,
"Brant" as she accepted it.
"Julie" she yelled back, before moving back into dance. He tried to straddle up close to Julie, but she turned, pushing him back and wagging her finger, though with a cute smirk on her face. Brant kept his distance, every time a song finished though he'd lean in and try to talk.
"I seen you dancing with a girl over there." She said, completely stunning him. "What are you some kind of player?" She asked him.
"Nah, we're actually good friends. There was nothing in that, believe me." He attempted to reason with her. "You should come over and meet us?" He suggested, feeling like he was getting somewhere.
"Yeah, maybe later. We're having a night out." She replied, before getting into another dance. Brant smiled and began dancing again as well. As time went on and the two of them became more familiar, they enjoyed one another's company on the dance floor, as both Julie’s friends and Carly abandoned them.
"I am going to get a drink," Julie finally said to Brant,
"Hey, I've had a good time." He replied back,
"Me too " she said, before walking away. He watched her go, and then turned to go back to his own table, giddy with excitement.


The streets were fairly vacant as Julie and Brooke walked along the sidewalk, both slightly drunk and in a joyous mood. It was 3:17am. The walk from the nightclub to home was usually quiet. Having quickly left the CBD and entering a residential area, they now neared their homes.
"How were you dancing with Johnny Smooth?" Brooke poked fun at Julie, "I thought you were just gonna go for it there on the dance floor."
"We weren't that bad!" Julie shot back, "and what about you? You looked pretty close with the curly head guy!" She finished with a loud laugh.
"We were just talking" Brooke said, "got a bit further than poor Lisa though." She said chuckling
"Yeah, we really must find that girl a man!" Julie suggested, as the two of the girls met in agreement.
"Well this is me. I'm going to slip into bed. Good night darl." Brooke said to Julie.
"Good night Babe! I'll see you some time tomorrow." Julie responded. They kissed on the cheek and parted.

Julie wandered along and thought back to her night in the club, she didn't have that much to drink, she thought, wondering how far she did let herself go on the dance floor. She crossed the road and entered the small park that borders her house. Just then, she noticed something approaching from behind her, as she went to turn around however it quickly gathered pace, and before she knew it, a man were over her and forcing her down. She let out a scream, immediately though the man put a hand on her face and grunted in her ear,
"Shut the f**k up!" She kicked her legs and fought the man, but her strength were no match for his. Before she could imagine what trouble she was in, the man felt around her crotch and again grunted in her ear, she suddenly felt his fingers inside of her. Julie screamed again, but was whacked across the side of her face. She began whimpering, beside herself in shock. In an instant the man had undone his fly and was attempting to force himself inside of her. The moment felt like an entire poisoning of her system. In what should be a pleasurable experience, she now had this monster pushing in and out of her. After several thrusts, the man finished and pressed his body on hers. He pulled himself out of her, kneeled up, done up his fly and walked away hurriedly. In what came as a wicked flurry, the incident was over soon after it had begun, but a lasting pain settled over Julie's body and held her captive to the spot. She lay crying gently, completely in shock. The night began growing cold, after some time though Julie mustered the strength to move, putting her hands to the ground and raising herself up. She walked with a slight limp to her house, before finding the key to let herself in. 


Brant woke to the feeling of someone gently stroking his arm. He opened his eyes and was hit with an explosion of the previous night’s events. He looked at Carly with a warm smile but jointly felt the headache accompanying his hangover,
"Hi." he said to her, completely lost for words.
"How are you feeling?" She asked, noticing the grimace on his face.
"My head is pounding!" He stated, but went on "I haven't been out for so long, me and Kyle just went for it straight from the start." He said, thinking back to it himself. "How are you?" He finally asked,
"I'm okay. I wasn't drinking like you guys though." She said, still stroking Brant’s arm with her fingers. "We really hit it off last night!" Brant said, happy with where they were.
"Well until you fell asleep!" Carly replied with a chuckle.
"Do you think we should give it a try?" She asked, her face becoming more serious.
"What? Sex?" He wondered, not exactly sure what she meant.
“No, silly. Being a couple.” She said, with a tide of excitement.
“Let me think mate” Brant replied instinctively, not sure what to think. He paused for a moment and tried his best to escape the situation, “i’ve got a lot going on. Look i need to use the toilet, we’ll talk more in a minute.” He finished speaking, before getting up and stumbling his way to the bathroom. Carly placed her head back down, somewhat disappointed with the answer.

