![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by PenguinEmpiress![]() SORRY! i FORGOT TO POST IT ON FRIDAY!![]() Chapter 1 Bright white light shone down over the bask and the lonesome city of Agrus. Its streets of stone and dirt were crowded by the hundreds of people that lived amongst the slums of the outer layers of the city. Its walls were high and streets narrow, almost impossible to navigate. Brown and tattered rags substituted as roofs for many outside markets and buildings, protecting the residents and market produce. The open blue sky was clouded with gloomy dark clouds coming in from the west, yet people continued with their daily chores and duties. Lightning struck down at the ground miles away, but the thunder that followed was loud and angry. The dark shadow of the ground slowly crept over the desert ground outside of the city, shrinking the distance with between it and the city. The young girl walked through the crowded streets, wearing rags for clothes and cloth as a cloak to keep her warm. Her rose red hair curled and frizzy, cut short and practically tied up into a ponytail to allow her to move around freely without worrying about it too much. Her green eyes just seemed to drift over everything, the people and produce of the markets, the ruined streets and buildings. Her hand occasionally drifting out and gliding over the fruits and vegetables of the markets. Never grabbing and running, though, just slowly gliding over. She doesn’t take the opportunity as the owner turns away and instead walks on with no stolen produce. She pulls to the side and heads down a naked and empty alley. Leaning against the wall, she takes a breath and holds her chest before looking over to the many people walking by, just before she walks off throwing a stolen apple into the air and catching it before it falls too far. She walked for several minutes, drifting between streets and alleys and avoiding soldiers and police that were sectioned all over the streets. Coming to the old but familiar wall covered in scratched tally marks, with the most recent having only three.
Grabbing hold of the rusted rail that stood off to the right side of the wall. Pulling herself up the railing, not paying any heed to the creak and struggle of the rail as it moved around from its position. As she reached the top, she pulled herself up and her legs over the ledge before walking over to her makeshift house of stone and wood. As she reached the door of the structure, a loud crack of thunder broke over the sky, caused her to turn around and look over at the creeping storm that was only minutes away from coming full force over the city. Her eyes flinched over the clouds as a black shape moved through them. But she just took it as a figure of her imagination when nothing happened and instead walked inside her home, shredding off her cloak as she went while pinning the cloth of a door down with nails in the wall, to somewhat save her home from the approaching storm. She pulled her ponytail out and felt her curls fall over her back in a mess, just as she fell back onto her wooden bed, with dirtied sheets and a coverless pillow. She roughly rolled over onto her other side and faced the wall and just listened… to the pouring rain… the thundering thunder and cracking lightning… Steadily she started to drift off… entering a dreamlike state as rain droplets started to drip from the roof of her home, leaking over the stone floor. Just as her eyes closed and her mind cleared, thunder rumbled over the top of her, it didn’t wake her. She was too far gone into her dream for anything to wake her at this point. It rained for hours, droplets drippings from rags of rooves and puddles forming over the ground, in muddy messes. Lightning stroke around the city and the occasional strike of a wood beam that would cause a whole store to fall in. It remained the same for hours, before there was a loud: CRASH! Apparent to the loud rumbles and strikes of the lightning, the smashing sound woke the girl from her sleep in a startle, as if it were a nightmare. She frankly looked around her home of stone, taking in all the water over the floor and the flapping of the rag door. Steadily she stood and quickly ran over to the rag door, grabbing hold of the drenched corners and sides of it and pulling it down with all her strength. But just as she kneeled down to nail it into the wall, she looked outside, at the storm. In shock she let go of the rag door and it blow up again, forced by the wind. In front of her own home, the walls and buildings had been completely destroyed by something of a large size! She quickly grabbed her drenched cloak and stumbled out of the doorway and into the strong winds, that pushed her skinny body around as the rain pelted down like bullets. Gripping her cloak with all her strength to ensure it didn’t fly away, she came to the edge next to the stair rail and cautiously looked over and down. What she saw made her fall back onto her backside with a horrid look over her face and she tried to move away from the edge of the building roof. When nothing seemed to rise up over the edge, she seemed to calm and collect herself, forcing herself up onto her legs once more and with all the courage of stealing an apple, she walked back over the edge of the roof and steadily she got onto her knees and looked over suspiciously. A massive crater had dragged on from a mile away and stopped just at her wall of tally marks. The streets were wrecked, the road was torn up and a single rag laid flat against the rubble. Her eyes slowly drifted towards the creature, while her heart pounded in her chest. They fell upon the red scales and the slowly lifting tail. She felt her breaths quicken harshly and her legs give way slightly under her. The low grumbles of the steady stream of smoke lifting from its nose, was all she need to know that it was alive. She froze suddenly; the bright orange of its eye, had revealed itself and just looked itself on her. