Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by PenguinEmpiress

The story begins with this chapter. #TRIGGERWARNING doesn't really need on, but there's a little bit of Gore and Blood


Chapter 2

The basking sun burns down onto the dry and empty land, scorching it even further. Small rocks flick into the air as feet drag along the ground, creating a trail behind each step. Her hand holds rifle at her side as she take leveled steps, along with brushing the hair out of her eyes " or on her face. Her eyes dart around her surrounding taking in the view and position of both her companions.

Felix - A young blonde man with stormy grey eyes - stood over a mountain of rubble from one of the many fallen building from when the government bombed the town to get rid of the zombies. He was scouting the area before 

they could proceed, ‘just in case’ he would always say, even though he knew that they wouldn’t be any.

Milly’s - a dark haired and ice blue - view twitched at the feeling of a stone hitting her boot and vibrating onto her leg. Behind her was her other companion, Thomas or Tommy as they called him - he was tall, brunette and had green eyes like a forest. He was looking around, up at the sky and down at the ground: bored out of his mind. Milly growled under her tongue when Tommy’s dragging became louder, she could hear the rocks hitting his shoes before being thrown to who knows where.

Milly stopped in her track and turn to face Tommy. Taking notice of her stopping Tommy stopped as well and shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked at her through his long brown hair " that hadn’t been cut in months.

“Must you really?!” Milly asked with a tone of seriousness her stone cold eyes glaring at him

“Must I what?” Tommy snapped back at her

“You drag your feet like it’s a chore! Stop!” Milly snapped back with just as much force.

Tommy just snorted at her and continued to drag his feet past her, catching up to Felix who had just come down from the rubble to meet them. Felix looked over their faces when Milly had also walked over to him. They looked sour.

“You two look as if you’ve eaten a bucket full of lemons” Felix said toward the two

“….” They stayed silent and looked away from each other

“I thought we were 21, not 2?” Felix said with a sigh before turning on his heel

He took two large steps and then went back to his normal stride length. Tommy and Milly chased after him, Tommy yelling out to him “I’m 22!” and Milly yelling at Tommy “Then act it!” Felix couldn’t help but sigh at the two, to him they acted as if they were toddlers fighting over toy " of course he’d never tell them that.

Pulling at the strap of the bag that laid on his back Felix slows his pace for the other two. They were close to an abandoned town that had no sign or name. Naturally Milly and Tommy went quiet as the three enter the town.

Cars were rusted and abandoned on the side of the street, windows were broken in both cars and building, some building had even fallen to the ground from the bombings. Walking through, they conclude that the place was completely deserted, so they split apart but were still within sight range and talking distance.

Milly kicks a piece of rubble as she walks down the road of the unnamed town. She keeps her composed and calm demeanour, until she stand on something and hears a quiet squeak come from under her foot. She lifts her foot off the doll and leans down still keeping a tight grip on her rifle. She picks up the dirtied doll and dusts it off slightly - letting go of her gun. Looking down at the doll she could tell it belonged to some child and had been dropped in the riot of fear that came through this town.

She gives the doll a soft squeeze and then blinks several times before placing the doll onto a cleaner and flatter piece of rubble, Milly moves on.  

Looking around Tommy softly whistles to himself as he walks through a falling apart building. The sound bounces off the walls and echoes up and out of the holes in the roof. Some of the wall crumbles when his steps echo through them. Tommy watches as the walls crumble in some corners but not others. Stopping in front of one of the broken pillars, Tommy feels the cracks and bumps with the palm of his hand.

Feeling it over his hand comes across a symbol, it was scratched into the pillar with what looked like the gash of a knife’s blade. His fingers traced the mark over the pillar, it was a bizarre symbol it took the shape of a Z but then had a simple line through it. It was simple but confusing to Tommy, he had no idea what it meant. He removed his hand from the mark and walked past the pillar without much thought being given to it.

Walking out of the building, Tommy comes out into the burning sunlight, the glare shines over his eyes making him put his hand over his forehead to block it out. Looking over the land, Tommy notices that it just goes back out into the hot dry and empty land. Taking a sip of his canteen Tommy heads back into town walking over a pile of rubble this time instead of through the building.

