It's What They Do

It's What They Do

A Story by Aileen

They walk down the dusty roads

They hold their guns at ready

Safety always off

Ready for anything

And everything

They fight for our freedom

Only to be disgraced

By their fellow Americans

Ones that take everything for granted

They preserve our freedom

And get little

If anything in return

And yet they go back again and again
No one made them join up

No one made them go over seas

But if they didn't...


We wouldn't still be here today

And instead of asking your self

Why are we fighting this war

And instead of cursing the president

For getting us into this war

You'd be asking why we didn't fight back

And you'd be cursing him for

Not getting us into this war 

Aileen Maltese 7/07/08

© 2009 Aileen

Author's Note

i dont agree with everything that he's done. but i don't care if u agree with this. but our soldiers and marines over seas nead ur support cause there fighting for u.

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Very well written! If you type this into Microsoft Word or use a Mozilla Firefox browser you would catch the multitude of spelling errors.

Thank you for submitting it to my Support our Support contest. Unfortunately, this piece cannot be considered as it is a free form poem.

You did a brilliant job, thought!


Posted 15 Years Ago

Like you, I don't agree with everything President Bush has done, and even if someone doesn't agree with the war, it makes me sick when they disgrace the American military. Not every person who disagrees with the war disgraces the Armed Forces, but some do, and I don't quite know why. These people signed up for the military under their own free will, and when duty calls, they accept it. Anyway, I just hope that our soldiers will come home safely (when they do come home, which will be relatively soon as it seems to be amongst the higher priority topics of Obama's polices).

There are quite a few spelling errors though. I do not wish to be a spelling/grammar Nazi, but if doing this helps your spelling, then hell, I'm going to do it (corrections are in CAPS):

they walk down the dusty roads
they hold THEIR guns at ready
SAFETY always off
ready for anything
and everything
they fight for our freedom
only to be DISGRACED
by THEIR fellow Americans
ones that take everything for granted
they PRESERVE our freedom
and get little
if anything in return
and yet they go back again and again
no one made them join up
no one made them go over seas
but if they didn't...

we wouldn't still be here TODAY
and instead of asking YOURSELF
why are we fighting this war
and instead of cursing the president
for getting us into this war
you'd be asking why we didn't fight back
and you'd be cursing him for
not getting us into this war

Since this is poetry, capitalization and punctuation doesn't have to conform to formal English, but above are some spelling errors I noticed. Don't worry, the older you get the better your spelling will become. Reading is a great way of becoming a better speller, as you become used to the way words are spelled. I'm sure you already know this, but you know, I figured I'd throw it in there for the hell of it :D

Posted 16 Years Ago

while i don't agree with everything you've written because you're not seeing the entire picture i do agree that no one should blame our armed forces for following orders and doing their job.

always good to see the youth take a stand and speak out in what they believe tho!

Faerie Blessings!

--faerie whisper (breaking the silence...)

PS: not sure why you'd want to be a sniper/assassin , but please consider that career path thoroughly and all that it will entail on your psyche and the memories you'll be forced to endure for a lifetime.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I agree 100% with what you have here. As a Nation we have forgotten that the enemy declared WAR on us many years ago. They will not stop until we are gone. Not every Musslem is the enemy, but the hate filled extremist must be dealt with now. . . . or everything we know and love will be gone.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 7, 2008
Last Updated on March 7, 2009



Long Island, NY

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