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of it: it terrified her. Clumsily she stood onto her feet but still looked at the beast. She watched its head fall to the ground slightly and its eye fall forward, looking but seemed blank. She steadily backed up from the edge and headed back to her home, but something stopped her when she reached the door. Her hand gripped the frame of the stone of her home and she couldn’t help but look over her shoulder, as she felt a strong sense of protection; but her fear, held her back. She crashed her eyes closed and gripped the doorframe that little bit tighter. The water of the rain ran down her face and over her back, but that’s when she felt this strange sense behind her. Quickly she turned around to face the sight of a bright light of gold that looked light stars in the night sky. She ran over to the edge of the building and looked over the side. Lights beamed everywhere in the rain, she watched in awe of the sight before her. It was so hot to look at, but she couldn’t look away at the beast. Slowly the lights disappeared and in the beast’s place, laid the creature of small size, and almost looked as if it didn’t belong among all the chaos. For some reasons her brain just seemed to stop working as she jumped off the side of the building, landing right next to the small creature. She seemed to lose all fear of the beast as she closed in on it. She quickly looked around at the surrounding area before getting any closer. Sighting a wood beam, she walked over and " while struggling " snapped a large stick over her kness; which after several minutes she snapped down into a twig size of a stick. She cautiously went back over to the red beast and while extending the stick gently poked it in the hid of its scales. It didn’t flinch or even move, so she poked it once more and it still didn’t move. So in all her reluctant she dropped the stick by throwing it away and instead walked slowly and quietly towards the beast. She crunched down swiftly next to it and have it a quick glance over with her eyes before they fell over the beast’s small head. It was probably the size of a small cat, just with claws and scales like a snake. Gently and hesitantly she reached out towards the creature, and softly touches it over the scales. Shockingly to her, they were quite soft in comparison to what they looked. She gently started to pat the beast down its back and head, as she slowly became more comfortable around the creature. But the moment was cut short at the sudden scream of a roar. She flinched away from the little beast and fell back onto her backside again, but her mind wasn’t thinking anything of it and instead was looking frantically into the sky, amongst the clouds for any sort of movement that was irregular. The sounds of flapping wings reached her ears, but her eyes could not find the source of the noise. It was making her heart leap into her throat from the unknown source. But then it was revealed… It’s golden plated chest cracked through the gloomy clouds, along with glistening gold claws. Her breath just seemed to catch in her throat at the sight of the massive beast. It was golden like the sun, every single scale was bright and shinning and its blue eyes seemed to pierce through her like ice shards. She watched stiffly as the beast slowly lowered itself to the ground and the closer it became the more she felt herself freeze up on the spot. Her breath harshly left her lungs, but in her head was a chaotic mess of yelling and screaming. The golden beast was only metres from landing and she still hadn’t moved. She slowly looked over her shoulder at the small creature. Her breath just hitched as she felt the powerful gusts of wind from the golden beast’s wings. And instead… She ran… She dratted down and ran over to the crumbling building. She sat leaning against a pillar looking away from the scene. Then she heard it… The sudden sound of heavy claws meeting the ground of the crater. She heard the hard breath from the beast and shakily looked passed the pillar and at the beast. A being dressed in black, jumped from the back of the beast. Their hood fell back, but it was quickly shoved back on by a gloved hand, only the slight glance of blonde and blue was caught in the quick action. The believed human, walked towards the little creature with large paces and stopped just a single step from it. The silver of a blade slide from the black of the cloak and was brought before the being, held in a strange but strong grip. The being let down onto one knee before the creature and held the blade above their head, as the little beast’s chest rose and fell… I don’t know what made me do it… It felt as if something had just taken over as I ran out from behind that pillar of a safe haven. I don’t know what made me think I could do anything to help…. This…. This beast that had managed to crumble and destroy so much of my home in the slums. But, I guess…. When you don’t leave a very exciting life…. You wish for some sort of excitement, no matter what it is…. And I guess that’s what made me do it…. I wanted a new life…. That I didn’t know I needed…. And so… I ran… Lightning flashed across the skies of gloomy, dark clouds and rain pelted down in heaps of drops, while the wind howled in streams to the moon. The grounds were coated with a thin layer of water and the droplets made no sound as they come in contact with it. But the sudden splashing of water broke that silent sanctuary. And there she stood. Her arms out and her legs spread as she stood her ground between the being and the creature. The golden beast growled harshly under its breathe, but stopped as the being stood in front of her. Their face embedding itself into her brain, as they back away from her and towards their golden beast. The knife staying flat on the ground, near the creature, droplets pelting off of it. For what seemed like hours they stood there. Facing each other. Her breath raging and theirs calm. But then they retreat… grabbing the spine of the beast and pulling themselves up onto its back. The beast stood for an extra second glaring down at her, steam rising up into the raining sky. But then… They were gone. Like the wind, the beast had flown off into the clouds and disappeared, while she still stood there, her breath struggling to find closure. And then she fell to her knees. Her breath coming up and out like she had just been choking on water. She sat there panicking for several moments before thoughts ran through her head and this was one of them… My name is Rosaline…. And I almost died! © 2017 PenguinEmpiressAuthor's Note
Added on January 23, 2017 Last Updated on January 23, 2017 Author![]() PenguinEmpiressQLD, AustraliaAbout'Do not pity yourself. If you wallow in self pity, life will be an endless nightmare' ~ Dazai Osamu I'm a loner .o./ Guess i should write something other than that, hey? :p. Ok lets see, I pers.. more..Writing