![]() StrangerA Chapter by PenguinEmpiress![]() Chapter 3![]() Stranger Town: Diesel Country: Never-Ends Time after fire: 19 years later
The sun’s rays heated the rock
ground with no mercy for those below. The Never-Ends dry and empty place it had
no place for the weak hearted or cold lovers. But there were those crazy few
who loved being in the hot country. In the distance a small town
could be seen the town was called Diesel. Outside the town was a group of
Sand-Bears; one white wolf sat watching them from the distance. Both his front
legs were wrapped in bandages and it was the same with his back left leg. Bandages hanged off his tail, and
scars covered his body. His chipped ear twitched as he
stood up walking towards the group but instead circled around them. His eyes
watched as a large black bear came towards him; the bear gave a warning cry
towards the wolf. The scarred wolf just sat down as
the bear cried to him. “Mate, I don’t understand one
word your saying” The wolf stated to the bear as it continued to cry. The wolf shook his head and stood
up; as he looked up he noticed the bear standing on its back legs standing over
him. His ears flicked as he shook his head; lifting his front paw he looked at
the bear. “Well, you sure did grow, now
didn’t you?” The wolf asked The bear roared and swag his arm
at the wolf. The wolf’s eyes tracked the arm and jumped back just as his claws
cut the fur of his chest. “Hey, Hey! Steady Mate, no need
to get feisty!” The stated baring his teeth The wolf watched the bear for a
couple of seconds before jumping onto his shoulder, biting into his tough skin.
The bear tried to shake the wolf off as he swag his arms at the wolf. The white
wolf growled as the bear’s claws hit his back with force. Releasing his grip slightly he
quickly moved to the bears neck. When the bear’s attacks slowed and weaken the
Wolf jumped off of his shoulder and onto the ground. The bear fell to the ground and
the wolf looked over his shoulder. Walking over to the creature of black, the
white wolf sniffed the bear making sure it was dead. The wolf licked his mouth
of the blood, but didn’t remove all of it before looking over towards the group
of bears, and when they didn’t attack the wolf bit into the arm of the bear and
started to drag it towards the town known as Diesel. The white wolf released the bears
arm as he reached the town. He looked at the bear before shaking his body. His
ear twitched when he heard the sound of stones being stepped on. Looking over
his shoulder the wolf saw the Blue Heeler sheriff dog. The wolf rolled his eyes at the
actions of the heeler, and went over to the water tap connected to a water
tank. The wolf jumped up and pushed the nob of the tap, releasing the water on
the ground, before he stuck he muzzle under it removing any blood from his
mouth. “Why do you always bring it
here?” The Sheriff asked as he looked at the fly bring beast. The white wolf stuck his whole
head under the tap before closing the tap off and giving his head a firm shake
to move the water towards his neck. The wolf stretched his back legs and yawned
as he looked over at the sheriff but really not paying him much attention. “What’s wrong with here?” The wolf asked as he walked away from the heeler and towards the veranda. “You know as well as I do, that
the sheriff dislikes the smell” The heeler stated as he caught up to the white
wolf. “Oh really, you don’t seem to
mind it” The wolf stated sitting down in the shade under the roof of the
veranda. “You know want I’m talking about
Alejandro!” The heeler said as he watched the wolf lay down “It’ll do the old goat some good”
the wolf stated as he rolled over to let his back face the heeler “How so, Alejandro?!” Said the
dog sheriff “It’ll open his lungs, or put us
out of our misery of the old git” Alejandro said with a yawn The heeler sheriff let out a
growl before walking into the office. The wolf watched as the blue dog
disappeared behind the door before closing his eyes and saying one last thing
before letting sleep take over. “Stupid old goat” On the other side of town, was a
stranger from a faraway country. The stranger came into the town with a tired
look on their face, their steps were stumbled and their breathing wishing for
rest. The dog stopped walking and looked up seeing everyone looking in their direction. They shaked their head letting the hood they wore fall off, revealing a beautiful golden female Husky.
Her violet eyes looked over the town, looking for just one person before her
eyes stopped on two dogs that sat of near a tavern. The golden girl trotted up to the two dogs, one being quite short and of the breed of Pomeranian and the other was tall and an Afghan hound. The pair sat together chat about something as the
golden dog came up to them. “Excuse me? But could you tell me
where I am?” The golden dog asked “Then he was like…” The pair
chatted on “Excuse me?” The Husky tried
again looking at the pair of chatters “Can’t you see were trying to
talk?!” The Pomeranian snapped “I’m sorry, but could you just
tell me where I am?” She asked again “Where else, you’re in Diesel”
The taller dag stated “Diesel! But I’m meant to be in Jessenvale!”