Jumping down the rubble as it slips under his feet, Tommy hits the ground heavily and turns to look at the rubble pile. Noticing the doll that he had accidentally hit to the ground in his jump, he picks it up and dusts it off; placing it where he believed that it was previously - even though he didn’t see where it was before. As Tommy waits he sits down on a stable slab of rubble, looking over at the directions that the other two had gone.

Walking through the old and ruined graveyard, Felix gets the chills looking at the massive holes in the ground that those creatures would have climbed out of. He comes across a grave that has no hole in the ground, and comes to the thought that it was an empty grave or it was just a skeleton down under. Kneeling down in front of the stone grave, Felix runs his fingers over the name that had long gone and disappeared.

A slight breeze blew through, making the trees groan and the leaves shutter. Felix decides that he’s scared himself enough for the day and starts heading back towards the intersection in the road that they had split up in. Grabbing the gate of the graveyard Felix shuts it behind him as he crosses the street towards an old financial building with a blown in door.

Glass was shattered everywhere and so was the blood. There were no bodies but it still rank like death and corpses. Hearing the glass crunch under his boots Felix stepped through the smashed and broken sliding doors. After his eyes drifted from the door’s sharp glass shards, Felix notices Tommy sitting and leaning over the rubble. Walking over to him, Felix and Tommy both hear Milly walk from down the street with the sound chains rattling.

Looking at Milly the boys notice her with chains over her shoulder, handling it as if it was lasso. The both just gave her strange looks, for neither had any ideas what it was for. Coming to a stop in front of the two, Milly keep both her hands on the chain with the rifle over her shoulder - not too far from her hand. Tommy was still sitting on the rubble when he asked her:

“So, what’s the chain for?” Felix had the same question in his head but was a much more reluctant to ask.

“There’s an old rust bucket of a car just around the corner. It’s stuck in a ditch - and a window” Milly said this with a very deadpan look over her face. Tommy stood at this.

“So the chain’s to move an actual car. Out of a window?” He asked, his hands again shoved into his pocket.

“That was the idea. Unless you like walking?” She snapped at him.                     

He didn’t give her a direct answer “So, where is it?”

“Like I said, around the corner” Milly stated, going back to her deadpanned look.

Your around the corner, is different to my around the corner” Tommy stated just as deadpanned as her.

She just glared at him and turned on her heel and headed down the street again with the chain rattling behind her. Felix and Tommy reluctantly followed behind her, Felix letting out a sigh and Tommy an irritated sound of frustration.

Milly turns the first corner down the street and the boys follow, finding that the street actually wasn’t all that badly damaged compared to the rest of the city " besides the large crack in the ground. Looking down the street the boys see Milly standing by the old car that was smashed into the window and its front wheels were actually down in a ditch, and like she had said it really was just around the corner -she even states this to Tommy to rub salt into the wound.

“Well how do you plan we move it anyway? It’s not like we’re superman!” Tommy commented as he watches Milly drop the chain onto the ground with a loud rattle.

“We use the thing in your head called a brain, genius” Milly said with sarcasm but still neutral voice

“Milly, I don’t really see how we’re going to move this car. For all we know it’s probably got a leak after all this time” Felix suddenly says, taking a step towards Milly and the car.

“It doesn’t” She stated simply

“How do you know for su-“He was cut off

“I checked” She states as she looks into the car through the back seat window.

“Oh yea. Well does it run?” Tommy cut in just as Milly smashed the back seat window with her elbow.


“Dunno?” Tommy snapped “Why move a car, when you don’t even know if it runs!”

Milly smashed the opposite window with her elbow again and didn’t take much notice of Tommy’s complaints as he went on about moving a car that they didn’t even know if actually worked. Milly stuck her hand into the car and felt around for the handle of the door " didn’t have a lock on the back door. Feeling the handle she opened the door and left it open and going back to the chain.

She picked it up and went through the door and climbed over the back seats and throwing it through the other window and yelling out to Felix.

