Lost in the Maze of Solitude
Seconds seem as long as hours,
and hours, as long as days.
Why has life just passed on by
and left her in this haze?
Friends? Oh, yes, she's known her share,
but none are still around.
Time has washed them from her view;
tick-tock's a lonely sound.
Silence fills the halls of days;
strange noises, attic's night.
Is it fear that keeps her home,
or home that spares her fright?
All alone, she ponders how
she's lived so many years
watching time grow creaky, old,
while grinding down its gears.
Solitude's her next-of-kin,
the one she knows the best;
chimes that ring upon each hour
are such a treasured guest.
Join her game of solitaire
and see if you can win.
Turn a card but don't look up;
the walls are closing in.
By Sharon Miller Bolander
© 2008 Peggy Paris (All rights reserved)