The golden husky said “Well that’s not our problem” The
smaller dog stated and went back to her conversation with the larger dog “Well, do you know who can take
me there?” She asked them “Hm, there is one person, who
could” the taller dog said “Who?!” She asked “Don’t, raise her hopes, he’ll
never help her” said the smaller one “Who won’t?!” The golden girl
asked “You never know he could, he is
unpredictable” the larger one said “And unreliable” said the
Pomeranian “Who is?!” She asked “Alejandro” The two said in
unisons “Ale…jandro?” she said “Mm-hm, Badest, roughest, strongest.
Guy you’ll ever meet” said the Afghan hound “Trusts no one and best not to
trust him either” said the smaller dog “May not be trust worthy, but he
sure as hell is a piece of eye candy” the taller one said with a sly smile “That’s for sure, too bad for you
though, he wouldn’t want some dog larger then himself” The small dog stated “Do you know where I can find
him?” The golden husky asked “Go to the Sheriff’s office he
usually sleeps around there and if he’s not there then you better get ready for
a long wait, for his return” As the taller dog said that the two started to
leave “Wait…” She called out but they were
gone “Where’s the Sheriff’s office?” The husky looked around for anyone but was
left all alone, and sighed. “Where to now…” She went on walking through the town noticing the large amount of dogs that hanged around the streets of the town. No one was really outside humans were inside as their laughter could be
heard as she walked by their shops and homes. As she walked by, something
caught her noise a foul smell. She lifted her head and sniffed the air getting
a strong whiff of it, when she did. She shook her head, before her violet eyes
caught a glance of a swinging sign. The sign read SHERIFF in bold letters; her eyes
lighten up when she read the word. But as she trotted over she could hear
someone yelling inside and the horrible smell returned. When she reached the stairs that
led to the deck, she noticed something white on the deck. Looking to her right
she saw a white dog sleeping. As she was just about to go into
the office of the sheriff she heard a voice come from the white dog’s
direction. “I wouldn’t go in there if I was
you, Stranger” The dog yawned “Thank you for your concern, but
I’m looking for someone, and I need to see the Sheriff” she said to the dog of
white “You realise he can’t understand
you right?” The dog stated still laying down “I’m well aware of that fact” She
said, and decided to enter the office, not caring if the dog had something to
say. “Stupid
pup…” he yawned and fell asleep The golden dog came through the
door and into the office of the sheriff. She could hear yelling coming from
inside one of the three rooms that were connected to the office. As she was
about to go through the arc into the room, she saw a blue heeler, shake his
head at her, before he headed towards the door to exit the office, signalling
her to follow him. When he was out, she looked back
at the room through arc, then went towards the door and exited the office,
coming back into the heat of the day. She looked down seeing the white dog
again as he yawned then rested his head onto his front legs. “Right now isn’t the best time to see the sheriff”
the heeler spoke “Is there anything I can do to help, I’m the sheriffs partner” “I’m looking for someone who can
take me to Jessenvale” She said “What’s a pup, like you wanting
to go there for. It’s awfully far and it’s a dangerous journey” The sheriff
heeler said with concern “That’s why I need someone to
take me. I heard theres someone here, by the name of Alejandro that can take me”
She told the heeler “Alejandro, well your in luck
cause he’s right he-“The heeler signaled towards the missing white dog “huh?,
where’d he go?!” The husky looked towards the spot
where the dag had been laying before noticing a tail of white disappear behind
the office. “Wait!” She ran after him with
the heeler following “What!?” He continued to walk
away from her and the sheriff “Can you take me?” She asked “Take you? I’m not a hound, pup”
He snarled “Alejandro!”The Heeler yelled “help
the lady, she needs to get to Jessenvale!” “Please my families there!” She
called The white dogs ears perked up
before dropping down, well he snarled “Find, someone else. I don’t go to
Jessenvale” “Alejandro, just do it for her”
The heeler called “NO!” The white dog turned around
a snarl over his face “I’m never going there again, James!” “Why not! It was 5 years ago!”
James called to Alejandro Alejandro turned his back on the
two and started walking away from them. James sighed as the dog left the two of
them. “I’m sorry about him, Miss” James
said to the husky “Now what am I going to do?” She
fell into a sitting position “Everything will be fine. You can
catch the wagon to Jessenvale” James told her “Alright” She looked out into the
desert, hoping to see that white fur but he had disappeared just like her sense
of direction. © 2015 PenguinEmpiress |
Added on October 27, 2015 Last Updated on October 27, 2015 Tags: wolves, stangers, husky, bad temper Author![]() PenguinEmpiressQLD, AustraliaAbout'Do not pity yourself. If you wallow in self pity, life will be an endless nightmare' ~ Dazai Osamu I'm a loner .o./ Guess i should write something other than that, hey? :p. Ok lets see, I pers.. more..Writing