![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by StevePeckJason woke up around
four in the morning, his left arm tingling. He rolled onto his back to allow
the blood to rush back into his limb. Lying there in his bed, waiting for his
arm to regain feeling and movement, he instinctively reached with his other arm
for his phone to check for texts and emails. He had one text that he received
around 2 a.m. The text was from his brother, Chris, whom he seldom talked to the past few years. Chris had graduated from college before Jason even applied to his first school. The text consisted of one word, "Call." His brother had to know he was sleeping, so what would it hurt to pretend he didn't see the message until later in the morning? Chris was sure to be asleep by now anyway. Whatever it was, it could wait.
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* * * * * * Jason was awakened by his alarm clock, buzzing and beeping, holding nothing back. He slammed his hand on the clock, unsure as to whether he hit the snooze or the off button, either way satisfied by the silence. He stayed in bed for a few more minutes, wishing he could sleep the day away and not have to get up for class. He grabbed his phone, remembering that his brother had wanted him to call. He searched his contact list for his brother's name. How do I not have his number memorized yet? Ah, Chris Sottoway, there it is. He hit send and heard three rings before someone answered. "Hello?" "Hey bro, it's me." "Jason. Hey." There was something about his voice that was unnerving. Maybe he was just tired. Had he stayed up waiting for my call? "Is something wrong, Chris?" Chris wasn't the kind of guy to call just to chat. Something had to be on his mind. "Sort of. I need some help, little brother." "Anything, name it." "That's the thing, I don't know how you can help me." What the hell? "Just tell me what's wrong man, let's start there." "I can't explain, but in a nutshell, some people are looking for me." In a nutshell? What is that supposed to mean? "What people? Chris, what did you do? Who's looking for you?" "I told you, I can't explain. I guess I just wanted to warn you in case..." The few seconds after he said "in case" seemed like an eternity. In case what? In case you disappear? In case they find you? In case you die? "How serious is this, Chris? Will you give me one real piece of information so I don't go crazy wondering what the hell is wrong?" A laugh came from the other side. Is he seriously laughing? "I don't mean to change the subject, Chris, but what is so damn funny?" "You. You're starting to sound like mom." "Yeah, so help me out and tell me I don't have to worry." "I'll let you know if anything changes. I just wanted to give you a heads up." "Thanks."
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* * * There was a knock at the door after Jason hung up the phone. "Yeah?" "You alright man?" It was Dan. Dan wasn't the kind of guy you'd talk feelings to, so Jason just gave him the standard answer. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." After getting dressed, he left his room and made his way to the kitchen. Paul slouched at the table, in his underwear and a pair of socks. His hair was tousled and eyes were glossy. Jason assumed he was hung over. Paul turned his head slowly to Jason, drooling milk from his mouth back into the bowl of cereal that he was eating. "Morning, sunshine!" Jason yelled at Paul. Paul's eyes immediately squinted and his cheeks tightened up toward his bloodshot eyes. Bingo. "Please, not today. I had a rough night." "Yeah, I can tell," Jason said, turning his yell into a barely audible whisper. "Did you get your letter? I put it on the counter yesterday." "You actually went outside yesterday? Was this before or after you got drunk?" "You have an awfully strange way of thanking people." "Only you, Paul. Where's the letter?" Paul pointed to the counter next to Jason. "It's right there." Jason looked down at the counter and saw the corner of an envelope sticking out from beneath a pile of Paul's textbooks. He grabbed the corner of the envelope, sliding the books off and dropping one to the ground in the process. The resulting smack led Paul to cringe, still painfully sensitive to loud noises and bright lights. "Sorry, man." Paul only groaned. Jason looked at his letter, hoping it wasn't another cable bill. It was damn near impossible to get his roommates to pay him their shares. Thankfully, it wasn't a bill. His address wasn't even written on it; just his name, written in pen. Someone had come by and dropped it off. Doesn't anyone email anymore? Jason anxiously
opened the letter, curiosity overwhelming him as he tried to rip the top open
with his index finger, sliding across the top of the letter with the hole he
made in the corner. He looked inside. There was no letter, but a Post-It note
was stuck to the inside of it. It's not even 11 a.m. and I'm already having
the weirdest day of my life. He reached into the envelope and grabbed the Post-It note. "Whaddaya got there?" Jason looked over to see Kyle standing in the doorway, his eyes groggy from just waking up. He was leaning against the doorframe, scratching his stomach nonchalantly. "A number." "A number?" "Yeah, just a number." "A number that you got on a Post-It note from an envelope?" "Yup." "Well, whose number is it?" "I don't know, jackass. I just opened it." Kyle laughed at the absurdity of his own question, knowing full well that Jason didn't know whose number it was. "I'll let you know when I call it. Later." "Whatever, we need to go get ready for Thermo." "You're one to talk," noted Jason as he pointed at his own backpack, clearly filled with books. "Did I say we? I meant I need to get ready." With that, Kyle went back to his room to get prepared for class. As Kyle left, Jason looked once more at the number, wondering who the hell wouldn't just call him or knock at his door instead. He put the Post-It note on the refrigerator and started walking towards the front door. "Hurry up, Kyle. Let's go!" © 2013 StevePeck |
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 18, 2013Last Updated on February 18, 2013 |