When he got back Carly were facing the opposite direction and looked as if she had gone back to sleep. Brant climbed back into the bed, but felt unsure if he should reach out and touch her. Suddenly, she flipped around and faced him with a slight smile on her face, appearing a little embarrassed.
“Babe, I’m happy you’re here” Brant met her intentions, “and I wouldn’t take back what’s happened. It’s just, I don’t know if I’m ready for a relationship.” He said, though was still not certain in his own thoughts.
“That’s fine.” She replied, “I don’t want to press you. I think it’s no secret that I like you, but I just think we could be more. Sleep on it.” she stated lastly, as though now questioning the possibility herself. She reached and stroked his fringe, giving a consoling smile. As though come over with supreme confidence, Brant reached over with both hands and picked up Carly by the waist, lifting her over top of him,
“Now where were we last night?” He said, as she burst out with laughter. Looking up at the smile and enjoyment on Carly’s face though, brought a flash in his mind of Julie and his time on the dance floor the previous night. Immediately he was filled with doubt and second thoughts in what he was doing. She reached in to kiss him, but he returned the kiss only half hearted. He placed her down feeling somewhat sickly, like his hangover truly started to take effect.
“What’s wrong?” Carly asked, not sure why Brant stopped.
“I’m feeling a bit sick.” He plainly said, considering a quick sprint back to the bathroom.
“We can just chill if you like.” She said, as she watched him intently.

The morning light gradually filled the room and brought with it much needed clarity for the pair.



Brant looked over the counter to see if there were anything else he'd like to buy, chocolate, chewing gum, throat lozenges,
"No, just the cigarettes, thank you." He said, handing across the money to the store clerk. After receiving his change, Brant walked out onto the sidewalk and lit a smoke. The sun was shining brightly and the day had just started becoming warm. He rolled up his sleeves and began walking towards his car, up ahead of him though he noticed someone sitting at a cafe. It was a friend of Julie’s. Instantly he began feeling that warm sensation she left him with on the night they met. He put out his cigarette and walked up ahead to pass on a message, but then realised that Julie was actually there as well. He took a deep breath and decided to approach them, seeing as it had been some time and he hadn't seen her.
"Hello" he said "I didn't think I was ever going to see you again."
"Hello." Julie said. Before another word was spoken however, Julie burst into tears. She stood up, brushed passed him and ran away, her friend chasing after her, giving Brant no chance to react,
"Julie!" Her friend called out. Brant stood there stunned, not sure if he should go after them or leave. He noticed they left some things behind, so he grabbed his cigarettes and lit up another. After a short amount of time Julie’s friend returned,
"I'm not sure what I did?" He spoke to her bemused.
"It's not you. Julie went through something traumatic. She's still dealing with it." She said plainly.
"Can I ask what happened?" Brant asked carefully.
"She was raped by a man near her house two months ago. Police still don't know who did It."
"I'm sorry. Can I help at all?" He asked, in a state of shock himself.
"No. Julie is slowly dealing with it and getting back to herself. She'll get there." Said the friend.
"Honestly though, I want to help. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. What can I do?" Brant spoke pleadingly
"Well I'm not sure." She replied.
"Here, well give her my number at least." He reached for his phone.
"I will." She said, punching the number into her phone.
"I'm Brant by the way." He introduced himself,
"Hi Brant, Brooke." Brant offered Brooke a coffee, hoping to talk, but she refused saying she had to go meet up with Julie. As they parted, Brant looked at Brooke in the eye and said,


