An image:
Streets filled in carmine
Spanish red and the taste of neon grit
Questions follow questions down to the paradox
While homeless as a drop I walk
Unbalanced in my heritage-
Bricks written dry
Rivers of words scribbled onto
The pages
of leather-
I hear her rain pouring from inside,
The streets screaming
All that is desiderata has entered
A place, free of faces,
Yet still burdened with names-
I turn to the ghostly road
A specter in the lens
I live in a world that doesn’t exist
Lips torn from the backseat of night
Graven and headlong
Desperate as a fool myself
Unsightly in the night alone
Wounds forgotten, asleep up in the room
White as the whitest rose, moonlit -
Alive in nothing but a gallery of one
And perhaps a few random visions-
All that captures night and sleep empties me
Light walks ahead
The street ripples
My thoughts lost in the distance as
Each brick waters the grave and fondles my milieu.