so it be.

so it be.

A Poem by Alice Rathburn

Something written on a sleepless night when she wasn't with me.

were my love a star 
    suspended within space 
    i would fly to see her 
    and leave my body there 
  were she let lie 
    so close to all the earth 
    i would rest beneath the roots 
    and leave my body there 
and so it be 
  with the sirens singing above 
    serenading her in sleep 
    i will crawl beneath the sea silt 
    and leave our bodies there.

© 2015 Alice Rathburn

Author's Note

Alice Rathburn
Please keep your comments honest. It's all I ask.

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Poetry is spoken from the heart. That is what I feel is written here. It is emotion.
I think this is a good work.
Keep writing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Alice Rathburn

9 Years Ago

Thank you for such kind words. They are greatly appreciated.

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1 Review
Added on September 28, 2015
Last Updated on September 28, 2015
Tags: love, relationship


Alice Rathburn
Alice Rathburn


It's nearly impossible to tell anyone about me with a few sentences. I'm multi-faceted and confusing and, as my partner says, 'impossibly difficult.' It's not that I try to be, at least not actively. .. more..