“Felix, grab the chain!” She yelled

Felix grabbed hold of the chain and Milly reappeared at the other side of the car. She closed the door - having put all the chain inside the car - and grabbed the chain end that was resting on the seat. Evening it out, the two stood side by side with the chain in hand.

“Tommy, go start the car” Milly ordered. Tommy turned around and look at her as if saying ‘are you serious?’ and Milly returns the looks and Tommy reluctantly - omplaining the whole way - but actually goes to the car and sticks his hand through the broken back window and unlocks the front door.

Getting into the car Tommy looks over the wheel, gear stick and the three pedals and doesn’t neglect the fact that the center light flashes on at the opening of the door. Surprisingly to Tommy the keys are actually still in the ignition. Pressing in the clutch Tommy turns the key and holds it, as the car makes its pathetic wake up call. Tommy lets go of the keys when he hear the car running probably and it continues to run after he’d let go.

Hearing the static of the radio and the roar of the engine when he presses on the accelerator, Tommy lets out a laugh and claps his hands in pure joy of the sound of the car. Knocking the gear stick into reverse and letting the handbrake down Tommy yells out to Milly and Felix.

“I’m ready to go! You ready!?” Tommy yelled

Felix yells out a “yeah” and the two start to pull the chains and Tommy slams on the accelerator making the back wheels spin like crazy. Felix and Milly pull at the chains more as they feel the car start to move slightly. The wheels make furious sounds as they dig into the dirt of the ditch and its back wheels up in the air.

Pulling down on the chain Milly and Felix somehow manage to pull the back wheels down to the ground. Being cautious of the car now the two move out of the way of the car in case it suddenly reverses. Pulling the chains harder Milly and Felix hear the car hit the ground and then the screaming of tires as it reverses into a close shave with another building, but stops suddenly before the build as it had hit a phone-box.

Pulling the gear stick into neutral Tommy takes his foot off the clutch and leans back into the chair and takes a deep few breaths. Felix had fallen when the car had hit the ground and dropped the chain and was now sitting on the ground breathing hard, and Milly leaning on a tree trying to catch her breath.

Tommy lets out a cheer and looks over at Felix and then Milly from the corners of his eyes and all three start to laugh, not just that the fact that they had found a working car, but at the fact that they had successfully removed it and got it working.

Tommy gets out of the car and leans on the bonnet as Felix and Milly head over in his direction walking over the skid marks from the tires of the car.

“How much fuel’s left?” Felix asks when he catches his breath

“Bit less than half a tank” Tommy states, crossing his arms.

“Where’s the closet servo?” Milly asks with a hitch in her voice as she swallows

“You mean service station?” Tommy corrects

“Dunno. Normally on the edge of town, aren’t they?” Felix answers stopping Milly and Tommy from starting another fight.

“Let’s just go to the exit of this dump of a town and find out, shall we? Cause there wasn’t one on the way in” Tommy states with a slight irritation in his voice

“You’re driving” Milly states quickly and walking round the back seat of the car " throwing the chain next to her, for just in case. Felix goes round to Milly’s side and gets into the front passenger seat - placing his bag at his feet - and Tommy just gets back into the driver’s seat.

“Why not take the front. Milly?” Felix asks looking over his shoulder at her

“Cause if something came through the window - from his terrible driving - it’ll hit the front passenger first” Milly states bluntly

Felix just slowly turns back around with wide eyes and looked at Tommy as if saying ‘please drive slow’ Tommy didn’t pay his expression any heed and just stepped on the clutch and moved the gearstick into first and let’s down the hand break. Letting the clutch off slowly Tommy pressed on the accelerator a bit too slow, as the car bunny hopped and then stalled. Tommy heard a snort come from his left and noticed Felix with his hand over his mouth and looking out the window.

Tommy mumbled something under his breath along the lines of ‘stupid car….stupid Felix… stupid….stupid’. Pushing the clutch in again Tommy turned the keys, he lets go of them and hits the accelerator and turns the wheel to the right to head down the direction that they had came. Coming to the intersection and on instinct Tommy flicked on the blinker and turn down to the left and avoiding the rubble that was laying all over the road.

