What runs from these moments, leaning in to adjust towards the sun, serving in to settle on a sum of steel, a hood then sixteen surely it was never meant for escaping into a talk or discussions in some polarized cafe, but instead for making just the footage from the film, pictures of where I was aiming, or at least I thought… always the after-sweat of everything, that gleam that gathers into the gathering droplets of dew, up on that steel hood with questions for what will become when everything turns into some lost over easy or into, what should have been coffee and rum once the news and tomorrow arrives, being announced in the suburbs calamity when then in our consciousness rehearsed, the next best backdrop defines our soliloquy from the woods of the once landscaped young Yukon free Whitehorse~
Our younger selves looking forward to dreams while daydreaming about them without a care in the world. Looking back we often think what if but those ifs can’t be changed in the past only in the present.
This to me is a conscious thought put on paper; the drifting and thinking from past, present and future.
Peering into a beautifully enfleshing of the interplay between thought and reality, the fleeting nature of moments, and the introspective journey we all undertake. 👍🏻🙏🏻🕊
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Between thought and reality… Well, for a poet I don’t think there is necessarily a distinction b.. read moreBetween thought and reality… Well, for a poet I don’t think there is necessarily a distinction between the two ,do you?
Certainly reality for those that see only two dimensionally, it begins and ends with the idea of thought and thinking, but reality? That’s the part where the poet comes in and says, “Excuse me, but I think you’ve got it all wrong here. That may appear to be a wall but in essence it was just love of a man that built his thoughts out a long time ago and I counted every last brick before I even arrived, I learnt of his life and when he died. The reality was only what they tried to put on him when they said build this wall I think what he built was conceptually the idea far off from a partition but rather a white tribute to a fresco and three dimensions layered by his thoughts of what the universe hung between his mind and the nothingness that others believed to actually exist and keep them from here or there. Come take a look at all the nothingness that exists in my space ” I love the idea though . What is between reality and thought? I think we may have to take ourselves on tour and go across the world digging out the answers from everyone that cares to show up with imaginations. Wonderful!
If I remain beyond the hour, I'll try and bring more, but more to the barrel of truth, as noble and silent as I can muster and for those who may not know, I chose long ago to use this name "Perdition".. more..