Julie had been around the house all morning, doing nothing in particular, except circling the phone number that lay written on a piece of paper sat on her drawer. Would she call? Should she call? Maybe just text, but the rape had ruined anything that may have possibly been. Brooke though was so glowing in how she described his interest, maybe he will understand. After all, she couldn't not tell anyone what happened, pretend it didn’t. She had to go to the police. Did she do the right thing? The series of actions that followed the rape crossed her mind, as she painfully decided whether or not to call. Was she ready? She asked herself.  When in a frantic moment, as though releasing herself on a bungee jump, Julie picked up the number and dialled. The phone rang a second time, a third time, a fourth, all the while as she considered hanging up, until finally it answered
"Hello" the voice said, sounding like they'd picked up in the middle of work,
"Hello," Julie replied tentatively, "this is Julie. I'm calling for Brant."
"This is Brant," he said, his voice suddenly becoming excitable, "how are you? I was hoping you would call." He said
"I was reluctant, to be honest." Said Julie admittedly,
"Well I'm glad you did anyway." Brant felt almost like consoling her, but he wished to keep speed, "you were amazing at the club that night. I couldn't get you outta my mind. I honestly didn't think we were going to see each other again." He said finally, pausing to let her speak,
"I had a good time as well, I.. I've had some things happen that have had me bunkering down, so maybe that's why you didn't see me." She replied reluctantly, pushing the rape away in her mind.
"Yeah I'm sure" Brant spoke, "you should know, Brooke told me what happened. I'm sorry!" He said, but was hoping to avoid the incident,
"Oh yes, she told you." Julie said, immediately feeling embarrassed and somewhat violated again, feeling as though the exact details of the rape were laid out bare before them both, "I just hope they catch the guy." She said, as if to dismiss the incident to Brant,
"It's disgusting that people can do such things." Brant replied, feeling as though he were treading on eggshells, "how are you getting on?" He asked,
"I'm ok. I get easily frightened however. I think I'll just feel much better when I know the guy is locked away!" She shuddered at the thought of the culprit watching her in the streets.
"These people who do those sorts of things, they're freaks. It would of likely been opportunistic, I'm sure you'd have nothing to fear out there" Brant attempted to reassure her, equally disturbed at the thought of a rapist roaming freely on the streets though.
"Enough about this and me, how are you doing?" She asked, suddenly feeling like they'd touched the depths of her soul but that she knew very little about him,
"I'm good," he said, "well better now." He hoped not to come across as cheesy, "I'm really glad you called. We should meet up some time. I'm much better speaking in person." Brant said, hoping he wasn't being too forward.
"Yeah, perhaps." Julie replied tentatively,
"Listen I've just started a new job this week, I better get back to it. Can I call or text you later?" Brant asked, suddenly feeling like he was balancing on his tippy-toes.
"Ahhh, sure ok." Julie said, not exactly sure how she felt about it.
"Awesome!" Brant said, not hiding his delight, "I'll speak to you then Julie. Just don't think of me as some corny guy okay? Like at the club. I love life, I want to do something." He said finally, hoping to impress her.


Brant and Julie sat on her bed either side of a chess board. As Brant study the board and consider his next move, Julie equally studied his face, a smile overcoming her as she noted his friendly countenance.
“What are you going to do compadre?” She quizzed him jokingly. She had been playing against her parents seriously, but with Brant Chess seemed just a good idea to do something while they spoke. Recently Chess had become a mantra of sorts for her. If one learnt their movements, they could stay out of trouble, and ultimately succeed.
“I’ve got you right where I want you!” He replied, clearly lying, as Julie had a three piece advantage already,
“If you stall any longer, I’ll have to bring in the timer.” She said chuckling.
Brant looked up at her and his face became more serious,
“Maybe we could go out for a walk or a drive?” he suggested suddenly, something they hadn’t done together. Immediately, Julie’s head turned to face the window. He knew she’d remembered the rape. His heart sank.
“It’s not easy for me” she responded, tears welling in her eyes, “everything’s not as it was. Deep within us, we have these sanctuaries of peace that bring us guidance. It’s how we interpret the world.” She said. “Well mine was shattered! Totally violated! I don’t see myself as the same person anymore.”
“But you are!” Brant responded, “You are the same beautiful person I meet at the nightclub.” He attempted to comfort her, “these wounds can heal.”
“It’s like a hidden secret, everybody else going about their business, while I have to live with the shame.” She paused, Brant sitting silent and looking into her eyes, “I will never forget this.” She said finally.
“It happened, and I’m sorry to you. But I want to help you. We can get through this together.” He stood up and took Julie by the hand. She stood and they embraced. He gently motioned his face toward hers and kissed her on the cheek,
“I’m with you.” He said.
The evening passed on and the two of them were able to chat and share stories. Brant explained to Julie that in his life, everything happened for a reason. In losing his job he was able to meet her. 

© 2016 OCT

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems, what do you think of the dialogue. any advice would be appreciated

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This flowed nice and was easy to read! I actually read about half of it and then got cought up in other things, it was interesting enough to me that a few hours later while bored on my phone I thought to go back and finish It! I got a really good pictures of all the characters.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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Thanks. I've been afraid most have thought tltr. without wanting to spoil it, I just really wanted to discuss the issue of rape and show that it's ok to come forward. And really, to show that anyone can be affected, even the belle of the ball

Posted 8 Years Ago

This flowed nice and was easy to read! I actually read about half of it and then got cought up in other things, it was interesting enough to me that a few hours later while bored on my phone I thought to go back and finish It! I got a really good pictures of all the characters.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 14, 2016
Last Updated on December 14, 2016



I don't have any writing friends and wanted to share my work. Hopefully, will receive some feedback more..

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