Driving down the road they get a good and quicker look at the whole structure of the town. It was a small town and most of the larger buildings had collapsed down from bombs and from possibly crazed crowds. The land was so brown and dry, and there was barely any trees that actually had leaves.

Passing the last buildings and onto the open road, Tommy put more pressure onto the accelerator and the car sped up.

“Keep an eye out for a service station” Tommy yelled, his voice running away with the wind from the broken windows.

Milly hair blew all over the place as she look out the front window. Through her eyes all she could see was an open and barren land that had nothing in it. The chain rattled next to her as she leaned against the door and laid her legs out over the back seat and over the chain and looked out the broken window.

Placing his elbow on the door ledge, Felix looks out into the distance looking for anything that resembled that of a building….

An hour pasted when Felix - who was partly nodding off - finally noticed a dark shape in the distance.

“Oi” Felix sat up and tapped Tommy arm and Milly’s knee

“There. In the distance” He concluded

Tommy look in the general direction but also on the road, while Milly sat up and looked over the shoulders of the two boys.

The shape got bigger and clearer, the closer they got. Though it was still so far away, it was starting to become clear in their minds that it was indefinitely a service station - or servo as Milly would say. When it came into clear view and was a decent 200metres away from them, Tommy knocked down one gear to slow the car, they all felt the car pull back as it forced itself to slow.

Come to a slow, Tommy pulls the car into the service station and towards the closest browser. Dropping into first gear and pulling up the hand break, Tommy thought of removing the keys but instead decided not to.

“I’ll keep the car running. You two, check this place out - anything that’s not meant to be here: we leave” Tommy states and the two just get out of the car, holding up the rifle and handgun, Felix and Milly slowly walk around the service station.

Taking cover by the bowser, Milly holds the gun out in front of herself; looking through the gaps for any movement besides Felix. Felix had his handgun prepared and safety off as he crouched down near a sightly moving sign.

They moved in closer towards the building, keeping low, avoiding the chance of being seen. Milly held her back to the wall and look up before turning her head to Felix and when he also returned the look, she moved her rifle slightly towards the glass doors signally him to go first. Felix looked up through the glass best he could and when he saw nothing move he moved closer to the door and actually got quite the fright when they moved and slide open for him.

Standing up, Felix holds his gun out in front of himself, keeping his ears and eyes pilled: He takes a slow step into the building. Glass cracks under his boots as his full weight falls down on his foot. He takes a steady step further into the building before signalling to Milly through the window that it was all clear for her to enter.

Milly - just as cautiously - enters the building. She holds her rifle at the ready and slowly makes her way to Felix in small steps. As Milly reaches Felix he takes a step away from her and his foot hits a can, making it roll over the floor. Milly stiffens at the sound and Felix’s eyes trace the whole place movement or anything out of the ordinary.

A minute passes and Milly lets her shoulders fall and un-tense. Pulling her rifle over her shoulder Milly walks past Felix and towards the cold section of the building " or what used to be the cold section.

Felix goes toward the sliding doors and gives Tommy the thumbs up and hears the car come to a standstill silence. Felix walks over the broken glass again and heads down one of the rows of food.

Walking down the line, Felix notices the flickering of the light above him. He thought of it as strange, this place had obviously been abandoned for a while from the look of the damage. Looking over at Milly, he notices her tense over again.

“What’s wrong?” he calls from his spot, as he takes a step towards her.

“This milk. It’s not out of date.” Milly holds the milk up to Felix, and sure enough he reads the date.

“What are you trying to say Milly?” Felix tenses slightly and his mind clouds.

“I’m thinking we should leave this place. Right now.” She says with a strained voice

Milly drops the milk when they hear a stack of barrels tumble over. Running out the glass sliding door, they see Tommy standing by the driver seat door looking down the road. When another barrel smashes into the ground, Tommy turns around to see Milly and Felix coming towards him.

“What’s the rush. You said it was clear?” Tommy questioned, as he grabbed Felix’s arm.

“We need to go. There’s something here.” Felix answers, just as something moans and comes from around the corner. The three turn to look at the groaning man - he had blood oozing down his left leg and his left arm flapped by his side. He lifted his head and seemed to groan something out towards the three.

“Don’t leave…….eat…… me.” The man groan as he took a step towards the three, they all shifted back a step.

“We- we need to go.” Felix grabbed Tommy’s hand off of his arm.

“Don’t go………stay.

The man came right at them with hungry content to eat their liver and end their lives. The three got behind the car as the man reached them. Milly stood with her rifle ready and just as the man locked eyes with her: She froze. His eyes were pure white and empty and it had frightened her by surprise, she took a shot and nipped his neck " blood poured out of the wound.

Grabbing Milly’s arm Tommy pulled her back and Felix followed. The man moved around the car and groaned as his eyes locked onto the three. Milly loaded her rifle again and straightened her shot until it was in line with his head.

She pressed down and heard a click: She pulled the trigger.

The man’s body fell to the ground in a heap and groaned. His fingers twitched and his eyes returned to his original set. Walking past the body, Milly grabbed Felix’s gun from his hand - her’s being over her shoulder - and shot them man in the head again. The twitching stopped and Milly handed Felix his gun back and walked through the red liquid that was now pouring from the open hole in the man’s head.

Felix avoided looking at the man’s head and just stepped over the blood and went back to the car. Getting into the driver’s seat, Tommy felt the car shift as Milly and Felix both got in a little after each other. Tommy turned to Milly - who was in the back seat again " and said:

“You’re really sadistic, you know that?” Milly just looked at him and then out the window as she rested her feet back on the chains that stayed rested on the seat. Tommy turned back around and started the car again, letting out the clutch and pressing on the accelerator, Tommy drove the car around the body and back out onto the open road….

© 2016 PenguinEmpiress

Author's Note

Finished this just today at 11:16pm so happy!! hope you guys like. I did a quick edit so there may be a few mistakes - I'm hoping i got them all in that short edit.

Bowser - is what Aussie call the petrol thingy at service stations (where you get your petrol from)
Servo - What Aussies call a service station
Around the corner - could literally mean anywhere to an Aussie (especially me)

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Featured Review

lmao aussie's unite! also caN I JUST SAY THAT I SCREAMED WHEN MILLY WAS INTRODUCED, HER PERSONALITY IS AMAZING AND I LOVE TOMMY AND FELIX REST MY SOUL. This chapter is even better than the last! It's really, really capturing. I kept screaming during lunch (and got plenty of odd looks), it's honestly fantastic.
and I may or may not low-key ship Milly and Tommy what is wrong with me :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

AHHHH!!! YAH!! THANK YOU!!!! THIS HAS MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!! Tommy and Milly 😏 has so been taken int.. read more


Lol I wish I could give as good as a review as Michelle did. XD But of course I can't that is impossible and would consider being copyrighted. But yes what she said is true and Milly does have an amazing personality you can tell just by the way she acts that she is someone you do not want to piss off. And I too ship Milly and Tommy. And I reckon you should do a gay relationship because well gay couples are adorable and introduce a new character for Felix.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

O.o that would be creepy! But since i've told both of you about my dream, I'd say you probably/maybe.. read more

8 Years Ago

Yeah well this story is a bit different from what you told me but you didn't really tell me much o I.. read more

8 Years Ago

that's good that means you have no idea what I'm planning. Brilliant!!!
lmao aussie's unite! also caN I JUST SAY THAT I SCREAMED WHEN MILLY WAS INTRODUCED, HER PERSONALITY IS AMAZING AND I LOVE TOMMY AND FELIX REST MY SOUL. This chapter is even better than the last! It's really, really capturing. I kept screaming during lunch (and got plenty of odd looks), it's honestly fantastic.
and I may or may not low-key ship Milly and Tommy what is wrong with me :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

AHHHH!!! YAH!! THANK YOU!!!! THIS HAS MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!! Tommy and Milly 😏 has so been taken int.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on May 20, 2016
Last Updated on June 7, 2016
Tags: minor gore, blood



QLD, Australia

'Do not pity yourself. If you wallow in self pity, life will be an endless nightmare' ~ Dazai Osamu I'm a loner .o./ Guess i should write something other than that, hey? :p. Ok lets see, I pers.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by PenguinEmpiress

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by PenguinEmpiress